Occipital Lobe

  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) is a marker of neuronal integrity and metabolism. Deficiency in neuronal plasticity and hypometabolism are implicated in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) pathophysiology. To test if cerebral NAA concentrations decrease progressively over the MDD course, we conducted a pre-registered meta-analysis of Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1H-MRS) studies comparing NAA concentrations in chronic MDD (n = 1308) and first episode of depression (n = 242) patients to healthy controls (HC, n = 1242). Sixty-two studies were meta-analyzed using a random-effect model for each brain region. NAA concentrations were significantly reduced in chronic MDD compared to HC within the frontal lobe (Hedges\' g = -0.330; p = 0.018), the occipital lobe (Hedges\' g = -0.677; p = 0.007), thalamus (Hedges\' g = -0.673; p = 0.016), and frontal (Hedges\' g = -0.471; p = 0.034) and periventricular white matter (Hedges\' g = -0.478; p = 0.047). We highlighted a gap of knowledge regarding NAA levels in first episode of depression patients. Sensitivity analyses indicated that antidepressant treatment may reverse NAA alterations in the frontal lobe. We highlighted field strength and correction for voxel grey matter as moderators of NAA levels detection. Future studies should assess NAA alterations in the early stages of the illness and their longitudinal progression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dysregulation of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission is considered a pathological marker of Anorexia Nervosa (AN), however, no systematic evaluation of the proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1H-MRS) literature has been conducted to date. Accordingly, we conducted a systematic review of neurometabolite differences between individuals with AN and healthy controls (HC). A comprehensive database search (until June 2023) identified seven studies meeting inclusion criteria. Samples included adolescents and adults with similar mean age (AN: 22.20 HC: 22.60), and female percentages (AN: 98%; HC: 94%). The review found a considerable need for improving study design and the reporting of MRS sequence parameters and analysis. Reduced glutamate concentrations in the ACC and OCC, and reduced Glx concentrations in the ACC were reported by one and two studies, respectively. Lastly, only one study to date has quantified GABA concentrations, with no significant differences found. In conclusion, there is currently insufficient evidence of excitatory and inhibitory neurometabolites changes in AN. As the 1H-MRS literature in AN increases, the key questions herein proposed must be revisited.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    In recent decades, numerous structural brain imaging studies investigated purported morphometric changes in early (EB) and late onset blindness (LB). The results of these studies have not yielded very consistent results, neither with respect to the type, nor to the anatomical locations of the brain morphometric alterations. To better characterize the effects of blindness on brain morphometry, we performed a systematic review and an Anatomical-Likelihood-Estimation (ALE) coordinate-based-meta-analysis of 65 eligible studies on brain structural changes in EB and LB, including 890 EB, 466 LB and 1257 sighted controls. Results revealed atrophic changes throughout the whole extent of the retino-geniculo-striate system in both EB and LB, whereas changes in areas beyond the occipital lobe occurred in EB only. We discuss the nature of some of the contradictory findings with respect to the used brain imaging methodologies and characteristics of the blind populations such as the onset, duration and cause of blindness. Future studies should aim for much larger sample sizes, eventually by merging data from different brain imaging centers using the same imaging sequences, opt for multimodal structural brain imaging, and go beyond a purely structural approach by combining functional with structural connectivity network analyses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epilepsy is one of the most recognizable neurological diseases, globally. Epilepsy may be accompanied by various complications, including vision impairments, which may severely impact one\'s quality of life. These visual phenomena may occur in the preictal, ictal and/or postictal periods of seizures. Examples of epilepsy associated visual phenomena include visual aura, visual hallucinations, transient visual loss and amaurosis (blindness). These ophthalmologic signs/symptoms of epilepsy may be temporary or permanent and may vary depending of the type of epilepsy and location of the seizure foci (occipital or temporal lobe). Some visual phenomena may even be utilized to diagnose the epilepsy type, although solely depending on visual symptoms for diagnosis may lead to mistreatment. Some antiseizure medications (ASMs) may also contribute to certain visual disturbances, thereby impacting its therapeutic efficiency for patients with epilepsy (PWE). Although the development of visual comorbidities has been observed diversely among PWE, there may still be a lack of understanding on their relevance and manifestation in epilepsy, which may contribute to the rate of misdiagnosis and the current scarcity in therapeutic relieve. Therefore, this mini narrative review aimed to discuss the common epilepsy associated visual phenomena, based on the available literature. This review also showcased the relationship between the type of visual complications and the site of seizure onset, as well as compared the visual phenomena between occipital lobe epilepsy and temporal lobe epilepsy. Evaluation of these findings may be crucial in reducing the risk of permanent seizure/epilepsy related vision deficits among PWE.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 68-year-old man was admitted to our department because of left incomplete homonymous hemianopia accompanied by hyperglycemia. Both T2-weighted and diffusion-weighted imaging revealed a low signal intensity along the subcortex and high signal intensity along the cortex on the right parietal and occipital lobes. Furthermore, arterial spin labeling and single-photon emission computed tomography showed hyperperfusion at the right parieto-occipital lobe. However, the electroencephalography result was normal. Hyperperfusion improved after controlling the blood glucose levels; nevertheless, homonymous hemianopia remained. We suspect that the irreversible brain damage was attributable to hyperperfusion associated with long-term hyperglycemia.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The Heidenhain variant of Creutzfeld-Jakob disease (HvCJD) is a relentlessly progressive and fatal neurodegenerative disorder characterised by prominent visual features early in its clinical course. However, seizures are uncommonly reported in HvCJD. The case history of a patient admitted to our institution with HvCJD and seizures is described followed by a systematic review of the association between HvCJD and seizures. A systematic search of the databases Medline, PubMed, and PsycInfo was conducted, from inception to November 2019, using keywords relating to \'Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease\' and \'Heidenhain variant\', to ascertain the frequency of seizures in HvCJD, as well as, seizure semiology and electrographic features. The Preferred Items Reporting for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were followed in the construction of this systematic review. All studies, including case reports of patients who met the diagnostic criteria for HvCJD where details pertaining to clinical presentation, imaging, biochemical and EEG findings were available were included. There were 46 articles reporting on a total of 73 patients. Seizures occurred in only four out of 73 cases (5.5%). The semiology of these seizures were focal motor seizures with or without secondary generalisation and occipital lobe seizures. Imaging and electrographic findings were most commonly abnormal in the posterior cerebral cortices (in particular the occipital and occipito-parietal regions). This systematic review suggests that seizures are uncommon in HvCJD despite the frequency of imaging and electrographic abnormalities in the posterior cerebral regions. A key limitation of this systematic review is the variability of publications in terms of incomplete reporting of clinical data, in particular potential under-reporting of seizures, as well as follow up, which may have contributed to the lower frequency of seizures reported in patients with HvCJD.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Tumor-to-tumor metastasis is a rare clinical phenomenon. Although meningioma is the most common intracranial recipient of cancer metastasis, only a few cases have been reported. We present a case of metastasis of lung adenocarcinoma into intracranial meningioma and review the published literature.
