
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    KKT4 is a multi-domain kinetochore protein specific to kinetoplastids, such as Trypanosoma brucei. It lacks significant sequence similarity to known kinetochore proteins in other eukaryotes. Our recent X-ray structure of the C-terminal region of KKT4 shows that it has a tandem BRCT (BRCA1 C Terminus) domain fold with a sulfate ion bound in a typical binding site for a phosphorylated serine or threonine. Here we present the 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments for the BRCT domain of KKT4 (KKT4463-645) from T. brucei. We show that the BRCT domain can bind phosphate ions in solution using residues involved in sulfate ion binding in the X-ray structure. We have used these assignments to characterise the secondary structure and backbone dynamics of the BRCT domain in solution. Mutating the residues involved in phosphate ion binding in T. brucei KKT4 BRCT results in growth defects confirming the importance of the BRCT phosphopeptide-binding activity in vivo. These results may facilitate rational drug design efforts in the future to combat diseases caused by kinetoplastid parasites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The search-and-capture model of spindle assembly has been a guiding principle for understanding prometaphase for decades. The computational model presented allows one to address two questions: how rapidly the microtubule-kinetochore connections are made, and how accurate these connections are. In most previous numerical simulations, the model geometry was drastically simplified. Using the CellDynaMo computational platform, we previously introduced a geometrically and mechanically realistic 3D model of the prometaphase mitotic spindle, and used it to evaluate thermal noise and microtubule kinetics effects on the capture of a single chromosome. Here, we systematically investigate how geometry and mechanics affect a spindle assembly\'s speed and accuracy, including nuanced distinctions between merotelic, mero-amphitelic, and mero-syntelic chromosomes. We find that softening of the centromere spring improves accuracy for short chromosome arms, but accuracy disappears for long chromosome arms. Initial proximity of chromosomes to one spindle pole makes assembly accuracy worse, while initial chromosome orientation matters less. Chromokinesins, added onto flexible chromosome arms, allow modeling of the polar ejection force, improving a spindle assembly\'s accuracy for a single chromosome. However, spindle space crowding by multiple chromosomes worsens assembly accuracy. Our simulations suggest that the complex microtubule network of the early spindle is key to rapid and accurate assembly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Time-lapse fluorescence microscopy has revolutionized the understanding of meiotic cell-cycle events by providing temporal and spatial data that is often not seen by imaging fixed cells. Budding yeast has proved to be an important model organism to study meiotic chromosome segregation because many meiotic genes are highly conserved. Time-lapse microscopy of meiosis in budding yeast allows the monitoring of different meiotic mutants to show how the mutation disrupts meiotic processes. However, many proteins function at multiple points in meiosis. The use of loss-of-function or meiotic null mutants can therefore disrupt an early process, blocking or disturbing the later process and making it difficult to determine the phenotypes associated with each individual role. To circumvent this challenge, this protocol describes how the proteins can be conditionally depleted from the nucleus at specific stages of meiosis while monitoring meiotic events using time-lapse microscopy. Specifically, this protocol describes how the cells are synchronized in prophase I, how the anchor away technique is used to deplete proteins from the nucleus at specific meiotic stages, and how time-lapse imaging is used to monitor meiotic chromosome segregation. As an example of the usefulness of the technique, the kinetochore protein Ctf19 was depleted from the nucleus at different time points during meiosis, and the number of chromatin masses was analyzed at the end of meiosis II. Overall, this protocol can be adapted to deplete different nuclear proteins from the nucleus while monitoring the meiotic divisions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kinesin-14s constitute a subfamily of the large superfamily of adenosine triphosphate-dependent microtubule-based motor proteins. Kinesin-14s have the motor domain at the C-terminal end of the peptide, playing key roles during spindle assembly and maintenance. Some of them are nonprocessive motors, whereas others can move processively on microtubules. Here, we take budding yeast Cik1-Kar3 and human HSET as examples to study theoretically the dynamics of the processive kinesin-14 motor moving on the single microtubule under load, the dynamics of the motor coupled with an Ndc80 protein moving on the single microtubule, the dynamics of the motor moving in microtubule arrays, and so on. The dynamics of the nonprocessive Drosophila Ncd motor is also discussed. The studies explain well the available experimental data and, moreover, provide predicted results. We show that the processive kinesin-14 motors can move efficiently in microtubule arrays toward the minus ends, and after reaching the minus ends, they can stay there stably, thus performing the function of organizing the microtubules in the bipolar spindle into polar arrays at the spindle poles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The separation of duplicated chromosomes during mitosis is a pivotal step in the process of cellular division. Therefore, the orchestrated events that take place to ensure proper attachment and stabilization of kMTs are keen areas of interest in the mitosis field. Here we describe the methods used to study kMT attachments via in vitro biochemical methods and in vivo cell biological approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mitotic spindle is a complex structure that coordinates the accurate segregation of chromosomes during cell division. To understand how the mitotic spindle operates at the molecular level, high resolution imaging is needed. Serial block face-scanning electron microscopy (SBF-SEM) is a technique that can be used to visualize the ultrastructure of entire cells, including components of the mitotic spindle such as microtubules, kinetochores, centrosomes, and chromosomes. Although transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has higher resolution, the reconstruction of large volumes using TEM and tomography is labor intensive, whereas SBF-SEM takes only days to process, image, and segment samples. SBF-SEM fills the resolution gap