
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study summarizes two growing seasons (2020-2021) of microclimate characterization and vegetable crop growth in an agrivoltaics system in northern Colorado, USA. The replicated experiment evaluated three module transparency types (opaque silicon [0 % transparent], bifacial silicon [∼5 % transparent], and semi-transparent cadmium telluride [40 % transparent]) plus a full sun control, and four vegetable crop species (summer squash, peppers, tomatoes, and lettuce). Air temperature under the modules in July was approximately 0.5 °C cooler than in the full sun. Soil temperature (2.5 cm depth) maximum differences were more pronounced and were 5.8 °C, 9 °C, and 14.4 °C cooler under bifacial, semi-transparent, and opaque silicon, respectively. For summer squash growing directly under the solar modules, yield was significantly reduced under each of the module transparency types. However, there was no statistically significant yield reduction for peppers, tomatoes, and lettuce indicating their suitability in an agrivoltaics system. The numerical yield of most crops increased as the transparency of the solar modules increased, which could be the focus on future work.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The climate affects how a city\'s outdoor spaces are utilized. It is more likely that people will use and appreciate public areas designed for pedestrian use, such as parks, squares, streets, and foot-cycle pathways, when they provide a comfortable and healthy environment. A predicted increase in global temperature has made the climate uncomfortable, especially during the summer when heat stress is strengthened and anticipated. This phenomenon is more severe in urban areas, often affected by the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. Since the spatial characteristics of a city influence its climate, urban design can be deployed to mitigate the combined effects of climate change and UHI. This research is conducted to study the UHI effect on thermal comfort in an urban open space in Rome (Italy) and aims at identifying and implementing a methodology that urban designers can follow to reduce the impact of urban heat islands and increase thermal comfort in urban outdoor space. This study is based on an urban design concept adopting the Sustainable Development Goals as guidelines; it investigates how UHI\'s effect affects the use of public space and examines the influence of urban microclimatic conditions on the thermal perception of users through PET, PMV and PPD values, that were assessed through simulations with ENVI-MET software. The study thus proposes a redesign for the site in Rome, with a masterplan based on sustainable design principles, aimed at improving the microclimatic conditions in the site. The design solution was then validated through ex post simulations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Harvesting or degradation of forest ecosystems directly affects the microclimate, causing changes in air and soil temperatures and soil moisture in the forestlands. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effect of frequent clearcutting of forest cover on some selected soil properties, ambient and soil temperatures, soil moisture, and herbaceous vegetation cover and determine their recovery in a short period in the area subject to frequent clearcutting under the powerline corridors (PLCs). The study was conducted in the research forest of Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Faculty of Forestry. The treatment plots were selected from the clearcut area, and control plots were selected from an untouched oak-hornbeam forestland. Soil temperature and moisture and maximum and minimum ambient temperatures were measured in the treatment and control plots between 2020 and 2021 and topsoil sampled between 2019 and 2021. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) to test the effects of clearcutting on some selected soil properties in the short term after cutting. Clearcutting caused a significant increase in soil bulk density (BD) and a decrease in the soil total porosity (TP), soil hydraulic conductivity (HC), and saturation capacity (SC). Forest cover removal significantly decreased the soil organic matter (SOM) content by 3%, increased average soil temperature by 2.1 °C, and the difference between maximum and minimum temperatures by 8.8 °C. Additionally, clearcutting reduced the average soil moisture from 36 to 35%. The findings revealed that clearcutting negatively affected some hydro-physical soil properties and soil microclimate conditions that may not recover to their previous states within the next few years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Indoor air quality (IAQ) and indoor air pollution are critical issues impacting urban environments, significantly affecting the quality of life. Nowadays, poor IAQ is linked to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, allergic reactions, and cognitive impairments, particularly in settings like classrooms. Thus, this study investigates the impact of indoor environmental quality on student health in a university classroom over a year, using various sensors to measure 19 environmental parameters, including temperature, relative humidity, CO2, CO, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particulate matter (PM), and other pollutants. Thus, the aim of the study is to analyze the implications of the indoor microclimate for the health of individuals working in the classroom, as well as its implications for educational outcomes. The data revealed frequent exceedances of international standards for formaldehyde (HCHO), VOC, PM2.5, NO, and