
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rate of decline in regulated persistent organic pollutant (POP) concentrations in Baltic Sea biota has leveled off in recent years, with new contaminants frequently being discovered. There is, therefore, a need for comprehensive approaches to study occurrence and temporal trends of a wide range of environmental contaminants, including legacy POPs, contaminants of emerging concern (CECs), and new contaminants. In the current work, non-target screening (NTS) workflows were developed and used for, to the best of our knowledge, the first time-trend directed NTS of biota using gas chromatography-high-resolution mass spectrometry (GC-HRMS). To maximize contaminant coverage, both electron ionization (EI) and electron capture negative ion chemical ionization (ECNI) were used. The EI data were treated using highly automated workflows to find, prioritize, and tentatively identify contaminants with statistically significant temporal trends. The ECNI data were manually processed and reviewed prior to time-trend analysis. Altogether, more than 300 tentatively identified contaminants were found to have significant temporal trends in samples of Baltic guillemot, harbor porpoise, or white-tailed sea eagle. Significant decreases were found for many regulated chemicals, as could be expected, such as PCBs, polychlorinated terphenyls, chlorobenzenes, toxaphenes, DDT, other organochlorine pesticides, and tri- and tetra- bromodiphenyl ethers (BDEs). The rate of decline of legacy POPs agreed well with data reported from targeted analyses. Significant increases were observed for small polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heptaBDEs, CECs, and terpenes and related compounds. The CECs included, among others, one plasticizer tributyl acetylcitrate (ATBC), two antioxidants 2,6-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol and 2,6-bis(tert-butyl)-4-(4-morpholinyl-methyl)phenol, and two compounds used in polymer production, trimethyl isocyanurate and 2-mercaptobenzothiazole, which had not previously been reported in biota. Their increased concentrations in biota indicate increased use and release. The increase in ATBC may be linked to increased use of it as a substitute for di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), which has been phased out over the last decade.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Currently, 52% of all raptor species demonstrate a decreasing population tendency, and the American harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja) has been categorized as \"near threatened\" by the IUCN. Habitat loss, persecution, and subsequent reduction of genetic diversity are regarded as major threats to the world\'s strongest eagle. Captive breeding and reintroduction into protected habitats are approaches of species conservation projects, but captive propagation is difficult due to low ex-situ numbers and scarce successful breeding pairs. The aim of the present study was to collect, analyze, and store semen from harpy eagles and to use aliquots for artificial insemination to increase the number of offspring and to include more individuals into the ex-situ gene pool. First, semen collection and semen availability were assessed in four males during the course of 1 year in European zoos. Second, these experiences were transferred to ex-situ breeding programs in Brazilian zoos to attempt semen collection in 13 male eagles. Semen collection was successful in 51.7% of the attempts and in 8/13 males (individual success rates 20-100%) using electro-stimulation. Most commonly, whey-like to milky, whitish semen samples were collected, regularly containing urate impurities (67.7%). The median semen volume was 106 μl and the median sperm concentration 5,000 sperm/μl (750-22,500 sperm/μl). Mean values for pH were 6.7, for sperm motility 27.7 ± 22.6%, for progressive motility 2.9 ± 5.6%, and for sperm viability 46.6 ± 16.3%. Using semen extenders, a sperm motility of 8% was maintained for 27 h in the refrigerator. Artificial insemination was performed in one female, but the success of fertilization could not be assessed due to egg destruction. In this study, methods for assisted reproduction were refined for use in harpy eagles, and the first semen samples were evaluated as a start to establish species-specific orientation values.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Citizen science is increasingly contributing to ecology and conservation research, mostly by the extensive collection of field data. Although webcams attract numerous observers, they have been underused in this respect. We used prey delivery records deposited by citizen scientists in an internet forum linked to webcams to explore the diet composition and food provisioning in a forest-dwelling raptor of conservation concern, the Lesser Spotted Eagle (Clanga pomarina). Four pairs were studied throughout the breeding season. Most of the identified prey items were mammals (62.1%), followed by frogs (31.2%), birds (6.6%) and fish (0.1%). Among mammals, voles accounted for 84.6%, moles 12.1%, water voles 2.4% and weasels 0.4%. Frogs were the most frequently detected prey item in the spring, with a slight increase towards the end of the season, the proportion of mammals increased during the breeding season, and birds were hunted mostly in the middle of the breeding season. However, exact temporal patterns differed between nests. The food delivery rate of males increased over time but decreased somewhat before fledging the young. Females started hunting in mid-summer and their rapidly increasing effort compensated for a reduced male hunting intensity. The data collected by citizen scientists via webcams reflected the general patterns detected in earlier studies, supporting the reliability of crowd-sourced web-based data collection in avian foraging ecology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Analysed using classical frequentist hypothesis testing with alpha set to 0.05, the Evaluating Adverse Events in a Global Smoking Cessation Study (EAGLES) did not find enough evidence to reject the hypothesis of no difference in neuropsychiatric adverse events (NPSAEs) attributable to varenicline, bupropion, or nicotine patch compared with placebo. This might be because the null hypothesis was true or because the data were insensitive. The present study aimed to test the hypothesis more directly using Bayes factors.
