Nuclear Localization Signals

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A group of DNA viruses called parvoviruses that have significant effects on cancer therapy and genetic engineering applications. After passing through the cell membrane to reach the cytosol, it moves along the microtubule toward the nuclear membrane. The nuclear localization signal (NLS) is recognized by importin-beta (impβ) and other proteins from the complex outside the nuclear membrane and binds to enter the nucleus via the nuclear pore complex (NPC). There are two main pathways for viruses to enter the nucleus. The classical pathway is through the interaction of imp α and impβ with NLS via NPC. The other is the NPC mediated by the combination of impβ and it. While the capsid is introduced into the nucleus through classical nuclear transduction, there is also a transient nuclear membrane dissolution leading to passive transport into the nucleus, which has been proposed in recent years. This article mainly discusses several nuclear entry pathways and related proteins, providing a reference for subsequent research on viral entry pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    TULP3 is involved in cell regulation pathways including transcription and signal transduction. In some pathological states like in cancers, increased level of TULP3 has been observed so it can serve as a potential target to hamper the activation of those pathways. We propose a novel idea of inhibiting nuclear localization signal (NLS) to interrupt nuclear translocation of TULP3 so that the downstream activations of pathways are blocked. In current in silico study, 3D structure of TULP3 was modeled using 8 different tools including I-TASSER, CABS-FOLD, Phyre2, PSIPRED, RaptorX, Robetta, Rosetta and Prime by Schrödinger. Best structure was selected after quality evaluation by SAVES and implied for the investigation of NLS sequence. Mapped NLS sequence was further used to dock with natural ligand importin-α as control docking to validate the NLS sequence as binding site. After docking and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation validation, these residues were used as binding side for subsequent docking studies. 70 alkaloids were selected after intensive literature survey and were virtually docked with NLS sequence where natural ligand importin-α is supposed to be bound. This study demonstrates the virtual inhibition of NLS sequence so that it paves a way for future in-vivo studies to use NLS as a new drug target for cancer therapeutics.Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and fronto-temporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) are progressive neurological disorders affecting motor neurons. Cellular aggregates of fused in sarcoma (FUS) protein are found in cytoplasm of ALS and FTLD patients. Nuclear localisation signal (NLS) domain of FUS binds to Karyopherin β2 (Kapβ2), which drives nuclear transport of FUS from cytoplasm. Several pathogenic mutations are reported in FUS NLS, which are associated with its impaired nuclear transport and cytoplasmic mis-localisation. P525L mutation in NLS is most commonly found in cases of juvenile ALS (jALS), which affects individuals below 25 years of age. jALS progresses aggressively causing death within a year of its onset. This study elucidates the molecular mechanism behind jALS-causing P525L mutation hindering nuclear transport of FUS. We perform multiple molecular dynamics simulations in aqueous and hydrophobic solvent to understand the effect of the mutation at molecular level. Dynamics of Kapβ2-FUS complex is better captured in hydrophobic solvent compared to aqueous solvent. P525 and Y526 (PY-motif) of NLS exhibit fine-tuned stereochemical arrangement, which is essential for optimum Kapβ2 binding. P525L causes loss of several native contacts at interface leading to weaker binding, which promotes self-aggregation of FUS in cytoplasm. Native complex samples closed conformation, while mutant complex exhibits open conformation exposing hydrophilic residues of Kapβ2 to hydrophobic solvent. Mutant complex also fails to exhibit spring-like motion essential for its transport through nuclear pore complex. This study provides a mechanistic insight of binding affinity between NLS and Kapβ2 that inhibits self-aggregation of FUS preventing the disease condition.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Importin-α (Impα) is an adaptor protein that binds to cargo proteins (containing Nuclear Localization Sequences - NLSs), for their translocation to the nucleus. The specificities of the Impα/NLS interactions have been studied, since these features could be used as important tools to find potential NLSs in nuclear proteins or even for the development of targets to inhibit nuclear import or to design peptides for drug delivery. Few structural studies have compared different Impα variants from the same organism or Impα of different organisms. Previously, we investigated nuclear transport of transcription factors with Neurospora crassa Impα (NcImpα). Herein, NIT-2 and PAC-3 transcription factors NLSs were studied in complex with Mus musculus Impα (MmImpα). Calorimetric assays demonstrated that the PAC-3 NLS peptide interacts with both Impα proteins with approximately the same affinity. The NIT-2 NLS sequence binds with high affinity to the Impα major binding site from both organisms, but its binding to minor binding sites reveals interesting differences due to the presence of additional interactions of NIT-2-NLS with MmImpα. These findings, together with previous results with Impα from other organisms, indicate that the differential affinity of NLSs to minor binding sites may be also responsible for the selectivity of some cargo proteins recognition and transport.