
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastic (MPs) pollution studies in the coastal environment are increasing, as observed in the growing number of documents published yearly. However, studies regarding the combined effect of MPs and heavy metal (HMs) pollution are scarce, particularly in marine biota. Microplastics and HMs were investigated in the exoskeleton (EX), gills (GI), gastrointestinal tract (GT), and muscle (MU) of the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei from the Santa María-La Reforma (SAMARE) lagoon, Mexico. Results showed that shrimp ingest mainly MPs of the fiber type (74.7%) and fragments (22.7%). The most frequent MP colors in the four tissues were transparent (61.4%-72.2%) and blue (3.2-36.4%) fibers. Microplastic abundance in the four tissues was 5.5 ± 0.5 MPs per individual. The predominant polymers found in most tissues were cotton and synthetic polyethylene-terephthalate (PET). Heavy metals exhibited wide variability depending on the tissue and metal; the highest Cu concentration in the GI was 138 ± 16 μg/g, while the highest Cd value was 0.40 ± 0.11 μg/g, Ni was 17.0 ± 8.3 μg/g, and Zn was 120 ± 18 μg/g in the GT. The relationship between MPs and HMs was significant and positive (p < 0.05) between MPs and Zn in the GI. This reveals a possible MPs-Zn interaction due to cotton and PET reactivity or is related to polymer manufacture. This study implies that an essential part of the world fisheries is a potential route for MPs and HMs. The problem is exacerbated due to the consumption of whole shrimp tissues consumed by humans. Considering Mexican shrimp consumption, and MPs in this study, the estimated intake was 594 MPs/capita/year. Future research requires MP monitoring in coastal lagoons that support wildlife and important fisheries and assess their effects combined with HMs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oviparous elasmobranch embryos (Chondrichthyes) have been the focus of several embryological studies; they are useful models for studying early ontogeny in vertebrates, as can help explore the existence of common developmental patterns among species. Skates (Rajiformes) are the most speciose order of oviparous elasmobranchs, however, few studies are focused on embryo development and only based on one skate family: Rajidae. Here, we extended the study of embryo development to other skate family, Arhynchobatidae, which represent about 1/3 of all skate species. Three adult female bignose fanskates (Sympterygia acuta) were held in captivity in order to provide the first complete embryonic development timeline for any species within the Arhynchobatidae family. Our results allowed further comparisons at the embryonic scale of different oviparous elasmobranch families, providing an updated cross-species overview of the early ontogeny. Incubation in S. acuta lasted 97 ± 1.4 days at 11-21.7 °C, and hatching size was 93.2 ± 0.2 mm in total length and 49.2 ± 0.3 mm in disc width. Early embryos of S. acuta were anatomically similar to other oviparous elasmobranch embryos, with several structures appearing at the same time, but late embryonic development was comparatively delayed. The late resorption of both the external yolk sac and the external gill filaments, and also the delay in the slit opening could indicate a low metabolic demand in S. acuta, which would probably be coupled with its seasonal reproductive cycle. Some structures such as external gill filaments and claspers appeared at a similar time in some species of Rajidae and also in Arhynchobatidae, but at different times in species of the same family, showing an inconsistency also found within shark families. Although the sequential scheme remained relatively constant, small heterochronies would be present within skates, within sharks, and also between skates and sharks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The microcotylid Sciaenacotyle pancerii is a pathogenic monogenean infecting Argyrosomus regius, a candidate for species diversification in the Mediterranean aquaculture. Life-history stages of S. pancerii commonly co-occur in field infections, but to date, morphological data have only been provided for oncomiracidia and adults although identifying life-history stages can be useful in infection management. A total of 114 specimens of S. pancerii were analysed to characterize the developmental events and to assess morphological and morphometric variations before and after maturity. The post-larval development of S. pancerii is characterized by: expansion and bifurcation of the gut, loss of the larval haptor, protandrous development of the genitalia and vitellaria formation. The size variability of larval hooks, hamuli and germanium of S. pancerii is firstly reported and dimensional ranges of parasite body, haptor, testes, posteriormost clamps and eggs are widened. The size of most of the diagnostic features of S. pancerii significantly increases after parasite maturity and therefore, only those specimens with more than 116 clamps should be considered for minimising development-related variability in size. The high number of clamps, their fast development and the asymmetry in their size and arrangement suggest that S. pancerii may use a mixed attachment strategy between the closely related microcotylids and heteraxinids. This combination of features may be host related and linked to the gill structure of the sciaenid fish and the phylogenetic position of the genus Sciaenacotyle; distant from other microcotylids while close to heteraxinid species.