Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the usefulness of case reports as sources for research on diagnostic errors in uncommon diseases and atypical presentations.
    BACKGROUND: We reviewed 563 case reports of diagnostic error. The commonality of the final diagnoses was classified based on the description in the articles, Orphanet, or epidemiological data on available references; the typicality of presentation was classified based on the description in the articles and the judgment of the physician researchers. Diagnosis Error Evaluation and Research (DEER), Reliable Diagnosis Challenges (RDC), and Generic Diagnostic Pitfalls (GDP) taxonomies were used to assess the factors contributing to diagnostic errors.
    UNASSIGNED: Excluding three cases in that commonality could not be classified, 560 cases were classified into four categories: typical presentations of common diseases (60, 10.7 %), atypical presentations of common diseases (35, 6.2 %), typical presentations of uncommon diseases (276, 49.3 %), and atypical presentations of uncommon diseases (189, 33.8 %). The most important DEER taxonomy was \"Failure/delay in considering the diagnosis\" among the four categories, whereas the most important RDC and GDP taxonomies varied with the categories. Case reports can be a useful data source for research on the diagnostic errors of uncommon diseases with or without atypical presentations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNAs are important biomolecules that play essential roles in various cellular processes and are crucially linked with many human diseases. The key to elucidate the mechanisms underlying their biological functions and develop RNA-based therapeutics is to investigate RNA structure and dynamics and their connections to function in detail using a variety of approaches. Magnetic resonance techniques including paramagnetic nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron magnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopies have proved to be powerful tools to gain insights into such properties. The prerequisites for paramagnetic NMR and EPR studies on RNAs are to achieve site-specific spin labeling of the intrinsically diamagnetic RNAs, which however is not trivial, especially for long ones. In this review, we present some covalent labeling strategies that allow site-specific introduction of electron spins to long RNAs. Generally, these strategies include assembly of long RNAs via enzymatic ligation of short oligonucleotides, co- and post-transcriptional site-specific labeling empowered with the unnatural base pair system, and direct enzymatic functionalization of natural RNAs. We introduce a few case studies to discuss the advantages and limitations of each strategy, and to provide a vision for the future development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) is the only technique that provides direct detection of free radicals and samples that contain unpaired electrons. Thus, EPR had an important potential application in the field of selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxide (SCR). For the first time, this work reviewed recent developments of EPR in charactering SCR. First, qualitative analysis focused on recognizing Cu, Fe, V, Ti, Mn, and free-radical (oxygen vacancy and superoxide radical) species. Second, quantification of the active species was obtained by a double-integral and calibration method. Third, the active species evolved because of different thermal treatments and redox-thermal processes under reductants (NH3 and NO). The coordination information of the active species in catalysts and their effects on SCR performances were concluded from mechanism viewpoints. Finally, potential perspectives were put forward for EPR developments in characterizing the SCR processes in the future. After all, EPR characterization will help to have a deep understanding of structure-activity relationship in one catalyst.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    By the early 1980s, unique devices appeared in the USSR: a series of benchtop specialized EPR spectrometers. This equipment was quickly accepted not only in science but also in medicine and in many technical and economic areas including chemical industries and geologic exploration. The appearance of these devices was perceived as a salvation for the Soviet magnetic resonance (MR) scientific instrumentation by those who worked in the field of EPR spectroscopy in the USSR. (However, the program of MR scientific instrumentation ceased to exist along with the USSR a few years later). The Belarusian State University in Minsk was the center of these developments. At that moment and for many years afterwards, these devices were unique with no analogues in the worldwide EPR industry. They remained the only mass-produced MR spectrometers on the territory of the former USSR after its collapse. For the first time, based on archival materials, patents, and our personal memoirs, we describe the development of these EPR spectrometers and discuss the most original technical solutions and the scientific tasks solved with this equipment We also remember the participants of the work, showing the historical context of these events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy enables detection of paramagnetic centers generated in solids by ionising radiation. In the last years, the ubiquity of glass in personal utility items increased significance of fortuities retrospective dosimetry based on EPR in glass parts of mobile phones and watches. Despite of fading of the signals and their susceptibility to light, it enables dosimetry at medical triage level of 1-2 Gy. In this article information relevant for assessment of applicability and planning of the EPR dosimetry is presented-particularly at dose levels typical for radiation accidents. Reported data on fading of the radiation-induced spectral components are presented and compared. Effects of light on background spectra and on the dosimetric signals are also presented. It is concluded that when properly accounting for the fading and for the obscuring effects of light, the EPR dosimetry in glasses from mobile phones and watches can be used in dose assessment after radiation accidents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This work presents an overview of the applications of retrospective dosimetry techniques in case of incorporation of radionuclides. The fact that internal exposures are characterized by a spatially inhomogeneous irradiation of