Dissent and Disputes

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Over the past few years, some parents and clinicians in the UK have argued about decisions on the fate of critically-ill children, with the cases ending in protracted and emotionally-sapping legal disputes. The long-running legal conflicts have played out in the public eye, eliciting conflicting opinions. At the core of the disputes is whether parents or clinicians should determine the appropriate course of action. In the event of the disagreements, the domestic court intervenes guided by the \'best interests\' principle. A corpus of scholarship, falling on either side of the debate, has captured the contradictions. Until recently, the discourse had focused on the common recourses to domestic courts and the European Court of Human Rights. However, in the recent case of incapacitated 12-year-old Archie Battersbee, his parents sought redress from the international human rights system through the Committee on the Rights of People with Disabilities to stop termination of his life support. The courts barred the involvement of the Committee on the basis that the UK had not incorporated the treaty which birthed the Committee. The case brought into sharp focus the relationship between international law and domestic law. First, this paper asserts that the weight (not) given to international law by the domestic courts was inconsistent with its treatment of international obligations in other cases. Secondly, the position that unincorporated treaties do not have legal effect in domestic proceedings is ambiguous. Finally, the treaty body appeared ill-suited to handle a case of a critically-ill child in the face of the impatient demands of local justice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In response to the spread of COVID-19, governments across the world, with very few exceptions, have enacted sweeping restrictive lockdown policies that impede citizens\' freedom to move, work, and assemble. This paper critically responds to the central arguments for restrictive lockdown legislation. We build our critique on the following assumption: public policy that enjoys virtually unanimous support worldwide should be justified by uncontroversial moral principles. We argue that the virtually unanimous support in favor of restrictive lockdowns is not adequately justified by the arguments given in favor of them. Importantly, this is not to say that states ought not impose restrictive lockdown measures, but rather that the extent of the acceptance of these measures is not proportionate to the strength of the arguments for lockdowns.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: In the present case, we applied postmortem computed tomography angiography (PMCTA) in a medical dispute involving sudden death after cardiovascular surgery.
    METHODS: A 39-year-old man underwent aortic arch replacement combined with stented elephant trunk implantation surgery under extracorporeal circulation. All vital signs were stable and he was arranged for discharge seven days after surgery. Several days later, the patient was sent back to the hospital for chest pain and poor appetite. Unfortunately, his condition worsened and he ultimately died. PMCT scanning detect pericardial effusion. Family members suspected that the surgical sutures were not dense enough, causing the patient\'s postoperative bleeding and resulting in cardiac tamponade and death. PMCTA was performed before autopsy, which showed pericardial effusion. However, postmortem angiography with simulated blood pressure showed no leakage of contrast agent, which guided the subsequent autopsy and histological examinations.
    CONCLUSIONS: While many previous postmortem imaging case reports have shown positive results that provided evidence of medical malpractice, the current case excludes the possibility of physician negligence and reasonably settles the medical dispute from another perspective. In short, the PMCTA approach we describe here was an effective tool that can be applied to certain medical-related forensic cases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High Intensity Parental Dispute (HIPD) is a universal phenomenon that has grave ramifications on the dyadic and familial cells, which are receiving considerable attention in the research, public and professional discourses. However, a significant gap exists between the intensive involvement of systems in this phenomenon, and their ability to characterize and measure cardinal concepts defining it.
    The goal of the present study is to examine how indicators that are recognized in literature on HIPD are manifested in the practice of social workers involved in this sphere. More specifically, three dimensions included in evaluations on families involved in HIPD will be examined: dispute intensity, parent-child relationships, and child functioning.
    The sample included 199 written reports by social workers on families deemed by the court to be involved in HIPD. First, encoding systems for each dimension were developed using deductive content analysis. Second, the frequency of the indicators was examined and qualitatively different subgroups within each dimension were identified using Latent Class Analysis (LCA) or Latent Profile Analysis (LPA).
    The findings uncovered two significantly different groups for couples involved in HIPD and revealed the common profiles for parent-child relationships and for child functioning.
