
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Health education games make health-related tasks enjoyable and interactive, thereby encouraging user participation. Entrepreneurs and health educators can leverage online crowdfunding platforms, such as Kickstarter, to transform their innovative ideas into funded projects.
    UNASSIGNED: This research focuses on health education game initiatives on Kickstarter. Through an online user survey, it aims to understand user perceptions and evaluate the significance of 8 distinct components that may influence the success of such crowdfunding initiatives.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 75 participants evaluated games using 8 dimensions: game rules, learning objectives, narrative, content organization, motivation, interactivity, skill building, and assessment and feedback. The survey data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis, exploratory factor analysis, the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, and multivariate analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: Exploratory data analysis showed that, among the 8 dimensions, skill building, content organization, and interactivity were the top-ranking dimensions most closely associated with crowdfunding health education game. The 8 dimensions can be grouped into 3 categories from the exploratory factor analysis: game content-, instruction-, and game design-related components. Further statistical analysis confirmed the correlation between these dimensions with the successful crowdfunding of health education games.
    UNASSIGNED: This empirical analysis identified critical factors for game proposal design that can increase the likelihood of securing crowdfunding support.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, there has been growing concern about prejudice in crowdfunding; however, empirical research remains limited, particularly in the context of medical crowdfunding. This study addresses the pressing issue of racial disparities in medical crowdfunding, with a specific focus on cancer crowdfunding on the GoFundMe platform.
    This study aims to investigate racial disparities in cancer crowdfunding using average donation amount, number of donations, and success of the fundraising campaign as outcomes.
    Drawing from a substantial data set of 104,809 campaigns in the United States, we used DeepFace facial recognition technology to determine racial identities and used regression models to examine racial factors in crowdfunding performance. We also examined the moderating effect of the proportion of White residents on crowdfunding bias and used 2-tailed t tests to measure the influence of racial anonymity on crowdfunding success. Owing to the large sample size, we set the cutoff for significance at P<.001.
    In the regression and supplementary analyses, the racial identity of the fundraiser significantly predicted average donations (P<.001), indicating that implicit bias may play a role in donor behavior. Gender (P=.04) and campaign description length (P=.62) did not significantly predict the average donation amounts. The race of the fundraiser was not significantly associated with the number of donations (P=.42). The success rate of cancer crowdfunding campaigns, although generally low (11.77%), showed a significant association with the race of the fundraiser (P<.001). After controlling for the covariates of the fundraiser gender, fundraiser age, local White proportion, length of campaign description, and fundraising goal, the average donation amount to White individuals was 17.68% higher than for Black individuals. Moreover, campaigns that did not disclose racial information demonstrated a marginally higher average donation amount (3.92%) than those identified as persons of color. Furthermore, the racial composition of the fundraiser\'s county of residence was found to exert influence (P<.001); counties with a higher proportion of White residents exhibited reduced racial disparities in crowdfunding outcomes.
    This study contributes to a deeper understanding of racial disparities in cancer crowdfunding. It highlights the impact of racial identity, geographic context, and the potential for implicit bias in donor behavior. As web-based platforms evolve, addressing racial inequality and promoting fairness in health care financing remain critical goals. Insights from this research suggest strategies such as maintaining racial anonymity and ensuring that campaigns provide strong evidence of deservingness. Moreover, broader societal changes are necessary to eliminate the financial distress that drives individuals to seek crowdfunding support.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Due to rising health care costs, patients have sought alternative ways of addressing medical expenses. In particular, transplant patients have complex and expensive medical needs-including skin cancer surveillance-that may not be fully covered by insurance. One such method of financing medical costs is by crowdsourcing through web-based platforms, most notably GoFundMe.
    OBJECTIVE: Previous work identified factors associated with GoFundMe campaigns\' fundraising success for dermatologic diseases. We sought to characterize these factors in transplant recipients\' campaigns for funds raised for covering skin cancer-related costs. These factors include demographics, campaign traits, and subjective themes.
