Occipital Lobe

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The patient was an 85-year-old man with a one-year history of difficulty reading kana. Neuropsychological evaluation revealed kana (phonogram)-selective reading impairment and kanji (ideogram)-dominant writing impairment. MRI revealed significant cerebral atrophy in the left occipital cortex, leading to the clinical diagnosis of posterior cortical atrophy (PCA). Cerebrospinal fluid amyloid β1-42 levels were reduced, and amyloid PET showed accumulation in the posterior cingulate cortex, precuneus, and frontal lobe. In contrast, tau PET showed no accumulation in the atrophied brain areas. Episodes of REM sleep behavior disorder and decreased uptake on meta-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) myocardial scintigraphy suggested the involvement of Lewy body pathology. PCA with distinct laterality has been rarely reported, and ‍this is the first case to present Kana-selective reading impairment and Kanji-dominant writing impairment with neurodegenerative background.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Optic Aphasia (OA) and Associative Visual Agnosia (AVA) are neuropsychological disorders characterized by impaired naming on visual presentation. From a cognitive point of view, while stimulus identification is largely unimpaired in OA (where access to semantic knowledge is still possible), in AVA it is not. OA has been linked with right hemianopia and disconnection of the occipital right-hemisphere (RH) visual processing from the left hemisphere (LH) language areas.In this paper, we describe the case of AA, an 81-year-old housewife suffering from a deficit in naming visually presented stimuli after left occipital lesion and damage to the interhemispheric splenial pathway. AA has been tested through a set of tasks assessing different levels of visual object processing. We discuss behavioral performance as well as the pattern of lesion and disconnection in relation to a neurocognitive model adapted from Luzzatti and colleagues (1998). Despite the complexity of the neuropsychological picture, behavioral data suggest that semantic access from visual input is possible, while a lesion-based structural disconnectome investigation demonstrated the splenial involvement.Altogether, neuropsychological and neuroanatomical findings support the assumption of visuo-verbal callosal disconnection compatible with a diagnosis of OA.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Introduction: We report an epileptic patient who experienced hallucinatory visual experiences of autobiographical memories from her past. These visual experiences were confined to the lower left quadrant of her visual field.Methods: We carried out a single-case study that used brain-imaging, EEG and behavioural methods to study this patient.Results: We found that this patient had an incomplete left inferior homonymous quadrantanopia due to a lesion of right occipital cortex, and also that she showed neurological abnormalities in right temporal cortex, a region that is part of the brain\'s autobiographical-memory circuit.Conclusion: We attribute the occurrence of this patient\'s autobiographical-memory hallucinations to the combination of degraded visual input to right temporal cortex plus hyperexcitability of that region.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: Magnetic resonance imaging-guided laser interstitial thermal therapy (MRIgLITT) has been proven safe and effective for the treatment of focal epilepsy of different etiologies. It has also been used to disconnect brain tissue in more extensive or diffuse epilepsy, such as corpus callosotomy and hemispherotomy.
    METHODS: In this study, we report a case of temporo-parieto-occipital disconnection surgery performed using MRIgLITT assisted by a robotic arm for refractory epilepsy of the posterior quadrant. A highly realistic cadaver simulation was performed before the actual surgery.
    RESULTS: The patient was a 14-year-old boy whose seizures began at the age of 8. The epilepsy was a result of a left perinatal ischemic event that caused a porencephalic cyst, and despite receiving multiple antiepileptic drugs, the patient continued to experience daily seizures which led to the recommendation of surgery.
    CONCLUSIONS: A Wada test lateralized language in the right hemisphere. Motor and sensory function was confirmed in the left hemisphere through magnetic resonance imaging functional studies and NexStim. The left MRIgLITT temporo-parieto-occipital disconnection disconnection was achieved using 5 laser fibers. The patient followed an excellent postoperative course and was seizure-free, with no additional neurological deficits 24 months after the surgery.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This case report presents the unique clinical presentation of an 18-year-old female patient with an 8-year history of a progressively enlarging pulsatile mass in the left parieto-occipital region of her scalp. Remarkably, there was no history of trauma, headache, or other associated neurological deficits. Advanced imaging techniques, including computed tomography angiography and magnetic resonance imaging, revealed a vascular lesion consistent with an arteriovenous malformation beneath the scalp. Notably, the arteriovenous malformation\'s nidus was primarily supplied by branches of bilateral superficial temporal and occipital arteries, with a more pronounced involvement on the left side. Further magnetic resonance imaging characterization confirmed the diagnosis as a high parieto-occipital arteriovenous malformation/dural arteriovenous fistula. This case underscores the importance of a multidisciplinary approach involving neurosurgery and interventional radiology to the diagnosis and management of complex vascular lesions, particularly when they occur in unusual anatomical locations, like in our patient. The long-term clinical course and outcomes of such cases warrant continued investigation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Depersonalization and derealization can occur not just from psychiatric causes but also from various organic etiologies, such as seizures and intracerebral structural abnormalities. However, there have been no previous reported cases to the authors\' knowledge detailing isolated depersonalization and derealization in the absence of clinical seizure activity or other psychiatric pathology, as sequelae of structural intracerebral lesions.
