Giant Viruses

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses (NCLDVs; also called giant viruses), constituting the phylum Nucleocytoviricota, can infect a wide range of eukaryotes and exchange genetic material with not only their hosts but also prokaryotes and phages. A few NCLDVs were reported to encode genes conferring resistance to beta‑lactam, trimethoprim, or pyrimethamine, suggesting that they are potential vehicles for the transmission of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in the biome. However, the incidence of ARGs across the phylum Nucleocytoviricota, their evolutionary characteristics, their dissemination potential, and their association with virulence factors remain unexplored. Here, we systematically investigated ARGs of 1416 NCLDV genomes including those of almost all currently available cultured isolates and high-quality metagenome-assembled genomes from diverse habitats across the globe. We reveal that 39.5% of them carry ARGs, which is approximately 37 times higher than that for phage genomes. A total of 12 ARG types are encoded by NCLDVs. Phylogenies of the three most abundant NCLDV-encoded ARGs hint that NCLDVs acquire ARGs from not only eukaryotes but also prokaryotes and phages. Two NCLDV-encoded trimethoprim resistance genes are demonstrated to confer trimethoprim resistance in Escherichia coli. The presence of ARGs in NCLDV genomes is significantly correlated with mobile genetic elements and virulence factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genomic studies on sequence composition employ various approaches, such as calculating the proportion of guanine and cytosine within a given sequence (GC% content), which can shed light on various aspects of the organism\'s biology. In this context, GC% can provide insights into virus-host relationships and evolution. Here, we present a comprehensive gene-by-gene analysis of 61 representatives belonging to the phylum Nucleocytoviricota, which comprises viruses with the largest genomes known in the virosphere. Parameters were evaluated not only based on the average GC% of a given viral species compared to the entire phylum but also considering gene position and phylogenetic history. Our results reveal that while some families exhibit similar GC% among their representatives (e.g., Marseilleviridae), others such as Poxviridae, Phycodnaviridae, and Mimiviridae have members with discrepant GC% values, likely reflecting adaptation to specific biological cycles and hosts. Interestingly, certain genes located at terminal regions or within specific genomic clusters show GC% values distinct from the average, suggesting recent acquisition or unique evolutionary pressures. Horizontal gene transfer and the presence of potential paralogs were also assessed in genes with the most discrepant GC% values, indicating multiple evolutionary histories. Taken together, to the best of our knowledge, this study represents the first global and gene-by-gene analysis of GC% distribution and profiles within genomes of Nucleocytoviricota members, highlighting their diversity and identifying potential new targets for future studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The phylum Nucleocytoviricota comprises a diverse group of double-stranded DNA viruses that display a wide range of gene repertoires. Although these gene repertoires determine the characteristics of individual viruses, the evolutionary processes that have shaped the gene repertoires of extant viruses since their common ancestor are poorly characterized. In this study, we aimed to address this gap in knowledge by using amalgamated likelihood estimation, a probabilistic tree reconciliation method that infers evolutionary scenarios by distinguishing origination, gene duplications, virus-to-virus horizontal gene transfer (vHGT), and gene losses. We analyzed over 4,700 gene families from 195 genomes spanning all known viral orders. The evolutionary reconstruction suggests a history of extensive gene gains and losses during the evolution of these viruses, notably with vHGT contributing to gene gains at a comparable level to duplications and originations. The vHGT frequently occurred between phylogenetically closely related viruses, as well as between distantly related viruses with an overlapping host range. We observed a pattern of massive gene duplications that followed vHGTs for gene families that was potentially related to host range control and virus-host arms race. These results suggest that vHGT represents a previously overlooked, yet important, evolutionary force that integrates the evolutionary paths of multiple viruses and affects shaping of Nucleocytoviricota virus gene repertoires.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Soil giant viruses are increasingly believed to have profound effects on ecological functioning by infecting diverse eukaryotes. However, their biogeography and ecology remain poorly understood.
