
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Treating perpetrators of aggressive behavior, like verbal aggression, intimidation, and bullying behavior resulting in aggressive incidents with others, is difficult. This group is often diagnosed with personality disorders and when legal measures applied, they are more often treated in a forensic setting for their problems. This article presents the case of a 54-year-old man, diagnosed with Borderline personality disorder, narcissistic and antisocial traits, mild depressive symptoms, and loss and grief, who has voluntarily had treatment in a forensic outpatient center to reduce aggression and change destructive patterns in relationships. Hating, judging, and self-defeating were the main reasons why the patient found himself ending up in the same situation repeatedly. The client received individual drama therapy sessions. The drama therapeutic approach included schema therapeutic elements, such as schema mode work with cards, as well as roleplay, imagery (with rescripting), improvisation, and psycho drama elements. As a result of drama therapy, the client reported less (active) aggression, less aggression in his relationships (partners/children/friends), but also an increased level of loneliness, and mild depressive symptoms. The client was more in touch with his vulnerability and was able to behave in a more adequate healthy way in relationships. Although self-esteem was still building up, there was a decrease of aggression and less conflict-seeking behavior as a result. Risk assessment tools (FARE-2 & HONOS) and Schema therapy scales (YSQ and SMI) were used pre- and posttreatment confirming the improvements. This case promotes the use of dramatherapy in forensic outpatient care to be valuable in lowering risk recidivism and changing deeply rooted behavioral patterns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Differences exist between contact and noncontact-driven online child sexual abuse offenders; however, there is still a notable lack of empirical studies with police samples from non-English speaking countries, including Spain.
    We address this gap by analyzing the criminological characteristics of online child sexual grooming (OCSG) suspected offenders from de-identified law enforcement investigations in Spain.
    We anonymously coded data provided by Spanish law enforcement agencies from 257 OCSG cases (i.e., unique chat logs between a suspect and minor) extracted from 98 police reports with index investigation years from 2008 to 2021. A total of 101,391 messages were analyzed.
    Three distinct datasets were created: 257 OCSG cases, 120 unique suspects (79 online-focused, 41 contact-driven), and 234 unique victims. Each dataset focused on different criminological variables for analysis, such as grooming strategy, motivation, and victim high-risk behaviors.
    There were no significant differences between suspects on gender, age, or criminal offense history. Contact-driven suspects were more likely to use positive rapport (ɸ = 0.18), send unprompted sexually explicit images of themselves (ɸ = 0.19), and offer something in exchange (ɸ = 0.25). Victims of contact-driven individuals were more likely to be male (ɸ = 0.52) and offer something in exchange for sex or sexually explicit images (ɸ = 0.18). Victims of online-focused individuals were more likely to be younger (r = 0.26).
    These findings suggest criminological differences in the online grooming strategies between contact-driven and online-focused suspected offenders in Spain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It has previously been demonstrated that decisions made by forensic experts can suffer from issues with both bias and poor reliability. The outcome of Swedish forensic psychiatric investigations can have a major impact on the courts\' choice of sanction for a mentally disordered offender. These investigations are performed by multi-professional teams of experts, where each expert is obliged to state their opinion on whether the client has a severe mental disorder (SMD) or not. In the present study, a case vignette design was used to simulate the decision-making process of forensic psychiatric investigations. Of the 73 Swedish experts working with forensic psychiatric investigations, a total of 27 (37%) participated in the study. The results showed that the Swedish experts formulated multiple diagnostic hypotheses about cases throughout the process and revised these hypotheses when presented with new information. There was substantial variation between the experts in which hypotheses were seen as most relevant. While the experts grew more certain of their opinions on SMD during the simulated investigation, there was considerable variation in their opinions both throughout and at the end of the process. Although low statistical power and the sample not being randomized limit generalizations, the results indicate no idiosyncratic patterns in the decision-making processes of Swedish experts or signs of confirmation bias. If used properly, the variation in both process and outcome could be used to safeguard and possibly increase the reliability and validity of the final decision of Swedish forensic psychiatric investigations.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Criminal responsibility evaluation represents one of the most controversial and debated issues in forensic psychiatry. Although clear procedures have been recommended, little research exists on decision-making process by forensic psychiatrists. We present a case assessing the criminal responsibility of a murderer who committed femicide as a result of chloroform poisoning and suffocation after a drug-facilitated sexual assault.
    METHODS: A.S., a 30-year-old female, was found dead in the home of S.P., a 50-year-old male. S.P. recounted killing A.S. by forced inhalation of chloroform, when the woman had experienced sensory clouding following unintentional ingestion of Zolpidem, a hypnotic agent. A multidisciplinary approach was taken to resolve the case. Autopsy, histological, genetic, and toxicological examinations were performed by a forensic pathologist, while a digital forensic examiner analysed electronic devices. A pool of three forensic psychiatrists and two psychologists was asked to assess the mental state of S.P. at the time of the crime.