between light microscopy (LM) and TEM. When combined with LM, SBF-SEM provides a platform where dynamic cellular events can be selected and imaged at high resolution. Here we outline methods to use correlation and SBF-SEM to study mitotic spindle architecture in 3D with high resolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A number of paths have led to the present list of centromere proteins, which is essentially complete for constitutive structural proteins, but still may be only partial if we consider the many other proteins that briefly visit the centromere and kinetochore to fine-tune the chromatin and adjust other functions. Elegant genetics led to the description of the budding yeast point centromere in 1980. In the same year was published the serendipitous discovery of antibodies that stained centromeres of human mitotic chromosomes in antisera from CREST patients. Painstaking biochemical analyses led to the identification of the human centromere antigens several years later, with the first yeast proteins being described 6 years after that. Since those early days, the discovery and cloning of centromere and kinetochore proteins has largely been driven by improvements in technology. These began with expression cloning methods, which allowed antibodies to lead to cDNA clones. Next, functional screens for kinetochore proteins were made possible by the isolation of yeast centromeric DNAs. Ultimately, the completion of genome sequences for humans and model organisms permitted the coupling of biochemical fractionation with protein identification by mass spectrometry. Subsequent improvements in mass spectrometry have led to the current state where virtually all structural components of the kinetochore are known and where a high-resolution map of the entire structure will likely emerge within the next several years.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Micronuclei (MNi) are extensively used to evaluate genotoxicity and chromosomal instability. Classification of kinetochore-negative (K-MNi) and kinetochore-positive micronuclei (K+MNi) improves the specificity and sensitivity of the micronucleus (MN) test; however, the fundamental differences in the origins of K-MNi and K+MNi have not been addressed due to the limitations of traditional methods. In the current study, HeLa CENP B-GFP H2B-mCherry cells were constructed in which histone 2B (H2B) and centromere protein B (CENP B) were expressed as fusion proteins to monomeric Cherry (mCherry) and EGFP, respectively. MNi were identified using H2B-mCherry; K+MN contained CENP B-GFP, while K-MN did not. Long-term live cell imaging was conducted to examine MN formation in the dual-color fluorescent HeLa cells. The results suggested that K-MNi were derived from kinetochore-negative displaced chromosomes (K-DCs), kinetochore-negative lagging chromosomes (K-LCs) and fragments of broken chromosome bridges (CBs) during late mitotic stages. The results also indicated that K+MNi are derived from kinetochore-positive displaced chromosomes (K+DCs), kinetochore-positive lagging chromosomes (K+LCs), and fragments of broken CBs. Different aberrant chromosomes emerged during mitosis at different frequencies and developed into K-MNi and/or K+MNi in the daughter cells at different rates. K+LCs formed K+MNi at a higher frequency than K+DCs, and K-LCs formed K-MNi at a higher rate than K-DCs; however, broken CBs transformed into K-MNi and/or K+MNi. In summary, these results show that K-MNi and K+MNi have different origins in HeLa cells and that each mechanism of MN formation contributes differently to the overall number of K-MNi and K+MNi.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We detail our use of computer-controlled optical traps to study interactions between kinetochore components and dynamic microtubules. Over the last two decades optical traps have helped uncover the working principles of conventional molecular motors, such as kinesin and dynein, but only recently have they been applied to study kinetochore function. The most useful traps combine sensitive position detectors and servo-control, allowing them to be operated as force clamps that maintain constant loads on objects as they move. Our instrument, which is among the simplest designs that permits force clamping, relies on a computer-controlled piezoelectric stage and a single laser for trapping and position detection. We apply it in motility assays where beads coated with pure microtubule-binding kinetochore components are attached to the tips of individual dynamic microtubules. Like kinetochores in vivo, the beads remain tip-attached, undergoing movements coupled to filament assembly and disassembly. The force clamp provides many benefits over instruments that lack feedback control. It allows tension to be applied continuously during both assembly- and disassembly-driven movement, providing a close match to the physiological situation. It also enables tracking with high resolution, and simplifies data interpretation by eliminating artifacts due to molecular compliance. The formation of persistent, load-bearing attachments to dynamic microtubule tips is fundamental to all kinetochore activities. Our direct, physical study of kinetochore-microtubule coupling may therefore furnish insights into many vital kinetochore functions, including correction of aberrant attachments and generation of the \'wait-anaphase\' signals that delay mitosis until all kinetochores are properly attached.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genomic stability depends on the normal function of the kinetochore, a multi-protein assemblage, which consists of over 80 molecules including both constitutive and transiently binding components. Information regarding the spatial-temporal assembly of kinetochore subcomplexes is often limited by technical difficulties in their isolation. To study kinetochore subcomplex formation, we targeted separately Hec1 and Spc24, two subunits of the Ndc80 kinetochore compilation, to the plasma membrane by fusing them with the amino-terminal palmitoylation and myristoylation (pm) sequence of the receptor tyrosine kinase Fyn. We found that in early mitotic cells, pm-GFP-Hec1 and pm-GFP-Spc24 fusion proteins localised to the plasma membrane and were able to recruit all subunits of the Ndc80 complex (Ndc80/Hec1, Nuf2, Spc24 and Spc25) to these foci. In interphase cells, only Hec1-Nuf2 and Spc24-Spc25 heterodimers accumulated to the plasma membrane foci. The results propose that the assembly of Ndc80 tetramer can take place outside of the kinetochore but requires co-factors that are only present in mitotic cells. These findings provide the first experimental evidence on the successful employment of the plasma membrane targeting technique in the study of kinetochore biochemistry.