    RESULTS: In this study, we analyzed 333 soil metagenomes from 5 habitat types (farmland, forest, grassland, Gobi desert, and mine wasteland) across China and identified 533 distinct giant virus phylotypes affiliated with nine families, thereby greatly expanding the diversity of soil giant viruses. Among the nine families, Pithoviridae were the most diverse. The majority of phylotypes exhibited a heterogeneous distribution among habitat types, with a remarkably high proportion of unique phylotypes in mine wasteland. The abundances of phylotypes were negatively correlated with their environmental ranges. A total of 76 phylotypes recovered in this study were detectable in a published global topsoil metagenome dataset. Among climatic, geographical, edaphic, and biotic characteristics, soil eukaryotes were identified as the most important driver of beta-diversity of giant viral communities across habitat types. Moreover, co-occurrence network analysis revealed some pairings between giant viral phylotypes and eukaryotes (protozoa, fungi, and algae). Analysis of 44 medium- to high-quality giant virus genomes recovered from our metagenomes uncovered not only their highly shared functions but also their novel auxiliary metabolic genes related to carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus cycling.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings extend our knowledge of diversity, habitat preferences, ecological drivers, potential hosts, and auxiliary metabolism of soil giant viruses. Video Abstract.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    5-Methylcytosine (5mC) is a widespread silencing mechanism that controls genomic parasites. In eukaryotes, 5mC has gained complex roles in gene regulation beyond parasite control, yet 5mC has also been lost in many lineages. The causes for 5mC retention and its genomic consequences are still poorly understood. Here, we show that the protist closely related to animals Amoebidium appalachense features both transposon and gene body methylation, a pattern reminiscent of invertebrates and plants. Unexpectedly, hypermethylated genomic regions in Amoebidium derive from viral insertions, including hundreds of endogenized giant viruses, contributing 14% of the proteome. Using a combination of inhibitors and genomic assays, we demonstrate that 5mC silences these giant virus insertions. Moreover, alternative Amoebidium isolates show polymorphic giant virus insertions, highlighting a dynamic process of infection, endogenization, and purging. Our results indicate that 5mC is critical for the controlled coexistence of newly acquired viral DNA into eukaryotic genomes, making Amoebidium a unique model to understand the hybrid origins of eukaryotic DNA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Z-nucleic acid structures play vital roles in cellular processes and have implications in innate immunity due to their recognition by Zα domains containing proteins (Z-DNA/Z-RNA binding proteins, ZBPs). Although Zα domains have been identified in six proteins, including viral E3L, ORF112, and I73R, as well as, cellular ADAR1, ZBP1, and PKZ, their prevalence across living organisms remains largely unexplored. In this study, we introduce a computational approach to predict Zα domains, leading to the revelation of previously unidentified Zα domain-containing proteins in eukaryotic organisms, including non-metazoan species. Our findings encompass the discovery of new ZBPs in previously unexplored giant viruses, members of the Nucleocytoviricota phylum. Through experimental validation, we confirm the Zα functionality of select proteins, establishing their capability to induce the B-to-Z conversion. Additionally, we identify Zα-like domains within bacterial proteins. While these domains share certain features with Zα domains, they lack the ability to bind to Z-nucleic acids or facilitate the B-to-Z DNA conversion. Our findings significantly expand the ZBP family across a wide spectrum of organisms and raise intriguing questions about the evolutionary origins of Zα-containing proteins. Moreover, our study offers fresh perspectives on the functional significance of Zα domains in virus sensing and innate immunity and opens avenues for exploring hitherto undiscovered functions of ZBPs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, the characteristics of 40 so far described virophages-parasites of giant viruses-are given, and the similarities and differences between virophages and satellite viruses, which also, like virophages, require helper viruses for replication, are described. The replication of virophages taking place at a specific site-the viral particle factory of giant viruses-and its consequences are presented, and the defence mechanisms of virophages for giant virus hosts, as a protective action for giant virus hosts-protozoa and algae-are approximated. The defence systems of giant viruses against virophages were also presented, which are similar to the CRISPR/Cas defence system found in bacteria and in Archea. These facts, and related to the very specific biological features of virophages (specific site of replication, specific mechanisms of their defensive effects for giant virus hosts, defence systems in giant viruses against virophages), indicate that virophages, and their host giant viruses, are biological objects, forming a \'novelty\' in biology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The discovery of mimivirus in 2003 prompted the search for novel giant viruses worldwide. Despite increasing interest, the diversity and distribution of giant viruses is barely known. Here, we present data from a 2012-2022 study aimed at prospecting for amoebal viruses in