Industrial Development

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is believed that polysaccharides will become a focal point for future production of food, pharmaceuticals, and materials due to their ubiquitous and renewable nature, as well as their exceptional properties that have been extensively validated in the fields of nutrition, healthcare, and materials. Sulfated polysaccharides derived from seaweed sources have attracted considerable attention owing to their distinctive structures and properties. The genus Codium, represented by the species C. fragile, holds significance as a vital economic green seaweed and serves as a traditional Chinese medicinal herb. To date, the cell walls of the genus Codium have been found to contain at least four types of sulfated polysaccharides, specifically pyruvylated β-d-galactan sulfates, sulfated arabinogalactans, sulfated β-l-arabinans, and sulfated β-d-mannans. These sulfated polysaccharides exhibit diverse biofunctions, including anticoagulant, immune-enhancing, anticancer, antioxidant activities, and drug-carrying capacity. This review explores the structural and biofunctional diversity of sulfated polysaccharides derived from the genus Codium. Additionally, in addressing the impending challenges within the industrialization of these polysaccharides, encompassing concerns regarding scale-up production and quality control, we outline potential strategies to address these challenges from the perspectives of raw materials, extraction processes, purification technologies, and methods for quality control.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Globally, many resource extraction projects such as mines and hydroelectric dams are developed on the territories of Indigenous Peoples. Recognising land as a determinant of Indigenous Peoples\' health, our objective is to synthesise evidence about the mental health impacts on Indigenous communities who experience land dispossession due to industrial resource development (mining, hydroelectric, petroleum, and agricultural). We systematically reviewed studies that focused on Indigenous land dispossession in Australia, Aotearoa (New Zealand), North and South America, and the Circumpolar North. We searched Scopus, Medline, Embase, PsycINFO, and Global Health on OVID for peer-reviewed articles published in English from database inception to Dec 31, 2020. We also searched for books, research reports, and scholarly journals specialising in Indigenous health or Indigenous research. We included documents that reported on primary research, focused on Indigenous Peoples in settler colonial states, and reported on mental health and industrial resource development. Of the 29 included studies, 13 were related to hydroelectric dams, 11 to petroleum developments, nine to mining, and two to agriculture. Land dispossession due to industrial resource development had predominantly negative mental health impacts on Indigenous communities. The impacts were consequences of colonial relations that threatened Indigenous identities, resources, languages, traditions, spirituality, and ways of life. Health impact assessment processes in industrial resource development must expressly consider risks and potential impacts on mental health and respect Indigenous rights by making knowledge about mental health risks a central component to decisions about free, prior, and informed consent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Health apps offer an approach to improve the patients\' management of their medication. Although the Digital Healthcare Act (DVG) has created a claim in the statutory health insurance (SHI), the large number of health apps available and their varying quality make it difficult for service providers and especially for medical laypersons to select an adequate high-quality medication app. Manufacturers need guidance for the development of high-quality apps right from the start. Various general evaluation concepts for health apps have been available to date. However, the requirements that should be met by healthcare depend largely on the field of application and the type of apps. This article aims to provide an overview of the international evidence on specific criteria for the evaluation of medication apps.
    UNASSIGNED: Within the framework of a scoping review, a systematic search was conducted in PubMed and EMBASE on January 29, 2020. The search was limited to publications from 2007 onwards as well as to English and German articles. Additionally, a semi-systematic research of reference lists of the previously included articles as well as a structured search of websites of relevant stakeholders were conducted. Inclusion criteria were the following: the publication deals with health apps that can be used on smartphones and focus on supporting medication intake; the publication does not refer to evaluation criteria for a single app exclusively. The included publications were examined in a qualitative content analysis searching for evaluation criteria and categorizing them according to the framework criteria of the DVG and the Digital Health Applications Ordinance (DiGAV).
