Neonatal Screening

  • 文章类型: Review
    Cytomegalovirus (CMV), a beta-herpes virus, is the most common viral infection in infants. Transmission may occur congenitally (cCMV) or postnatally (pCMV). Early detection and intervention are crucial in reducing morbidities, notable developmental delays, and sensorineural hearing loss. However, more than 90% of infants are asymptomatic at birth. Treatment involves intravenous ganciclovir or the oral prodrug, valganciclovir, drugs usually reserved for use with symptomatic infants because of the toxicity profile. Research currently supports standardized antenatal CMV screening and treatment of affected pregnant patients with hyperimmune globulin as well as vaccination against CMV in unaffected pregnant patients, although widespread adoption is lacking. Standardized postnatal CMV screening is a proven, cost-effective way to detect and diagnose CMV and optimize outcomes across the lifespan. This article presents a case series of cCMV and pCMV and a review of the state of science of CMV as well as promising scientific advances that are on the horizon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) is a devastating rare neurodegenerative disease. Typically, loss of motor and cognitive skills precedes early death. The disease is characterised by deficient lysosomal arylsulphatase A (ARSA) activity and an accumulation of undegraded sulphatide due to pathogenic variants in the ARSA gene. Atidarsagene autotemcel (arsa-cel), an ex vivo haematopoietic stem cell gene therapy was approved for use in the UK in 2021 to treat early-onset forms of pre- or early-symptomatic MLD. Optimal outcomes require early diagnosis, but in the absence of family history this is difficult to achieve without newborn screening (NBS). A pre-pilot MLD NBS study was conducted as a feasibility study in Manchester UK using a two-tiered screening test algorithm. Pre-established cutoff values (COV) for the first-tier C16:0 sulphatide (C16:0-S) and the second-tier ARSA tests were evaluated. Before the pre-pilot study, initial test validation using non‑neonatal diagnostic bloodspots demonstrated ARSA pseudodeficiency status was associated with normal C16:0-S results for age (n = 43) and hence not expected to cause false positive results in this first-tier test. Instability of ARSA in bloodspot required transfer of NBS bloodspots from ambient temperature to -20°C storage within 7-8 days after heel prick, the earliest possible in this UK pre-pilot study. Eleven of 3687 de-identified NBS samples in the pre-pilot were positive for C16:0-S based on the pre-established COV of ≥170 nmol/l or ≥ 1.8 multiples of median (MoM). All 11 samples were subsequently tested negative determined by the ARSA COV of <20% mean of negative controls. However, two of 20 NBS samples from MLD patients would be missed by this C16:0-S COV. A further suspected false negative case that displayed 4% mean ARSA activity by single ARSA analysis for the initial test validation was confirmed by genotyping of this NBS bloodspot, a severe late infantile MLD phenotype was predicted. This led to urgent assessment of this child by authority approval and timely commencement of arsa-cel gene therapy at 11 months old. Secondary C16:0-S analysis of this NBS bloodspot was 150 nmol/l or 1.67 MoM. This was the lowest result reported thus far, a new COV of 1.65 MoM is recommended for future pilot studies. Furthermore, preliminary data of this study showed C16:1-OH sulphatide is more specific for MLD than C16:0-S. In conclusion, this pre-pilot study adds to the international evidence that recommends newborn screening for MLD, making it possible for patients to benefit fully from treatment through early diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Newborn genetic screening (NBGS) based on next-generation sequencing offers enhanced disease detection and better detection rates than traditional newborn screening. However, challenges remain, especially around reporting the NBGS carrier results. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the NBGS carrier parents\' views on NBGS and NBGS reports in China.
    UNASSIGNED: We distributed a survey querying demographic information, knowledge and perceptions of NBGS, the impact of NBGS on a total of 2930 parents, and their decision-making to parents of newborns reported as carriers in NBGS in Nanjing, China in 2022.
    UNASSIGNED: The average age of the survey respondents was 30.7 years (standard deviation = 3.6). Most (68.38%) felt informed about NBGS, especially women, the highly educated, and high earners. Nearly all (98.74%) saw NBGS as crucial for early disease detection, with 73.18% believing it positively impacts their future. However, 19.16% felt it might cause anxiety, especially among the less educated. Concerns included potential discrimination due to exposed genetic data and strained family ties. Many suggested NBGS coverage by medical insurance to ease financial burdens.
    UNASSIGNED: Through our study, we gained insights into parents\' perspectives and concerns regarding the NBGS carrier result reporting, thus providing relevant information for further refinement and clinical promotion of the NBGS project.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Phenylketonuria (PKU) is an autosomal recessive disease that belongs to a group of disorders resulting from inborn errors of protein metabolism. It was the first disease included in neonatal screening. Neonatal screening has allowed an early diagnosis and treatment of the disease. As a result, an increasing number of women diagnosed with phenylketonuria have reached the reproductive phase of life in good health, and management of pregnancy in women with PKU is becoming more frequent.
    METHODS: In this study, we report the case of a 28-year-old Caucasian patient being followed up for phenylketonuria at Ramón y Cajal Hospital\'s Metabolic Diseases Unit. We describe the patient\'s gestation, impacted by her and her partner\'s diagnosis of PKU, classic and mild phenotypes, respectively, resulting in the fetus affectation.
