Language Therapy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The S3 Guideline on the Treatment of Language Development Disorders: Summary of Recommendations Abstract: The German S3 Guidelines on the Treatment of Developmental Speech and Language Disorders (AWMF: No. 049-015) were published on the AWMF homepage at the end of 2022. The German Society for Phoniatrics and Paedaudiologie coordinated the work and developed the guideline text together with linguists and speech and language therapists. Many scientific medical societies consented to the respective recommendations. For the first time in the German-speaking area, the guideline group reviewed international research results on the treatment of various speech and language disorders and formulated evidence- or consensus-based recommendations for clinical care. The present article summarizes these recommendations and evaluates the guidelines from the perspective of child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy.
    Zusammenfassung: Die S3-Leitlinie zur Therapie von Sprachentwicklungsstörungen (AWMF: Nr. 049-015), die Ende 2022 auf der Homepage der AWMF veröffentlich wurde, ist unter Federführung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie in Kooperation mit zahlreichen Sprachwissenschaftler_innen und Sprachtherapeut_innen entwickelt und von zahlreichen wissenschaftlichen medizinischen Fachgesellschaften konsentiert worden. Die Leitliniengruppe hat erstmalig für den deutschen Sprachraum versucht, die internationale Studienlage zur Therapie unterschiedlicher Sprach- und Sprechstörungen aufzuarbeiten und darauf basierend Evidenz- oder auch Konsensus-basierte Empfehlungen für die klinische Versorgung zu formulieren. In dem vorliegenden Artikel werden diese Empfehlungen zusammenfassend dargestellt, und es wird eine Wertung der Leitlinie aus Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrischer Sicht vorgenommen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Approximately 9.9 % of children present with difficulties in language development (DLD), 7.6 % without serious additional impairments and 2.3 % associated with languagerelevant comorbidities, e.g., hearing loss. Notably, in a consensus statement by experts in German-speaking countries, in the guideline presented here, and further in this article, all of these disorders are referred to as \"developmental language disorders\" (DLD), whereas the international consortium CATALISE only refers to those without comorbidities as DLD. DLDs are among the most commonly treated childhood disorders and, if persistent, often reduce educational and socio-economic outcome. Children in their third year of life with developmental language delay (late talkers, LT) are at risk of a later DLD.
    This German interdisciplinary clinical practice guideline reflects current knowledge regarding evidence-based interventions for developmental language delay and disorders. A systematic literature review was conducted on the effectiveness of interventions for DLD.
    The guideline recommends parent training (Hedges g = 0.38 to 0.82) for LTs with expressive language delay, language therapy (Cohen\'s d = -0.20 to 0.90) for LTs with additional receptive language delay or further DLD risk factors, phonological or integrated phonological treatment methods (Cohen\'s d = 0.89 to 1.04) for phonological speech sound disorders (SSDs), a motor approach for isolated phonetic SSDs (non-DLD), and for lexical-semantic and morpho-syntactic impairments combinations of implicit and explicit intervention approaches (including input enrichment, modeling techniques, elicitation methods, creation of production opportunities, metalinguistic- approaches, visualizations; Cohen\'s d = 0.89-1.04). Recom mendations were also made for DLD associated with pragmatic-communicative impairment, bi-/ multilingualism, hearing loss, intellectual disability, autism-spectrum disorders, selective mutism, language- relevant syndromes or multiple disabilities, and for intensive inpatient language rehabilitation.
    Early parent- and child-centered speech and language intervention implementing evidence-based intervention approaches, frequency, and settings, combined with educational language support, can improve the effectiveness of management of developmental language delay and disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Speech sound disorders (SSDs) are the most common form of communication disorders in children. SSD have an impact on children\'s abilities to make themselves understood to their listeners and can influence a child\'s social and emotional well-being as well as their academic achievements. Therefore, it is important to identify children with an SSD early, in order to provide appropriate intervention. A wealth of information on best practice in the assessment of children with SSD is available in countries where the speech and language therapy profession is well established. In Sri Lanka, there is a paucity of research evidence supporting assessment practices that are culturally and linguistically appropriate in SSDs. Therefore, clinicians rely on informal assessment methods. There is a need to understand more about how clinicians in Sri Lanka assess this caseload in order to get general agreement regarding comprehensive and consistent procedures for assessment of paediatric SSD in Sri Lanka. This would support speech and language therapists\' (SLTs\') clinical decision-making in relation to choice of appropriate goals and intervention for this caseload.
