
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Early life adversity/stress (ELA/ELS), particularly adverse caregiving experiences such as child maltreatment (MALT), is a main risk factor for psychopathology, including psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, and substance abuse. Yet how these alterations unfold during development and the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood, as it is difficult to prospectively and longitudinally study early developmental phases in humans, and nearly impossible to disentangle postnatal caregiving effects from heritable traits. This study examined the specific effects of \"nurture\" (maternal care) versus \"nature\" (heritable, biological maternal factors) on nonhuman primate infant socioemotional, stress neuroendocrine, and physical development. For this we used a translational and naturalistic macaque model of infant maltreatment by the mother with randomized assignment at birth to either mothers with a history of maltreating their infants (MALT group, n = 22) or to competent mothers (Control group, n = 20). Over the first 6 months of life (roughly equivalent to 2 years in humans), we examined the development of the mother-infant relationship, as well as infants\' social behavior and emotional reactivity. In parallel, we assessed hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis function longitudinally, using measures of hair cortisol accumulation, and basal morning plasma cortisol. We identified broad impairments in maternal care exhibited by MALT foster mothers, beyond maltreatment (physical abuse, rejection) events, suggesting that MALT foster mothers provide an overall lower quality of care to their infants compared to Controls. MALT infants exhibited alterations in their initiations and breaks of proximity towards their mothers, as well as heightened emotional reactivity in comparison to Controls. Most striking are the HPA axis findings, with MALT infants showing higher levels of plasma cortisol across the first 6 postnatal months as well as higher hair cortisol accumulation from birth through month 6 (a signature of chronic stress) than Controls. No caregiving effects were detected on physical growth, which ruled out confounding effects of maternal nutrition, metabolism, etc. Taken together, these results suggest that the developmental trajectory of MALT and Control infants is different, marked by heightened levels of emotional reactivity, increased HPA activity and alterations in mother-infant interactions in MALT animals. These findings appear to be due to specific effects of postnatal maternal care, and not to biological/ behavioral traits inherited from the mother, or due to prenatal programming caused by prenatal stress, as the cross-fostering design controlled for these potential factors. However, we also detected a couple of interesting biological effects suggesting heritable transmission of some phenotypes. The prolonged HPA axis activation during the first 6 postnatal months of life is expected to have long-term consequences for brain, physiological, and behavioral development in MALT offspring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alternative management strategies that can increase disease resilience and reduce antibiotics in weaned pigs are needed. Our objective was to compare the effect of two nursing strategies and weaning ages on weight gain, clinical health and antibiotic treatments in weaned pigs not provided with medical zinc oxide in feed. A 2×2 factorial trial was conducted in three Danish commercial herds. Nursing strategies tested were \"cross-fostering allowed\" (CF) vs. \"cross-fostering not allowed\" (non-CF). Weaning ages tested were four (24-29 days) vs. five weeks (31-35 days). Pigs were followed from weaning until 33-35 days post-weaning. Herd staff made decisions on and registered antibiotic treatment, removal of pigs to sick pens and mortality. Pigs were weighed at weaning (N = 3139) and on day 33-35 post-weaning (N = 2898). Clinical examinations were carried out on day 4, 7 and 33-35 post-weaning. The effect of nursing strategy and weaning age on weight gain, clinical health and antibiotic treatments was analysed by mixed linear and logistic models. We found that pigs weaned at five weeks of age gained 103.6 g more daily compared to pigs weaned at four weeks during the 33-35 days post-weaning (<0.001). Weaning age affected diarrhoea prevalence, but the effect differed between herds. For pigs weaned at five weeks compared to four weeks of age, the odds for diarrhoea one week post-weaning was 0.7 times lower in one herd whereas the odds for diarrhoea were 2.0 and 1.4 times higher in the two other herds, respectively (P < 0.05). In all herds, we found fewer runted (OR=0.28, P < 0.001) and thin (OR=0.23, P < 0.001) pigs 33-35 days post-weaning in pigs weaned at five weeks of age compared to four weeks. Furthermore, in all herds, CF pigs were more likely to be removed to a sick pen or to die. In total, 5.9%, 13.6% and 64.9% of the studied weaned pigs were treated with antibiotics in the three herds, respectively. Treatment prevalence did not associate to weaning age or nursing strategy and did not in all cases appear to be linked with diarrhoea prevalence. The results indicate that a higher weaning age and less cross-fostering to some extend increase disease resilience post-weaning but herd specific factors interacted with the effects. The prevalence of pigs treated with antibiotics were herd dependent and may relate more to management decisions than to disease level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Nursing mom can regulate the gut microbiome succession in offspring. However, it remains unclear whether these effects are long-term and what effect it has on the growth performance of piglets. This study aimed to develop a cross-fostering model of piglets and investigate the effect of maternal environment on gut microbiota, even the growth performance of the offspring, and if this effect could be maintained in the long term.