    UNASSIGNED: 2,542 articles were identified in the systematic search (999 in PubMed, 1,543 in EMBASE, 560 duplicates). A total of 16 studies met the inclusion criteria. The semi-systematic research and the structured search identified one further study. A catalog of criteria was developed based on the included 17 studies. This catalog covers the general topics \"patient orientation\" (data protection and security, consumer protection, user friendliness) and \"quality/core functions of medication apps\" (reminder, self-monitoring, (drug) information, motivation to change behavior, drug/patient safety, robustness) as well as \"interoperability/cooperation\". Due to its specific importance for medication apps, the subcategory \"motivation for behavioral change\" stands out beneath the general topic \"quality/core functions of medication apps\". This category aims to evaluate the design of individual functions with regard to their potential to actually change the behavior of app users.
    UNASSIGNED: The criteria for the evaluation of health apps mentioned in the DiGAV intersected with the criteria identified in the literature research. However, the area of positive health care effects was hardly covered by the included studies. In the development of the criteria catalog, it was not possible to weight the identified criteria. Therefore, the catalog should be understood as a supporting checklist for service providers, manufacturers, and/or users.
    UNASSIGNED: A large variety of possible evaluation criteria for medication apps could be shown. Future research should focus on the possibilities of weighting these diverse evaluation criteria, using not only clinical studies but also methods to identify preferences.
    UNASSIGNED: Gesundheits-Apps bieten einen möglichen Lösungsansatz zur Verbesserung des Medikamentenmanagements durch Patienten. Zwar wurde mit dem Digitale-Versorgung-Gesetz (DVG) ein Anspruch in der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung (GKV) geschaffen, aber die Vielzahl angebotener Gesundheits-Apps mit schwankender Qualität machen es dem Leistungserbringer und vor allem dem medizinischen Laien schwer, eine bedarfsgerechte und qualitativ hochwertige Medikations-App auszuwählen. Auch Hersteller benötigen für die Entwicklung von qualitativ hochwertigen Apps von Anfang an Orientierungshilfen. Bislang liegen diverse allgemeine Bewertungskonzepte für Gesundheits-Apps vor. Welche Anforderungen Gesundheits-Apps erfüllen sollten, hängt jedoch maßgeblich von der Einsatzsituation beziehungsweise dem Typ der App ab. Daher ist die Zielsetzung des vorliegenden Beitrags, einen Überblick über die internationale Evidenzlage zu spezifischen Kriterien zur Bewertung von Medikations-Apps zu schaffen.
    UNASSIGNED: Im Rahmen eines Scoping Reviews wurde eine systematische Recherche am 29. Januar 2020 in PubMed und EMBASE durchgeführt. Die Suche wurde auf Publikationen ab dem Jahr 2007 und auf englische sowie deutsche Artikel beschränkt. Ergänzt wurde diese durch eine teilsystematische Recherche in den Referenzlisten der zuvor eingeschlossenen Artikel sowie auf Internetseiten von relevanten Stakeholdern. Einschlusskriterien waren: Die Publikation befasst sich mit Gesundheits-Apps, die auf dem Smartphone genutzt werden können und ihren Fokus auf die Unterstützung der Medikamenteneinnahme legen. Zudem durfte die Publikation nicht ausschließlich auf Bewertungskriterien für eine einzelne App bezogen sein. Die identifizierten Publikationen wurden in einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse nach Bewertungskriterien untersucht und diese in Anlehnung an die Rahmenkriterien des DVG bzw. der Digitale-Gesundheitsanwendungen-Verordnung (DiGAV) kategorisiert.