    METHODS: From January to April 2022, we analyzed GoFundMe campaigns using the following search terms chosen on the basis of author consensus: \"transplant skin cancer,\" \"transplant basal cell,\" \"transplant squamous,\" \"transplant melanoma,\" and \"dermatologist transplant.\" Demographic data were coded from campaign text or subjectively coded based on author consensus. Campaigns were read completely by 2 independent coders and associated with up to 3 different themes. Linear regression was performed to examine the qualities associated with success, which was defined as funds raised when controlling for campaign goals. Logistic regression was used to examine qualities associated with extremely successful campaigns, defined as those raising funds over 1.5 times the IQR.
    RESULTS: Across 82 campaigns, we identified several factors that were associated with fundraiser success. Patients who experienced complications during infectious disease treatment, those who received a pancreas transplant, or those who died from their disease raised significantly more money. Patients older than 61 years raised significantly less money. Extremely successful campaigns (>US $20,177) were associated with campaigners who emphasized a disability from their disease, those who were reluctant to ask for help, or those who died due to their disease.
    CONCLUSIONS: Demographic and thematic factors are associated with transplant patients\' skin cancer-related fundraising success, favoring those who are younger, in more extreme situations, and appear reluctant to ask for help; these findings are consistent with those of previous studies. Additionally, transplant patients have complex and expensive dermatologic needs that may not be fully covered by insurance, as reflected in their GoFundMe campaigns. The most commonly mentioned reasons for fundraising included living expenses or loss of income, inadequate or no insurance, and end-of-life costs. Our findings may inform transplant patients how to maximize the success of their campaigns and highlight gaps in health care coverage for skin cancer-related costs. Limitations include the possibility for misclassification due to the data abstraction process and limiting data collection to fundraisers available on GoFundMe while excluding those on other websites. Further research should investigate the ethical implications of crowdfunding, financial needs of this patient population, and potential ways to improve access to routine skin cancer surveillance among patients receiving transplants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Crowdfunding for medical costs is becoming increasingly popular. Few previous studies have described the fundraising characteristics and qualities associated with success.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to characterize and investigate the qualities associated with successful dermatological fundraisers.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional study of dermatological GoFundMe campaigns collected data, including demographic variables, thematic variables using an inductive qualitative method, and quantitative information. Linear regression examined the qualities associated with success, which are defined based on funds raised when controlling for campaign goals. Logistic regression was used to examine qualities associated with extremely successful campaigns, defined as those raising >1.5 times the IQR. Statistical significance was set at P<.05.
    RESULTS: A total of 2008 publicly available campaigns at the time of data collection were evaluated. Nonmodifiable factors associated with greater success included male gender, age 20-40 years, and White race. Modifiable factors associated with success included more updates posted to the campaign page, non-self-identity of the campaign creator, mention of a chronic condition, and smiling in campaign profile photographs.
    CONCLUSIONS: Understanding the modifiable factors of medical crowdfunding may inform future campaigns, and nonmodifiable factors may have policy implications for improving health care equity and financing. Crowdfunding for medical disease treatment may have potential implications for medical privacy and exacerbation of existing health care disparities. This study was limited to publicly available GoFundMe campaigns. Potential limitations for this study include intercoder variability, misclassification bias because of the data abstraction process, and prioritization of campaigns based on the proprietary GoFundMe algorithm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To advertise or estimate demand, many pre-order items appear on crowdfunding platforms. Few studies have explored backers\' preferences between crowdfunding projects and pre-order items. To analyze backers\' preferences, 1,800 technology and innovation campaigns were collected from the Indiegogo crowdfunding platform. Using the product stage badge, the campaigns in the concept and prototype stages were treated as crowdfunding projects, while those in the production and shipping stages were labeled pre-order items, resulting in 1,305 crowdfunding projects and 495 pre-order items, respectively. Propensity score matching was leveraged to investigate differences in fundraising outcomes between crowdfunding projects and pre-order items. The results indicate that pre-order items have better fundraising outcomes than crowdfunding projects, suggesting that backers are risk-averse on the crowdfunding platform.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Patients with rheumatic diseases may require costly treatment and continuous rehabilitation, which Internet collections may finance. We aimed to characterize medical crowdfunding campaigns for the needs of Polish people with rheumatic diseases.
