
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Rhombencephalosynapsis (RES) is a rare condition found in the pediatric population. It occurs due to a fundamental failure of vermian differentiation caused by faulty gene expression in the earliest patterning areas of the brain between days 28 and 41 of gestation, resulting in a fused cerebellum. This report aims to discuss cases of this rare hindbrain malformation, identify its features on MRI, diagnose any associated anomalies, classify it based on severity, and study its syndromic associations. We report two rare cases of RES in patients presenting with complaints of ataxia, global motor developmental delay, hypotonia, and dysarthria, who underwent an MRI of the brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proneural transcription factors establish molecular cascades to orchestrate neuronal diversity. One such transcription factor, Atonal homolog 1 (Atoh1), gives rise to cerebellar excitatory neurons and over 30 distinct nuclei in the brainstem critical for hearing, breathing, and balance. Although Atoh1 lineage neurons have been qualitatively described, the transcriptional programs that drive their fate decisions and the full extent of their diversity remain unknown. Here, we analyzed single-cell RNA sequencing and ATOH1 DNA binding in Atoh1 lineage neurons of the developing mouse hindbrain. This high-resolution dataset identified markers for specific brainstem nuclei and demonstrated that transcriptionally heterogeneous progenitors require ATOH1 for proper migration. Moreover, we identified a sizable population of proliferating unipolar brush cell progenitors in the mouse Atoh1 lineage, previously described in humans as the origin of one medulloblastoma subtype. Collectively, our data provide insights into the developing mouse hindbrain and markers for functional assessment of understudied neuronal populations.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    West Nile Virus (WNV) belongs to the Flaviviridae family of viruses. It was first isolated and identified in 1937. Patients typically present with flu-like symptoms or are asymptomatic; however, neuroinvasive West Nile can lead to significant neurological impairment. Herein presented is a catastrophic case of WNV rhombencephalitis in a male patient newly diagnosed with AIDS. This report sheds light on the potential for severe neurological complications in co-infected patients and emphasizes the importance of early recognition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interbacterial competition is known to shape the microbial communities found in the host, however the interplay between this competition and host defense are less clear. Here, we use the zebrafish hindbrain ventricle (HBV) as an in vivo platform to investigate host responses to defined bacterial communities with distinct forms of interbacterial competition. We found that antibacterial activity of the type VI secretion system (T6SS) from both Vibrio cholerae and Acinetobacter baylyi can induce host inflammation and sensitize the host to infection independent of any individual effector. Chemical suppression of inflammation could resolve T6SS-dependent differences in host survival, but the mechanism by which this occurred differed between the two bacterial species. By contrast, colicin-mediated antagonism elicited by an avirulent strain of Shigella sonnei induced a negligible host response despite being a more potent bacterial killer, resulting in no impact on A. baylyi or V. cholerae virulence. Altogether, these results provide insight into how different modes of interbacterial competition in vivo affect the host in distinct ways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inherited deficiency of the RNA lariat-debranching enzyme 1 (DBR1) is a rare etiology of brainstem viral encephalitis. The cellular basis of disease and the range of viral predisposition are unclear. We report inherited DBR1 deficiency in a 14-year-old boy who suffered from isolated SARS-CoV-2 brainstem encephalitis. The patient is homozygous for a previously reported hypomorphic and pathogenic DBR1 variant (I120T). Consistently, DBR1 I120T/I120T fibroblasts from affected individuals from this and another unrelated kindred have similarly low levels of DBR1 protein and high levels of RNA lariats. DBR1 I120T/I120T human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-derived hindbrain neurons are highly susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Exogenous WT DBR1 expression in DBR1 I120T/I120T fibroblasts and hindbrain neurons rescued the RNA lariat accumulation phenotype. Moreover, expression of exogenous RNA lariats, mimicking DBR1 deficiency, increased the susceptibility of WT hindbrain neurons to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Inborn errors of DBR1 impair hindbrain neuron-intrinsic antiviral immunity, predisposing to viral infections of the brainstem, including that by SARS-CoV-2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The most successful obesity therapeutics, glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP1R) agonists, cause aversive responses such as nausea and vomiting1,2, effects that may contribute to their efficacy. Here, we investigated the brain circuits that link satiety to aversion, and unexpectedly discovered that the neural circuits mediating these effects are functionally separable. Systematic investigation across drug-accessible GLP1R populations revealed that only hindbrain neurons are required for the efficacy of GLP1-based obesity drugs. In vivo two-photon imaging of hindbrain GLP1R neurons demonstrated that most neurons are tuned to either nutritive or aversive stimuli, but not both. Furthermore, simultaneous imaging of hindbrain subregions indicated that area postrema (AP) GLP1R neurons are broadly responsive, whereas nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) GLP1R neurons are biased towards nutritive stimuli. Strikingly, separate manipulation of these populations demonstrated that activation of NTSGLP1R neurons triggers satiety in the absence of aversion, whereas activation of APGLP1R neurons triggers strong aversion with food intake reduction. Anatomical and behavioural analyses revealed that NTSGLP1R and APGLP1R neurons send projections to different downstream brain regions to drive satiety and aversion, respectively. Importantly, GLP1R agonists reduce food intake even when the aversion pathway is inhibited. Overall, these findings highlight NTSGLP1R neurons as a population that could be selectively targeted to promote weight loss while avoiding the adverse side effects that limit treatment adherence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We identify a population of Protogenin-positive (PRTG+ve) MYChigh NESTINlow stem cells in the four-week-old human embryonic hindbrain that subsequently localizes to the ventricular zone of the rhombic lip (RLVZ). Oncogenic transformation of early Prtg+ve rhombic lip stem cells initiates group 3 medulloblastoma (Gr3-MB)-like tumors. PRTG+ve stem cells grow adjacent to a human-specific interposed vascular plexus in the RLVZ, a phenotype that is recapitulated in Gr3-MB but not in other types of medulloblastoma. Co-culture of Gr3-MB with endothelial cells promotes tumor stem cell growth, with the endothelial cells adopting an immature phenotype. Targeting the PRTGhigh compartment of Gr3-MB in vivo using either the diphtheria toxin system or chimeric antigen receptor T cells constitutes effective therapy. Human Gr3-MBs likely arise from early embryonic RLVZ PRTG+ve stem cells inhabiting a specific perivascular niche. Targeting the PRTGhigh compartment and/or the perivascular niche represents an approach to treat children with Gr3-MB.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: A key step in nervous system development involves the coordinated control of neural progenitor specification and positioning. A long-standing model for the vertebrate CNS postulates that transient anatomical compartments - known as neuromeres - function to position neural progenitors along the embryonic anteroposterior neuraxis. Such neuromeres are apparent in the embryonic hindbrain - that contains six rhombomeres with morphologically apparent boundaries - but other neuromeres lack clear morphological boundaries and have instead been defined by different criteria, such as differences in gene expression patterns and the outcomes of transplantation experiments. Accordingly, the caudal hindbrain (CHB) posterior to rhombomere (r) 6 has been variably proposed to contain from two to five \'pseudo-rhombomeres\', but the lack of comprehensive molecular data has precluded a detailed definition of such structures.