    UNASSIGNED: Die systematische Recherche ergab 2.542 Treffer (999 in PubMed, 1.543 in EMBASE, 560 Dubletten). Insgesamt erfüllten 16 Studien die Einschlusskriterien. Die teilsystematische Recherche identifizierte eine weitere Studie. Der auf Basis der 17 Studien entwickelte Kriterienkatalog umfasst die Oberthemen „Patientenorientierung“ (Datenschutz und -sicherheit, Verbraucherschutz, Nutzerfreundlichkeit) und „Qualität/Kernfunktionen von Medikations-Apps“ (Erinnerung, Selbstüberwachung, (Arzneimittel-)Informationen, Motivation zur Verhaltensänderung, Arzneimittel-/Patientensicherheit, Robustheit) sowie den Bereich „Interoperabilität/Zusammenarbeit“. Aufgrund ihrer spezifischen Bedeutung für Medikations-Apps sticht unter dem Oberthema „Qualität/Kernfunktionen der Medikations-Apps“ die Unterkategorie „Motivation zur Verhaltensänderung“ besonders hervor. Diese zielt auf die Bewertung der Ausgestaltung einzelner Funktionen hinsichtlich ihres Potenzials, das Verhalten der App-Nutzer tatsächlich zu verändern, ab.
    UNASSIGNED: Die in der DiGAV genannten Kriterien zur Bewertung von Gesundheits-Apps wiesen eine große Schnittmenge mit den in der Literaturrecherche identifizierten Kriterien auf. Allerdings wurde der Bereich der positiven Versorgungseffekte mit den eingeschlossenen Studien kaum erfasst. Im Rahmen der Entwicklung des Kriterienkatalogs konnte keine Gewichtung der identifizierten Kriterien vorgenommen werden. Daher sollte der Katalog von Leistungserbringern, Herstellern und/oder Nutzern als eine unterstützende Checkliste verstanden werden.
    UNASSIGNED: Es konnte eine große Vielfalt möglicher Bewertungskriterien für Medikations-Apps gezeigt werden. Künftige Forschung sollte den Fokus auf Möglichkeiten der Gewichtung dieser vielfältigen Bewertungskriterien legen und dafür neben klinischen Studien auch Methoden der Präferenzerhebung einsetzen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Industrialization, population growth, and urbanization are all trends driving the explosive growth of the construction industry. Creating buildings to house people and operate industry, together with building infrastructure to provide public services, requires prodigious quantities of energy and materials. Most of these virgin materials are non-renewable, and resource shortages caused by the development of the built environment are becoming increasingly inevitable. The gradually evolved circular economy (CE) is considered a way to ease the depletion of resources by extending service life, increasing efficiency, and converting waste into resources. However, the circularity of construction materials shows heavy regional distinctness due to the difference in spatial contexts in the geographical sense, resulting in the same CE business models (CEBMs) not being adapted to all regions. To optimize resource loops and formulate effective CEBMs, it is essential to understand the relationship between space and CE in the built environment. This paper reviews existing publications to summarize the research trends, examine how spatial features are reflected in the circularity of materials, and identify connections between spatial and CE clues. We found that the majority of contributors in this interdisciplinary field are from countries with middle to high levels of urbanization. Further, the case analysis details the material dynamics in different spatial contexts and links space and material cycles. The results indicate that the spatial characteristics can indeed influence the circularity of materials through varying resource cycling patterns. By utilizing spatial information wisely can help design locally adapted CEBMs and maximize the value chain of construction materials.