    CONCLUSIONS: The cause of death of A.S. was identified as a lethal chloroform intoxication in altered consciousness caused by Zolpidem, while homicidal suffocation was also described. Mobile forensics demonstrated that S.P. had videotaped the crime scene, clearly revealing that A.S. had been sexually assaulted by S.P. before dying. Criminal responsibility of S.P. was evaluated through various psychological tests and seven interviews with the accused, each lasting an average of 180 min. Specialists concluded that S.P. could not be exempted from being responsible for the homicide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Obstetric-Gynecological Nursing is articulated as one of the specialities with the greatest responsibility in the field of health care, due to the involvement of being in care not only for the life of the pregnant woman, but also for the future neonate. Settling down as a profession with a high number of legal claims, there are not many studies in Spain on legal claims in the field of Nursing in general, and Obstetric-Gynecological Nursing in particular.
    Retrospective analysis of judgments against midwives in the period from 2010 to the present through the CENDOJ database, with the aim of searching for criminal, civil and contentious-administrative judgments. Quality was assessed using the STROBE critical appraisal tool for observational studies.
    19 judgments were selected from the 197 found that were related to the objective of the study. Fifty-three percent of the judgment analyzed resulted in acquittals, while the remaining 47% were upheld to varying degrees. Most of them were motivated damage to the newborn (79%), processed entirely through the contentious-administrative route.
    Most of the legal claims in the field of Obstetric-Gynecological Nursing are related to adverse events with fetal damage, most of them receiving higher monetary compensation as the contentious-administrative route is the jurisdiction with the highest number of claims filed, due to breaches of the lex artis ad hoc.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to confirm what kind of medical treatment was given to criminals by the local governments in Qing China and the role of the government doctors in charge of the criminals\' medical care. Using local administrative and historical materials, I explore the procedures and methods of medical treatment and explain the treatment processes for criminals. The findings demonstrate that, although different from modern ideals, in premodern China under the emperor\'s rule, there were provisions for ailing criminals to receive medical treatment. In the Qing era, the execution of actual punishments worked as a keynote of judicial policy, and the number of criminals managed by local government offices was larger than before. The government doctors took charge of the criminals\' medical treatment, but it seems that their position in the Qing era was not popular due to low salaries and psychological resistance to treating guilty criminals. Moreover, the government doctors dispatched to treat criminals were required to play an additional role. They had to testify that there were no other causes of death other than disease, which demonstrates that the government doctor played a role in determining whether the death was a crime. However, their treatment practices for criminals demonstrate the use of traditional medicine from the Tang and Song era onwards. There are two reasons for this. First, unlike the private market, there was no economic incentives for doctors to use new medicines and prescriptions. Second, because of the fear of being reprimanded for the death of the criminal, using classical prescriptions was a way for doctors to defend the adequacy of their medical practice. From an institutional perspective, medical care for criminals through government doctors was guaranteed during the Qing era. However, government doctors were not selected for their medical competence, nor were they provided with adequate incentives to practice good medical care. Even some government doctors devoted themselves to medical care, the quality of care was not systematically guaranteed. This provides evidence of the poor medical environment surrounding criminals in premodern China.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Patients with epilepsy who have been charged with a serious offense may be referred by the courts for forensic psychiatric examination. A detailed psychiatric and neurological examination is often necessary to assist the courts in making the right decision, as exemplified in the current case presentation.
    The forensic case of a 30-year-old Tunisian male with temporal epilepsy who exhibited an inadequate response to the treatment is presented here. The patient attempted to kill his neighbor after a cluster of seizures, showing apparent postictal aggression. An antiepileptic treatment was introduced a few days after the person\'s detention and was followed by forensic psychiatric examination, but the latter was not done until three months afterwards.
    On forensic examination, the patient\'s thought processes were clear with no evidence of a thought disorder or psychosis. Both medical and psychiatric opinions stated that the attempted homicide was due to a postictal psychosis. The patient was transferred to a psychiatric facility for further management and was found not guilty by reason of insanity.
