Post-abortion care

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Despite attempts to increase Universal Health Coverage, availability, accessibility, acceptability, and quality-related challenges remain barriers to receiving essential services by women who need them. We aimed to explore the experiences and perceptions of women receiving post-abortal care services in Zambia, within a human-rights framework.
    METHODS: A qualitative case study was conducted between August and September 2021 in Lusaka and Copperbelt provinces of Zambia. Fifteen (15) women seeking post-abortion care services were` interviewed using audio recorders; transcribed data was analyzed using thematic analysis. We report women\'s experiences and perceptions of the healthcare system, their experiences of abortion, and healthcare-seeking behaviour. We used the availability, accessibility, acceptability, and quality (AAAQ) framework to understand how women claimed their right to healthcare as they sought and utilized post-abortion care services.
    RESULTS: Women who experienced spontaneous abortions delayed seeking health care by viewing symptoms as \'normal pregnancy symptoms\' and not dangerous. Women also delayed seeking care because they feared the negative attitudes from their communities and the health care providers towards abortion in general, despite it being legal in Zambia. Some services were considered costly, impeding their right to access quality care.
    CONCLUSIONS: Women delayed seeking care compounded by fear of negative attitudes from the community and healthcare providers. To ensure the provision and utilization of quality all abortion-related healthcare services, there is a need to increase awareness of the availability and legality of safe abortion services, the importance of seeking healthcare early for any abortion-related discomfort, and the provision and availability of free services at all levels of care should be emphasized.
    Unsafe abortions continue to be an avoidable public health concern both globally and locally. In Zambia, a fifth of maternal deaths are related to unsafe abortions. Unsafe abortions have been defined as any induced termination of pregnancy outside the health facility, performed by untrained health personnel. Several strides have been made including the provision of comprehensive abortion care in all facilities, and the training of health personnel to provide these services at different levels of healthcare. Despite the increased availability of comprehensive abortion care through liberalized abortion laws and regulations and the training of health personnel to provide these services at different levels of healthcare, the need for quality post-abortion care specifically persists. As such, we carried out in-depth interviews to explore the experiences of women who present at healthcare facilities in Lusaka and the Copperbelt provinces in Zambia seeking post-abortion services. It was found that delay in seeking care at a health facility was due to fear that the service is illegal; alongside judgment from health care providers and society for seeking such a service that is generally perceived as evil. The assumption that the cost of receiving such services is high and a general lack of awareness about the service being provided free was also expressed. The study highlighted the need for community awareness of the legal framework on abortions to ensure women access services at any time necessary without fear of being judged, which will consequently reduce the number of abortion-related disabilities and deaths.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Although long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) is more effective and longer lasting than short-acting methods, uptake remains low among post-abortion clients. Using a stepped-wedge, cluster-randomized trial, we evaluate the impact of a provider-level peer-comparison intervention to encourage choice of LARC in Nepal among post-abortion clients.
    METHODS: The intervention used prominently displayed monthly posters comparing the health clinic\'s previous month performance on LARC uptake against peer clinics. To understand how the intervention affected behavior, while ensuring voluntarism and informed choice, we used mystery client visits, in-depth provider interviews, and client exit survey data. The trial examined 17,680 post-abortion clients in 36 clinics in Nepal from July 2016 to January 2017. The primary outcome was the proportion of clients receiving LARCs. Statistical analysis used ordinary least squares (OLS) regression with ANCOVA estimation to assess the intervention\'s impact on LARC uptake while controlling for client- and clinic-level characteristics.
    RESULTS: The intervention increased LARC use among post-abortion clients by 6.6% points [95% CI: 0.85 to 12.3, p-value < 0.05], a 29.5% increase in LARC use compared to control clinics. This effect persisted after the formal experiment ended. Analysis of provider and client experiences showed that the behavioral intervention generated significant change in providers\' counseling practices, motivated the sharing of best practices. Quality of care indicators either remained stable or improved.
