• 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Cardiophrenic metastasis is typically a late stage manifestation of ovarian high grade serous carcinoma. Here we present a case where this was the sole presentation of this disease. This case challenges our current understanding of the natural course of ovarian high grade serous carcinoma.
    UNASSIGNED: Ovarian cancer is typically described to spread from its primary site within the fallopian tubes or ovaries into the peritoneal cavity and beyond with cardiophrenic lymph node involvement being considered a late stage disease process. Here we present the case of a lady in her 60s where increased metabolic activity of the cardiophrenic lymph node was picked up in the investigation of an adenocarcinoma of the lung. Post-thoracoscopic resection histopathological analysis of this lymph node showing an epithelial structure with positive immunohistochemical markers PAX8, WT1, ER, and p16 with a p53 wild type-pattern were the sole presenting features of a high grade serous ovarian carcinoma, that was otherwise undetectable by radiological or hematological screening. Only histopathological analysis after modified radical hysterectomy in gynae-oncological fashion were able to identify a 4 mm lesion within the left fallopian tube. This case questions our current understanding of the natural history of ovarian carcinomas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The 2023 FIGO staging criteria for endometrial cancer (EC) introduced marked changes from the 2009 version. The full implication of these changes for patient diagnosis and treatment is unknown. We evaluate the differences in staging and prognostication between the two systems, with and without inclusion of molecular classification.
    RESULTS: We assigned (1) FIGO 2009, (2) 2023 molecular-agnostic and (3) 2023 molecular-informed stages to 404 fully staged and molecularly classified patients with EC. Disease-specific and progression/relapse-free survival were analysed via the Kaplan-Meier method and compared with log-rank testing; 118 of 252 (47%) FIGO 2009 stage I patients were upstaged based on histopathological findings alone. Stage I/II subgroup survival distribution analysis showed a worse prognosis in FIGO 2023 IIB and IIC patients. In the molecular-informed FIGO 2023 system, three of 15 (20%) POLE-mutated stage I/II cases were downstaged from FIGO 2009 and eight (53%) were downstaged from molecular-agnostic FIGO 2023. Fifty-one of 60 (85%) p53-abnormal tumours were upstaged from the FIGO 2009, whereas 13 of 60 (22%) were upstaged from the 2023 molecular-agnostic stage. Molecular classification improved prognostic stratification for both 2009 and 2023 FIGO systems.
    CONCLUSIONS: Downstaging based on POLE mutation more accurately represents patient outcomes. However, in the absence of known POLE status, applying molecular-agnostic FIGO 2023 criteria for stage I/II disease should be conducted with caution. For aggressive histotypes, additionally reporting FIGO 2009 stage should be considered. Upstaging based on substantial lymphovascular space invasion, aggressive histotype with any myometrial invasion and abnormal p53 improves prognostic discernment. Further subdivisions within stage I/II provide minimal additional prognostic information.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In 2023, the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) updated the endometrial cancer staging system (FIGO2023). Our study aimed to validate the prognostic value of FIGO2023 in patients with early-stage EC (Stage I and Stage II).
    METHODS: After screening eligible EC patients from the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) database, Kaplan-Meier cancer-specific survival (CSS) curves were used to evaluate the prognosis of patients with different stages. In addition, AUC, C-index, Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), and Decision curve analysis (DCA) were used to comprehensively compare the efficacy of the new and the old staging system in predicting prognosis.
    RESULTS: A total of 33,156 patients were enrolled. The introduction of FIGO2023 significantly increased the proportion of stage II patients from 5.53 % to 24.76 %. The FIGO2023 defines different substages for patients, which show significant differences in CSS. Compared with FIGO2009, FIGO2023 performed better in discrimination, goodness of fit and clinical decision making.
    CONCLUSIONS: Compared with FIGO2009, FIGO2023 had a higher accuracy in predicting CSS in patients with early-stage EC in the SEER database.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To clarify the diagnostic process of the causative disease of abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) in Japan according to the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics AUB diagnostic system.
    METHODS: Patients diagnosed with AUB were included in a nationwide survey of AUB conducted during any 2-week period between December 2019 and January 2020. The second survey included information on patient background, AUB symptoms, examinations for diagnosing AUB, the order in which they were performed, and the causative diseases of AUB.