    This case illustrates the difficulties that experts may encounter in establishing criminal liability after aggressive behavior associated with epilepsy. It highlights shortcomings in Tunisian law (and promptness of forensic psychiatric examination) that should be addressed to ensure fairness of the legal process.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Sexual assault perpetrated by older adults is still an underreported crime and is not fully understood. To describe a series of cases of sexual assault by Brazilian older adults and discuss the associated factors based on the literature. This is a cross-sectional descriptive analysis of five cases of older adults accused of sexual assault in the Forensic Psychiatry sector of the Medical Legal Institute (Coroner\'s Office) in the City of Belo Horizonte\'. This review focuses on five cases involving male defendants with a mean age of 59.75 years; two with previous psychiatric treatment, and one with a previous criminal record. Their victims were prepubescent children, four of them female. Psychiatric conditions related to forensic diagnosis included dementia, schizophrenia, alcohol-related substance use disorder, paraphilia, and one without a psychiatric diagnosis. The final forensic report on all five cases found that two of the older adults diagnosed with a mental disorder in two were considered to have a mental illness that completely impaired the cognitive and volitional domains; two other adults were diagnosed with mental health disturbance that partially impaired these domains; and the last adult was diagnosed and found without mental health impairment. While the incidence of sexual crimes committed by older adults is low, the absolute number of cases has expected to rise due to population aging. Assessing the factors related to this type of crime is therefore an initial step to understanding and formulating preventive strategies.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report on a case of criminal dismemberment and attempted scalping of a homicide victim with a \"Mohawk\" haircut. Case findings are presented. A review of the literature was performed for scalping in its historical and cultural context and particularly in criminal dismemberment and mutilation: Historically, scalping was prevalent in many ancient cultures around the world, where scalps were taken as trophies or \"proof of kill\", much like shrunken heads, trophy skulls, and other artefacts. Scalping was particularly widespread in Northern America in the context of tribal warfare, both before and after colonization. The iconic \"Mohawk\" haircut is closely linked with scalping, as it was meant to taunt the enemy. In the modern forensic context, scalping constitutes a form of criminal mutilation. However, cases of criminal dismemberment and mutilation are rare in forensic casework. Our literature review revealed a low number of scalping in criminal dismemberment and mutilation cases. The documentation was overall poor. Positioning scalping within the classification of criminal mutilation and dismemberment was difficult. In literature, even though case numbers were small, the majority of \"textbook scalping\" cases were German. The presented case, to our best knowledge, is the first modern-day photo-documented case of (attempted) scalping, even more so of a person wearing a \"Mohawk\".






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In China, police departments usually initiate assessment of criminal responsibility after patients with mental disorders commit crimes. However, the specific conditions demanding assessment are not clearly stipulated by law. Few studies have been conducted on the epidemiological characteristics and assessment of criminal responsibility in patients with mental disorders. This study aimed to analyze the features and identify influencing factors for assessment of criminal responsibility for patients with mental disorders in a single-center cohort.
    Cases undergoing criminal responsibility assessment at the Center of Forensic Science, East China University of Political Science and Law in Shanghai (CFS, ECUPL) between 2010 and 2020 were retrospectively reviewed. Criminal responsibility was categorized as criminal irresponsibility, diminished criminal responsibility, and full criminal responsibility. Differences among the groups were then statistically analyzed.
    In the study period, 437 patients including 361 males (82.61%) were referred for criminal responsibility assessment. Their ages ranged from 15 years to 91 years. After assessment, the number of cases with criminal irresponsibility, diminished criminal responsibility, and full criminal responsibility were 196 (44.85%), 181 (41.42%), and 60 (13.73%), respectively. The Chi-square test and nominal regression analysis showed that influencing factors for assessment of criminal responsibility comprised crime in public places (OR = 14.734; 95% CI: 1.463-148.424), crime in victim\'s residence (OR = 10.852; 95% CI: 1.068-110.214), crime in suspect\'s residence (OR = 9.542; 95% CI: 1.046-87.092), forensic psychiatric diagnosis of F1X (OR = 0.014,0.011; 95%CI:0.001-0.261,0-0.5), F2X (OR = 5.75; 95%CI:1.315-23.145), F4X (OR = 0.077; 95%CI:0.016-0.38,) and F6X (OR = 0.112,0.075; 95% CI: 0.022-0.558,0.006-0.959), criminal object of property (OR = 9.989; 95% CI: 1.305-76.455), cases of theft (OR = 0.09, 0.087; 95% CI: 0.013-0.648,0.012-0.654), and cases of endangering public security (OR = 0.152, 0.205; 95% CI: 0.034-0.678, 0.045-0.931).
    Crime in public places, suspect\'s residence and victim\'s residence, forensic psychiatric diagnosis of F1X, F2X, F4X and F6X, criminal object of property, case types of theft and endangering public security were influencing factors in assessment of criminal responsibility. Therefore, special attention should be paid to patients with mental disorders under such circumstances in order to avoid bias on assessment of criminal responsibility.





