• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Open science (OS) awareness and skills are increasingly becoming an essential part of everyday scientific work as e.g., many journals require authors to share data. However, following an OS workflow can seem challenging at first. Thus, instructions by journals and other guidelines are important. But how comprehensive are they in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology (Ecol Evol)? To find this out, we reviewed 20 published OS guideline articles aimed for ecologists or evolutionary biologists, together with the data policies of 17 Ecol Evol journals to chart the current landscape of OS guidelines in the field, find potential gaps, identify field-specific barriers for OS and discuss solutions to overcome these challenges. We found that many of the guideline articles covered similar topics, despite being written for a narrow field or specific target audience. Likewise, many of the guideline articles mentioned similar obstacles that could hinder or postpone a transition to open data sharing. Thus, there could be a need for a more widely known, general OS guideline for Ecol Evol. Following the same guideline could also enhance the uniformity of the OS practices carried on in the field. However, some topics, like long-term experiments and physical samples, were mentioned surprisingly seldom, although they are typical issues in Ecol Evol. Of the journals, 15 out of 17 expected or at least encouraged data sharing either for all articles or under specific conditions, e.g. for registered reports and 10 of those required data sharing at the submission phase. The coverage of journal data policies varied greatly between journals, from practically non-existing to very extensive. As journals can contribute greatly by leading the way and making open data useful, we recommend that the publishers and journals would invest in clear and comprehensive data policies and instructions for authors.
    Avoimen tieteen ymmärrys ja taitojen hallinta on yhä tärkeämpi osa tutkijan arkea, sillä esimerkiksi monet tieteelliset lehdet odottavat aineiston avointa jakamista. Avoimen tieteen työtapojen noudattaminen voi kuitenkin tuntua alkuun haastavalta, minkä vuoksi esimerkiksi tieteellisten lehtien ja muiden tahojen laatimat ohjeet ovat tärkeitä. Mutta kuinka kattavia ne ovat ekologian ja evoluutiobiologian alalla? Kävimme läpi 20 julkaistua ekologeille tai evoluutiobiologeille suunnattua avoimen tieteen ohjeistusta sekä 17 ekologian ja evoluutiobiologian tieteellisen lehden datakäytännöt, tarkoituksenamme kartoittaa alojen avoimen tieteen ohjeiden nykytilaa, löytää mahdollisia puutteita, tunnistaa alakohtaisia esteitä avoimen tieteen käytäntöjen toteutumiselle sekä keskustella ratkaisuista, joilla nämä haasteet voitaisiin ratkaista. Havaitsimme, että monet ohjeistukset käsittelivät samankaltaisia aiheita, vaikka ne oli tarkoitettu kapealle erityisalalle tai suunnattu hyvin rajoitetulle kohderyhmälle. Samoin monissa ohjeistuksissa mainittiin samankaltaisia aineistojen avoimen jakamisen hidastamista tai estämistä aiheuttavia haasteita. Toiset aiheet, kuten pitkäaikaiskokeet ja fyysiset näytteet, sen sijaan mainittiin yllättävän harvoin, vaikka niissä on tyypillisiä ekologian ja evoluutiobiologian alojen haasteita. Tieteellisistä lehdistä 15:ssä 17:sta vaadittiin tai vähintään kannustettiin jakamaan aineisto avoimesti joko kaikkien artikkelien osalta tai tietyin edellytyksin, esim. rekisteröityjen tutkimusraporttien osalta. Lisäksi 10 näistä lehdistä edellytti aineiston avointa jakamista jo submittointivaiheessa. Tieteellisten lehtien aineisto‐ohjeiden kattavuus vaihteli suuresti lehtien välillä, käytännössä olemattomasta hyvin laajaan. Koska tieteellisillä lehdillä on suuri vaikutusvalta avoimen tieteen käytäntöjen edistämiseen, suosittelemme kustantajia ja lehtiä panostamaan selkeisiin ja kattaviin aineistolinjauksiin ja ohjeistuksiin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enhancing the reproducibility and comprehension of adaptive immune receptor repertoire sequencing (AIRR-seq) data analysis is critical for scientific progress. This study presents guidelines for reproducible AIRR-seq data analysis, and a collection of ready-to-use pipelines with comprehensive documentation. To this end, ten common pipelines were implemented using ViaFoundry, a user-friendly interface for pipeline management and automation. This is accompanied by versioned containers, documentation and archiving capabilities. The automation of pre-processing analysis steps and the ability to modify pipeline parameters according to specific research needs are emphasized. AIRR-seq data analysis is highly sensitive to varying parameters and setups; using the guidelines presented here, the ability to reproduce previously published results is demonstrated. This work promotes transparency, reproducibility, and collaboration in AIRR-seq data analysis, serving as a model for handling and documenting bioinformatics pipelines in other research domains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Standardized nomenclature for genes, gene products, and isoforms is crucial to prevent ambiguity and enable clear communication of scientific data, facilitating efficient biocuration and data sharing. Standardized genotype nomenclature, which describes alleles present in a specific strain that differ from those in the wild-type reference strain, is equally essential to maximize research impact and ensure that results linking genotypes to phenotypes are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR). In this