    METHODS: We used single-cell Multiome analysis, which allows simultaneous characterization of gene expression and chromatin state of individual cell nuclei, to identify and characterize CHB progenitors in the developing zebrafish CNS.
    RESULTS: We identified CHB progenitors as a transcriptionally distinct population, that also possesses a unique profile of accessible transcription factor binding motifs, relative to both r6 and the spinal cord. This CHB population can be subdivided along its dorsoventral axis based on molecular characteristics, but we do not find any molecular evidence that it contains multiple pseudo-rhombomeres. We further observe that the CHB is closely related to r6 at the earliest embryonic stages, but becomes more divergent over time, and that it is defined by a unique gene regulatory network.
    CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the early CHB represents a single neuromere compartment that cannot be molecularly subdivided into pseudo-rhombomeres and that it may share an embryonic origin with r6.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It has been reported that the clinical symptoms of functional dyspepsia (FD) exacerbate upon stress while the gender-related factors have been incompletely understood. This study aims to investigate the role of sex in chronic heterotypic stress (CHS)-induced autonomic and gastric motor dysfunction. For CHS, the rats were exposed to the combination of different stressors for 7 consecutive days. Subsequently, electrocardiography was recorded in anesthetized rats to evaluate heart rate variability (HRV) for the determination of autonomic outflow and sympathovagal balance. Solid gastric emptying (GE) was measured in control and CHS-loaded male and female rats. The immunoreactivities of catecholaminergic cell marker tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), corticotropin releasing factor (CRF), and estrogen receptor (ER-α/β) were evaluated in medullary and pontine brainstem sections by immunohistochemistry. Compared with the controls, CHS significantly delayed GE in males but not in females. There was no significant sex-related difference in parasympathetic indicator HF under either control or CHS conditions. Sympathetic indicator LF was significantly higher in control females compared to the males. The higher sympathetic output in females was found to be attenuated upon CHS; in contrast, the elevated sympathetic output was detected in CHS-loaded males. No sex- or stress-related effect was observed on ChAT immunoreactivity in the dorsal motor nucleus of N.vagus (DMV). In males, greater number of TH-ir cells was observed in the caudal locus coeruleus (LC), while they were more densely detected in the rostral LC of females. Regardless of sex, CHS elevated immunoreactivity of TH throughout the LC. Under basal conditions, greater number of TH-ir cells was detected in the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) of females. In contrast, CHS remarkably increased the number of TH-ir cells in the RVLM of males which was found to be decreased in females. There was no sex-related alteration in TH immunoreactivity in the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) of control rats, while CHS affected both sexes in a similar manner. Compared with females, CRF immunoreactivity was prominently observed in control males, while both of which were stimulated by CHS. ER-α/β was found to be co-expressed with TH in the NTS and LC which exhibit no alteration related to either sex or stress status. These results indicate a sexual dimorphism in the catecholaminergic and the CRF system in brainstem which might be involved in the CHS-induced autonomic and visceral dysfunction occurred in males.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Listeria monocytogenes is a Gram-positive facultative anaerobic bacterium that is ubiquitous in the environment and can cause severe infections in immunocompromised individuals, pregnant women, and newborns. Listeriosis can manifest as meningitis, encephalitis, or sepsis, and its diagnosis requires a high index of suspicion. The case is reported of a rare presentation of rhombencephalitis by listeriosis in a 61-year-old male who initially suffered from subacute gastric disturbances and fever. Neurological consultation showed abnormal functions of cranial nerves and meningeal signs were observed. MRI revealed a poorly demarcated focus of approximately 45 × 16 × 15mm, indicating possible inflammatory processes, necessitating a lumbar puncture. Assessment of the CSF indicated infection with the bacterium- Listeria Monocytogenes, with the final diagnosis of Listeriosis encephalitis. Despite antibiotic therapy of Ceftazidine and Ampicillin, the patient\'s condition deteriorated, followed by death.





