
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Obesity is a chronic disease with several co-morbidities that increase morbidity and mortality and decrease quality of life. Psychopathologies are an important group of co-morbidities. In this study, it was aimed to search for the presence of depression and sexual dysfunction in patients with obesity, examine impact of obesity on marital adjustment, and highlight those important problems that are usually overlooked. Methods: Fifty patients who were seen in the obesity outpatient clinic in a random month as case group and gender-matched 50 healthy individuals as control group were included in the study. The inclusion criteria were body mass index (BMI) ≥30 kg/m2 and having a sexual partner. The exclusion criteria were having psychiatric/mental or any other chronic illness, using medication that would affect sexual functions, and alcohol/substance abuse. After recording the sociodemographic data, patients were asked to take three internationally validated questionnaires: The Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX), Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS), and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Results were analyzed using SPSS. Results: Fifty patients with obesity as case group and 50 normal weight healthy persons as control group were included in the study. BMI and BDI score were significantly higher in the case group than in the control group. DAS score was lower in the case group for consensus and affectional expression than the control group but there was no difference for satisfaction, cohesion, or total score between the groups. ASEX score was higher in the case group than in the control group. Conclusion: Patients with obesity have dyadic consensus problems with their partners. Their excessive weight causes distress and difficulty in expressing their feelings and usually results in marital problems and depression. Evaluation of the patient with a multidisciplinary approach in obesity centers will allow patients to be analyzed in every aspect of obesity including these issues and contribute to the success of the treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Partnered status is an independent predictor of clinical outcomes, including overall survival, among patients with cancer. However, the mechanisms by which partnered status impacts survival are not fully understood and to the authors\' knowledge the associations between partnered status and the specific attributes of chemotherapy have not been studied to date.
    The current study was an observational study of patients with resected American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) stage III colon cancer diagnosed from 2008 through 2015 and recruited from an academic cancer center and 2 large community oncology practices. Outcome measures were specific attributes of adjuvant chemotherapy. Partnered status (partnered vs unpartnered) was the primary independent variable. Bivariate comparisons between independent variables and the primary outcomes were performed. Associations between partnered status and the outcomes also were analyzed using multivariable generalized estimating equations using a logit link.
    Data were collected from 436 patients. Of these patients, approximately 65% were from community oncology practices. Approximately 62% were partnered (married or living with a partner), and approximately 86% received adjuvant chemotherapy. Among these individuals, 87% received multiagent chemotherapy and 65% completed 6 months of therapy. Partnered patients were found to have a higher odds of completing chemotherapy (odds ratio, 1.98; 95% CI, 1.04-3.77).
    In this innovative investigation of the associations between partnered status and specific attributes of curative-intent chemotherapy, approximately 35% of patients terminated chemotherapy early. Having a partner increased the odds of completing therapy, which may be one mechanism through which having a partner improves disease-specific outcomes among patients with colon cancer. Identifying those aspects of partner support that can be reproduced with community or clinical personnel may help unpartnered patients to complete the recommended course of curative-intent chemotherapy.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding how partners\' perceptions of their relationships predict couple distress and treatment outcomes can inform relationship interventions, because consensus on pretreatment relationship concerns has previously been related to better treatment outcomes. However, whether consensus specifically about relationship concerns is beneficial, or whether consensus more generally (e.g., about couples\' strengths) is also related to distress and treatment outcomes, is unknown. Therefore, to replicate and extend previous findings, the present study examined how 740 couples\' consensus regarding their relationship strengths and concerns was associated with their relationship distress and satisfaction from pre- to postintervention after completing the Relationship Checkup (an adaptation of the Marriage Checkup). Couples who presented with greater initial consensus on relationship concerns were less likely to be clinically distressed pre- and postintervention. Broadly, there were similar significant gains in relationship satisfaction from pre- to postintervention regardless of couples\' initial level of consensus on concerns. However, when distress was modeled categorically, couples with lower initial consensus on concerns showed greater improvement in distress levels than did those with higher consensus. There were no associations between partners\' consensus on strengths and their distress or satisfaction pre- or postintervention. Results indicate that a brief integrative relationship intervention can decrease relationship distress, even for couples that present with very different opinions about their relationship concerns. Implications of brief and acceptance-based models in couple education and therapy are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Investing in adolescent\'s health, especially, the role of girls in community health and future generations is one of the most important strategies of the Millennium Development Goals. In this regard, supplying adolescents\' special needs including access to educational, health and counseling services for promoting reproductive health have been emphasized. About 36% of registered marriages in Iran are under the age of 19 though, reproductive health services based on married adolescent girls` needs in social-cultural context were not predicted in national health system. Therefore, this study aim was designing a guideline for empowering married adolescents in reproductive health.