  • 文章类型: Review
    The current important limitations to the implementation of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in the rehabilitation field are related to the validation process of interventions. Indeed, most of the strict guidelines that have been developed for the validation of new drugs (i.e., double or triple blinded, strict control of the doses and intensity) cannot-or can only partially-be applied in rehabilitation. Well-powered, high-quality randomized controlled trials are more difficult to organize in rehabilitation (e.g., longer duration of the intervention in rehabilitation, more difficult to standardize the intervention compared to drug validation studies, limited funding since not sponsored by big pharma companies), which reduces the possibility of conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses, as currently high levels of evidence are sparse. The current limitations of EBP in rehabilitation are presented in this narrative review, and innovative solutions are suggested, such as technology-supported rehabilitation systems, continuous assessment, pragmatic trials, rehabilitation treatment specification systems, and advanced statistical methods, to tackle the current limitations. The development and implementation of new technologies can increase the quality of research and the level of evidence supporting rehabilitation, provided some adaptations are made to our research methodology.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Air pollution control policies in China have been experiencing profound changes, highlighting a strategic transformation from total pollutant emission control to air quality improvement, along with the shifting targets starting from acid rain and NOx emissions to PM2.5 pollution, and then the emerging O3 challenges. The marvelous achievements have been made with the dramatic decrease of SO2 emission and fundamental improvement of PM2.5 concentration. Despite these achievements, China has proposed Beautiful China target through 2035 and the goal of 2030 carbon peak and 2060 carbon neutrality, which impose stricter requirements on air quality and synergistic mitigation with Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Against this background, an integrated multi-objective and multi-benefit roadmap is required to provide decision support for China\'s long-term air quality improvement strategy. This paper systematically reviews the technical system for developing the air quality improvement roadmap, which was integrated from the research output of China\'s National Key R&D Program for Research on Atmospheric Pollution Factors and Control Technologies (hereafter Special NKP), covering mid- and long-term air quality target setting techniques, quantitative analysis techniques for emission reduction targets corresponding to air quality targets, and pathway optimization techniques for realizing reduction targets. The experience and lessons derived from the reviews have implications for the reformation of China\'s air quality improvement roadmap in facing challenges of synergistic mitigation of PM2.5 and O3, and the coupling with climate change mitigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Global CO2 emissions from different industries have been increasing at an alarming rate. This growth is outpacing the efforts, nations are putting in place to reduce their carbon footprints. In this topical review, we critically analyze the level of CO2 emissions on a global scale and across various industries and activities within them and the dominant anthropogenic forcing instability. The global CO2 emission from various economic sectors such as industries, transportation and variety of waste sources were traced globally and regionally. To contextualize our review, the sector wise CO2 emission trends data for a period more than a decade is reviewed which highlighted the main sources of emissions. The data shows the overall reduction of carbon footprints and its progress across various sectors is very limited. The governing factors for this continued global pattern can be ascribed to two main factors: high consumer demands, and poor efforts towards shifting low and zero carbon services across all sectors. Some efforts have been witnessed to shift towards clean fuels and renewables, particularly in Europe and North America. However, rapid growth in industrialization limits the shifting of fossil-based energy systems towards less harmful systems. In Asia, particularly in eastern, southern, and south-eastern regions, the carbon footprints were found to increased owing to a huge demand for materials production, travelling and energy services. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to identify, understand and tackle the most persistent and climate-harmful factors across all industries and drive such policies to substitute the fossil fuels with renewables.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Indigenous Peoples are impacted by industrial resource development that takes place on, or near, their communities. Existing literature on impacts of industrial resource development on Indigenous Peoples primarily focus on physical health outcomes and rarely focus on the mental health impacts. To understand the full range of long-term and anticipated health impacts of industrial resource development on Indigenous communities, mental health impacts must be examined. It is well-established that there is a connection between the environment and Indigenous wellbeing, across interrelated dimensions of mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
    This paper identifies how the Community Advisory Team and a team of Indigenous and settler scholars will conduct the review. The literature search will use the OVID interface to search Medline, Embase, PsycINFO, and Global Health databases. Non-indexed peer-reviewed journals related to Indigenous health or research will be scanned. Books and book chapters will be identified in the Scopus and PsycINFO databases. The grey literature search will also include Google and be limited to reports published by government, academic, and non-profit organizations. Reference lists of key publications will be checked for additional relevant publications, including theses, dissertations, reports, and other articles not retrieved in the online searches. Additional sources may be recommended by team members. Included documents will focus on Indigenous Peoples in North America, South America, Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, and Circumpolar regions, research that reports on mental health, and research that is based on land loss connected to dams, mines, agriculture, or petroleum development. Literature that meets the inclusion criteria will be screened at the title/abstract and full-text stages by two team members in Covidence. The included literature will be rated with a quality appraisal tool and information will be extracted by two team members; a consensus of information will be reached and be submitted for analysis.
    The synthesized evidence from this review is relevant for land use policy, health impact assessments, economic development, mental health service planning, and communities engaging in development projects.
    Registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO; Registration number CRD42021253720 ).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article