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Non-viral gene delivery methods are considered due to safety and simplicity in human gene therapy. Since the use of cationic peptide and niosome represent a promising approach for gene delivery purposes we used recombinant fusion protein and cationic niosome as a gene carrier. A multi-domain fusion protein including nuclear localization motif (NLS) and two DNA-binding (Mu) domains, namely NLS-Mu-Mu (NMM) has been designed, cloned and expressed in E. coli DE3 strain. Afterward, the interested protein was purified by affinity chromatography. Binary vectors based on protein/DNA and ternary vectors based on protein/DNA/niosome were prepared. Protamine was used as a control. DNA condensing properties of NMM and protamine were evaluated by various experiments. Furthermore, we examined cytotoxicity, hemolysis and transfection potential of the binary and ternary complexes in HEK293T and MCF-7 cell lines. Protamine and Lipofectamine™2000 were used as positive controls, correspondingly. The recombinant NMM was expressed and purified successfully and DNA was condensed efficiently at charge ratios that were not harmful to cells. Peptidoplexes showed transfection efficiency (TE) but ternary complexes had higher TE. Additionally, NMM ternary complex was more efficient compared to protamine ternary vectors. Our results showed that niosomal ternary vector of NMM is a promising non-viral gene carrier to achieve an effective and safe carrier system for gene therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fused in sarcoma (FUS) gene encodes the RNA binding protein FUS. This gene is mapped to chromosome 16p11.2. The FUS protein binds with karyopherineβ2 (Kapβ2) through its proline/tyrosine nuclear localization signal (PY-NLS) that helps in the localization of FUS protein within the nucleus. Arginine residue in 521 position (R521) of PY-NLS plays a vital role in the binding of FUS protein with Kapβ2. Mutations in this position (R521C and R521H) are the most predominant mutations associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). However, the mechanism by which these mutations lead to ALS is poorly understood. We examined the binding behaviour of the mutants FUS (R521C) and FUS (R521H) with Kapβ2 through protein-protein docking and molecular dynamics simulation. The binding patterns of mutants were compared with the binding behaviour of wild FUS-Kapβ2. Our results suggest that these mutants have relatively weak binding affinity with Kapβ2 when compared with wild FUS-Kapβ2 as indicated by the lesser number of interactions found between the mutant FUS and Kapβ2. Hence, these mutations weakens the binding and this results in the cytoplasmic mislocalization of mutant FUS; and thereby it increases the severity of ALS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nucleocytoplasmic trafficking of large macromolecules requires an active transport machinery. In many cases, this is initiated by binding of the nuclear localization signal (NLS) peptide of cargo proteins to importin-α molecules. Fine orchestration of nucleocytoplasmic trafficking is of particularly high importance for proteins involved in maintenance of genome integrity, such as dUTPases, which are responsible for prevention of uracil incorporation into the genome. In most eukaryotes, dUTPases have two homotrimeric isoforms: one of these contains three NLSs and is present in the cell nucleus, while the other is located in the cytoplasm or the mitochondria. Here we focus on the unusual occurrence of a pseudo-heterotrimeric dUTPase in Drosophila virilis that contains one NLS, and investigate its localization pattern compared to the homotrimeric dUTPase isoforms of Drosophila melanogaster. Although the interaction of individual NLSs with importin-α has been well characterized, the question of how multiple NLSs of oligomeric cargo proteins affect their trafficking has been less frequently addressed in adequate detail. Using the D. virilis dUTPase as a fully relevant physiologically occurring model protein, we show that NLS copy number influences the efficiency of nuclear import in both insect and mammalian cell lines, as well as in D. melanogaster and D. virilis tissues. Biophysical data indicate that NLS copy number determines the stoichiometry of complexation between importin-α and dUTPases. The main conclusion of our study is that, in D. virilis, a single dUTPase isoform efficiently reproduces the cellular dUTPase distribution pattern that requires two isoforms in D. melanogaster.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Studies of neuronal regeneration require examination of axons independently of their cell bodies. Several effective strategies have been deployed to compartmentalize long axons of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). However, current strategies to compartmentalize axons of the central nervous system (CNS) may be limited by physical damage to cells during tissue dissociation or slicing, perturbation of three-dimensional tissue architecture, or insufficient axonal tissue for biological analysis.