    To develop and gain consensus on an assessment protocol for Sri Lankan children with SSD that is culturally appropriate and based on existing research.
    A modified Delphi method was utilised to gather data from clinicians currently working in Sri Lanka. The research involved three rounds of data collection, exploring current assessment practices in Sri Lanka, ranking these in order of priority and establishing consensus on a proposed assessment protocol. The proposed assessment protocol was based on the results of the first and second rounds as well as previously published best practice guidelines.
    The proposed assessment protocol achieved consensus in relation to content, format and cultural appropriateness. SLTs affirmed the usefulness of the protocol within the Sri Lankan context. Further research is required to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of this protocol in practice.
    The assessment protocol supports practicing SLTs with a general guide to assessing children with suspected SSDs in Sri Lanka. The application of this protocol built upon consensus enables clinicians to improve their individual practice patterns based on best practice recommendations in the literature and the evidence on culturally and linguistically appropriate practices. This study has identified the need for further research in this area, including the development of culturally and linguistically specific assessment tools that would complement the use of this protocol.
    What is already known on the subject The assessment of children with speech sound disorders (SSDs) requires a comprehensive and holistic approach due to their heterogeneous nature. Although there is evidence to support the assessment of paediatric SSDs in many countries where the profession of speech and language therapy is established, there is limited evidence to support the assessment of children with SSDs in Sri Lanka. What this study adds This study provides information about current assessment practices in Sri Lanka and consensus on a proposed culturally appropriate protocol for the assessment of children with SSDs in this country. What are the clinical implications of this work? The proposed assessment protocol provides speech and language therapists in Sri Lanka with a guide for assessment of paediatric SSDs to support more consistent practice in this area. Future evaluation of this preliminary protocol is required; however, the methodology used in this research could be applied to the development of assessment protocols for other range of practice areas in this country.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a language-led dementia associated with Alzheimer\'s pathology and fronto-temporal lobar degeneration. Multiple tailored speech and language interventions have been developed for people with PPA. Speech and language therapists/speech-language pathologists (SLT/Ps) report lacking confidence in identifying the most pertinent interventions options relevant to their clients living with PPA during their illness trajectory.
    The aim of this study was to establish a consensus amongst 15 clinical-academic SLT/Ps on best practice in selection and delivery of speech and language therapy interventions for people with PPA. An online nominal group technique (NGT) and consequent focus group session were held. NGT rankings were aggregated and focus groups video recorded, transcribed, and reflexive thematic analysis undertaken.
    The results of the NGT identified 17 items. Two main themes and seven further subthemes were identified in the focus groups. The main themes comprised (1) philosophy of person-centredness and (2) complexity. The seven subthemes were knowing people deeply, preventing disasters, practical issues, professional development, connectedness, barriers and limitations, and peer support and mentoring towards a shared understanding.
    This study describes the philosophy of expert practice and outlines a set of best practice principles when working with people with PPA.Implications for rehabilitationPrimary progressive aphasia (PPA) describes a group of language led dementias which deteriorate inexorably over time.Providing speech and language therapy for people with PPA is complex and must be person centred and bespoke.This study describes the philosophy of expert practice and outlines a set of best practice principles for speech and language therapists/pathologists working with people with people with PPA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Impairments to comprehension and production of speech (aphasia, dysarthria) and swallowing disorders (dysphagia) are common sequelae of stroke, reducing patients\' quality of life and social participation. Treatment oriented on evidence-based guidelines seems likely to improve outcomes. Currently, little is known about guideline adherence in stroke aftercare for the above-mentioned sequelae. This study aims to analyse guideline adherence in the treatment of aphasia, dysarthria and dysphagia after stroke, based on suitable test parameters, and to determine factors that influence the implementation of recommended therapies.