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Understanding disease aetiology and pathologic mechanisms is essential for fish health evaluation. Carp edema virus (CEV) is the causative agent of a disease (CEVD) responsible for high mortality rates in both wild and cultured common carp Cyprinus carpio. Inspection of two carp specimens from a pond with high fish mortality revealed CEV infection in both the host and its ectoparasite (Argulus foliaceus). In addition to flavobacteria, well known to be associated with gill lesions, we found that free-living eukaryotes (amoebae and ciliates) and a temporary parasite (Ichthyobodo spp.) colonizing the gills may also contribute to alterations in gill structure and/or function, either directly, through firm (Ichthyobodo) or weak (amoebae) attachment of trophozoites to the gill epithelium, or indirectly, through carriage of pathogenic bacteria. Bacterial assemblages rich in families and genera, with predominance of Cetobacterium spp. in low-intensity alteration of the gill tissue and of Flavobacterium spp. in gills with extensive necrotic lesions, were detected in gills and within the cytoplasm of associated amoebae using high-throughput sequencing. Quantitative PCR indicated F. swingsii as the prevailing flavobacterial species within amoebae from less affected gills and F. psychrophilum within amoebae from extensively affected gills. This case study suggests that eukaryotic organisms as part of the gill pathobiome may also contribute to irreversible gill lesions seen in CEVD. Emphasizing the complexity of mutual relationships between bacterial assemblages and eukaryotic co-pathogens, further studies regarding factors that trigger pathology and influence severity in the CEV-positive carp are needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Assessment of immune competence of farmed Atlantic salmon is especially important during smoltification and the first several months in the sea. Recently developed tools were applied to salmon raised in a traditional flow-through facility (FT, cohort 1) and in a recirculation aquaculture system (RAS, cohort 2). Fish were sampled at four time-points: parr, smolt, and at three weeks and three months after seawater transfer (SWT); expression of 85 selected immune and stress genes, IgM transcripts (Ig-seq), and circulating antibodies were analyzed. A steady increase in gene expression was seen over time in gill and spleen in both cohorts, and especially in antiviral and inflammatory genes in the gill. Differences between the cohorts were greatest in the dorsal fin but later leveled off. Comparison with a gill reference dataset found a deviation in only three of 85 fish, suggesting a good immune status in both cohorts. Levels of both specific and nonspecific antibodies were higher in cohort 2 in smolts and in growers three weeks after SWT; however, levels evened out after three months in the sea. Ig-seq indicated association between antibody production, expansion of the largest clonotypes, and massive migration of B cells from spleen to gill in smolts. The results suggested greater agitation and higher reactivity of the immune system in RAS-produced salmon, but the difference between the cohorts leveled off over time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyclocotyla bellones Otto, 1823 (Monogenea, Diclidophoridae) is one of the few monogenean species reported as hyperparasitic: the worms dwell on cymothoid isopods, themselves parasites of the buccal cavity of fishes. We present here observations based on newly collected monogenean specimens from Ceratothoa parallela (Otto, 1828), an isopod parasite of Boops boops off Algeria and also investigated its diet to address whether Cy. bellones is indeed a hyperparasite, i.e., whether it feeds on the isopod. We also compared the body shape of various monogeneans belonging to the same family as Cy. bellones, the Diclidophoridae, including Choricotyle cf. chrysophryi Van Beneden & Hesse, 1863, collected from Pagellus acarne off Algeria. No morphological character of the anterior organs suggested any special adaptation in Cy. bellones to the perforation of the crustacean cuticle. The wall of the oesophagus and of the intestine of Cy. bellones was lined with a dark pigment similar to what is usually observed in haematophagous polyopisthocotyleans, and which is derived from ingested fish blood. We noticed that an anterior elongate stem exists only in diclidophorids dwelling on parasitic isopods and never in those attached to the gills. We hypothesize that the anterior stem of the body of Cy. bellones is an anatomical adaptation for the monogenean to feed on the fish while dwelling on the isopod. We thus consider that Cy. bellones is an epibiont of the parasitic crustacean, as it uses it merely as an attachment substrate, and is not a true hyperparasite.
    UNASSIGNED: Vraiment un hyperparasite, ou simplement un épibionte sur un parasite ? Le cas de Cyclocotyla bellones (Monogenea, Diclidophoridae).