    METHODS: In this case report, we detail the unique presentation of a 68-year-old woman under the care of palliative medicine who experienced depersonalization and derealization secondary to a metastatic lesion in her temporal lobe, in the parahippocampal gyrus to medial occipitotemporal gyrus region. These symptoms were present in the absence of any clinical seizure activity or other psychiatric symptomatology and largely resolved with the use of steroidal therapy, before returning secondary to disease progression.
    CONCLUSIONS: We discuss the relationship among isolated depersonalization and derealization with pathology of the left posterior temporal lobe in the context of this interesting case. This case expands our knowledge of the neurobiology of these phenomena, given the specific localization of the intracerebral pathology and temporal specificity of symptoms relative to tumor growth and treatment course.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Ictal asystole (IA) is a rare but potentially life-threatening complication of focal epilepsy. The sudden onset of loss of consciousness and drop attacks in a patient with chronic epilepsy should suggest the possibility of this complication. Once the diagnosis is established, rapid management should be considered, especially in high-risk cases. The approach does not differ between temporal and extratemporal lobe epilepsies. Strategies can be aimed at preventing the emergence of cortical epileptic activity from the beginning (surgery, antiseizure therapy), neutralizing negative chronotropic effects on the heart (cardiac neuromodulation), or restarting the heart rhythm with a pacemaker. Pacemaker implantation is not a completely complication-free treatment, and living with a device that requires care and follow-up throughout life makes alternative treatment methods more valid for young patients with many years to live or cases that could benefit from surgery. In this article, we present a patient with a left occipital glioneuronal tumor and drug-resistant occipital lobe epilepsy. IA was documented by long-term video EEG monitoring (VEM). During about 2 years of follow-up after a cardiac neuromodulation procedure, there were no drop attacks or asystole with seizures, confirmed by long-term VEM.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Cavernomas, also known as cavernous angiomas or cavernous malformations, are rare vascular lesions characterized by abnormal clusters of dilated capillaries without intervening brain tissue. While often asymptomatic, they can manifest with neurological symptoms such as headaches, seizures, and focal deficits. We present a case of a 45-year-old male who presented with persistent headaches and visual hallucinations. Thorough clinical assessment revealed intermittent throbbing headaches localized to the left occipital region, accompanied by brief episodes of vivid visual hallucinations. Extensive work-up, including laboratory tests and neuroimaging, identified a subependymal cavernoma in the left occipital lobe. A surgical excision was performed, resulting in sustained relief from headaches and the absence of visual hallucinations during follow-up examinations. This case contributes to the understanding of cavernomas by detailing the clinical presentation, diagnostic process, and successful surgical intervention for a subependymal cavernoma in the left occipital lobe. The resolution of symptoms postoperatively underscores the importance of individualized treatment approaches, considering factors such as lesion location, patient age, and associated risks. The case highlights the evolving knowledge in cavernoma management and emphasizes the need for tailored therapeutic decisions in addressing neurovascular disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the present day scenario complications arising from sinusitis are rare, since the introduction of antibiotics. However Sinusitis and its complications are still existing and masking of symptoms due to inadequate dosage and duration of antibiotics, which is life threatening and if neglected may result in high morbidity and mortality. This case has been presented for its rare presentation of parafalcine abscess of left occipital lobe of middle cranial fossa, which is secondary to frontal sinusitis. A 40 year old male patient was admitted in ICU with chief complaints of fever for 3 days, headache and neck stiffness for 2 days and altered sensorium for 1 day. Computed tomography showed both frontals, ethmoids and maxillary sinusitis on the left side. Patient was given conservative treatment and showed partial improvement of symptoms. On repeat CT brain (after 2 weeks) showed abscess parasagittally in left occipital lobe. Neurosurgeon aspirated abscess through parasagittal approach. Later the patient referred to the ENT department and ESS (endoscopic sinus surgery) DRAF II procedure done for clearance of frontal sinus to avoid recurrence of intracranial complications.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Visual snow is the main symptom of visual snow syndrome, a disorder of predominantly visual disturbances initially described in patients without abnormalities on ancillary investigations. We present a case series of patients with visual snow in the setting of acute ischemic stroke. The first and second patient reported previous episodic visual snow with migraine attacks. The third patient experienced visual snow for the first time during the ischemic stroke. In the first patient, the ischemic stroke affected the right and left precuneus and the right lingual gyrus. In the second patient, the ischemic stroke was located in the left lingual gyrus, parts of the left fusiform and parahippocampal gyrus, left dorso-lateral thalamus, and left cerebellar hemisphere. In the third patient, occipital pole, trunk of the corpus callosum on the right, right paramedian pons, right cerebellar hemisphere, and vermis were affected. Our case series indicates that the symptom visual snow can be caused by vascular lesions in areas of visual processing. Because patients did not meet criteria for visual snow syndrome, dysfunction in the affected areas might only explain part of the complex pathophysiology of visual snow syndrome.





