
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The human upper extremity is characterized by inherent motor abundance, allowing a diverse array of tasks with agility and adaptability. Upper extremity functional limitations are a common sequela to Stroke, resulting in pronounced motor and sensory impairments in the contralesional arm. While many therapeutic interventions focus on rehabilitating the weaker arm, it is increasingly evident that it is necessary to consider bimanual coordination and motor control.
    UNASSIGNED: Participants were recruited to two groups differing in age (Group 1 (n = 10): 23.4 ± 2.9 years, Group 2 (n = 10): 55.9 ± 10.6 years) for an exploratory study on the use of accelerometry to quantify bilateral coordination. Three tasks featuring coordinated reaching were selected to investigate the acceleration of the upper arm, forearm, and hand during activities of daily living (ADLs). Subjects were equipped with acceleration and inclination sensors on each upper arm, each forearm, and each hand. Data was segmented in MATLAB to assess inter-limb and intra-limb coordination. Inter-limb coordination was indicated through dissimilarity indices and temporal locations of congruous movement between upper arm, forearm, or hand segments of the right and left limbs. Intra-limb coordination was likewise assessed between upper arm-forearm, upper arm-hand, and forearm-hand segment pairs of the dominant limb.
    UNASSIGNED: Acceleration data revealed task-specific movement features during the three distinct tasks. Groups demonstrated diminished similarity as task complexity increased. Groups differed significantly in the hand segments during the buttoning task, with Group 1 showing no coordination in the hand segments during buttoning, and strong coordination in reaching each button with the upper arm and forearm guiding extension. Group 2\'s dissimilarity scores and percentages of similarity indicated longer periods of inter-limb coordination, particularly towards movement completion. Group 1\'s dissimilarity scores and percentages of similarity indicated longer periods of intra-limb coordination, particularly in the coordination of the upper arm and forearm segments.
    UNASSIGNED: The Expanding Procrustes methodology can be applied to compute objective coordination scores using accessible and highly accurate wearable acceleration sensors. The findings of task duration, angular velocity, and peak roll angle are supported by previous studies finding older individuals to present with slower movements, reduced movement stability, and a reduction of laterality between the limbs. The theory of a shift towards ambidexterity with age is supported by the finding of greater inter-limb coordination in the group of subjects above the age of thirty-five. The group below the age of thirty was found to demonstrate longer periods of intra-limb coordination, with upper arm and forearm coordination emerging as a possible explanation for the demonstrated greater stability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Pulp pinch (PP) is a vital hand movement involving muscle strength and sensory integration. Previous research has primarily focused on Maximal Voluntary Contraction, but PP encompasses broader parameters.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to establish normative data for a comprehensive evaluation of thumb and index force control during PP, including endurance, precision, accuracy in unilateral PP, and force coordination in bilateral PP.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study.
    METHODS: Three hundred and twenty eight healthy Italian cis-gender participants (169 females, 159 males) were enrolled in a multiparametric force control evaluation of pinch grip, consisting in: sustained contraction (SC: ability to maintain a stable contraction at 40% MVC, measured as the time until exhaustion), dynamic contraction (DC: the ability to modulate precisely and accurately force output to follow a dynamic force trace), bimanual strength coordination (BSC: the ability to coordinate in-phase bimanual forces at different combined magnitudes) tasks. The sample was divided per sex and stratified in five age groups taking into account hand dominance. Differences in tasks\' results between age, sex and hand-dominance were analysed.
    RESULTS: Endurance (SC) was similar between younger and older adults (η2 =0.047 (Females) and η2 < 0.007 (Males)). Older adults exhibited lower precision (DC) and coordination (BSC) compared to young adults in both sexes (η2 >0.16). Females demonstrated greater endurance (SC) but lower precision and coordination (BSC) compared to males (0.01 <η2 <0.1). No hand dominance effect emerged in SC and DC.