    The findings illustrate that there is no single characterization that can accurately describe different dimensions in the lives of families with HIPD, rather that subgroups with different behaviors should be expected to emerge. Thus, the findings emphasize the importance of using systematic measurements for identification and evaluation that could assist in fine tuning interventions and optimized resource allocation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evidence-based medicine (EBM) has long deemphasized mechanistic reasoning and pathophysiological rationale in assessing the effectiveness of interventions. The EBM+ movement has challenged this stance, arguing that evidence of mechanisms and comparative studies should both be seen as necessary and complementary. Advocates of EBM+ provide a combination of theoretical arguments and examples of mechanistic reasoning in medical research. However, EBM+ proponents have not provided recent examples of how downplaying mechanistic reasoning resulted in worse medical results than would have occurred otherwise. Such examples are necessary to make the case that EBM+ responds to a problem in clinical practice that urgently demands a solution. In light of this, we examine the failed rollout of efavirenz as a first-line HIV treatment in Zimbabwe as evidence of the importance of mechanistic reasoning in improving clinical practice and public health policy decisions. We suggest that this case is analogous to examples commonly given to support EBM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spread of vaccine misinformation may contribute to vaccine refusal/hesitancy and consequent harms. Nonetheless, censorship is often rejected on the grounds of free expression. This article examines John Stuart Mill\'s influential defence of free expression but finds that his arguments for freedom apply only to normal, reasonably favourable circumstances. In other cases, it may be permissible to restrict freedom, including freedom of speech. Thus, while Mill would ordinarily defend the right to express false views, such as that vaccines cause autism, he might have accepted restrictions on anti-vaccine misinformation during the present pandemic. This illustrates that even the staunchest defenders of free speech can permit temporary restrictions in exceptional circumstances.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Healthcare-related SARS-CoV-2 infection is an issue of particular concern during the pandemic. It has important repercussions on the National Health System, which represents a source of medical-legal health disputes. In the healthcare context, there are reports of negative screening at hospital admission (via nasopharyngeal swabs) and subsequent diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection during hospitalization. Such cases cannot be considered a priori of healthcare-related infections but require extensive in-depth evaluation. In this study, we propose an empirical classification to frame cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection diagnosed in the hospital (first negative admission swab, with subsequent positive test during hospitalization). The classification is based on five categories: nosocomial, probably nosocomial, indeterminate, probably community, and community cases. We analyzed patients who died after testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 during hospitalization (with initial negative screening) in the largest hospital in Northwest Italy from February 2020 to 31 December 2021. A total of 383 cases were tracked and are listed as follows: 41 cases (11%) were classified as nosocomial (i.e., 3.2% of COVID-19 deaths). In contrast, 71 cases (19%) were classified as probably nosocomial, 69 (18%) were indeterminate (i.e., the clinical, radiological, and laboratory characteristics did not provide information on the genesis of the infection), 166 (43%) were classified as probably community cases, and 36 (9%) were defined as community cases. Deceased patients with nosocomial SARS-CoV-2 infection constituted the following: 3.23% (41/1266) with respect to the total number of COVID-19 deaths, 1.1% (41/3789) with respect to those who entered the hospital with a negative swab and 0.82% (41/4672) with respect to the total of deaths from any cause of death. In this paper we discuss the topic and issues of nosocomial COVID-19 in hospitalized patients and address the medicolegal implications.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Attempts to conduct systematic reviews of ethical arguments in bioethics are fundamentally misguided. All areas of enquiry need thorough and informative literature reviews, and efforts to bring transparency and systematic methods to bioethics are to be welcomed. Nevertheless, the raw materials of bioethical articles are not suited to methods of systematic review. The eclecticism of philosophy may lead to suspicion of philosophical methods in bioethics. Because bioethics aims to influence medical and scientific practice it is tempting to adopt scientific language and methods. One manifestation is the increasing innovation in, and use of, systematic reviews of ethical arguments in bioethics. Yet bioethics, as a broadly philosophical area of enquiry, is unsuited to systematic review. Bioethical arguments are evaluative, so notions of quality and bias are inapplicable. Bioethical argument is conceptual rather than numerical, and the classification of concepts is itself a process of argument that cannot aspire to neutrality. Any \'systematic review\' of ethical arguments in bioethics thus falls short of that name. Furthermore, labels matter. Although the bioethics research community may find that adopting the language and the outward methods of clinical science offers apparent prospects of credibility, policy influence and funding, we argue that such misdirection carries risks and is unlikely to pay dividends in the long term. Bioethical sources are amenable to the review methods of the social sciences, and it is on these methods that specific methods of bioethics literature review should be built.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The teaching of evolution was the subject of intense controversy in the United States in the first decades of the twentieth century. Both the validity of the theory and its ethical, political and religious implications were in dispute. This article analyzes a magazine intended to popularize science in this context, Evolution: a Journal of Nature (1927-1938). The objective is to demonstrate that the dynamics of the public circulation of knowledge represented by the magazine cannot be reduced to a process of simplification, eliminating details and exceptions of little use to the general public, but rather consisted of a complete adaptation, creatively connecting scientific knowledge to questions of great importance in the public arena.
    O ensino de evolução foi objeto de intensa controvérsia nos EUA nas primeiras décadas do século XX. Em disputa, estava não apenas a validade da teoria, mas também a consideração de suas implicações éticas, políticas e religiosas. Este artigo analisa uma revista de popularização científica inserida nesse contexto, a Evolution: a Journal of Nature (1927-1938). O objetivo é demonstrar que a dinâmica de circulação pública do conhecimento representada pela revista não se resumiu a um processo de simplificação, eliminando detalhes e ressalvas pouco úteis ao público não especializado, mas antes consistiu em uma completa adaptação, confrontando criativamente o conhecimento científico com questões de grande importância na arena pública.