    CONCLUSIONS: We find that a provider-level behavioral intervention increases LARC uptake among post-abortion clients. This type of intervention represents a low-cost option to contribute to reducing unmet need for contraception through provider behavior change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In 2006, a Constitutional Court ruling partially decriminalized abortion in Colombia, allowing the procedure in cases of rape, risk to the health or life of the woman, and fetal malformations incompatible with life. Despite this less prohibitive law, some women and pregnant people preferred self-managing their abortions outside the formal healthcare system, often without accurate information. In 2018, we undertook a study to understand what motivated women to self-manage using medications that they acquired informally. Colombia has since adopted a progressive law in 2022, permitting abortion on request through the 24th week of pregnancy. However, the implementation of this law is still underway. Examining the reasons why women chose to informally self-manage an abortion after 2006 may not only highlight how barriers to legal services persisted at that time, but also could inform strategies to increase knowledge of the current abortion law and improve access to services going forward.
    METHODS: In-depth interviews were conducted in 2018 with 47 women aged 18 and older who used misoprostol obtained outside of health facilities to induce an abortion, and who were receiving postabortion care in two private clinics. Interviews explored what women knew about the 2006 abortion law which was then in effect, and the reasons why they preferred informal channels for abortion care over formal healthcare services.
    RESULTS: Women\'s motivations to use misoprostol obtained outside the formal healthcare system were influenced by lack of trust in the healthcare system along with incomplete and inaccurate knowledge of the abortion law. Conversely, women considered misoprostol obtained outside the healthcare system to be effective, affordable, and easier to access.
    CONCLUSIONS: Obtaining misoprostol outside the formal healthcare system offered a more accessible and appealing prospect for some women given fears of legal repercussion and stigma toward abortion. Though this preference will likely continue despite the more liberal abortion law, strategies should be implemented to broaden knowledge of the recent change in law and to combat misinformation and stigma. This would support knowledge of and access to legal abortion for those who wish to avail themselves of these services.
    UNASSIGNED: En el 2006 la Corte Constitucional de Colombia despenalizó el aborto en casos de violación, riesgo para la salud o vida de la mujer y malformaciones fetales. A pesar de ello, algunas mujeres y personas con capacidad de gestar continuaron obteniendo abortos fuera del sistema de salud. En el año 2018, realizamos un estudio para comprender qué las motivaba a hacerlo. Desde entonces Colombia ha adoptado un marco legal más progresista, permitiendo en el año 2022 el aborto a solicitud hasta la semana 24 de embarazo. Sin embargo, la implementación de este marco legal aún está en curso. Examinar las razones por las que las mujeres recurrieron a auto inducirse un aborto de manera informal después del 2006 no solo informa sobre las barreras a los servicios legales en ese periodo, sino también ayuda a desarrollar estrategias para aumentar el conocimiento del marco legal actual y mejorar el acceso a los servicios MéTODOS: Durante el 2018 entrevistamos a 47 mujeres mayores de 18 años que compraron misoprostol fuera del sistema de salud para inducirse un aborto, y que recibieron atención postaborto. En las entrevistas exploramos lo que sabían sobre el marco legal de ese momento –el del 2006–, y las razones por las cuales recurrieron a fuentes informales para abortar.
    RESULTS: Las motivaciones de las mujeres para usar misoprostol obtenido de fuentes informales resultan de la desconfianza hacia el sistema de salud y un conocimiento incompleto del marco legal. En contraste, las mujeres consideran que el misoprostol obtenido por fuentes alternativas ofrece eficacia y asequibilidad, y es más fácil de obtener.
    CONCLUSIONS: Obtener misoprostol fuera del sistema de salud formal es una alternativa más llamativa para algunas mujeres dadas las preocupaciones sobre las repercusiones legales y el estigma asociado al aborto. Aunque esta preferencia persista a pesar del cambio del marco legal, se deben implementar estrategias para ampliar el conocimiento sobre la despenalización y combatir la desinformación y el estigma. Esto garantizaría que las mujeres estén informadas y puedan acceder a servicios legales de aborto de calidad si así lo desean.