    EAGLES was a randomised, double-blind, triple-dummy, controlled trial.
    Global (16 countries across five continents), between November 2011 and January 2015.
    Participants were smokers with (n = 4116) and without (n = 4028) psychiatric disorders.
    Varenicline (1 mg twice daily), bupropion (150 mg twice daily), nicotine patch (21 mg once daily with taper) and matched placebos.
    The outcomes included: (i) a composite measure of moderate/severe NPSAEs; and (ii) a composite measure of severe NPSAEs. The relative evidence for there being no difference in NPSAEs versus data insensitivity for the medications was calculated in the full and sub-samples using Bayes factors and corresponding robustness regions.
    For all but two comparisons, Bayes factors were <1/3, indicating moderate to strong evidence for no difference in risk of NPSAEs between active medications and placebo (Bayes factor = 0.02-0.23). In the psychiatric cohort versus placebo, the data were suggestive, but not conclusive of no increase in NPSAEs with varenicline (Bayes factor = 0.52) and bupropion (Bayes factor = 0.71). Here, the robustness regions ruled out a ≥7% and ≥8% risk increase with varenicline and bupropion, respectively.
    Secondary analysis of the Evaluating Adverse Events in a Global Smoking Cessation Study trial using Bayes factors provides moderate to strong evidence that use of varenicline, bupropion or nicotine patches for smoking cessation does not increase the risk of neuropsychiatric adverse events relative to use of placebo in smokers without a history of psychiatric disorder. For smokers with a history of psychiatric disorder the evidence also points to no increased risk but with less confidence.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) in Scandinavia has suffered from impaired reproduction due to high exposure to industrial pollution between the 1960s and 1980s. While population numbers are rising again, new contaminants, such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), are increasingly found in high trophic avifauna and are of concern to potentially impact once again on population health. In the present study, we examined PFAS levels in plasma of white-tailed eagle nestlings from northern Norway over the last decade (2008-2017). While PFOA and PFNA exposure did not follow a significant time trend, PFOS and PFHxS concentrations decreased over time, and ≥C11 perfluorinated carboxylic acids only seem to level off during the last four years. This may in fact be the first evidence for a change in the trend for some of these compounds. Furthermore, since several PFAS are expected to be highly present in aqueous film-forming foams used at airports, we also investigate the potential of the two main airports in the region to act as hotspots for PFAS. Our results indeed show decreasing exposure to PFOA with distance to the airports. Altogether, our results seem to show that legislation actions are effective, and continued concern for PFAS exposure of high trophic wildlife is still warranted, even in the northern environment.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Collision with wind turbines is a conservation concern for eagles with population abundance implications. The development of acoustic alerting technologies to deter eagles from entering hazardous air spaces is a potentially significant mitigation strategy to diminish associated morbidity and mortality risks. As a prelude to the engineering of deterrence technologies, auditory function was assessed in bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), as well as in red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis). Auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) to a comprehensive battery of clicks and tone bursts varying in level and frequency were acquired to evaluate response thresholds, as well as suprathreshold response characteristics of wave I of the ABR, which represents the compound potential of the VIII cranial nerve. Sensitivity curves exhibited an asymmetric convex shape similar to those of other avian species, response latencies decreased exponentially with increasing stimulus level and response amplitudes grew with level in an orderly manner. Both species were responsive to a frequency band at least four octaves wide, with a most sensitive frequency of 2 kHz, and a high-frequency limit of approximately 5.7 kHz in bald eagles and 8 kHz in red-tailed hawks. Findings reported here provide a framework within which acoustic alerting signals might be developed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Six bald eagles with severe, acute lead poisoning based on blood lead values were analyzed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the brain and histopathology. The aims of the study were to use MRI to locate brain lesions and correlate the changes in MRI signal with the histological character of the lesions at necropsy. All of the bald eagles presented with neurologic and non-neurologic signs suggestive of severe lead poisoning and had blood lead levels in excess of 1.0 ppm. Areas of change in image intensity in the brainstem, midbrain and cerebellum were detected in the MRI scans. Histopathology confirmed the presence of all suspected lesions. The character of the lesions suggested vascular damage as the primary insult. MRI was useful for detecting lesions and defining their three-dimensional distribution and extent. Future studies are needed to evaluate the utility of MRI for detection of lesions in less severely lead poisoned eagles and determining prognosis for treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High resolution numerical atmospheric modeling around a mountain ridge in Northeastern British Columbia (BC), Canada was performed in order to examine