NO2. HCHO and VOCs levels, often originating from building materials and classroom activities, were notably high. PM2.5 levels exceeded both annual and daily standards, while NO and NO2 levels, possibly influenced by inadequate ventilation, also surpassed recommended limits. Even though there were numerous exceedances of current international standards, the indoor microclimate quality index (IMQI) score indicated a generally good indoor environment, remaining mostly between 0 and 50 for this indicator. Additionally, analyses indicate a high probability that some indicators will exceed the current standards, and their values are expected to trend upwards in the future. The study highlighted the need for better ventilation and pollutant control in classrooms to ensure a healthy learning environment. Frequent exceedances of pollutant standards can suggest a significant impact on student health and academic performance. Thus, the present study underscored the importance of continuous monitoring and proactive measures to maintain optimal indoor air quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soil moisture shapes ecological patterns and processes, but it is difficult to continuously measure soil moisture variability across the landscape. To overcome these limitations, soil moisture is often bioindicated using community-weighted means of the Ellenberg indicator values of vascular plant species. However, the ecology and distribution of plant species reflect soil water supply as well as atmospheric water demand. Therefore, we hypothesized that Ellenberg moisture values can also reflect atmospheric water demand expressed as a vapour pressure deficit (VPD). To test this hypothesis, we disentangled the relationships among soil water content, atmospheric vapour pressure deficit, and Ellenberg moisture values in the understory plant communities of temperate broadleaved forests in central Europe. Ellenberg moisture values reflected atmospheric VPD rather than soil water content consistently across local, landscape, and regional spatial scales, regardless of vegetation plot size, depth as well as method of soil moisture measurement. Using in situ microclimate measurements, we discovered that forest plant indicator values for moisture reflect an atmospheric VPD rather than soil water content. Many ecological patterns and processes correlated with Ellenberg moisture values and previously attributed to soil water supply are thus more likely driven by atmospheric water demand.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As global temperatures rise, droughts are becoming more frequent and severe. To predict how drought might affect plant communities, ecologists have traditionally designed drought experiments with controlled watering regimes and rainout shelters. Both treatments have proven effective for simulating soil drought. However, neither are designed to directly modify atmospheric drought. Here, we detail the efficacy of a silica gel atmospheric drought treatment in outdoor mesocosms with and without a co-occurring soil drought treatment. At California State University, Los Angeles, we monitored relative humidity, temperature, and vapor pressure deficit every 10 min for 5 months in bare-ground, open-top mesocosms treated with soil drought (reduced watering) and/or atmospheric drought (silica dehumidification packets suspended 12 cm above soil). We found that silica packets dehumidified these mesocosm microclimates most effectively (-5% RH) when combined with reduced soil water, regardless of the ambient humidity levels of the surrounding air. Further, packets increased microclimate vapor pressure deficit most effectively (+0.4 kPa) when combined with reduced soil water and ambient air temperatures above 20°C. Finally, packets simulated atmospheric drought most consistently when replaced within 3 days of deployment. Our results demonstrate the use of silica packets as effective dehumidification agents in outdoor drought experiments. We emphasize that incorporating atmospheric drought in existing soil drought experiments can improve our understandings of the ecological impacts of drought.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine heatwaves (MHWs), increasing in duration and intensity because of climate change, are now a major threat to marine life and can have lasting effects on the structure and function of ecosystems. However, the responses of marine taxa and ecosystems to MHWs can be highly variable, making predicting and interpreting biological outcomes a challenge. Here, we review how biological responses to MHWs, from individuals to ecosystems, are mediated by fine-scale spatial variability in the coastal marine environment (hereafter, local gradients). Viewing observed responses through a lens of ecological theory, we present a simple framework of three \'resilience processes\' (RPs) by which local gradients can influence the responses of marine taxa to MHWs. Local gradients (1) influence the amount of stress directly experienced by individuals, (2) facilitate local adaptation and acclimatization of individuals and populations, and (3) shape community composition which then influences responses to MHWs. We then synthesize known examples of fine-scale gradients that have affected responses of benthic foundation species to MHWs, including kelp forests, coral reefs, and seagrass meadows and link these varying responses to the RPs. We present a series of case studies from various marine ecosystems to illustrate the differential impacts of MHWs mediated by gradients in both temperature and other co-occurring drivers. In many cases, these gradients had large effect sizes with several examples of local gradients causing a 10-fold difference in impacts or more (e.g., survival, coverage). This review highlights the need for high-resolution environmental data to accurately predict and manage the consequences of MHWs in the context of ongoing climate change. While current tools may capture some of these gradients already, we advocate for enhanced monitoring and finer scale integration of local environmental heterogeneity into climate models. This will be essential for developing effective conservation strategies and mitigating future marine biodiversity loss.