Food Services

  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Food service guidelines (FSG) policies can impact the nutritional quality of millions of meals sold or served to government employees, citizens in public places, or institutionalized persons. This study examines state FSG policies adopted January 1, 2015 to April 1, 2019, and uses a FSG Classification Tool (FSG Tool) to quantify alignment with nutrition recommendations for public health impact.
    Quantitative Content Analysis.
    State Government Worksites and Facilities.
    50 states and District of Columbia (D.C.) in the United States.
    Frequency of policies and percent alignment to FSG tool.
    FSG policies were identified using legal databases to assess state statutes, regulations, and executive orders. Content analysis and coding determined attributes of policies across 4 FSG Tool domains, (1) nutrition standards referenced; (2) behavioral design strategies encouraging selection of healthier offerings; (3) facility efficiency and environmental sustainability; and (4) FSG implementation supports.
    From 2015-2019, 5 FSG policies met study inclusion criteria. Four out of 5 policies earned a perfect nutrition score (100%) by referencing nutrition standards that align with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) and are operationalized for use in food service venues. Four out of 5 policies included at least 1 implementation supports provision, such as naming an implementing agency, and 2 included provisions that encourage local food sourcing.
    From 2015-2019, overall FSG policy comprehensiveness scores ranged from 24% to 73%, with most policies referencing food and nutrition standards that align to national nutrition recommendations. Public health practitioners can educate decision makers on the potential impact of FSG policies on diet-related health outcomes and associated cost savings, as well as other important co-benefits that support locally grown products and environmental sustainability practices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Through the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, USDA (US Department of Agriculture) made the first major changes in the CACFP (Child and Adult Care Food Program) meal and snack menu patterns. Childcare centers that serve low-income families qualify to participate and receive reimbursement for meals and snacks served. The purpose of this study was to assess what changes in children\'s dietary behaviors occurred as a result of the new CACFP meal pattern requirements. This study evaluated these changes at childcare centers operating in Houston and San Antonio, Texas, USA, areas enrolled in the CACFP, pre- (Spring 2016) and post-implementation (Fall 2016-Spring 2017) of the new meal patterns. Dietary intake was assessed via observations of children, 3-5 years old, conducted at breakfast, lunch, and snack times. Results showed improvements in adjusted means of several nutrients and food groups consumption, post-implementation of new CACFP meal guidelines compared to baseline, specifically intake of whole grains, milk, and juice. Additional studies are needed to confirm the impact of the revised CACFP meal patterns along with strategies to assist providers in meeting the new standards to increase the access to and intake of items in accordance with the CACFP meal pattern requirements in childcare settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population is acknowledged as a powerful inducer of public food and nutrition policies. In this perspective, this article presents the methodological path and evidence that supported the elaboration of the new parameters of food acquisition of the Brazilian National School Feeding Program (PNAE). This elaboration involved the analyses of: (1) participation of federal resources used to purchase food, grouped according to the NOVA classification, used in Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population, by the set of Brazilian municipalities and according to the classification of the execution (positive or negative); (2) monthly reference menus that were prepared following Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population recommendations; (3) analysis of food acquisition by the sampling of 525 municipalities, involving the relative participation of food groups (according to NOVA) in total expenditures and energy and nutritional quality of purchased foods; and (4) analysis of ultra-processed foods that should not be offered in the school environment. We proposed the adoption of the following parameters for the participation of food groups in relation to the total federal resources used in the purchase of food: ≥ 75% of resources for fresh or minimally processed foods; < 20% for processed or ultra-processed foods and < 5% for processed culinary ingredients, as well as the expansion of the list of foods whose acquisition with federal resources from PNAE is prohibited. This process supported the elaboration of Resolution CD/FNDE n. 6 of May 8, 2020, which provides for the attendance of school feeding to primary education students within the PNAE.