    UNASSIGNED: We utilized data from the largest medical crowdfunding platform in Poland, All collections in the years 2009-2017 for the needs of people with rheumatic diseases were identified.
    UNASSIGNED: Twenty-three of 2,656 collections were included (0.9%). Sixty-five and two percent of campaigns collected the financial target. The median amount of collected funds was 3,369 euros. Ten collections concerned conservative treatments (drug and/or rehabilitation), seven financed surgery, five supported the acquisition of medical equipment or its repair, and one aimed at facilitating a diagnostic consultation with a foreign specialist.
    UNASSIGNED: Polish patients with rheumatic diseases collect funds via medical crowdfunding, mostly for needs not covered by public healthcare or to obtain better health services in the private sector.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Web-based crowdfunding has become a popular method to raise money for medical expenses, and there is growing research interest in this topic. However, crowdfunding data are largely composed of unstructured text, thereby posing many challenges for researchers hoping to answer questions about specific medical conditions. Previous studies have used methods that either failed to address major challenges or were poorly scalable to large sample sizes. To enable further research on this emerging funding mechanism in health care, better methods are needed.
    We sought to validate an algorithm for identifying 11 disease categories in web-based medical crowdfunding campaigns. We hypothesized that a disease identification algorithm combining a named entity recognition (NER) model and word search approach could identify disease categories with high precision and accuracy. Such an algorithm would facilitate further research using these data.
    Web scraping was used to collect data on medical crowdfunding campaigns from GoFundMe (GoFundMe Inc). Using pretrained NER and entity resolution models from Spark NLP for Healthcare in combination with targeted keyword searches, we constructed an algorithm to identify conditions in the campaign descriptions, translate conditions to International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) codes, and predict the presence or absence of 11 disease categories in the campaigns. The classification performance of the algorithm was evaluated against 400 manually labeled campaigns.
    We collected data on 89,645 crowdfunding campaigns through web scraping. The interrater reliability for detecting the presence of broad disease categories in the campaign descriptions was high (Cohen κ: range 0.69-0.96). The NER and entity resolution models identified 6594 unique (276,020 total) ICD-10-CM codes among all of the crowdfunding campaigns in our sample. Through our word search, we identified 3261 additional campaigns for which a medical condition was not otherwise detected with the NER model. When averaged across all disease categories and weighted by the number of campaigns that mentioned each disease category, the algorithm demonstrated an overall precision of 0.83 (range 0.48-0.97), a recall of 0.77 (range 0.42-0.98), an F1 score of 0.78 (range 0.56-0.96), and an accuracy of 95% (range 90%-98%).
    A disease identification algorithm combining pretrained natural language processing models and ICD-10-CM code-based disease categorization was able to detect 11 disease categories in medical crowdfunding campaigns with high precision and accuracy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Individuals in need of medical care turn to crowdfunding websites to engage a \"crowd\" or group for financial support. In the last decade, access to insulin has decreased considerably for several reasons, including the rising cost of insulin, increasing popularity of high-deductible insurance plans, and increasing insurance premiums. Many people with diabetes are forced to ration or go without insulin, and they turn to crowdfunding websites to seek financial donations to purchase insulin needed to reduce health risks and mortality, and sustain quality of life.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to explore crowdfunding campaign requests to purchase insulin in the United States.
    METHODS: In this retrospective, quantitative, and qualitative study, we coded the text of GoFundMe online crowdfunding campaigns and viral measures (shares, hearts, and comments) from February 25 to April 15, 2019. We described campaigns (N=205) and explored the factors associated with campaign success using correlations and qualitative thematic analysis.