    RESULTS: Correspondence analysis showed an association between hormonal testing, hysterosalpingography, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with amenorrhea, and heavy menstrual bleeding was strongly correlated with various examinations, such as coagulation tests, pelvic MRI, and endometrial cytology or biopsy. The results also indicated that each AUB causative disease can be diagnosed based on a specific examination profile.
    CONCLUSIONS: We clarified the process of diagnosing the causative disease of AUB in our country and determined that it was mainly diagnosed by imaging and pathological examination in cases of structural disease. The high rate of AUB-E and the low rate of AUB-C are possibly associated with specific examination trends in Japan. The results of this study will be useful for the development of a standard protocol for AUB diagnosis in our country.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The FIGO endometrial cancer staging system recently released updated guidance based on clinical evidence gathered after the previous version was published in 2009. Different imaging modalities are beneficial across various stages of endometrial cancer (EC) management. Additionally, ongoing research studies are aimed at improving imaging in EC. Gynecological cancer is a crucial element in the practice of a body radiologist. With a new staging system in place, it is important to address the role of radiology in the EC diagnostic pathway. This article is a comprehensive review of the changes made to the FIGO endometrial cancer staging system and the impact of imaging in the staging of this disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: To find the factors impacting overall survival (OS) prognosis in patients with endometrioid endometrial carcinoma (EEC) and adenocarcinoma and to establish a nomogram model to validate the 2023 International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology (FIGO) staging system for endometrial cancer.
    METHODS: Data were obtained from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) training cohort. An independent validation cohort was obtained from the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University between 2008 and 2023. Cox regression analysis identified independent prognostic factors for OS in EEC and adenocarcinoma patients. A nomogram predicting OS was developed and validated utilizing the C-index, calibration curves, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, and decision curve analysis (DCA). The relationship between the tumor grade and prognosis of EEC and adenocarcinoma was quantified using net reclassification improvement (NRI), propensity score matching (PSM), and Kaplan-Meier curves.
    RESULTS: Cox regression analysis identified age, race, marital status, tumor grade, tumor stage, tumor size, and chemotherapy as independent prognostic factors for OS. A nomogram for predicting OS was developed based on these factors. The C-indexes for the OS nomogram was 0.743 and 0.720 for the SEER training set and external validation set, respectively. The area under the ROC (AUC) for the OS nomogram was 0.755, 0.757, and 0.741 for the SEER data subsets and 0.844, 0.719, and 0.743 for the external validation subsets. Calibration plots showed high concordance between the nomogram-predicted and observed OS. DCA also demonstrated the clinical utility of the OS nomogram. NRI, PSM, and survival analyses revealed that tumor grade was the most important histopathological factor for EEC and adenocarcinoma prognosis.
    CONCLUSIONS: Seven independent prognostic variables for the OS of patients with EEC and adenocarcinoma were identified. The established OS nomogram has good predictive ability and clinical utility and validates the 2023 endometrial cancer FIGO staging system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To review the changes in the new version of the FIGO 2023 staging system for endometrial cancer.
    The new FIGO 2023 endometrial cancer staging system provides key updates for the diagnosis and treatment of endometrial cancer. An important step in diagnosis is molecular classification, which allows more accurate risk stratification for recurrence and the identification of targeted therapies. The new staging system, based on the recommendations of the international societies ESGO, ESTRO and ESP, incorporates not only the description of the pathological and anatomical extent of the disease, but also the histopathological characteristics of the tumour, including the histological type and the presence of lymphovascular space invasion. In addition, the staging system uses molecular testing to classify endometrial cancers into four prognostic groups: POLEmut, MMRd, NSMP and p53abn. Each group has its own specific characteristics and prognosis. The most significant changes have occurred in stages I and II, in which the sub-staging better reflects the biological behaviour of the tumour. This update increases the accuracy of prognosis and improves individualized treatment options for patients with endometrial cancer.