    Despite the availability of legal services, pregnant individuals in Colombia have continued to seek abortion outside of the formal healthcare system. Understanding their knowledge of the abortion law and their perceptions of legal abortion services may provide insight into what motivates them to seek alternative routes of abortion.Women who obtained misoprostol outside of the formal healthcare system were interviewed in 2018, twelve years after abortion was partially decriminalized in Colombia (and prior to the full decriminalization of abortions up to 24 weeks in 2022). A combination of factors led women to seek misoprostol in this manner: incomplete knowledge of the abortion law, fear of legal consequences, fear of social stigma, and a desire for a faster and private process.Self-management with informally obtained medication can offer pregnant individuals the opportunity to have an abortion on their own terms, especially when abortion in the formal healthcare system appears to be unavailable, proves difficult to access, or is accompanied by social and legal risks. While increasing awareness that abortion is legal in Colombia might empower pregnant people to seek formal care, judgment from their community, healthcare providers, and law enforcement may still serve as powerful hindrances to obtaining these services unless there are efforts made to combat abortion stigma as well.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    OBJECTIVE: Our study aims to investigate post-abortion needs-based education via the WeChat platform for women who had intended abortion in the first trimester, whether they are using effective contraception or becoming pregnant again.
    METHODS: This single hospital intervention-controlled trial used a nearly 1:1 allocation ratio. Women who had intended abortions were randomly assigned to a Wechat group (needs-based education) and a control group (Traditional education). The women\'s ability to use effective contraception was the main result. Whether they unknowingly became pregnant again was the second result. Another result was patient anxiousness. Before and after education, women filled out questionnaires to assess their contraception methods and anxiety.
    METHODS: Based on the theoretical framework of contraceptions of IBL (inquiry-based learning), post-abortion women were included in WeChat groups. We use WeChat Group Announcement, regularly sending health education information, one-on-one answers to questions, and consultation methods to explore the possibilities and advantages of WeChat health education for women after abortion. A knowledge paradigm for post-abortion health education was established: From November 2021 until December 2021, 180 women who had an unintended pregnancy and undergone an induced or medical abortion were recruited, their progress was tracked for four months, and the PAC service team monitored the women\'s speech, discussed and classified the speech entries and summarized the common post-abortion needs in 8 aspects. At least 2 research group members routinely extracted records and categorized the outcomes.
    RESULTS: Before education, there were no appreciable variations between the two groups regarding sociodemographic characteristics, obstetrical conditions, abortion rates, or methods of contraception (P > 0.05). Following education, the WeChat group had a greater rate of effective contraception (63.0%) than the control group (28.6%), and their SAS score dropped statistically more than that of the control group (P < 0.05). Following the education, there were no unwanted pregnancies in the WeChat group, whereas there were 2 in the traditional PAC group. Only 5 participants in the WeChat group and 32 in the conventional PAC group reported mild anxiety after the education.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Abortion and its complications are challenges that endanger women\'s health, especially in developing countries. It seems that the application of mhealth technology can be useful as a safe and affordable strategy in post-abortion care. The purpose of this study was to identify factors influencing the use of mhealth technology in post-abortion care.
    METHODS: This was a review study conducted in 2023 and articles published in English between 2010 and 1st November 2023 were searched in PubMed, Scopus, ProQuest, Web of Science, and Embase databases as well as Google Scholar. Data were collected using a data extraction form and were analyzed narratively.
