Petrous Bone

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A comparative analysis of 26 petrous bones and epiphyses of metacarpals from the Second World War era revealed no significant differences in DNA yield or success in STR typing. This unexpected parity in DNA preservation between the petrous bone, a renowned source of endogenous DNA in skeletal remains, and the epiphyses of metacarpals, which are porous and susceptible to taphonomic changes, is surprising. In this study, we introduced ATR-FTIR spectroscopy as an approach to unravel the correlation between bone molecular structure and DNA preservation. Metacarpals and petrous bones with same taphonomic history were sampled and prepared for DNA analyses. While one portion of the sample was used for DNA analysis, the other underwent ATR-FTIR spectroscopic examination. The normalized spectra and FTIR indices between the epiphyses of metacarpals and petrous bones were compared. Because the taphonomic history of the remains used is relatively short and stable, the ATR-FTIR spectroscopy unveiled subtle structural differences between the two bone types. Petrous bones exhibited higher mineralization, whereas epiphyses contained more organic matter. The unexpected preservation of DNA in the epiphyses of metacarpals can likely be attributed to the presence of soft tissue remnants within the trabeculae. Here observed differences in the molecular structure of bones indicate there are different mechanisms enabling DNA preservation in skeletal tissues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Minimally invasive endoscopic endonasal multiport approaches create additional visualization angles to treat skull base pathologies. The sublabial contralateral transmaxillary (CTM) approach and superior eyelid lateral transorbital approach, frequently used nowadays, have been referred to as the \"third port\" when used alongside the endoscopic endonasal approach (EEA). The endoscopic precaruncular contralateral medial transorbital (cMTO) corridor, on the other hand, is an underrecognized but unique port that has been used to repair CSF rhinorrhea originating from the lateral sphenoid sinus recess. However, no anatomical feasibility studies or clinical experience exists to assess its benefits and demonstrate its potential role in multiport endoscopic access to the other contralateral skull base areas. In this study, the authors explored the application and potential utility of multiport EEA combined with the endoscopic cMTO approach (EEA/cMTO) to three target areas of the contralateral skull base: lateral recess of sphenoid sinus (LRSS), petrous apex (PA) and petroclival region, and retrocarotid clinoidocavernous space (CCS).
    Ten cadaveric specimens (20 sides) were dissected bilaterally under stereotactic navigation guidance to access contralateral LRSS via EEA/cMTO. The PA and petroclival region and retrocarotid CCS were exposed via EEA alone, EEA/cMTO, and EEA combined with the sublabial CTM approach (EEA/CTM). Qualitative and quantitative assessments, including working distance and visualization angle to the PA, were recorded. Clinical application of EEA/cMTO is demonstrated in a lateral sphenoid sinus CSF leak repair.
    During the qualitative assessment, multiport EEA/cMTO provides superior visualization from a high vantage point and better instrument maneuverability than multiport EEA/CTM for the PA and retrocarotid CCS, while maintaining a similar lateral trajectory. The cMTO approach has significantly shorter working distances to all three target areas compared with the CTM approach and EEA. The mean distances to the LRSS, PA, and retrocarotid CCS were 50.69 ± 4.28 mm (p < 0.05), 67.11 ± 5.05 mm (p < 0.001), and 50.32 ± 3.6 mm (p < 0.001), respectively. The mean visualization angles to the PA obtained by multiport EEA/cMTO and EEA/CTM were 28.4° ± 3.27° and 24.42° ± 5.02° (p < 0.005), respectively.
    Multiport EEA/cMTO to the contralateral LRSS offers the advantage of preserving the pterygopalatine fossa contents and the vidian nerve, which are frequently sacrificed during a transpterygoid approach. This approach also offers superior visualization and better instrument maneuverability compared with EEA/CTM for targeting the petroclival region and retrocarotid CCS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extended endoscopic endonasal approaches (EEAs) to petroclival chondrosarcomas (PCs) require a thorough understanding of skullbase anatomy, especially the anatomy of petrous internal carotid artery (pICA), as ICA injury is the most dreaded complication of extended EEAs. We conducted this study to determine the displacement patterns of pICA in patients with PCs.