    METHODS: We developed a novel mouse neonate whole-hippocampus explant culture system, to probe neuronal regeneration in the central nervous system. This system enables imaging, biological, and biophysical analysis of isolated axons.
    RESULTS: We validated this model by isolating pure axonal populations. Additionally, cells within the explant were viable and amenable to transfection. We implemented the explant system to characterize axonal outgrowth following crush injury to the explant at the time of harvest, and also a secondary axonal transection injury 2 days post-culture. The initial crush injury delayed axonal outgrowth; however, axotomy did not alter rates of outgrowth up to 1h post-injury, with or without initial tissue crush injury.
    METHODS: Our explant system addresses shortcomings of other strategies developed to compartmentalize CNS axons. It provides a simple method to examine axonal activity and function without requiring additional equipment to slice tissue or segregate axons.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our hippocampal explant model may be used to study axonal response to injury. We have demonstrated the feasibility of probing axonal biology, biochemistry, and outgrowth free from confounding effects of neuronal cell bodies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rice stripe virus (RSV), which belongs to the genus Tenuivirus, is an emergent virus problem. The RSV genome is composed of four single-strand RNAs (RNA1-RNA4) and encodes seven proteins. We investigated interactions between six of the RSV proteins by yeast-two hybrid (Y2H) assay in vitro and by bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) in planta. Y2H identified self-interaction of the nucleocapsid protein (NP) and NS3, while BiFC revealed self-interaction of NP, NS3, and NCP. To identify regions(s) and/or crucial amino acid (aa) residues required for NP self-interaction, we generated various truncated and aa substitution mutants. Y2H assay showed that the N-terminal region of NP (aa 1-56) is necessary for NP self-interaction. Further analysis with substitution mutants demonstrated that additional aa residues located at 42-47 affected their interaction with full-length NP. These results indicate that the N-terminal region (aa 1-36 and 42-47) is required for NP self-interaction. BiFC and co-localization studies showed that the region required for NP self-interaction is also required for NP localization at the nucleus. Overall, our results indicate that the N-terminal region (aa 1-47) of the NP is important for NP self-interaction and that six aa residues (42-47) are essential for both NP self-interaction and nuclear localization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Green fluorescent protein (GFP) used as a powerful marker of gene expression in vivo has so far been applied widely in studying the localizations and functions of protein in living cells. In this study, GFP-labeled assay was used to investigate the subcellular localization of matrix (M) protein of different virulence and genotype Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strains. The M protein of ten NDV strains fused with GFP (GFP-M) all showed nuclear-and-nucleolar localization throughout transfection, whereas that of the other two strains were observed in the nucleus and nucleolus early in transfection but in the cytoplasm late in transfection. In addition, mutations to the previously defined nuclear localization signal in the GFP-M fusion protein were studied as well. Single changes at positions 262 and 263 did not affect nuclear localization of M, while changing both of these arginine residues to asparagine caused re-localization of M mainly to the cytoplasm. The GFP-M was validated as a suitable system for studying the subcellular localization of M protein and could be used to assist us in further identifying the signal sequences responsible for the nucleolar localization and cytoplasmic localization of M protein.