the influence of meteorology and topography on Golden Eagle migration pathways at the meso-scale (tens of km). During three eagle fall migration periods (2007-2009), local meteorological conditions on the day of peak bird counts were modeled using the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) mesoscale model. Hourly local surface wind speed, wind direction, temperature, pressure and relative humidity were also monitored during these migration periods. Eagle migration flight paths were observed from the ground and converted to three-dimensional tracks using ArcGIS. The observed eagle migration flight paths were compared with the modeled vertical velocity wind fields. Flight tracks across the study area were also simulated using the modeled vertical velocity field in a migration model based on a fluid-flow analogy. It was found that both the large-scale weather conditions and the horizontal wind fields across the study area were broadly similar on each of the modeled migration days. Nonetheless, the location and density of flight tracks across the domain varied between days, with the 2007 event producing more tracks to the southwest of the observation location than the other 2 days. The modeled wind fields suggest that it is not possible for the eagles to traverse the study area without leaving updraft regions, but birds do converge on the locations of updrafts as they move through the area. Statistical associations between observed eagles positions and the vertical velocity field suggest that to the northwest (and to a lesser extent the southwest) of the main study ridge (Johnson col), eagles can always find updrafts but that they must pass through downdraft regions in the NE and SE as they make their way across the study area. Finally, the simulated flight tracks based on the fluid-flow model and the vertical velocity fields are in general agreement with the observed flight track patterns. Our results suggest that use of high resolution meteorological fields to locate the occurrence of updrafts in proposed ridge-line wind installations could aid in predicting, and mitigating for, convergence points in raptor migrations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated the variation in concentrations and profiles of various classes of organohalogenated compounds (OHCs) in different feather types, muscle tissue and preen oil from 15 white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) carcasses from Greenland. The influence of moult patterns and potential external contamination onto the feather surface was examined, while the present study is also the first to investigate the use of body feathers for OHC monitoring. Concentrations of sum polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in feathers from white tailed eagles ranged from 2.3 ng/g in a primary wing feather to 4200 ng/g in body feathers. Using 300 mg of body feathers, almost 50 different OHCs could be quantified and median concentrations in body feathers were 10 fold higher than concentrations in tail feathers (rectrices) or primary wing feathers. Body feathers could be very useful for biomonitoring taking into account their easy sampling, short preparation time and high levels of OHCs. In addition, the effects of confounding variables such as feather size, moult and age are also minimised using body feathers. Correlations with concentrations in muscle tissue and preen oil were high and significant for all feather types (r ranging from 0.81 to 0.87 for sum PCBs). Significant differences in concentrations and profiles of OHCs were found between different primary feathers, indicating that the accumulation of OHCs in feathers varies over the moulting period (maximum three years). Washing of feathers with an organic solvent (acetone) resulted in a significant decrease in the measured concentrations of OHCs in feathers. However, our results indicated that preen oil is probably not the only contributor to the external contamination that can be removed by washing with acetone. Possibly dust and other particles may be of importance and may be sticking to the preened feathers. Rectrices washed only with water showed high and significant correlations with concentrations in muscle and preen oil as well. Washing with acetone therefore does not seem to be of great influence when relating to internal tissue concentrations. We recommend washing feathers only with distilled water in order to remove dirt and dust particles before analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To determine risk factors and seasonal trends of lead poisoning in bald (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and golden (Aquila chrysaetos) eagles, blood lead levels were evaluated in eagles admitted from the inland Pacific Northwest region of the United States to the Raptor Rehabilitation Program, College of Veterinary Medicine at Washington State University from 1991 to 2008. Admissions were from Washington (32 bald eagles, 27 golden eagles), northern Idaho (21 bald eagles, 25 golden eagles), northeastern Oregon (5 bald eagles, 6 golden eagles), Montana (2 bald eagles), Alaska (1 bald eagle), and unrecorded (6 bald eagles, 5 golden eagles). In these birds, 48% (22/46) of bald and 62% (31/50) of golden eagles tested had blood lead levels considered toxic by current standards. Of the bald and golden eagles with toxic lead levels, 91% (20/22) and 58% (18/31) respectively, were admitted after the end of the general deer and elk hunting seasons in December. Coyote hunting intensifies with the end of the large game hunting seasons and coyote carcasses left in the field and contaminated with lead bullet fragments become readily available food sources, exposing scavenging bald and golden eagles to high risk of acute lead poisoning.





