• 文章类型: Journal Article
    As the amount and complexity of biomedical data continue to increase, machine learning methods are becoming a popular tool in creating prediction models for the underlying biomedical processes. Although all machine learning methods aim to fit models to data, the methodologies used can vary greatly and may seem daunting at first. A comprehensive review of various machine learning algorithms per biomedical applications is presented. The key concepts of machine learning are supervised and unsupervised learning, feature selection, and evaluation metrics. Technical insights on the major machine learning methods such as decision trees, random forests, support vector machines, and k-nearest neighbors are analyzed. Next, the dimensionality reduction methods like principal component analysis and t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding methods, and their applications in biomedical data analysis were reviewed. Moreover, in biomedical applications predominantly feedforward neural networks, convolutional neural networks, and recurrent neural networks are utilized. In addition, the identification of emerging directions in machine learning methodology will serve as a useful reference for individuals involved in biomedical research, clinical practice, and related professions who are interested in understanding and applying machine learning algorithms in their research or practice.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    In recent years, there has been a rapid increase in the application of machine learning methods about predicting the incidence of dengue fever. However, the predictive factors and models employed in different studies vary greatly. Hence, we conducted a systematic review to summarize machine learning methods and predictors in previous studies. We searched PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Web of Science databases for articles published up to July 2023. The selected papers included not only the forecast of dengue incidence but also machine learning methods. A total of 23 papers were included in this study. Predictive factors included meteorological factors (22, 95.7%), historical dengue data (14, 60.9%), environmental factors (4, 17.4%), socioeconomic factors (4, 17.4%), vector surveillance data (2, 8.7%), and internet search data (3, 13.0%). Among meteorological factors, temperature (20, 87.0%), rainfall (20, 87.0%), and relative humidity (14, 60.9%) were the most commonly used. We found that Support Vector Machine (SVM) (6, 26.1%), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) (5, 21.7%), Random Forest (RF) (4, 17.4%), Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) (2, 8.7%), ensemble model (2, 8.7%), and other models (4, 17.4%) were identified as the best models based on evaluation metrics used in each article. These results indicate that meteorological factors are important predictors that cannot be ignored and SVM and LSTM algorithms are the most commonly used models in dengue fever prediction with good predictive performance. This review will contribute to the development of more robust early dengue warning systems and promote the application of machine learning methods in predicting climate-related infectious diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Solar irradiation data is essential for the feasibility of solar energy projects. Notably, the intermittent nature of solar irradiation influences solar energy use in all forms, whether energy or agriculture. Accurate solar irradiation prediction is the only solution to effectively use solar energy in different forms. The estimation of solar irradiation is the most critical factor for site selection and sizing of solar energy projects and for selecting a suitable crop selection for the area. But the physical measurement of solar irradiation, due to the cost and technology involved, is not possible for all locations across the globe. Numerous techniques have been implemented to predict solar irradiation for this purpose. The two types of approaches that are most frequently employed are empirical techniques and artificial intelligence (AI). Both approaches have demonstrated good accuracy in various places of the world. To find out the best method, a thorough review of research articles discussing solar irradiation prediction has been done to compare different methods for solar irradiation prediction. In this paper, articles predicting solar irradiation using AI and empirical published from 2017 to 2022 have been reviewed, and both methods have been compared. The review showed that AI methods are more accurate than empirical methods. In empirical models, modified sunshine-based models (MSSM) have the highest accuracy, followed by sunshine-based (SSM) and non-sunshine-based models (NSM). The NSM has a little lower accuracy than MSSM and SSM, but the NSM can give good results in sunshine data unavailability. Also, the literature review confirmed that simple empirical models could predict accurately, and increasing the empirical model\'s polynomial order cannot improve results. Artificial neural networks (ANN) and Hybrid models have the highest accuracy among AI methods, followed by support vector machine (SVM) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). The increase in efficiency by hybrid models is minimal, but the complexity of models requires very sophisticated programming knowledge. ANN\'s most important input factors are maximum and minimum temperatures, temperature differential, relative humidity, clearness index and precipitation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer is a major public health concern, and early diagnosis and classification are critical for effective treatment. Machine learning and deep learning techniques have shown great promise in the classification and diagnosis of breast cancer.