    RESULTS: The majority of campaigns were initiated by middle-aged adults (age 26-64 years; 77/205, 37.6%), those with type 1 diabetes (94/205, 45.9%), and those needing funds owing to insurance coverage issues (125/205, 61.0%). The factors associated with campaign success included requests for ≤US $500 (P=.007) and higher viral measures (shares, P=.007; hearts, P<.001; comments, P=.002). The following 4 themes emerged from the campaign text: (1) desire for self-management and survival, (2) diabetes management untenable given insulin access, (3) aftermath of insulin unaffordability, and (4) privacy issues with crowdfunding. Campaign comments were both supportive (tangible, informational, and emotional) and unsupportive (questioned the need for the campaign and deemed crowdfunding inappropriate).
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite crowdfunding websites being used to support the purchase of insulin, campaigns raised only a fraction of the money requested. Therefore, GoFundMe campaigns are not a reliable solution to obtain funds for insulin in the United States. Applying quantitative and qualitative methods is adequate to analyze online crowdfunding for costs of medications such as insulin. However, it is critical for people with diabetes to use resources other than online crowdfunding to access and obtain insulin owing to low success rates. Clinicians should routinely assess difficulty accessing or affording insulin, and federal health care policies should support lowering the cost of insulin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As the number of COVID-19 cases increased precipitously in the United States, policy makers and health officials marshalled their pandemic responses. As the economic impacts multiplied, anecdotal reports noted the increased use of web-based crowdfunding to defray these costs.
    We examined the web-based crowdfunding response in the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States to understand the incidence of initiation of COVID-19-related campaigns and compare them to non-COVID-19-related campaigns.
    On May 16, 2020, we extracted all available data available on US campaigns that contained narratives and were created between January 1 and May 10, 2020, on GoFundMe. We identified the subset of COVID-19-related campaigns using keywords relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic. We explored the incidence of COVID-19-related campaigns by geography, by category, and over time, and we compared the characteristics of the campaigns to those of non-COVID-19-related campaigns after March 11, when the pandemic was declared. We then used a natural language processing algorithm to cluster campaigns by narrative content using overlapping keywords.
    We found that there was a substantial increase in overall GoFundMe web-based crowdfunding campaigns in March, largely attributable to COVID-19-related campaigns. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic persisted and progressed, the number of campaigns per COVID-19 case declined more than tenfold across all states. The states with the earliest disease burden had the fewest campaigns per case, indicating a lack of a case-dependent response. COVID-19-related campaigns raised more money, had a longer narrative description, and were more likely to be shared on Facebook than other campaigns in the study period.
    Web-based crowdfunding appears to be a stopgap for only a minority of campaigners. The novelty of an emergency likely impacts both campaign initiation and crowdfunding success, as it reflects the affective response of a community. Crowdfunding activity likely serves as an early signal for emerging needs and societal sentiment for communities in acute distress that could be used by governments and aid organizations to guide disaster relief and policy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Existing research on antecedent of funding success mainly focuses on basic project properties such as funding goal, duration, and project category. In this study, we view the process by which project owners raise funds from backers as a persuasion process through project descriptions. Guided by the unimodel theory of persuasion, this study identifies three exemplary antecedents (length, readability, and tone) from the content of project descriptions and two antecedents (past experience and past expertise) from the trustworthy cue of project descriptions. We then investigate their impacts on funding success. Using data collected from Kickstarter, a popular crowdfunding platform, we find that these antecedents are significantly associated with funding success. Empirical results show that the proposed model that incorporated these antecedents can achieve an accuracy of 73 % (70 % in F-measure). The result represents an improvement of roughly 14 percentage points over the baseline model based on informed guessing and 4 percentage points improvement over the mainstream model based on basic project properties (or 44 % improvement of mainstream\'s performance over informed guessing). The proposed model also has superior true positive and true negative rates. We also investigate the timeliness of project data and find that old project data is gradually becoming less relevant and losing predictive power to newly created projects. Overall, this study provides evidence that antecedents identified from project descriptions have incremental predictive power and can help project owners evaluate and improve the likelihood of funding success.