water, soil, mud, and sewage samples across Brazilian biomes, using Acanthamoeba castellanii for isolation. A total of 881 aliquots from 187 samples covering terrestrial and marine Brazilian biomes were processed. Electron microscopy and PCR were used to identify the obtained isolates. Sixty-seven amoebal viruses were isolated, including mimiviruses, marseilleviruses, pandoraviruses, cedratviruses, and yaraviruses. Viruses were isolated from all tested sample types and almost all biomes. In comparison to other similar studies, our work isolated a substantial number of Marseillevirus and cedratvirus representatives. Taken together, our results used a combination of isolation techniques with microscopy, PCR, and sequencing and put highlight on richness of giant virus present in different terrestrial and marine Brazilian biomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The phylum Nucleocytoviricota consists of large and giant viruses that range in genome size from about 100 kilobases (kb) to more than 2.5 megabases. Here, using metagenome mining followed by extensive phylogenomic analysis and protein structure comparison, we delineate a distinct group of viruses with double-stranded (ds) DNA genomes in the range of 35-45 kb that appear to be related to the Nucleocytoviricota. In phylogenetic trees of the conserved double jelly-roll major capsid proteins (MCPs) and DNA packaging ATPases, these viruses do not show affinity to any particular branch of the Nucleocytoviricota and accordingly would comprise a class which we propose to name \"Mriyaviricetes\" (after Ukrainian \"mriya,\" dream). Structural comparison of the MCP suggests that, among the extant virus lineages, mriyaviruses are the closest one to the ancestor of the Nucleocytoviricota. In the phylogenetic trees, mriyaviruses split into two well-separated branches, the family Yaraviridae and proposed new family \"Gamadviridae.\" The previously characterized members of these families, yaravirus and Pleurochrysis sp. endemic viruses, infect amoeba and haptophytes, respectively. The genomes of the rest of the mriyaviruses were assembled from metagenomes from diverse environments, suggesting that mriyaviruses infect various unicellular eukaryotes. Mriyaviruses lack DNA polymerase, which is encoded by all other members of the Nucleocytoviricota, and RNA polymerase subunits encoded by all cytoplasmic viruses among the Nucleocytoviricota, suggesting that they replicate in the host cell nuclei. All mriyaviruses encode a HUH superfamily endonuclease that is likely to be essential for the initiation of virus DNA replication via the rolling circle mechanism.
    OBJECTIVE: The origin of giant viruses of eukaryotes that belong to the phylum Nucleocytoviricota is not thoroughly understood and remains a matter of major interest and debate. Here, we combine metagenome database searches with extensive protein sequence and structure analysis to describe a distinct group of viruses with comparatively small genomes of 35-45 kilobases that appear to comprise a distinct class within the phylum Nucleocytoviricota that we provisionally named \"Mriyaviricetes.\" Mriyaviruses appear to be the closest identified relatives of the ancestors of the Nucleocytoviricota. Analysis of proteins encoded in mriyavirus genomes suggests that they replicate their genome via the rolling circle mechanism that is unusual among viruses with double-stranded DNA genomes and so far not described for members of Nucleocytoviricota.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Dark pigmented snow and glacier ice algae on glaciers and ice sheets contribute to accelerating melt. The biological controls on these algae, particularly the role of viruses, remain poorly understood. Giant viruses, classified under the nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses (NCLDV) supergroup (phylum Nucleocytoviricota), are diverse and globally distributed. NCLDVs are known to infect eukaryotic cells in marine and freshwater environments, providing a biological control on the algal population in these ecosystems. However, there is very limited information on the diversity and ecosystem function of NCLDVs in terrestrial icy habitats.
    RESULTS: In this study, we investigate for the first time giant viruses and their host connections on ice and snow habitats, such as cryoconite, dark ice, ice core, red and green snow, and genomic assemblies of five cultivated Chlorophyta snow algae. Giant virus marker genes were present in almost all samples; the highest abundances were recovered from red snow and the snow algae genomic assemblies, followed by green snow and dark ice. The variety of active algae and protists in these GrIS habitats containing NCLDV marker genes suggests that infection can occur on a range of eukaryotic hosts. Metagenomic data from red and green snow contained evidence of giant virus metagenome-assembled genomes from the orders Imitervirales, Asfuvirales, and Algavirales.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study highlights NCLDV family signatures in snow and ice samples from the Greenland ice sheet. Giant virus metagenome-assembled genomes (GVMAGs) were found in red snow samples, and related NCLDV marker genes were identified for the first time in snow algal culture genomic assemblies; implying a relationship between the NCLDVs and snow algae. Metatranscriptomic viral genes also aligned with metagenomic sequences, suggesting that NCLDVs are an active component of the microbial community and are potential \"top-down\" controls of the eukaryotic algal and protistan members. This study reveals the unprecedented presence of a diverse community of NCLDVs in a variety of glacial habitats dominated by algae.