    RESULTS: The influencing factors could be divided into the motivating and inhibiting factors. The motivating factors included the subgroups of the individual factors (e.g., saving time), technical factors (e.g., usability), economic factors (e.g., saving costs), and ethico-legal factors (e.g., improving security and confidentiality of the information). Similarly, the inhibiting factors consisted of individual factors (e.g., fear of expressing abortion), technical factors (e.g., a lack of access to the network and the Internet), economic factors (e.g., inappropriate patient financial status), and ethico-legal (e.g., concerns over the security and confidentiality of information).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study underscores the importance of considering various technical and non-technical factors influencing the design and implementation of mHealth technology in post-abortion care. Developers need to address these factors to ensure successful technology adoption and mitigate risks. The findings contribute to the enhancement of women\'s health and offer insights for future technology acceptance models in the mHealth field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Post-abortion care (PAC) counselling and the provision of contraceptive methods are core components of PAC services. Nevertheless, this service is not uniformly provided to PAC patients. This paper explores the factors contributing to young women leaving health facilities without counselling and contraceptive methods. The paper draws from an ethnographic study conducted in Kilifi County, Kenya, in 2021. We conducted participant observation in health facilities and neighbouring communities, and held in-depth interviews with 21 young women aged 15-24 who received PAC. In addition, we interviewed 11 healthcare providers recruited from the public and private health facilities observed. Findings revealed that post-abortion contraceptive counselling and methods were not always offered to patients as part of PAC as prescribed in the PAC guidelines. When PAC contraceptive counselling was offered, certain barriers affected uptake of the methods, including inadequate information, coercion by providers and partners, and fears of side effects. Together, these factors contributed to repeat unintended pregnancies and repeat abortions. The absence of quality contraceptive counselling therefore infringes on the right to health of girls and young women. Findings underscore the need to strengthen the capacities of health providers on PAC contraceptive counselling and address their attitudes towards young female PAC patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An estimated 50 million induced abortions occur in developing countries annually, and an estimated 7 million women are treated for complications associated with unsafe abortions. According to a 2012 estimate, 15 per 1,000 women aged 15-49 years seek treatment for abortion-related health complications in both private and public sectors. A high unmet need for family planning in Pakistan and a low percentage of women adopting a contraceptive method in the post-partum period led to unwanted pregnancy becoming one of the reasons for unsafe abortion. Post-abortion care (PAC) is an integrated service delivery model that includes both maternal health and family planning interventions. The study aims to examine improvement in abortion-related practices through the implementation of the PAC model at all tiers of public health service delivery systems in the two most populous provinces-Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) region-of Pakistan. The improvement model comprises clinical training of healthcare providers, community engagement, and counseling of community women on safe post-abortion practices. It was a descriptive study utilizing data of 27,616 PAC clients recorded and reported by the service providers on the logbooks from 104 selected public health facilities from March 2018 to December 2021 in ICT, Punjab, Sindh, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces of Pakistan. Women who received PAC services were older than 25 years, 22,652 (82%), with a mean age of 29 years. Most of these women were in their first trimester, 26,110 (95%), and the majority diagnosed with PAC (incomplete, missed, or threatened abortion), 26,838 (97%). The majority of women, 25,324 (92%), received safe methods for post-abortion care that included the use of misoprostol, 15,804 (58%), and manual vacuum aspiration, 8,898 (32%). In total, 17,105 (72%) of women opted for a contraceptive method that included long-acting reversible contraceptives, 2,313 (10%); short-term excluding condoms, 3,436 (27%); and condoms, 8,113 (34%). The key predictors identified for uptake of the post-abortion family planning method indicated that women more than 25 years of age, in the early second trimester, and who were counseled on post-abortion family planning were more likely to adopt the contraceptive method than others. Increased access to post-abortion care and family planning could potentially reduce the incidence of unsafe abortion, unintended pregnancies, and associated maternal mortality. The experience of Pakistan suggests that the integrated post-abortion care service delivery model can be effectively implemented across the public health systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Abortion-related complications are among the common causes of maternal mortality in Malawi. Misoprostol is recommended for the treatment of first-trimester incomplete abortions but is seldom used for post-abortion care in Malawi.
    METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional study that used mixed methods was conducted in three hospitals in central Malawi. A survey was done on 400 women and in-depth interviews with 24 women receiving misoprostol for incomplete abortion. Convenience and purposive sampling methods were used and data were analysed using STATA 16.0 for quantitative part and thematic analysis for qualitative part.
    RESULTS: From the qualitative data, three themes emerged around the following areas: experienced effects, support offered, and women\'s perceptions. Most women liked misoprostol and reported that the treatment was helpful and effective in expelling retained products of conception. Quantitative data revealed that the majority of participants, 376 (94%) were satisfied with the support received, and 361 (90.3%) believed that misoprostol was better than surgical treatment. The majority of the women 364 (91%) reported they would recommend misoprostol to friends.
    CONCLUSIONS: The use of misoprostol for incomplete abortion in Malawi is acceptable and regarded as helpful and satisfactory among women.