    RESULTS: Four groups of piglets were generated as follows (n = 12): Duroc piglets nursed by their birth mom (Dd) or Yorkshire sows (Yd), Yorkshire piglets nursed by Duroc sows (Dy) or their birth mom (Yy). The study found that cross-fostering improved the growth performance of piglets for a long time. The gut microbiota of piglets was mainly determined by the breeds of nursing moms before weaning, and it was more and more influenced by their breeds after weaning, but the influence of birth mom breeds still existed. The linear discriminant analysis (LDA) effect size (LEfSe) analysis and Spearman correlation analysis showed that Sutterella, Butyricimonas and Alistipes, which were affected by nursing mom before weaning, had a strong positive correlation with the growth performance of piglets before weaning. Candidatus_Soleaferrea and Treponema, which were affected by both nursing mom and piglet breed after weaning, were significantly negatively correlated with the growth performance of piglets long after weaning.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results revealed that both the breeds of piglets and their birth moms influence the gut microbiota of piglets for a long time, even after weaning. Additionally, this effect might be related to the growth performance of piglets. © 2022 Society of Chemical Industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cross-fostering is a common nursing strategy in pig production, but there is sparse evidence on its effect on antibiotic usage and disease occurrence in piglets. The objective of this study was to compare the effect of two nursing strategies on antibiotic usage, disease occurrence, weight gain and mortality in piglets. A 2×2 randomized factorial experiment was conducted in three Danish commercial pig production herds. The factors were nursing strategy (cross-fostering allowed (CF) vs. cross-fostering not allowed after initial litter equalisation (non-CF)) and weaning age (four vs. five weeks). In CF litters, the herd\'s usual cross-fostering strategy was applied. Piglets were followed individually from birth until weaning. Data was collected on antibiotic usage, mortality, weight gain and clinical disease. Only individual antibiotic treatments were allowed. At litter level, the effect of nursing strategy (CF vs. non-CF) on average daily gain, mortality, antibiotic treatment, clinical disease, face wounds and carpal wounds was analysed. In total, 241 litters were used for the data analysis. Approximately 30% of the CF litters were cross-fostered (either given a nurse sow, mingled with non-siblings or both) during the nursing period. The odds for antibiotic treatment during the suckling period were 1.58 times higher for CF litters compared to non-CF litters (P < 0.001). Across experimental groups, 60.8% of antibiotic treatments were administered for leg diseases. In CF litters, 15.7-21.3% of the antibiotic treatments were directed against diarrhoea, whereas in non-CF litters this was the case for less than 1%. In CF litters, the odds for carpal wounds were 1.40 times higher than in non-CF litters (P = 0.005). There was a tendency towards a higher occurrence of face wounds (OR = 1.30, P = 0.095) and clinical disease (OR = 1.25, P = 0.059) at weaning in CF litters compared to non-CF litters. There was no difference in average daily gain and mortality from birth to weaning between CF and non-CF litters. The results show that cross-fostering increases antibiotic usage in piglets during the nursing period and tends to affect the clinical health at weaning negatively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Hatano strains of the Sprague Dawley rats have been selectively bred to create high- (HAA) and low- (LAA) active avoidance variants. We previously reported that HAA rats display more anxiety-related behavior than LAA rats, but whether this strain difference is affected by postnatal environmental factors remains unclear. In this study, we performed in- and cross-fostering between the HAA and LAA strains and investigated the effect of postnatal maternal traits on the emotional responses in each strain of the male offspring. We evaluated the effect of the fostering treatment on the emotional responses of the male offspring using the elevated plus maze test. The male LAA offspring reared by HAA dam showed higher anxiety-related behavior than those reared by LAA dam. Next, we quantified and typed various maternal behavior under the in- and cross-fostering conditions during the lactation period using a snapshot sampling method. This method allowed us to evaluate potential maternal traits that may influence the emotional responses of the offspring observed in our first experiment. We found that HAA dams showed long-term resting without offspring and offspring arrangement compared with LAA dams. These findings suggest that postnatal environmental factors may alter anxiety-related behavior in the male LAA offspring and that less direct