    CONCLUSIONS: Force accuracy and precision to modulate pinch force to perform a visual feedback force-matching task (DC) and force coordination between hands (BSC) worsen at increasing age. Hand dominance did not influence either endurance or precision of pinch grip in visual-feedback guided task.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Basketball victory relies on an athlete\'s skill to make precise shots at different distances. While extensive research has explored the kinematics and dynamics of different shooting distances, the specific neuromuscular control strategies involved remain elusive. This study aimed to compare the differences in muscle synergies during basketball shooting at different distances, offering insights into neuromuscular control strategies and guiding athletes\' training. Ten skilled shooting right-handed male basketball players participated as subjects in this experiment. Electromyographic (EMG) data for full-phase shooting were acquired at short (3.2 m), middle (5.0 m), and long (6.8 m) distances. Non-negative matrix decomposition extracted muscle synergies (motor modules and motor primitives) during shooting. The results of this study show that all three distance shooting can be broken down into three synergies and that there were differences in the synergies between short and long distances, with differences in motor primitive 1 and motor primitive 2 at the phase of 45% - 59% (p < 0.001, t* = 4.418), and 78% - 88% (p < 0.01, t* = 4.579), respectively, and differences in the motor module 3 found in the differences in muscle weights for rectus femoris (RF) (p = 0.001, d = -2.094), and gastrocnemius lateral (GL) (p = 0.001, d = -2.083). Shooting distance doesn\'t affect the number of muscle synergies in basketball shooting but alters synergy patterns. During long distance shooting training, basketball players should place more emphasis on the timing and synergistic activation of upper and lower limbs, as well as core muscles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated the binary Cm-citrate system using time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS), parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC), and quantum chemical calculations. Evidence collectively suggests the stepwise coordination and deprotonation of citrate alcohol groups in Cm-cit complexes with two bound citrate moieties upon increasing pH, which is supported by a bathochromic shift in emission spectra, an observed increase in lifetime measurements, and lower energy minima for citrate alcohol involvement versus hydrolysis of the Cm-citrate species. Our PARAFAC results agree with a 3-component model for the Cm-citrate system and offer pure component decompositions, yielding fraction species across the studied pH range that have a correlated slope = 1 as a function of pH. For the first time, evidence of ternary Ca-Cm-citrate complexes was revealed by TRLFS with increasing calcium concentration at fixed pHm. The formation of these ternary complexes was substantiated with density functional theory (DFT) calculations on simple model systems of the complexes. Shared citrate carboxylate groups between calcium and curium were proposed for all three ternary Ca-Cm-cit complexes based on DFT-determined Ca-O and Cm-O distances. Moreover, we found that the ternary complex with both alcohol groups deprotonated is most stable when it shares both two carboxylate and two alcohol groups between Ca and Cm. The presence of shared functional groups highlights the enhanced stability of these ternary complexes. Additional work is warranted to further constrain the stoichiometry, stability constants and dependence on ionic strength of these complexes for purposes of thermodynamic modeling of repository settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Policy instruments that integrate the actions of multiple farmers are of growing interest for improving landscape scale environmental sustainability of agriculture. We conducted in-depth, semi-structured interviews with farmers in south-east England and applied thematic analysis to the responses to perform a qualitative investigation into the combined role of economic, social, and cultural barriers to cooperative environmental management, and identify possible solutions for these barriers. Interviewees recognised environmental benefits of cooperative management, but this was a low priority compared to other management activities, being seen as complex and time-consuming, with uncertainty over direct benefits to participants. External coordination could address this by overseeing information sharing on cooperation benefits and minimising the logistical burden for participants, but given farmer mistrust of outside intervention, these projects will be more successful when collaborating farmers feel they are in control. The efforts of both pioneering farmers able to initiate projects with their peers, and respected facilitators who embody local knowledge and experience, will be vital for balancing coordination and collaboration. Finding the optimal balance between these different elements will vary with local circumstances: policy should have the flexibility to accommodate this. Farmers were wary of connecting with others possessing different farming ideals and thus having to compromise on their management approach. Some respondents sought to bridge these gaps by focusing on aspects of farming identities they shared with their peers, raising the possibility that support targeting these individuals will help develop relationships that foster lasting cultural change for farmer cooperative environmental management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Coordination of governmental action is crowded with policies and programs that are highly interdependent, sometimes operating in silos if not contradicting each other. These dilemmas, or administrative quagmires, are heightened for older adults in general, but they are particularly problematic for marginalized older adults because these groups often require public assistance and support. This scoping review studies the coordination of governmental action on aging published in social science journals, focusing on six groups of marginalized older adults: those with histories of immigration, individuals with severe mental health problems, those who have had experiences of homelessness, formerly incarcerated individuals, members of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community, and individuals living in a rural area.