    CONCLUSIONS: The description of PKU management-diagnosis, follow-up, and treatment-for both that of patient and that of the gestation with fetus affectation covers a wide sample scenario that shows the effectiveness of pregnancy planning and monitoring of females with PKU and questions the need to carry out a genetic study of gene PKU in the study of fertility.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This report illustrates a case that would have been missed in the most common screening algorithms used worldwide in newborn screening (NBS) for severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). Our patient presented with a clinical picture that suggested a severe inborn error of immunity (IEI). The 6-month-old baby had normal T-cell receptor excision circle (TREC) levels but no measurable level of kappa-deleting recombination excision circles (KRECs) in the NBS sample. A de novo IKZF1-mutation (c.476A>G, p.Asn159Ser) was found. The clinical picture, immunologic workup, and genetic result were consistent with IKZF1-related combined immunodeficiency (CID). Our patient had symptomatic treatment and underwent allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). IKZF1-related CID is a rare, serious, and early-onset disease; this case provides further insights into the phenotype, including KREC status.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    In infants as well as in older children, persistent or recurrent atelectasis remains a classic indication for sweat testing, even if neonatal screening for cystic fibrosis has been considered normal. Atelectasis is a common complication of cystic fibrosis. Yet, it has rarely been reported in infants. In cystic fibrosis, chronic atelectasis worsens the prognosis, especially when involving a lower lobe. Therefore, early and effective intervention is required. Antibiotic therapy, intensive chest physiotherapy together with inhaled mucolytics often allow to relieve bronchial obstruction but bronchoscopy with local aspiration and Dornase alpha instillation is sometimes necessary. In a two-month-old infant, we describe here the first reported case of false-negative cystic fibrosis newborn screening in Belgium.
    Chez le nourrisson comme chez l’enfant plus âgé, une atélectasie persistante ou récidivante reste une indication classique de test à la sueur, même si le dépistage néonatal de la mucoviscidose a été considéré comme normal. Rarement rapportées chez le nourrisson, les atélectasies sont une complication commune de la mucoviscidose. Dans cette affection, l’atélectasie chronique d’un territoire péjore le pronostic, en particulier si elle concerne un lobe inférieur. Une intervention précoce et efficace est donc requise. Antibiothérapie, kinésithérapie respiratoire intensive et recours aux fluidifiants par voie de nébulisation suffisent souvent à lever l’obstruction bronchique, mais une endoscopie avec aspiration locale et instillation de dornase alpha est parfois nécessaire. Chez un nourrisson de 2 mois, nous rapportons ici le premier cas de faux-négatif du programme belge de dépistage néonatal de la mucoviscidose.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We present a challenging case that illustrates how the clinical manifestations in children with CFTR mutations of uncertain significance may change over time. This case highlights the evolution of confirming a diagnosis of CF and emphasises the importance of regular review and monitoring of this patient cohort.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Newborn screening for congenital hypothyroidism (CH) has been highly effective in preventing devastating neurodevelopmental and physical sequelae in affected infants. We report a case of an ectopic thyroid gland located in the submandibular area detected at the age of 3 months, which was missed by congenital hypothyroidism screening test based on twice-repeated TSH measurement in dried blood spots. The diagnosis of subclinical hypothyroidism was confirmed on the basis of blood test performed in the endocrine clinic: TSH 26.3 µIU/ml (N: < 10 µIU/ml), with FT4 14.7 pmol/l (N: 10-25 pmol/l) and fT3 6.9 pmol/l (N: 3-8 pmol/l). Ultrasonography and scintigraphy revealed ectopically located thyroid tissue in the sublingual area. In the case of doubtful results of a neonatal screening test or in any case of suspected congenital hypothyroidism, the diagnosis should be supplemented with ultrasound examination of the neonate\'s neck and followed by scintigraphy if necessary.
    Badania przesiewowe noworodków w kierunku wrodzonej niedoczynności tarczycy (CH) charakteryzują się dużą skutecznością w zapobieganiu groźnym zaburzeniom neurorozwojowym dzieci dotkniętych tą chorobą. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek dziewczynki z wrodzoną niedoczynnością tarczycy w przebiegu ektopii gruczołu, u której na podstawie wyniku badania przesiewowego (dwukrotnie powtórzone oznaczenie TSH w suchej kropli krwi) wykluczono CH. Wyniki badań wykonanych w wieku 3 miesięcy pozwoliły na rozpoznanie subklinicznej niedoczynności tarczycy (TSH 26,3 µIU/ml; N: < 10 µIU/ml, przy FT4 14,7 pmol/l; N: 10–25 pmol/l i fT3 6,9 pmol/l; N: 3–8 pmol/l). Badaniami ultransonografii i scyntygrafii stwierdzono ektopowo zlokalizowaną tkankę tarczycy w okolicy podjęzykowej. Podsumowanie: w przypadku wątpliwych wyników badania przesiewowego noworodka lub podejrzenia wrodzonej niedoczynności tarczycy diagnozę należy uzupełnić o badanie ultrasonograficzne szyi noworodka, a następnie scyntygrafię, jeśli to konieczne.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports