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Urban Heat Island (UHI) is acknowledged to generate harmful consequences on human health, and it is one of the main anthropogenic challenges to face in modern cities. Due to the urban dynamic complexity, a full microclimate decoding is required to design tailored mitigation strategies for reducing heat-related vulnerability. This study proposes a new method to assess intra-urban microclimate variability by combining for the first time two dedicated monitoring systems consisting of fixed and mobile techniques. Data from three fixed weather stations were used to analyze long-term trends, while mobile devices (a vehicle and a wearable) were used in short-term monitoring campaigns conducted in summer and winter to assess and geo-locate microclimate spatial variations. Additionally, data from mobile devices were used as input for Kriging interpolation in the urban area of Florence (Italy) as case study. Mobile monitoring sessions provided high-resolution spatial data, enabling the detection of hyperlocal variations in air temperature. The maximum air temperature amplitudes were verified with the wearable system: 3.3 °C in summer midday and 4.3 °C in winter morning. Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) demonstrated to be similar when comparing green areas and their adjacent built-up zone, showing up the microclimate mitigation contribution of greenery in its surrounding. Results also showed that mixing the two data acquisition and varied analysis techniques succeeded in investigating the UHI and the site-specific role of potential mitigation actions. Moreover, mobile dataset was reliable for elaborating maps by interpolating the monitored parameters. Interpolation results demonstrated the possibility of optimizing mobile monitoring campaigns by focusing on targeted streets and times of day since interpolation errors increased by 10% only with properly reduced and simplified input samples. This allowed an enhanced detection of the site-specific granularity, which is important for urban planning and policymaking, adaptation, and risk mitigation actions to overcome the UHI and anthropogenic climate change effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The global retreat of glaciers is dramatically altering mountain and high-latitude landscapes, with new ecosystems developing from apparently barren substrates1-4. The study of these emerging ecosystems is critical to understanding how climate change interacts with microhabitat and biotic communities and determines the future of ice-free terrains1,5. Here, using a comprehensive characterization of ecosystems (soil properties, microclimate, productivity and biodiversity by environmental DNA metabarcoding6) across 46 proglacial landscapes worldwide, we found that all the environmental properties change with time since glaciers retreated, and that temperature modulates the accumulation of soil nutrients. The richness of bacteria, fungi, plants and animals increases with time since deglaciation, but their temporal patterns differ. Microorganisms colonized most rapidly in the first decades after glacier retreat, whereas most macroorganisms took longer. Increased habitat suitability, growing complexity of biotic interactions and temporal colonization all contribute to the increase in biodiversity over time. These processes also modify community composition for all the groups of organisms. Plant communities show positive links with all other biodiversity components and have a key role in ecosystem development. These unifying patterns provide new insights into the early dynamics of deglaciated terrains and highlight the need for integrated surveillance of their multiple environmental properties5.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fine-scale variation in microclimates between habitats may impact energy consumption for the organisms that inhabit them. This may be particularly important for sedentary species or those unable to change habitats for long periods, such as hibernators. Low ambient temperatures were traditionally thought key to microclimatic selection for hibernation locations, but recent research suggests that other factors may contribute or exceed ambient temperature in importance. We aimed to characterise microclimates at hibernacula of wild hibernating hazel dormice Muscardinus avellanarius, and test how these microclimates differ to those at locations without hibernacula using a microclimatic modelling approach. Dormice hibernated in areas with warmer soil temperatures and lower variability in humidity and relative shortwave radiation. These results add to the growing body of evidence that low ambient temperatures may not be the primary driver of hibernation microclimate selection, although temperature is still likely to play an important role. We also found that ambient temperatures measured at the microclimatic level were substantially buffered compared to point samples taken at the nearest weather station (∼1.6 km away), highlighting the importance of considering microclimates in wildlife conservation in the face of future environmental change.





