DNA ploidy

DNA 倍性
  • 文章类型: Observational Study
    This prospective observational study investigated the determinants of malignant transformation (MT) in localized oral leukoplakia (OL) and proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL).
    Demographic, clinical, histological, and DNA ploidy status data were collected at enrolment. Survival analysis was performed (MT being the event of interest).
    One-hundred and thirty-three patients with OL and 20 patients with PVL entered the study over 6 years (mean follow-up 7.8 years). The presence of OED, DNA ploidy, clinical presentation, and lesion site were associated with MT in patients with OL in a univariate analysis. In a multivariate model, OED was the strongest predictor of MT in patients with OL. Adding DNA ploidy increased the model\'s predictive power. None of the assessed predictors was associated with MT in patients with PVL.
    DNA ploidy might identify a subset OL with low risk or minimal risk of MT, but it does not seem to be a reliable predictor in patients with PVL.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate DNA ploidy and S-phase fraction (SPF) in non-Lynch colonic adenocarcinoma, ulcerative colitis (UC), Crohn disease (CD) which are known as risk factors, and colitis. We correlated ploidy and SPF with tumor grading, staging and BRAF expression.
    METHODS: All studied adenocarcinomas have intact mismatch repair genes as proved by immunohistochemistry. All were assessed for ploidy by automated image-based DNA cytometry and histograms were drawn. Immunostaining by anti-BRAF V600E was performed. Diagnostic laparoscopy (DL) was done as a preliminary step for staging GI cancers.
    RESULTS: there is significant difference in DNA ploidy between groups; 77.5% and 17.5% of aneuploid cases are adenocarcinoma and UC. Groups are compared in terms of 2C, 4C, above 4C DNA content and SPF and significant difference is principally found between adenocarcinoma group and others. In adenocarcinomas, DNA ploidy is significantly correlated with tumor staging and grading. Regarding BRAF expression, there is significant difference between groups; all adenocarcinomas, 83.33% of UC were positive, while all cases of colitis, bilharzial colitis, CD were negative. There is significant relation between BRAF and SPF among all diploid cases including adenocarcinoma, and among non-neoplastic diploid cases. There is direct significant relation between BRAF intensity and adenocarcinoma staging. There is no significant difference between BRAF and ploidy among UC cases, although 75% of aneuploid UC are positive. DL helps in GI cancer staging. Routine laparoscopy before laparotomy, especially in cancers which have equivocal operability helps to avoid unnecessary laparotomies.
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on significant difference in ploidy between adenocarcinoma and UC and between SPF and ploidy, assessment of ploidy by DNA cytometry for UC and other colitis could therefore predict impending malignant transformation before development of colonic dysplasia. Also measuring SPF in adenocarcinoma helps to select patients who could greatly benefit from chemotherapy. DL has vital role in staging GI cancers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: About 7 million people die from various types of cancer every year representing nearly 12.5% of deaths worldwide. This fact raises the demand to develop new, effective anticancer, onco-suppressive, and chemoprotective agents for the future fighting of cancers. Genistein exhibits pleiotropic functions in cancer, metabolism, and inflammation. It functions as an antineoplastic agent through its effect on the cell cycle, apoptotic processes, angiogenesis, invasion, and metastasis.
    OBJECTIVE: The current study aimed to study the genistein onco-suppressive effects during 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA)-induced oral carcinogenesis in hamsters\' buccal pouch utilizing flow cytometry analysis (FMA), as a fast-diagnosing tool, in addition to the histopathology.
    METHODS: The buccal mucosa of adult male Syrian hamsters was painted with paraffin oil only (group 1), DMBA mixed in mineral oil (group 2), or orally administrated genistein along with painting DMBA (group 2B). The buccal mucosa was utilized for flow cytometric analysis and histopathological examination.
    RESULTS: Grossly, DMBA-induced carcinogenesis started at the 9th week. Progressive signs appeared in the following weeks reaching to large ulcerative oral masses and exophytic nodules at the 21st week. Histologically, invasive well-differentiated oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) appeared in the underlying tissues from the 12th week, showing malignant criteria. Genistein had delayed clinicopathological change, which started 6 weeks later, than the DMBA-painted hamsters, as mild epithelial dysplastic changes. This became moderate during the last 6 weeks, without dysplastic changes. Flow cytometry revealed that DMBA led to considerable variation in DNA proliferation activity, aneuploid DNA pattern, in 47.22% of hamsters and significantly raised the S-phase fragment (SPF) values, which drastically reduced after genistein treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, genistein could be employed as an onco-suppressive agent for carcinogenesis. Moreover, FMA could be used as an aiding fast tool for diagnosis of cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Liquid-based cytology is one of the most useful methods to diagnose a patient with serous effusion, especially when malignancy is suspected. As an alternative to the use of liquid-based cytology only, the serous effusion can be further processed using the technique of DNA image cytometry, which may augment diagnostic utility. The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic yields of liquid-based cytology, DNA image cytometry, and both in combination, regardless of serous-effusion etiology.
    We conducted a descriptive study on patients with serous effusions from July 2016 to June 2018. All samples were submitted for liquid-based cytology and DNA image cytometry techniques. We compared the results of cytopathological studies to the final diagnoses.
    For a total of 798 samples, final diagnoses included 412 (51.6%) malignancies, 280 (35.1.%) inflammatory diseases, and 106 (13.3%) transudative serous effusions. Liquid-based cytology had a more sensitive diagnostic yield than DNA image cytometry did (38.8% vs 30.7%; P < .05), but the combination of both had a higher yield (43.7%; P < .05) compared with that of liquid-based cytology alone. For the 412 malignant serous effusions, diagnostic yields of liquid-based cytology and DNA image cytometry were 73.8% and 59.5%, respectively. The difference in sensitivity was significant (P < .05). Combined liquid-based cytology + DNA image cytometry improved diagnostic yield to 83.3% (P < .05). However, both liquid-based cytology and DNA image cytometry had low diagnostic yields for inflammatory diseases and transudative serous effusions.
    In serous effusion, liquid-based cytology\'s diagnostic performance is better than that of DNA image cytometry. Application of both techniques can significantly increase diagnostic yield.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The potent experimental renal carcinogenesis of ochratoxin A (OTA) in male rats makes the dietary contaminant a potential factor in human oncology. We explored whether the tumour promoter sodium barbitate could shorten the otherwise long latency between exposure to toxin and tumourigenesis. Young rats, of a hybrid in which mononuclear leukaemia was rare, were given feed contaminated (5 ppm) with OTA for 36 weeks to initiate renal tumourigenesis. Some individuals were thereafter given sodium barbitate (500 ppm in drinking water) for life. Pathological outcomes were studied at or near the end of natural life. Renal tumours in males given barbitate became evident after latency of one year, but only slightly before those without barbitate. In contrast, female mammary tumourigenesis was advanced by at least 6 months synchronously in all rats given the OTA-barbitate regimen compared to tumourigenesis in controls. Diagnosis of malignant mammary angiosarcoma in a female given the OTA-barbitate regimen is a new finding in the rat. The long latency of OTA-induced renal tumourigenesis was not notably susceptible to accelerated promotion by barbitate, contrasting with an apparently marked effect of barbitate on development of mammary tumours.