    O Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira é reconhecido como um potente indutor de políticas públicas de alimentação e nutrição. Nessa perspectiva, este artigo apresenta o percurso metodológico e as evidências que subsidiaram a elaboração dos novos parâmetros de aquisição de alimentos do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE). Tal elaboração envolveu as análises de: (1) participação dos recursos federais utilizados para compra de alimentos, agrupados segundo a classificação NOVA, empregada no Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira, pelo conjunto de municípios brasileiros e segundo classificação da execução (positiva ou negativa); (2) cardápios mensais de referência que foram elaborados seguindo recomendações do Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira; (3) aquisição de alimentos por amostra de 525 municípios, envolvendo a participação relativa dos grupos de alimentos (segundo a NOVA) no total de gastos e de energia e a qualidade nutricional dos alimentos adquiridos; e (4) alimentos ultraprocessados que não devem ser ofertados no ambiente escolar. Foi proposta a adoção dos seguintes parâmetros para participação dos grupos de alimentos em relação ao total de recursos federais empregados na compra de alimentos: ≥ 75% de recursos para alimentos in natura ou minimamente processados; < 20% para alimentos processados ou ultraprocessados e < 5% para ingredientes culinários processados e a ampliação da lista de alimentos cuja aquisição com recursos federais do PNAE é proibida. Esse processo subsidiou a elaboração da Resolução CD/FNDE nº 6, de 8 de maio de 2020, que dispõe sobre o atendimento da alimentação escolar aos alunos da educação básica no âmbito do PNAE.
    La Guía Alimentaria para la Población Brasileña está reconocida como un potente inductor de políticas públicas de alimentación y nutrición. Desde esta perspectiva, este artículo presenta la trayectoria metodológica y evidencias que apoyaron la elaboración de los nuevos parámetros de adquisición de alimentos del Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar (PNAE). Tal elaboración implicó los análisis de: (1) participación de los recursos federales utilizados para la compra de alimentos, agrupados según la clasificación NOVA, empleada en el Guía Alimentaria para la Población Brasileña, por el conjunto de municipios brasileños, y según la clasificación de la ejecución (positiva o negativa); (2) menús mensuales de referencia que fueron elaborados siguiendo recomendaciones del Guía Alimentaria para la Población Brasileña; (3) adquisición de alimentos mediante una muestra de 525 municipios, implicando la participación relativa de los grupos de alimentos (según NOVA) en el total de gastos y de energía, así como la calidad nutricional de los alimentos adquiridos; y (4) alimentos ultraprocesados que no deben ser ofrecidos en el entorno escolar. Se propuso la adopción de los siguientes parámetros para la participación de los grupos de alimentos, en relación con el total de recursos federales empleados en la compra de alimentos: ≥ 75% de recursos para alimentos in natura o mínimamente procesados; < 20% para alimentos procesados o ultraprocesados, y < 5% para ingredientes culinarios procesados, así como la ampliación de la lista de alimentos, cuya adquisición con recursos federales del PNAE está prohibida. Este proceso apoyó la elaboración de la Resolución CD/FNDE nº 6, del 8 de mayo de 2020, que organiza la atención de la alimentación escolar a alumnos de educación básica en el ámbito del PNAE.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The \'Guidelines for a healthy canteen in workplaces\' (guidelines) was published in 2013 by the Ministry of Health to improve food choices & healthy eating of working community.
    To determine the extent of implementation of guidelines in canteens at medical institutions in Anuradhapura District.
    A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on random working days in canteens providing all three main meals in medical institutions in Anuradhapura District in August and September 2018. Data were collected by observing the canteen and interviewing the canteen owners according to guidelines. Scoring was done according to a scoring system to obtain a percentage.
    Ten canteens were included in the study. The median number of customers per canteen was 200 (IQR 100-625). The highest and lowest scores by canteens for overall implementation were 41.8% and 14.1%, while the mean among all canteens was 29.2%. Average percentages for healthy carbohydrate, fruit, snacks, and oil options were 15.2%, 20.0%, 8.8%, and 28.2% respectively. Availability of healthy dairy and use of standard coconut oil was 0.0%. Safe drinking water and hand-washing with soap were available only in 6 and 4 canteens respectively. Implementation of food safety measures was 32.5%. None of the canteens had any posters/ guides regarding healthy eating and none of the owners were aware of the guidelines.