contact with their offspring during the lactation period may induce anxiety-related behavior in male offspring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Long-lived migratory animals must balance the cost of current reproduction with their own condition ahead of a challenging migration and future reproduction. In these species, carry-over effects, which occur when events in one season affect the outcome of the subsequent season, may be particularly exacerbated. However, how carry-over effects influence future breeding outcomes and whether (and how) they also affect behaviour during migration and wintering is unclear. Here we investigate carry-over effects induced by a controlled, bidirectional manipulation of the duration of reproductive effort on the migratory, wintering and subsequent breeding behaviour of a long-lived migratory seabird, the Manx shearwater Puffinus puffinus. By cross-fostering chicks of different age between nests, we successfully prolonged or shortened by ∼25% the chick-rearing period of 42 breeding pairs. We tracked the adults with geolocators over the subsequent year and combined migration route data with at-sea activity budgets obtained from high-resolution saltwater-immersion data. Migratory behaviour was also recorded during non-experimental years (the year before and/or two years after manipulation) for a subset of birds, allowing comparison between experimental and non-experimental years within treatment groups. All birds cared for chicks until normal fledging age, resulting in birds with a longer breeding period delaying their departure on migration; however, birds that finished breeding earlier did not start migrating earlier. Increased reproductive effort resulted in less time spent at the wintering grounds, a reduction in time spent resting daily and a delayed start of breeding with lighter eggs and chicks and lower breeding success the following breeding season. Conversely, reduced reproductive effort resulted in more time resting and less time foraging during the winter, but a similar breeding phenology and success compared with control birds the following year, suggesting that \'positive\' carry-over effects may also occur but perhaps have a less long-lasting impact than those incurred from increased reproductive effort. Our results shed light on how carry-over effects can develop and modify an adult animal\'s behaviour year-round and reveal how a complex interaction between current and future reproductive fitness, individual condition and external constraints can influence life-history decisions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pre-reproductive environmental enrichment of female rats influences sensorimotor development and spatial behavior of the offspring, possibly through the changed maternal nurturing. Nevertheless, maternal care could be not the solely responsible for changing offspring developmental trajectories. To disentangle the specific contribution to the transgenerational inheritance of pre- and post-natal factors, a cross-fostering study was performed. Female rats were reared in an enriched environment from weaning to sexual maturity, while control female rats were reared under standard conditions. Following mating with standard-reared males, all females were housed individually. Immediately after delivery, in- or cross-fostering manipulations were performed so that any foster dams received pups born to another dam of the same (in-fostering) or the opposite (cross-fostering) pre-reproductive rearing condition. In lactating dams maternal care and nesting activities were assessed, while in their male pups spatial abilities were assessed through Morris Water Maze (MWM) test at post-natal day 45. Moreover, the expression of Brain-Derived-Neurotrophic-Factor (BDNF) was evaluated in the hippocampus and frontal cortex of dams and pups at weaning. Pre-reproductive maternal environmental enrichment, followed by adoption procedures, loosened its potential in modifying maternal care and offspring developmental trajectories, as indicated by the lack of differences between in-fostered groups of dams and pups. In addition, enriched dams rearing standard pups showed the least complex maternal repertoire (the highest sniffing duration and the lowest nest quality), and their pups showed a reduced spatial learning in the MWM. Nevertheless, pre-reproductive maternal enrichment kept influencing neurotrophic pattern, with enriched dams expressing increased frontal BDNF levels (regardless of the kind of fostered pups), and their offspring expressing increased hippocampal BDNF levels. The present findings enlighten the crucial importance of the early mother-pups interactions in influencing maternal care and offspring phenotype, with the enriched dam-standard pups couple resulting in the most maladaptive encounter. Our study thus sustains that the bidirectional interactions between mother and pups are able to deeply shape offspring phenotype.