    UNASSIGNED: A 70-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital for a 1-month history of headache and pain in her lower extremities.
    METHODS: Brain and lumbar vertebral magnetic resonance imaging showed an intracranial space-occupying lesion in the right occipital region and spinal canal stenosis. Pulmonary computed tomography showed an irregular mass in the right upper lobe of the lung. The postoperative histological examination demonstrated adenocarcinoma metastasis to meningioma.
    METHODS: The patient underwent right occipital craniotomy for tumor removal and lumbar spinal canal decompression.
    RESULTS: There were no initial abnormal conditions after the operation. However, the patient died suddenly 7 days after surgery.
    CONCLUSIONS: Tumor-to-meningioma metastasis is a rare but important phenomenon. According to previous reports, it is associated with rapid onset of symptoms and a poor prognosis. Histological examination is of great importance in diagnosis. The history and process of malignant carcinoma should be closely monitored.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Intracranial meningiomas mostly affect patients in their fifth decade and beyond, raising pertinent questions regarding the risk of surgery, particularly in the elderly. Here, we describe the case of a septuagenarian patient with occipital meningioma causing severe visual field cuts that experienced full recovery of the visual function after a Simpson I resection of the lesion. This case illustrates the potential of recovery of the brain, even in the case of severely impaired function in elderly patients. To complete the picture, we review the literature on occipital meningiomas, advocating for systematic reports and increase data collection on post-operative neurological recovery in the elderly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is a chronic, relapsing disease that impacts almost a third of Americans. Despite effective treatments for attaining sobriety, the majority of patients relapse within a year, making relapse a substantial barrier to long-term treatment success. A major factor contributing to relapse is heightened negative affect that results from the combination of abstinence-related increases in stress-reactivity and decreases in reward sensitivity. Substantial research has contributed to the understanding of reward-related changes in AUD. However, less is known about anxiety during abstinence, a critical component of understanding addiction as anxiety during abstinence can trigger relapse. Most of what we know about abstinence-related negative affect comes from rodent studies which have identified key brain regions responsible for abstinence-related behaviors. This abstinence network is composed of brain regions that make up the extended amygdala: the nucleus accumbens (NAcc), the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA), and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST). More recently, emerging evidence from rodent and human studies suggests a fourth brain region, the anterior insula, might be part of the abstinence network. Here, we review current rodent and human literature on the extended amygdala\'s role in alcohol abstinence and anxiety, present evidence for the anterior insula\'s role in the abstinence network, and provide future directions for research to further elucidate the neural underpinnings of abstinence in humans. A better understanding of the abstinence network is critical toward understanding and possibly preventing relapse in AUD.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Gangliogliomas are rare, well-differentiated, low-grade neoplasms that most often occur unifocally in children and most commonly affect the temporal lobe. Gangliogliomas that occur in patients age >40 years tend to have worse prognoses. These tumors generally stain positively for neural and glial cell markers, as well as CD34. Here we report an unprecedented case of multifocal intracranial ganglioglioma in an adult age >40 who had a favorable course, and review the current literature on multifocal intracranial gangliogliomas.
    A 60-year-old female presented to her ophthalmologist with blurry vision in the right eye and an unremarkable neurologic exam. She was referred for brain imaging, which showed multiple lesions in both cerebral hemispheres. Biopsy of the right occipital lesion was elected, as it enhanced the most on magnetic resonance imaging.
    Multifocal intracranial gangliogliomas are exceedingly rare tumors, especially in adults. These tumors present unique management barriers because as they are multifocal at the time of diagnosis, making resection more technically challenging. In our review, the average age at diagnosis was 19.2 years, and 80% of the cases had at least 1 lesion in the temporal lobe. Two studies opted for resection of intracranial tumors, whereas the remaining studies performed biopsy with conservative management and serial imaging. Biopsy was performed in all cases. We present the first case of an intracranial multifocal ganglioglioma in a patient age >40 years with lesions in the occipital lobe, corpus callosum, and frontal lobe at presentation.