    The level of implementation of the canteen guidelines was highly unsatisfactory among the canteens in medical institutions in Anuradhapura District.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Food-allergic consumers encounter inadequate, confusing, and ambiguous allergen information for packaged and unpackaged foods. Key Australian and New Zealand allergy organizations convened multiple forums to facilitate discussions among consumers, food manufacturers, food retailers, regulatory bodies, researchers, and health professionals to develop a unified approach to improving food allergen management. The following stakeholder consensus statement provides a foundation for advocacy for improved food allergen management and safety. It is the responsibility of consumers to: 1. declare their food allergies and read food labels (including ingredient lists and allergen declaration statements), and 2. ultimately make their own judgment about the foods they choose to consume. We consider that to enable consumers to make informed decisions about their safety, It is the responsibility of packaged food manufacturers to: 1. follow robust allergen management practices including quantitative risk assessment, and 2. use clear, consistent labeling to inform consumers about that food\'s allergen content, including the possible presence of unintended allergens. It is the responsibility of food service establishments and providers to: 1. follow robust allergen management practices, and 2. ensure that staff understand and can inform consumers about the allergen content of the food they provide, including the possible presence of unintended allergens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Poor diet increases cardiometabolic disease risk, yet the impact of food service guidelines on employee health and its cost effectiveness is poorly understood. Federal food service guidelines (FFSG) aim to provide United States (U.S.) government employees with healthier food options. Using microsimulation modeling, we estimated changes in the incidence of cardiometabolic disease, related mortality, and the cost effectiveness of implementing FFSG in nationally representative model populations of government and private company employees across 5 years and lifetime. We based estimates on changes in workplace intake of six FFSG dietary targets and showed lifetime reductions of heart attacks (- 107/million), strokes (- 30/million), diabetes (- 134/million), ischemic heart disease deaths (- 56/million), and stroke deaths (- 8/million). FFSG is cost saving overall, with total savings in discounted healthcare costs from $4,611,026 (5 years) to $539,809,707 (lifetime) $U.S. This study demonstrates that FFSG improves health outcomes and is cost saving.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Child poverty rates are rising, particularly in London, putting more children at risk of experiencing food insecurity. Holiday programmes in the UK provide children who receive free schools meals during term time with access to free/low-cost holiday clubs offering nutritious food and enriching activities during the school holidays. This study aimed to investigate whether children\'s dietary intake was more adherent to the UK Eatwell Guide throughout the day and meets School Food Standards (SFS) for the lunchtime meal on a club attendance versus a non-attendance day. A repeated measures design was used to assess data on the food and drink intake of children (n = 57) aged 7-16 years old using a 24 h recall method on two separate occasions: once based on an attending club day and once based on a non-attending club day. The results showed children\'s diet quality improved (p = 0.007) on an attending club day (mean: 58.0 ± SD 12.6) versus a non-attending club day (51.8 ± 15.0). Children also more closely adhered to the SFS (p = 0.001) on an attending club day (median = 9, interquartile range = 8-9) versus a non-attending club day (median = 7, interquartile range = 6-8). This suggests that holiday programmes targeting children who receive free school meals during term time have the potential to improve children\'s dietary behaviours during the school holidays, underlining the importance of holiday programmes to support food security.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Total Worker Health® (TWH) interventions that utilize integrated approaches to advance worker safety, health, and well-being can be challenging to design and implement in practice. This may be especially true for the food service industry, characterized by high levels of injury and turnover. This paper illustrates how we used TWH Implementation Guidelines to develop and implement an organizational intervention to improve pain, injury, and well-being among low-wage food service workers. We used the Guidelines to develop the intervention in two main ways: first, we used the six key characteristics of an integrated approach (leadership commitment; participation; positive working conditions; collaborative strategies; adherence; data-driven change) to create the foundation of the intervention; second, we used the four stages to guide integrated intervention planning. For each stage (engaging collaborators; planning; implementing; evaluating for improvement), the Guidelines provided a flexible and iterative process to plan the intervention to improve safety and ergonomics, work intensity, and job enrichment. This paper provides a real-world example of how the Guidelines can be used to develop a complex TWH intervention for food service workers that is responsive to organizational context and addresses targeted working conditions. Application of the Guidelines is likely transferable to other industries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: For residents in residential aged care, making choices in relation to food and mealtimes are opportunities to maintain a sense of self and autonomy. It is unknown, however, whether the concept of choice is adequately addressed in texts relating to residential aged care. The purpose of this review is to examine whether residents\' right to make choices regarding the meals they eat, is discussed in grey literature including, policies, standards, reports and guidelines, which all impact practice in residential aged care.
    METHODS: Grey literature was located utilising; Google, Google Scholar and hand searching. Texts had to be in reference to residential aged care and were assessed using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation II and Joanna Briggs Institute tools.
    RESULTS: Twenty-nine texts were included in the final review, consisting of, 12 policies and standards, 12 guidelines and 5 reports. Choice was discussed broadly in the majority of texts, with no definition included for the level of choice that should be provided by residential aged care. The use of alternative meals to provide choice was discussed; however, texts varied in their requirements and recommendations as to what constituted an adequate alternative.
    CONCLUSIONS: The ambiguity surrounding choice affects the practices within residential aged care and ultimately the service provided to residents. With most recommendations being only general in nature, residential aged care homes are not provided with sufficient guidance for meal planning. To ensure residents\' right to make choices in their meals is guaranteed, more definitive requirements and recommendations are needed.