    Contrast enhanced computed tomography scan and angiography images of patients with PCs were analyzed for following parameters-antero-posterior, cranio-caudal, medio-lateral, and direct distances between anterior genu of petrous internal carotid artery (AGpICA) and posterior end of Vidian canal (pVC). pICA encasement/narrowing by tumor was noted on magnetic resonance imaging.
    We studied 11 patients with histopathologically proven PCs. pICA encasement/narrowing and pVC destruction were observed in one patient each. The mean antero-posterior and cranio-caudal distances on tumor side/normal side were 7.7 ± 1.9/6.4 ± 1.0 mm & 4.5 ± 1.5/3.4 ± 0.9 mm, respectively. The overall displacement was posterior & superior. Medio-lateral displacement was seen in 4 patients (lateral in 3 and medial in 1). In rest, AGpICA was centered on pVC. The mean direct distance was 9.4 ± 2.5 mm. In 3 patients with displacement seen in all three axes, direct distance was measured by the \"cuboid method.\" Overall, posterior-superior-lateral, posterior-superior, and anterior-inferior were the common displacement patterns of AGpICA relative to pVC.
    The displacement patterns of AGpICA in PCs are variable. An individualized approach with meticulous analysis of preoperative imaging can help in determining the relation between AGpICA and pVC. This detailed morphometric information can facilitate better orientation to altered anatomy, which can be helpful in preventing pICA injury during extended EEAs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extended anterior transpetrosal approach (ATPA) includes drilling the petrous bone to achieve maximal exposure of the petroclival region. Injuring of surrounding neurovascular structures, such as the internal carotid artery (ICA), during the procedure may result in severe complications. In this study, we aimed to use computer topographic images to provide comprehensive anatomic information on the petrous bone and surrounding structures to help surgeons during the extended ATPA. Computer topographic angiography images of 110 individuals were reviewed, and measurements were performed on coronal, sagittal, and axial planes following multiplanar reformation. The petrous apex and sagittal midline were used to locate the anterior, middle, and posterior parts of the petrous bone and petrosal segment of the ICA during the ATPA. The thicknesses of the petrous bone were 3.28±0.71, 3.53±0.88, and 7.02±1.11 mm at the petrous apex, trigeminal impression, and internal opening of internal auditory canal (IAC) positions, respectively. The distances between the petrous apex to the trigeminal impression, internal opening of the IAC, auris interna, and labyrinth were 7.39±1.62, 15.95±2.48, 17.39±2.39, and 29.00±3.18 mm, respectively. Furthermore, the petrosal segment of the ICA was located at the above landmarks on the petrous bone. Our findings provide anatomic information on the petrous bone and surrounding structures during the extended ATPA procedure based on fixed anatomic landmarks so as to achieve maximal exposure and reduce the number of complications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study was conducted to evaluate the anatomical and clinical features of Trautman\'s triangle (TT) and to better understand the possible surgical corridor for other surgical approaches involving the petroclival region, especially the presigmoid retrolabyrinthine approach.
    In this study, morphological analysis of structures related to TT was performed from cone beam computed tomography images of 134 female and 206 male individuals aged 18-65 years.
    The TT area was observed as 5.6% (n = 19) type I, 63.2% (n = 215) type II, and 31.2% (n = 106) type III. It was determined that 87.6% of the sigmoid sinus (SS) was lateral to the posterior semicircular canal and 12.4% was medial. It was determined that the TT area showed a positive correlation with petrous slope and a negative correlation with mastoid aeration. In other words, as the TT area increased, the petrous inclination angle also increased, but the mastoid aeration decreased. It was also found that the TT area was associated with the location of the SS and the largest TT area (164.84 ± 42.29 mm2) was observed in the posteriorly located SS.