publication, we extend the fission yeast clade gene nomenclature guidelines to support the curation efforts at PomBase (www.pombase.org), the Schizosaccharomyces pombe Model Organism Database. This update introduces nomenclature guidelines for noncoding RNA genes, following those set forth by the Human Genome Organisation Gene Nomenclature Committee. Additionally, we provide a significant update to the allele and genotype nomenclature guidelines originally published in 1987, to standardize the diverse range of genetic modifications enabled by the fission yeast genetic toolbox. These updated guidelines reflect a community consensus between numerous fission yeast researchers. Adoption of these rules will improve consistency in gene and genotype nomenclature, and facilitate machine-readability and automated entity recognition of fission yeast genes and alleles in publications or datasets. In conclusion, our updated guidelines provide a valuable resource for the fission yeast research community, promoting consistency, clarity, and FAIRness in genetic data sharing and interpretation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2016, the Enhanced Recovery After Bariatric Surgery guidelines (G16) was published, and in 2022, an update to it was released (G22). Grading of recommendations, assessment, development, and evaluations (GRADE), emphasizing the level of evidence (LoE) of both the guidelines, was performed. An overview of methodology was also performed, considering the following questions: how can research be improved, what can be done in the future using data, and how to collaborate more? Both guidelines did not explain how the LoE conclusions were derived regarding the risk of bias. There is also potential for forming a global consortium that deals with bariatric research, which can serve as a repository for all relevant data. Ensuring that this data is FAIR (findability, accessibility, interoperability, reusability) compliant and using this data to formulate future guidelines will benefit clinicians and patients alike.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pre-competitive data sharing can offer the pharmaceutical industry significant benefits in terms of reducing the time and costs involved in getting a new drug to market through more informed testing strategies and knowledge gained by pooling data. If sufficient data is shared and can be co-analyzed, then it can also offer the potential for reduced animal usage and improvements in the in silico prediction of toxicological effects. Data sharing benefits can be further enhanced by applying the FAIR Guiding Principles, reducing time spent curating, transforming and aggregating datasets and allowing more time for data mining and analysis. We hope to facilitate data sharing by other organizations and initiatives by describing lessons learned as part of the Enhancing TRANslational SAFEty Assessment through Integrative Knowledge Management (eTRANSAFE) project, an Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) partnership which aims to integrate publicly available data sources with proprietary preclinical and clinical data donated by pharmaceutical organizations. Methods to foster trust and overcome non-technical barriers to data sharing such as legal and IPR (intellectual property rights) are described, including the security requirements that pharmaceutical organizations generally expect to be met. We share the consensus achieved among pharmaceutical partners on decision criteria to be included in internal clearance pro­cedures used to decide if data can be shared. We also report on the consensus achieved on specific data fields to be excluded from sharing for sensitive preclinical safety and pharmacology data that could otherwise not be shared.






  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    This project aimed to develop and propose a standardised reporting guideline for kidney disease research and clinical data reporting, in order to improve kidney disease data quality and integrity, and combat challenges associated with the management and challenges of \'Big Data\'.
    A list of recommendations was proposed for the reporting guideline based on the systematic review and consolidation of previously published data collection and reporting standards, including PhenX measures and Minimal Information about a Proteomics Experiment (MIAPE). Thereafter, these recommendations were reviewed by domain-specialists using an online survey, developed in Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap). Following interpretation and consolidation of the survey results, the recommendations were mapped to existing ontologies using Zooma, Ontology Lookup Service and the Bioportal search engine. Additionally, an associated eXtensible Markup Language schema was created for the REDCap implementation to increase user friendliness and adoption.
    The online survey was completed by 53 respondents; the majority of respondents were dual clinician-researchers (57%), based in Australia (35%), Africa (33%) and North America (22%). Data elements within the reporting standard were identified as participant-level, study-level and experiment-level information, further subdivided into essential or optional information.
    The reporting guideline is readily employable for kidney disease research projects, and also adaptable for clinical utility. The adoption of the reporting guideline in kidney disease research can increase data quality and the value for long-term preservation, ensuring researchers gain the maximum benefit from their collected and generated data.