    One of the major causes of maternal mortality is complications after abortion and miscarriages. The importance of post-abortion care in preventing such deaths justifies the necessity of making treatment accessible and available to every woman in need. Misoprostol is one of the approved treatments for incomplete abortion but is rarely used in developing countries. A study was conducted in three hospitals in central Malawi where women filled in a questionnaire and were interviewed after receiving misoprostol for incomplete abortion. The study\'s goal was to investigate women’s experiences and feelings about using misoprostol. The findings showed that the majority of the women received medication and counselling as a form of support. They expressed satisfaction with the support and described misoprostol as being useful in removing retained products of conception from the womb. The medication was preferred and regarded as a reliable treatment that was also good for women. The majority of the women reported tolerable side effects of the drug and would recommend it to friends. In conclusion, the use of misoprostol for early incomplete abortion in Malawi is acceptable and is regarded as helpful, and satisfactory to women receiving post-abortion care. The research findings support expanding use of misoprostol in post-abortion care in Malawi.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Post-abortion family planning counselling and provision are known high impact practices preventing unintended pregnancies. Little is known, however, about specific needs in the second trimester. Our study aims to assess post-abortion family planning uptake and its associated factors among women with second-trimester incomplete abortion.
    METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional survey of 1191 women with incomplete second trimester abortion that received treatment at 14 comprehensive emergency obstetric care public health facilities in central Uganda from August 2018 to November 2021. We computed the post-abortion uptake of family planning within 2 weeks of treatment, described the types of methods accepted, and the reasons for declining family planning. We described the socio-demographic, reproductive, abortion-related, and health facility characteristics. We used mixed effects generalized linear models to obtain percentage differences for factors independently associated with post-abortion family planning uptake.
    RESULTS: Second-trimester post-abortion family planning uptake was 65.6%. Implants (37.5%) and progestin only injectables (36.5%) were the commonly chosen methods; natural (0.1%), permanent (0.8%), and condoms (4%) were the least chosen methods. 45.2% of the women who declined family planning desired another pregnancy soon. Women whose spouses were aware of the pregnancy or had planned pregnancy had 11% (- 10.5, 95% CI - 17.1 to - 3.8) and 12% (- 11.7, 95% CI - 19.0 to - 4.4) less uptake compared to women whose spouses were not aware of the pregnancy or those with unplanned pregnancies respectively. Uptake was 8% (- 7.8, 95% CI - 12.6% to - 3.0%) lower among Islamic women compared to Anglicans. Women who received post-abortion family planning counselling or had more than four live births had 59% (59.4, 95% CI 42.1 to 76.7) and 13% (13.4, 95% CI 4.0 to 22.8%) higher uptake compared to women who did not receive counselling or women with no live births, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: The uptake of second-trimester post-abortion family planning in Uganda was higher than previous estimates. Post-abortion family planning counselling, grand multiparity, and the need to avoid an unplanned pregnancy enhance post-abortion family planning uptake in the second trimester. Ministry of Health should strengthen post-abortion family planning counselling, especially couple counselling; at all health facilities in the country and also ensure an adequate and accessible supply of a wide contraceptive method mix.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite different interventions to curb unwanted pregnancies, repositioning Family Planning and post-abortion care services as critical priorities in health programme in Kwa-Zulu Natal, women are still admitted with induced abortion complications.
    The aim was to explore challenges experienced by women who are accessing post-abortion care services at selected public hospitals.
    A qualitative explorative, descriptive, and contextual approach was used. The population comprised all women who presented with incomplete abortion and had accessed PAC services in the selected hospitals. Purposive convenience sampling was used to select the 23 participants. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with all participants on discharge and analysed through open-coding method. Trustworthiness was ensured, by considering the criteria of credibility, dependability, applicability, and transferability. Ethical considerations were secured by requesting consent and permission to conduct the study. All interviews were voluntarily conducted following the ethically approved informed consent, anonymity and confidentiality were maintained.
    Three themes emerged reflecting challenges from women\'s perspectives on accessing post abortion care. These themes were: transportation barriers, stigma, and mistreatment (lack of analgesics, early discharge).
    Conclusion showed the description of perceived barriers and experiences related to accessing, seeking and care received during the process of PAC. Inaccessibility to PAC was due to poor road, poor mode, lack of transport and long distance from the community to the hospital, long waiting queues, stigma, and discrimination. The PAC services should be accessible with the increased number of facilities and adequately trained staff with functional equipment and guidelines. Value clarification workshops for health professionals are essential.