    The relationship between TT and SS, petroclival angle, mastoid aeration, and subarcuate fossa has a very dynamic structure. Understanding the variations and clinical significance of these structures in the petroclival region is critical in determining the surgical approaches to be applied and understanding the etiology of vestibular system diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The arcuate eminence (AE) is an anatomically consistent bony protrusion located on the upper surface of the petrous bone that has been previously studied as a reference for lateral skull base approaches. There is a paucity of information in the neurosurgical literature seeking to improve the safety of the extended middle cranial fossa (MCF) approach using detailed morphometric analysis of the AE.
    To evaluate the use of the AE as an anatomical landmark to help with early identification of the internal acoustic canal (IAC) in MCF approaches by means of a cadaveric study, using a new morphometric reference termed the \"M-point.\"
    A total of 40 dry temporal bones and 2 formalin-preserved, latex-injected cadaveric heads were used. The M-point was established as a new anatomic reference by identifying the intersection of a line perpendicular to the alignment of the petrous ridge (PR), originating from the midpoint of the AE, with the PR itself. Subsequent anatomical measurements were performed to measure the distance between M-point and IAC. Additional distances, including PR length and the anteroposterior and lateral AE surfaces, were also measured.
    The mean distance between the M-point and the center of the IAC was 14.9 mm (SD ± 2.09), offering a safe drilling area during an MCF approach.
    This study provides novel information on identification of a new anatomic reference point known as the M-point that that can be used to improve early surgical identification of the IAC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Meckel cave tumors are relatively rare, especially trigeminal nerve (TN) schwannomas. These tumors frequently project through the trigeminal pore, occupying the middle and posterior fossae. The most used routes to this region are the suboccipital retrosigmoid intradural approach (SORSA) and the transzygomatic middle fossa approach (TZMFA). Both approaches allow further exposure by adding intraoperative techniques, such as removing the suprameatal tubercle (retrosigmoid intradural suprameatal approach [RISA]) and the petrous apex (TZMFA-PA), respectively. This study aims to understand how TN exposure differs between both surgical approaches and how it increases by adding specific surgical maneuvers to these techniques.
    Five formalin-fixed adult cadaver heads were submitted to high-resolution computed tomography and their images were loaded into the neuronavigation device. Anatomic key points were defined along the outline of the TN, and their three-dimensional spatial locations were collected following each surgical approach. This process allowed the calculation of the TN exposed area obtained through each technique.
    The mean areas of exposure of the TN were 125.9 mm2 with SORSA and 208.9 mm2 with RISA, which represents an additional mean gain of 61.92% (P = 0.047). Using TZMFA, a mean exposure of 419.24 mm2 was obtained. When TZMFA-PA was used, the mean exposed area was 486.03 mm2, representing a mean gain in the exposure area of 16.81% (P = 0.072).
    Our study suggests that TZMFA allows better exposure of TN ganglionic and postganglionic segments, and the removal of the PA adds the preganglionic segment visualization, although with less TN exposed area compared with RISA. With SORSA, the additional suprameatal tubercle removal shows the trigeminal pore and the medial margin of the central portion of the TN ganglionic segment, making it possible to expose the mouth of the Meckel cave and part of its contents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The anterior petrosectomy, also known as the Kawase approach, and the retrosigmoid intradural suprameatal approach (RISA) have both been used to reduce the petrous apex and access the petroclival region. Our goal was to compare the volumes and 3-dimensional shapes of bony resection obtained through each approach while trying to resemble realistic surgical settings.
    Five cadaveric specimens totaling 10 sides were dissected and analyzed. In every specimen, 1 side was used for the Kawase approach while the opposite side was used for the RISA. Petrosectomy volumes were assessed by comparing preoperative and postoperative thin-sliced computed tomography scans.