    METHODS: This is a sequential exploratory Mixed-method study conducted in three consecutive phases. The first phase, with a qualitative approach, explores needs, barriers and strategies for empowering married adolescent girls in reproductive health. In the second phase, a systematic review will be conducted to identify the recommendation and strategies for empowering married adolescent girls in reproductive health in other countries. Finally, in third phase, data from qualitative study and systematic review are emerged and the most important solutions and recommendations related to the issue are extracted and the final guideline is adapted by the experts.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study is attempting to provide a guideline containing comprehensive recommendations for health system` policy makers and providers in order to empowering adolescent girls in reproductive health.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the consensus and dissent of Catholics youths about HIV/AIDS prevention from their representations about sexuality.
    METHODS: This is a quantitative and qualitative research based on the Theory of Social Representations carried out with 84 Catholics youths who answered online to the Free Word Association Test on Facebook and three questions about the influence of Catholic doctrine on the free exercise of sexuality and the adoption of practice safe sex. The techniques of Factorial Analysis of Correspondence and Semantic Content were used.
    RESULTS: On sexuality, only the young women with access to higher education represented the term as a free practice that should not lead to guilt. There was a consensus on chastity, virginity, and sex within marriage as effective means of HIV prevention. It is also representational consensus of the young people that sexual practice is pleasurable, however, condemned by the church, and that AIDS is a preventable disease. Social representations have revealed dissent between men and women, while they consider that the exercise of sexuality should be restricted to marriage, they advocate sexual freedom. As for AIDS, they represent that the syndrome stems from prejudice, and they consider that vulnerability favors contagion.
    CONCLUSIONS: In the consensuses among the young people studied, there are sexist prejudices and stereotypes that influence HIV/AIDS prevention actions. Therefore, health professionals, especially those of Nursing should propose actions aimed at this age group in educational activities about the adoption of preventive practices on safe sex, always considering the social representations around the subject.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While the US Supreme Court was considering two related cases involving the constitutionality of same-sex marriage, one major question informing that decision was whether scientific research had achieved consensus regarding how children of same-sex couples fare. Determining the extent of consensus has become a key aspect of how social science evidence and testimony is accepted by the courts. Here, we show how a method of analyzing temporal patterns in citation networks can be used to assess the state of social scientific literature as a means to inform just such a question. Patterns of clustering within these citation networks reveal whether and when consensus arises within a scientific field. We find that the literature on outcomes for children of same-sex parents is marked by scientific consensus that they experience \"no differences\" compared to children from other parental configurations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adolescent pregnancy and its consequences represent a major public health concern in many low-middle income countries of the world. The World Health Organization has recently developed evidence-based guidelines addressing six areas: preventing early marriage; preventing early pregnancy through sexuality education, increasing education opportunities and economic and social support programs; increasing the use of contraception; reducing coerced sex; preventing unsafe abortion; and increasing the use of prenatal care childbirth and postpartum care. In each of these areas, World Health Organization recommends directions for future research. The summary concludes with a brief look at global and regional initiatives that provide a window of opportunity for stepping up action in this important area.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, groups who could not reach a consensus were investigated using the group polarization paradigm. The purpose was to explore the conditions leading to intragroup disagreement and attitude change following disagreement among 269 participants. Analysis indicated that the probability of consensus was low when the group means differed from the grand mean of the entire sample. When small differences among group members were found, depolarization (reverse direction of polarization) followed disagreement. These results suggested the groups which deviated most from the population tendency were the most likely to cause within-group disagreement, while within-group variances determined the direction of attitude change following disagreement within the group.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    The Vatican recently published directives (Dignitas Personae) regarding \"beginning of life\" issues that explain the Catholic Church\'s position regarding new technologies in this area. We think that it is important to develop a response that presents the traditional Orthodox Jewish position on these same issues in order to present an alternative, parallel system. There are many points of commonality between the Vatican document and traditional Jewish thought as well as several important issues where there is a divergence of opinion. The latter include the status of the zygote as produced during in vitro fertilization (IVF), the acceptable of procreation in a method other than through the conjugal act, and the permissibility of deriving benefit from the products of an illicit act. These points of agreement and disagreement are discussed in detail in this article.