the body, which is potentially prolonged over large periods and variable over time, is particularly problematic for biological and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) dosimetry methods when compared with external exposures. The paper gives initially specific information about internal dosimetry methods, the most common cytogenetic techniques used in biological dosimetry and EPR dosimetry applied to tooth enamel. Based on real-case scenarios, dose estimates obtained from bioassay data as well as with biological and/or EPR dosimetry are compared and critically discussed. In most of the scenarios presented, concomitant external exposures were responsible for the greater portion of the received dose. As no assay is available which can discriminate between radiation of different types and different LETs on the basis of the type of damage induced, it is not possible to infer from these studies specific conclusions valid for incorporated radionuclides alone. The biological dosimetry assays and EPR techniques proved to be most applicable in cases when the radionuclides are almost homogeneously distributed in the body. No compelling evidence was obtained in other cases of extremely inhomogeneous distribution. Retrospective dosimetry needs to be optimized and further developed in order to be able to deal with real exposure cases, where a mixture of both external and internal exposures will be encountered most of the times.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The technique of electron paramagnetic resonance dosimetry using tooth enamel was established in the late 1960s, and considerable research has been conducted to learn more about the benefits of using human teeth as dosimeters for the purpose of retrospective dose reconstruction. Comparatively few studies have been done which have investigated animal teeth for the same purpose. The potential exists for utilizing animal teeth as dosimeters to reconstruct doses received by a species, as well as by humans. Animals investigated in electron paramagnetic resonance studies included cows, rats, mice, dogs, pigs, rhesus monkeys, goats, reindeer, walruses, bison, polar foxes, moose, and polar bears. Much has been determined regarding the characteristics of animal teeth, and overall the use of animal teeth for electron paramagnetic resonance dosimetry appears to be a viable means of estimating external dose. Although much has been learned from animal studies, there remain unanswered questions related to electron paramagnetic resonance dosimetry and the use of animal teeth as electron paramagnetic resonance dosimeters. This article summarizes the findings of animal electron paramagnetic resonance studies and outlines what is still unknown.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cavity resonators are often used for electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). Rectangular TE102 and cylindrical TE011 are common modes at X-band even though the field varies cosinusoidally along the Z-axis. The authors found a way to create a uniform field (UF) in these modes. A length of waveguide at cut-off was introduced for the sample region, and tailored end sections were developed that supported the microwave resonant mode. This work is reviewed here. The radio frequency (RF) magnetic field in loop-gap resonators (LGR) at X-band is uniform along the Z-axis of the sample, which is a benefit of LGR technology. The LGR is a preferred structure for EPR of small samples. At Q-band and W-band, the LGR often exhibits nonuniformity along the Z-axis. Methods to trim out this nonuniformity, which are closely related to the methods used for UF cavity resonators, are reviewed. In addition, two transmission lines that are new to EPR, dielectric tube waveguide and circular ridge waveguide, were recently used in UF cavity designs that are reviewed. A further benefit of UF resonators is that cuvettes for aqueous samples can be optimum in cross section along the full sample axis, which improves quantification in EPR spectroscopy of biological samples.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Irradiation of food in the world is becoming a preferred method for their sterilization and extending their shelf life. For the purpose of trade with regard to the rights of consumers is necessary marking of irradiated foodstuffs, and the use of appropriate methods for unambiguous identification of radiation treatment. One-third of the current standards of the European Union to identify irradiated foods use the method of the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. On the other hand the current standards for irradiated foods of plant origin have some weaknesses that led to the development of new methodologies for the identification of irradiated food. New approaches for EPR identification of radiation treatment of herbs and spices when the specific signal is absent or disappeared after irradiation are discussed. Direct EPR measurements of dried fruits and vegetables and different pretreatments for fresh samples are reviewed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The most unique biochemical characteristic of the eye lens fiber cell plasma membrane is its extremely high cholesterol content, the need for which is still unclear. It is evident, however, that the disturbance of Chol homeostasis may result in damages associated with cataracts. Electron paramagnetic resonance methods allow discrimination of two types of lipid domains in model membranes overloaded with Chol, namely, phospholipid-cholesterol domains and pure Chol bilayer domains. These domains are also detected in human lens lipid membranes prepared from the total lipids extracted from lens cortices and nuclei of donors from different age groups. Independent of the age-related changes in phospholipid composition, the physical properties of phospholipid-Chol domains remain the same for all age groups and are practically identical for cortical and nuclear membranes. The presence of Chol bilayer domains in these membranes provides a buffering capacity for cholesterol concentration in the surrounding phospholipid-Chol domains, keeping it at a constant saturating level and thus keeping the physical properties of the membrane consistent with and independent of changes in phospholipid composition. It seems that the presence of Chol bilayer domains plays an integral role in the regulation of cholesterol-dependent processes in fiber cell plasm membranes and in the maintenance of fiber cell membrane homeostasis.