    Petrosectomy volumes were significantly larger through the Kawase approach than through the RISA (0.82 ± 0.11 vs. 0.49 ± 0.07 cm3, P < 0.001). In addition, surgical maneuverability and freedom were greater in the Kawase operative variant. Lastly, the morphology of the bony window achieved through each approach was clearly different: trapezoid for the anterior petrosectomy versus elongated ellipsoid for the RISA.
    The Kawase approach invariably results in larger volumes of bony removal than the RISA operative variant, and the volume of petrosectomy that is spatially congruent is only partially identical. The Kawase corridor is best suited for middle fossa lesions that extend into the posterior fossa, while the RISA is suitable for pathologies mainly residing in the posterior fossa and extending into the Meckel cave.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The vidian canal (VC) is normally a reliable anatomical landmark for locating the petrous internal carotid artery (pICA). This study determined the influence of petroclival chondrosarcoma on the relationship between the VC and pICA.
    Nine patients (3 males, 6 females; median age 49) with petroclival chondrosarcoma, and depiction of the pICA on contrast-enhanced CT, were retrospectively studied. CT-based measurements were performed by two observers, both in the presence of the petroclival chondrosarcoma (case) and on the contralateral control side. The antero-posterior (AP) and craniocaudal (CC) measurements from the posterior VC to the pICA, whether the pICA was in the trajectory of the VC, and the coronal relationship of the pICA anterior genu with the VC were recorded.
    Chondrosarcoma usually displaced the pICA anteriorly (8/9 cases) and superiorly (6/9 cases) relative to the normal side with mean AP and CC measurements of 3.9 mm v 7.2 mm (p = 0.054) and 4.4 mm v 1.4 mm (p = 0.061). The VC trajectory less frequently intersected the pICA cross-section in the presence of chondrosarcoma however it was in the line of the eroded dorsal VC in one case. The anterior genu of the pICA was displaced more laterally by chondrosarcoma but usually remained superior to the VC.
    Petroclival chondrosarcoma variably influences the anatomical relationship between the VC and the pICA, hence requiring an individualised approach. The pICA is usually anterosuperiorly displaced, and the anterior genu remains superior to the VC, however it may be located in the line of the canal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The pretemporal transcavernous anterior petrosal (PTAP) approach and the combined petrosal (CP) approach have been used to resect petroclival meningiomas (PCMs). In this cadaveric anatomical study, a two-stage combined PTAP and endoscopic endonasal far medial (EEFM) approach (the PTAPE approach) was compared morphometrically to the CP approach. A case study provides a clinical example of using the PTAPE approach to treat a patient with a PCM. The key elements of the approach selection process are outlined.
    Five cadaveric specimens underwent a CP approach and 5 underwent a PTAPE approach. The area of drilled clivus, length of multiple cranial nerves (CNs), and the area of brain stem exposure were measured, reported as means (standard deviations) by group, and compared.
    The total area of the clivus drilled in the PTAPE group (695.3 [121.7] mm2) was greater than in the CP group (88.7 [17.06] mm2, P < 0.01). Longer segments of CN VI were exposed via the PTAPE than the CP approach (35.6 [9.07] vs. 16.3 [6.02] mm, P < 0.01). CN XII (8.8 [1.06] mm) was exposed only in the PTAPE group. Above the pontomedullary sulcus, the total area of brain stem exposed was greater with the PTAPE than the CP approach (1003.4 [219.5] mm2 vs. 437.6 [83.7] mm2, P < 0.01). Similarly, the total exposure of the medulla was greater after the PTAPE than the CP exposure (240.2 [57.06] mm2 vs. 48.1 [19.9] mm2, P < 0.01).
    A combined open-endoscopic paradigm is proposed for managing large PCMs. This approach incorporates the EEFM approach to address the limitations of the PTAP and the CP approach in a systematic fashion. Understanding the anatomical findings of this study will aid in tailoring surgical approaches to patients with these complex lesions.