    OBJECTIVE: In this review, we examine studies that have used these techniques for breast cancer classification and diagnosis, focusing on five groups of medical images: mammography, ultrasound, MRI, histology, and thermography. We discuss the use of five popular machine learning techniques, including Nearest Neighbor, SVM, Naive Bayesian Network, DT, and ANN, as well as deep learning architectures and convolutional neural networks.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our review finds that machine learning and deep learning techniques have achieved high accuracy rates in breast cancer classification and diagnosis across various medical imaging modalities. Furthermore, these techniques have the potential to improve clinical decision-making and ultimately lead to better patient outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Currently, intensive work is underway on the development of truly noninvasive medical diagnostic systems, including respiratory analysers based on the detection of biomarkers of several diseases including diabetes. In terms of diabetes, acetone is considered as a one of the potential biomarker, although is not the single one. Therefore, the selective detection is crucial. Most often, the analysers of exhaled breath are based on the utilization of several commercially available gas sensors or on specially designed and manufactured gas sensors to obtain the highest selectivity and sensitivity to diabetes biomarkers present in the exhaled air. An important part of each system are the algorithms that are trained to detect diabetes based on data obtained from sensor matrices. The prepared review of the literature showed that there are many limitations in the development of the versatile breath analyser, such as high metabolic variability between patients, but the results obtained by researchers using the algorithms described in this paper are very promising and most of them achieve over 90% accuracy in the detection of diabetes in exhaled air. This paper summarizes the results using various measurement systems, feature extraction and feature selection methods as well as algorithms such as support vector machines,k-nearest neighbours and various variations of neural networks for the detection of diabetes in patient samples and simulated artificial breath samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diabetic macular edema (DME), being a frequent manifestation of DR, disrupts the retinal symmetry. This event is particularly triggered by vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF). Intravitreal injections of anti-VEGFs have been the most practiced treatment but an expensive option. A major challenge associated with this treatment is determining an optimal treatment regimen and differentiating patients who do not respond to anti-VEGF. As it has a significant burden for both the patient and the health care providers if the patient is not responding, any clinically acceptable method to predict the treatment outcomes holds huge value in the efficient management of DME. In such situations, artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML)-based algorithms come useful as they can analyze past clinical details of the patients and help clinicians to predict the patient\'s response to an anti-VEGF agent. The work presented here attempts to review the literature that is available from the peer research community to discuss solutions provided by AI/ML methodologies to tackle challenges in DME management. Lastly, a possibility for using two different types of data has been proposed, which is believed to be the key differentiators as compared to the similar and recent contributions from the peer research community.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diabetes is a metabolic disorder comprising of high glucose level in blood over a prolonged period in the body as it is not capable of using it properly. The severe complications associated with diabetes include diabetic ketoacidosis, nonketotic hypersmolar coma, cardiovascular disease, stroke, chronic renal failure, retinal damage and foot ulcers. There is a huge increase in the number of patients with diabetes globally and it is considered a major health problem worldwide. Early diagnosis of diabetes is helpful for treatment and reduces the chance of severe complications associated with it. Machine learning algorithms (such as ANN, SVM, Naive Bayes, PLS-DA and deep learning) and data mining techniques are used for detecting interesting patterns for diagnosing and treatment of disease. Current computational methods for diabetes diagnosis have some limitations and are not tested on different datasets or peoples from different countries which limits the practical use of prediction methods. This paper is an effort to summarize the majority of the literature concerned with machine learning and data mining techniques applied for the prediction of diabetes and associated challenges. This report would be helpful for better prediction of disease and improve in understanding the pattern of diabetes. Consequently, the report would be helpful for treatment and reduce risk of other complications of diabetes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The novel Coronavirus disease has increased rapidly in the Wuhan city of China in December 2019. This fatal virus has spread across the whole world like a fire in different stages and affecting millions of population and thousands of deaths worldwide. Therefore, it is essential to classify the infected people, so that they can take the precaution in the earlier stages. Also, due to the increasing cases spread of Coronavirus, there are only limited numbers of polymerase change reaction kits available in the hospitals for testing Coronavirus patients. That why it is extremely important to develop artificial intelligence-based automatic diagnostic tools to classify the Coronavirus outbreak. The objective of this paper is to know the novel disease epidemiology, major prevention from spreading of Coronavirus Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, and to assess the machine and deep learning-based architectures performance that is proposed in the present year for classification of Coronavirus images such as, X-Ray and computed tomography. Specifically, advanced deep learning-based algorithms known as the Convolutional neural network, which plays a great effect on extracting highly essential features, mostly in terms of medical images. This technique, with using CT and X-Ray image scans, has been adopted in most of the recently published articles on the Coronavirus with remarkable results. Furthermore, according to this paper, this can be noted and said that deep learning technology has potential clinical applications.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer, a disease of cells, causes cell growth which differs from normal cell growth ratio, this cell growth spreads in the human body and kills the body cells. Breast cancer, it’s a highly heterogeneous disease and western women commonly witness this. Mammography, a pre-screening X-ray based check is used to diagnose woman’s breast cancer. This basic test mode helps in identifying breast cancer at early stage and this early stage detection would support in recovering more number of women from this serious disease. Medical centres deputed highly skilled radiologists and they were given the responsibility of analysing this mammography results but still human errors are inevitable. An error frequency ratio is high when radiologists exhausted in their analysis task and leads variations in either observations ie., internal or external observation. Also, quality of the image plays vital role in Mammographic sensitivity and leads to variation. Several automation processes were tried in streamlining and standardising diagnosis analysis process and quality of breast cancer images were improved. This paper inducts a two way mode algorithm for grouping of breast cancer images to 1. benign (tumour growing, but not dangerous) and 2. malignant (cannot be controlled, it causes death) classes. Two-way mode data mining algorithms are used due to thinly dispersed distribution of abnormal mammograms. First type algorithm is k-means algorithm, which regroups the given data elements into clusters (ie., prioritized by the users). Second type algorithm is Support Vector Machine (SVM), which is used to identify the most suitable function which differentiates the members based on the training data.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been widely applied for the prediction of dye adsorption during the last decade. In this paper, the applications of ANN methods, namely multilayer feedforward neural networks (MLFNN), support vector machine (SVM), and adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) for adsorption of dyes are reviewed. The reported researches on adsorption of dyes are classified into four major categories, such as (i) MLFNN, (ii) ANFIS, (iii) SVM and (iv) hybrid with genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO). Most of these papers are discussed. The further research needs in this field are suggested. These ANNs models are obtaining popularity as approaches, which can be successfully employed for the adsorption of dyes with acceptable accuracy.