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Over the last three decades, the marital family model described by Durkheim at the end of the nineteenth century has undergone numerous changes, e.g. questioning about the principle of authority, women emancipation, occurrence of the \"new fathers\", the growing influence of the media on the daily life of families, the less frequent and most precious child (due to the reduced number of children per family),... Through clinical, psychoanalytical and developmental models we, here, analyze these changes together with their impact on child. Historical and sociological approaches also allowed us to examine some of the effects induced by consensus and hedonism, the new familial parameters, on the child\'s life and development. The modern family being classically founded upon duty (central value) and the principle of authority to settle relationships between individuals, its main features are opposed to those of the contemporary family. The latter, which started to emerge over the sixties, is characterized by both the prevalence of parent-child relationships symmetrization and the emergence of the search for immediate pleasure. The change from parental authority to consensus as a principle ruling the relationships within families leads to many consequences later noticed through changes in the construction of the child\'s psyche along his development and in the relationships dynamics. Authority imposes on child to submit to the parents-mediatized requirements of the society and implies a change in impulses through the setting of Superego agencies and Ego Ideal, which (both ?) represent taboos and social ideals in the psyche. When consensus is at the center of the family, and according to concrete meetings with the other offered by the thousand and one situations met in the daily life, the aims and satisfaction modalities of the child\'s impulses will evolve into a relation often based on either strength or seduction. As a result, the settlement of classical instances will be affected. It will result in. Considering hedonism as the central value in child education leads one to support the pleasure principle and contributes to making more difficult the switching to the reality principle. The couple \" I want, I don\'t want\" is at the origin of most behaviors, and then further leads to the development of the assertive agency, \"I do what I want, and thus I am\". The libidinal excitation is, therefore, little restricted and reinforced by the media-based environment. The child\'s Superego is built on the concrete practices of his parents, but not on their Superego, whereas the Ideal of Ego is poorly socialized and driven towards the ideal Ego, early narcissist formation with the signs of child megalomania. Due to these early years of life throughout which the pleasure principle has been favored by their environment, the children are not prepared for life with its restrictions and unavoidable frustrations possibly experienced as persecutions. In the same way, when they have to meet the requirements of life in community, eg the discipline imposed within a college, these rules are more and more often felt by a pupil as unfair, arbitrary persecutions sometimes related to his own personality, \"the teacher doesn\'t like me\" of course, it is all the more legitimate to rebel against them as the charter of the pupils\' rights, posted up in the school, has been read through very quickly by the teenagers. This mechanism takes one back to the archaically perception of environment by the very young child and to the projection developed by S. Freud in his description of the building \"Ego-pure pleasure\", (moi-plaisir purifie) (The Ego and the id, 1920). The opposed mechanism is expressed through an experience of shame felt by the subject when he is unable to satisfy, not the requests of his own impulses, but the social group\'s requirements. From the libidinal point of view, advertisements stimulate one\'s desires, incite one to consume and are at the origin of consumer needs. As a consequence, there is a resonance between the individual pleasure principle and the promotion of hedonism suggested by the society. The modern children have their mastery of impulse motions hampered by this phenomenon. The temporality of , new children \" in new families sounds centered on the present, which is made of moments of eternity, always restarted (cyclic time of the first ages of life) ; it overrides historical time with a start, an end and references to intergeneration difference and filiations. This prevalence of present offers few support to neurotic defenses, with predictable problems in social interactions due to an inability to manage the tensions issued from the time discrepancies between one and his alter ego. Tran cultural studies have shown that to any social and cultural organization corresponds one or several basic personalities; among them, modem society has exuded the standard neurotic personality characterized by an ample mental space, a strict modulation of behaviors governed by the representations play and spreading out in Le théâtre du Je (The I theatre, Mac Dougall, 1982), a conflict between desire and internalized taboo, and the problematic of transgression and guilt. The modern family produces different personality structures. This led us to assume new basic personalities as follows, and to envision some psychopathological consequences: The passive dependent personality with an extreme narcissist fragility and at high risks of depressive disorders; The perverse-anarchistic personality characterized by subjects unable to feel guilty, taking at the best advantage of others to achieve his own ends thanks to his grasping of social situations and to his own seduction, lacking of true empathy; The slightly-psychopathic personality: these subjects can integrate well, but for a short time, in a social structure. They need to frequently find a new job, move in another place or country. Their relationships with others are always disrupted and changing for they can be involved in only short commitments. They are very susceptible to immediate gratifications.