    Six test parameters were defined, based on systematic study of guidelines for the treatment of speech impairments and swallowing disorders (e.g. comprehensive diagnostics, early initiation and continuity). Guideline adherence in treatment was tested using claims data from four statutory health insurance companies. Multivariate logistic and linear regression analyses were performed in order to test the outcomes.
    4,486 stroke patients who were diagnosed with specific disorders or received speech therapy were included in the study. The median age was 78 years; the proportion of women was 55.9%. Within the first year after the stroke, 90.3% of patients were diagnosed with speech impairments and swallowing disorders. Overall, 44.1% of patients received outpatient speech and language therapy aftercare. Women were less frequently diagnosed with specific disorders (OR 0.70 [95%CI:0.55/0.88], p = 0.003) and less frequently received longer therapy sessions (OR 0.64 [95%CI:0.43/0.94], p = 0.022). Older age and longer hospitalization duration increased the likelihood of guideline recommendations being implemented and of earlier initiation of stroke aftercare measures.
    Our observations indicate deficits in the implementation of guideline recommendations in stroke aftercare. At the same time, they underscore the need for regular monitoring of implementation measures in stroke aftercare to address group-based disparities in care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of recent dyslexia legislation and guidelines pertaining to services for students with dyslexia in public school settings and to describe possible implications for speech-language pathologists (SLPs).
    In recent years, there has been increased attention focused on effectively meeting the needs of students with dyslexia nationwide. The Decoding Dyslexia organization has chapters in all 50 states in the nation, and they have been instrumental in promoting public awareness of the importance of improving services for students with dyslexia. As a result, new legislation, policies and guidelines have been introduced and developed in many states. California is an example of 1 state that has recently passed legislation in this area and released guidelines that serve as recommendations related to this law. This article provides a broad overview of recent dyslexia legislation, with more specific information pertaining to recent legislation and guidelines in the state of California. Clinical implications for SLPs who serve this population in school settings are also discussed.
    The information discussed in this article may serve as a useful model for states that are in the process of developing or revising their own policies or guidelines for meeting the needs of students with dyslexia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evidence-based management guidelines for communication and swallowing disorders following pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI) are scarcely available, potentially resulting in suboptimal outcomes. To improve clinical care of this population, a multidisciplinary guideline development committee was formed to develop evidence-based recommendation (EBR) and consensus-based recommendation (CBR) for the management of speech, language, and swallowing disorders during the first year of recovery.
    A 3-round Delphi survey was completed by the committee to reach agreement (80% consensus) for the CBRs. Systematic review evidence guided development of EBRs, devised using the National Health and Medical Research Council statement form.
    Altogether, 30 recommendations (5 EBRs and 25 CBRs) were developed to guide management of speech, language, and swallowing disorders, including prediction of these disorders; health team required, optimal timing of assessment; assessment tools; intervention strategies and commencement of treatment; and key information to support parents.
    The developed recommendations provide a basis for the systematic management of communication and swallowing disorders to be refined as new evidence emerges. Key recommendations include screening of children with moderate/severe TBI for these disorders acutely using specified measures. Patients with severe TBI and prolonged ventilation are a particular at-risk group and should be considered for early referral to speech-language pathology to support timely diagnosis and management. No evidence was identified to support an EBR for treatment, highlighting a key area for research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The present investigation examines the time, effort, and resources that evidence-based practice (EBP) requires, and looks at what types of results are obtained.
    METHODS: Principles of EBP as outlined by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association were applied to 3 treatment case studies.
    RESULTS: The cases took between 3 and 7 hr to complete and yielded different amounts and types of results. Individual article searches yielded better results than did searches of systematic reviews. Most evidence found was from small-group and individual case studies.
    CONCLUSIONS: EBP is a necessary part of effective and ethical treatment. The resources needed, time involved, and availability of relevant information make current guidelines for EBP challenging for most full-time practitioners. Specific recommendations to address these concerns are offered.