    The updated FIGO staging of endometrial cancer for 2023 incorporates different histologic types, tumour features, and molecular classifications to better reflect the current improved understanding of the complex nature of several endometrial cancer types and their underlying bio logic behaviour. The aim of the new endometrial cancer staging system is to better define stages with similar prognosis, allowing for more precise indication of individualised adjuvant radiation or systemic treatment, including the use of immunotherapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Embracing the complex and diverse nature of the heterogenous group of malignancies that are included under the umbrella of \"endometrial cancer\" (EC) to better align prognosis with treatment recommendations, requires a more comprehensive staging system. Our goal at the development of the new FIGO staging was to provide 1) high accuracy in the predictive prognosis for a patient with EC, which is the genuine purpose of a staging system, and 2) identification of distinct treatment relevant subgroups. Since the publication of the 2009 staging system by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) 14  years ago (1, 2), our understanding of the biology and natural history of EC has undergone a radical transformation. The TGCA results in 2013 (3), and the many validation reports published since then (4-9), have taught us that \"EC\" is composed of at least four distinct molecularly defined diseases. Strong histopathologic markers reflecting tumor biology such as lymph vascular space invasion (LVSI) were identified. Importantly, anatomical borders were shown to lose their prognostic relevance for EC patients in the presence of dominant tumor biology-markers such as molecular subtypes/LVSI (10, 11). This emphasizes the integration of these novel markers into a prognostic staging system that aims to be relevant to patients. The 2023 FIGO staging system for EC harmonizes and integrates old and new knowledge on anatomic, histopathologic, and molecular features (12). It requires a change in our perception of a staging system, from a traditional purely anatomical borders-based system to an integrated staging system integrating anatomical borders and tumor biology as pivotal prognostic factors for EC patients while providing important information for treatment decision making. Therefore, the 2023 FIGO staging system demonstrates the logical next step in the evolution of the revolution in a patient-centric staging approach. Below, we elucidate the rationale for the FIGO 2023 endometrial cancer staging system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) scoring system uses the sum of eight risk-factors to predict single-agent chemotherapy resistance in Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia (GTN). To improve ease of use, this study aimed to generate: (i) streamlined models that match FIGO performance and; (ii) visual-decision aids (nomograms) for guiding management.
    Using training (n = 4191) and validation datasets (n = 144) of GTN patients from two UK specialist centres, logistic regression analysis generated two-factor models for cross-validation and exploration. Performance was assessed using true and false positive rate, positive and negative predictive values, Bland-Altman calibration plots, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, decision-curve analysis (DCA) and contingency tables. Nomograms were developed from estimated model parameters and performance cross-checked upon the training and validation dataset.
    Three streamlined, two-factor models were selected for analysis: (i) M1, pre-treatment hCG + history of failed chemotherapy; (ii) M2, pre-treatment hCG + site of metastases and; (iii) M3, pre-treatment hCG + number of metastases. Using both training and validation datasets, these models showed no evidence of significant discordance from FIGO (McNemar\'s test p > 0.78) or across a range of performance parameters. This behaviour was maintained when applying algorithms simulating the logic of the nomograms.
    Our streamlined models could be used to assess GTN patients and replace FIGO, statistically matching performance. Given the importance of imaging parameters in guiding treatment, M2 and M3 are favoured for ongoing validation. In resource-poor countries, where access to specialist centres is problematic, M1 could be pragmatically implemented. Further prospective validation on a larger cohort is recommended.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An updated International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) staging system for endometrial carcinoma was introduced in June 2023. The new system represents a significant departure from traditional endometrial and other gynecological carcinoma staging systems which are agnostic of parameters such as tumor type, tumor grade, lymphovascular space invasion, and molecular alterations. The updated system, which incorporates all of these \'non-anatomical\' parameters, is an attempt to make staging more personalized and relevant to patient prognostication and management, and to align with the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology/European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology/European Society of Pathology (ESGO/ESTRO/ESP) risk stratification. Herein, we present a critical review of the new staging system and discuss its advantages and disadvantages. The authors propose that the new FIGO staging system should be first appraised at a multi-institutional and global level with the input of all relevant societies (gynecology, pathology, gynecologic oncology, medical oncology, radiation oncology) to understand the impact, scope, and supporting evidence of the proposed changes. Such a process is fundamental to produce a robust system that pathologists and treating clinicians can adopt.





