
  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    The golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) and the white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla), being apex predators and facultative scavengers, can bioaccumulate different environmental contaminants, including toxic elements that may adversely affect their health. We analyzed the levels of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), and other metals and metalloids, including arsenic (As), barium (Ba), beryllium (Be), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), selenium (Se), thorium (Th), thallium (Tl), uranium (U), vanadium (V), and zinc (Zn) in liver samples taken from three golden eagles and 36 white-tailed eagles that were found dead across Poland to verify their exposure. We also used a systematic review to summarize the available literature data on Cd, Pb, and other studied elements in the liver of both eagle species. Analyses of trace elements in the liver samples of the Polish eagles revealed interspecific differences in Cd, Cu, and Mn and differences in Co, Mn, Tl, and Zn among study regions. All elements tested except Pb were below the suggested thresholds linked with adverse health effects in birds. The hepatic Pb found in almost half of all the tested individuals suggests environmental exposure to this toxic element. One of the tested white-tailed eagles had hepatic Pb above the threshold of sublethal poisoning. Although our results seem optimistic, as previous Polish studies showed a higher prevalence of birds with hepatic Pb exceeding the toxicity threshold, they indicate that exposure to this toxic metal could still pose an additional threat to the health of Polish eagles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Concentrations of organochlorine pesticides have been extensively monitored in birds, particularly from higher trophic guilds such as raptors. While monitoring of raptors has been ongoing for decades, patterns from monitoring activities have never been summarised on a global scale. In this study, we undertake a review to better describe the monitoring of two widespread organochlorine pesticides monitored globally in raptors, DDT and dieldrin. We provide a historical retrospective on the monitoring effort of a global environmental issue. Sampling was heavily biased geographically to the global north, with more than 90 % of studies conducted in this socio-geographic region, most from Europe and North America. Although monitoring occurred from at least 114 species, most samples came from relatively few species, with three species (Eurasian Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus, Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus, and Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus) comprising 50 % of samples. The types of raptors sampled have changed over time, with avian and mammal specialists dominating samples until the 1970s, but more diverse dietary guilds monitored in later decades, and greater proportions of samples coming from generalist species. The three most sampled tissues (egg, liver, and plasma) comprised 84 % of all samples. Eggs were the earliest tissue examined and the only tissue sampled in all decades. The geographical bias in monitoring effort and relatively narrow species focus, suggests that patterns in these pesticides are unlikely to be fully representative of all global environments occupied by raptors. While DDT has been banned throughout most of the global north, it remains in use in the global south, yet monitoring effort in the south, does not match that of the north. While monitoring remains prevalent in the global north, contemporary monitoring is limited in the global south with less than 10 % of raptors sampled in Asia, Africa, and South America, over the last 3 decades.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lead contamination is a widely recognised conservation problem for raptors worldwide. There are a number of studies in individual raptor species but those data have not been systematically evaluated to understand raptor-wide lead exposure and effects at a pan-European scale. To critically assess the extent of this problem, we performed a systematic review compiling all published data on lead in raptors (1983-2019) and, through a meta-analysis, determined if there was evidence for differences in exposure across feeding traits, geographical regions, between hunting and non-hunting periods, and changes over time. We also reviewed the impact of lead on raptors and the likely main source of exposure. We examined 114 studies that were unevenly distributed in terms of time of publication and the countries in which studies were performed. Peer-reviewed articles reported data for 39 raptor species but very few species were widely monitored across Europe. Obligate (vultures) and facultative scavengers (golden eagle, common buzzard and white-tailed sea eagle) accumulated the highest lead concentrations in tissues and generally were the species most at risk of lead poisoning. We found no evidence of a spatial or decadal trend in lead residues, but we demonstrated that high lead blood levels relate to hunting season. Exposure at levels associated with both subclinical and lethal effects is common and lead from rifle bullets and shot is often the likely source of exposure. Overall, our review illustrates the high incidence and ubiquity of lead contamination in raptors in Europe. However, we did not find studies that related exposure to quantitative impacts on European raptor populations nor detailed studies on the impact of mitigation measures. Such information is urgently needed and requires a more harmonised approach to quantifying lead contamination and effects in raptors across Europe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Here we review contaminant exposure and related health effects in six selected Baltic key species. Sentinel species included are common eider, white-tailed eagle, harbour porpoise, harbour seal, ringed seal and grey seal. The review represents the first attempt of summarizing available information and baseline data for these biomonitoring key species exposed to industrial hazardous substances focusing on anthropogenic persistent organic pollutants (POPs). There was only limited information available for white-tailed eagles and common eider while extensive information exist on POP exposure and health effects in the four marine mammal species. Here we report organ-tissue endpoints (pathologies) and multiple biomarkers used to evaluate health and exposure of key species to POPs, respectively, over the past several decades during which episodes of significant population declines have been reported. Our review shows that POP exposure affects the reproductive system and survival through immune suppression and endocrine disruption, which have led to population-level effects on seals and white-tailed eagles in the Baltic. It is notable that many legacy contaminants, which have been banned for decades, still appear to affect Baltic wildlife. With respect to common eiders, changes in food composition, quality and contaminant exposure seem to have population effects which need to be investigated further, especially during the incubation period where the birds fast. Since new industrial contaminants continuously leak into the environment, we recommend continued monitoring of them in sentinel species in the Baltic, identifying possible effects linked to climate change, and modelling of population level effects of contaminants and climate change.