    UNASSIGNED: Cyclocotyla bellones Otto, 1823 (Monogenea, Diclidophoridae) est l’une des rares espèces de monogènes signalées comme hyperparasites : les vers vivent sur des isopodes cymothoïdes, eux-mêmes parasites de la cavité buccale des poissons. Nous présentons ici des observations basées sur des spécimens de monogènes nouvellement collectés de Ceratothoa parallela (Otto, 1828), un isopode parasite de Boops boops au large de l’Algérie et avons également étudié son régime alimentaire pour déterminer si Cy. bellones est bien un hyperparasite (c’est-à-dire, se nourrit-il de l’isopode ?). Nous avons également comparé la morphologie de divers monogènes appartenant à la même famille que Cy. bellones, les Diclidophoridae, dont Choricotyle cf. chrysophryi Van Beneden & Hesse, 1863, collecté sur Pagellus acarne au large de l’Algérie. Aucun caractère morphologique des organes antérieurs ne suggérait d’adaptation particulière à la perforation de la cuticule des crustacés chez Cy. bellones. La paroi de l’œsophage et de l’intestin de Cy. bellones était tapissée d’un pigment foncé semblable à ce que l’on observe habituellement chez les Polyopisthocotylea hématophages, et qui est issu du sang de poisson ingéré. Nous avons remarqué qu’une partie allongée antérieure n’existe que chez les Diclidophoridae vivant sur des isopodes parasites et jamais chez ceux attachés aux branchies. Nous émettons l’hypothèse que la partie antérieure du corps de Cy. bellones est une adaptation anatomique permettant au monogène de se nourrir du poisson tout en vivant sur l’isopode. Nous considérons donc que Cy. bellones est un épibionte du crustacé parasite, puisqu’il ne l’utilise que comme substrat pour son attachement, et n’est pas un véritable hyperparasite.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epitheliocystis is a disease caused by a wide variety of host-specific intracellular bacteria infecting fish gills. In the Mediterranean Sea, epitheliocystis has been recently associated with a novel genus of beta-proteobacteria, the Ca. Ichthyocystis genus. In the present study, we report a case of epitheliocystis in a wild-caught specimen of pompano Trachinotus ovatus in Crete, Greece. Molecular analysis of partial 16s rRNA sequence led to the discovery of a putative novel species of the Ca. Ichthyocystis genus. Investigation of the phylogenetic relationship between closely related sequences deposited in NCBI suggests that bacterial ancestors in gilthead seabream might have a pivotal role in the differentiation of genus.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Myxosporidiosis is an infectious disease caused by myxozoans of the Phylum Cnidaria, Class Myxosporea, and Order Bivalvulida, considered a common parasite in fresh and saltwater fishes that parasitize many organs, especially gills. In the present study, 49 specimens of fishes belonging to eight genera: Tetragonopterus, Leporinus, Myleus, Pirinampus, Rhapiodon, Pygocentrus, Ageneiosus, and Serrasalmus were collected and blood smears were made, fixed with absolute methanol, and stained with Giemsa 10% to survey hemoparasites. However, myxospores were found in the circulating blood of five (10.20%) fishes belonging to genus Tetragonopterus, Myleus, and Pygocentrus. Two morphological types of Myxobolus spp. were identified in all the five fish specimens analyzed. Usually, investigations on myxozoans in fish are carried out with the search for plasmodia or cysts in the fish organs and observation of the cavity of organs. Nevertheless, this study highlights the importance of also examining the blood of these animals, since these parasites can cause severe pathogenic diseases in fish. Thus, the blood analyses can proportionate preventive sanitary control for commercial fish avoiding economic loss.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organophosphorus derivatives are widely used in human health care and have been detected in aquatic ecosystems. These compounds may pose significant risks to non-target exposed organisms and only limited studies are available on bioconcentration and the effects of organophosphorus derivatives on marine organisms. The aim of this work was to evaluate the possible toxic effects of two concentrations (20 and 40 μg/L) of γ-oximo- and γ-amino-phosphonates and phosphine oxides in mediterranean clams Ruditapes decussatus exposed for 14 days using different biomarkers and the changes of filtration and respiration rate. The use of clams in ecotoxicity evaluation is thus mandatory to assess the feasibility of assessing oxidative stress on R. decussatus after being exposed to γ-oximo- and γ-amino-phosphonates and phosphine oxides. The oxidative status was analyzed by measuring oxidative stress biomarkers RNS and ROS production in mitochondria, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs), lipid peroxidation (LPO) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE), whose alteration was indicative of organophosphorus exposure, in both gills and digestive gland of the clams. No significant alterations in RNS, ROS production, SOD, CAT and AChE activities and MDA content were observed in both organs of clams treated with γ-oximophosphine oxides. It was possible then to hypothesize that γ-oximophosphine oxides may have probably exerted an incomplete alteration of antioxidant defenses and damage, which was changed by the activation of defense mechanisms. On the contrary, oxidative stress parameters were changed after exposure to γ-amino-phosphonates and phosphine oxides. In addition, metals accumulation, filtration and respiration rates were altered following exposure to all the studied organophosphorus compounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Water mites of the genus Unionicola are common parasites of freshwater mussels, living on the gills or mantle of their hosts and using these tissues as sites of oviposition. Although surveys of this mite fauna among North American unionid mussels indicate that these mites represent highly diverse assemblages, we know very little regarding the determinants of Unionicola species diversity among their molluscan hosts. The present study addresses the relationship between host diversity and mite diversity for Unionicola assemblages associated with unionid mussels of North America. The results of this study found a significantly positive relationship between host species richness and mite species richness, adding to a growing body of evidence that host diversity is an important determinant of parasite diversity. In recent years, molecular sequence data have discovered cryptic biodiversity among unionid mussels, yielding revisions in the nomenclature and systematic taxonomy of the group. DNA sequence variation has also revealed cryptic species complexes among Unionicola mites. Collectively, these findings suggest that the results of the present study may be underestimating species richness among mites and their host mussels. Unfortunately, human perturbations are known to have caused high recent rates of extinction in the mussel and mite faunas of North America and could play a major role in influencing patterns of species richness for this host-parasite system moving forward.