    METHODS: A five-stage scoping review methodology was followed, and 53 articles (published between 2000-2022) from five social science databases were analyzed.
    RESULTS: The analysis revealed a limited number of contributions with coordination as a primary focus. Understandings of coordination varied, but tended to examine structure, organization, and relationships between sectors. When coordination was the primary object of a study, it was often analysed in one specific policy area or within a clinical setting along the lines of facilitating care coordination.
    CONCLUSIONS: This scoping review reveals a mutual neglect on the part of public administration and policy scholars towards marginalized older adults, and a lack of public administration considerations on the part of scholars studying long-term care and social service programs for these marginalized older adults.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: People with low back pain (LBP) exhibit altered coordination, possibly indicating guarded movement. The connection between these changes and pain-related threat remains unclear. We aimed to determine if pain-related threat was related to spinal coordination and variability, during a lifting task, in people with chronic LBP.
    METHODS: Participants were adults with chronic LBP (n = 47). Upper lumbar, lower lumbar, and hipkinematics were measured during 10crate lifting/lowering repetitions. Coordination and variability of the Hip-Lower Lumbar, and Lower Lumbar-Upper Lumbar joint pairs were calculated. Pain-related threat was measured using the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia, the Pain Catastrophizing Scale, and task-specific fear. Linear regression analyses tested the relationship between pain-related threat and coordination.
    RESULTS: Adding catastrophizing to our base model (sex) explained variance in Hip-Lower lumbar coordination (r2 change = 0.125, p = 0.013). General and task specific measures of fear were unrelated to coordination and variability at both joint pairs (r2 change < 0.064, p > 0.05). Exploratory t-tests revealed subgroups aligned with phenotypes of \"tight\" and \"loose\" control, where \"tight\" control was characterized by greater catastrophizing and disability.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pain catastrophizing, but not measures of fear, was related to more in-phase (\"tight\") Hip-Lower Lumbar coordination during lifting/lowering. Considering this relationship based on subgroups may add clarity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study evaluates the effects of object weight and hand dominance on the end-point kinematics of the hand-to-mouth (withdrawal) movement in a functional reach-to-drink task for typically developing school-aged children. Using 3D motion capture, speed (average velocity and peak velocity), straightness (ratio), and smoothness (number of velocity peaks and log dimensionless jerk) of hand movements were calculated for the withdrawal motion with three different bottle weights (empty, half-filled, and full). Average velocity (550.4 ± 142.0 versus 512.1 ± 145.6 mm/s) and peak velocity (916.3 ± 234 versus 842.7 ± 198.4 mm/s) were significantly higher with the empty versus half-filled bottle and with the non-dominant (average: 543.5 ± 145.2 mm/s; peak: 896.5 ± 207 mm/s) versus dominant (average: 525.2 ± 40.7 mm/s; peak: 864.2 ± 209.2 mm/s) hand. There were no differences in straightness or smoothness. These findings indicate that increasing weight in reach-to-drink task puts greater constraints on the task. The slower movements with the dominant hand might denote better precision control than the non-dominant hand. The quantitative motion capture results show average values for the kinematic variables for a functional reach-to-drink task in a typically developing population of school-aged children with changing weights of the bottles that are relevant to a real-life scenario. These results could inform the design of individualized therapeutic interventions to improve functional upper-extremity use in children with neurodevelopmental motor disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims to review the scientific evidence regarding the effects of table tennis practice on children and adolescents. Studies were searched in three electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus, and SportDiscus) from their inception up to May 2024. The methodological quality of the included studies was assessed using the 10-point Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) and Methodological Index for Non-Randomized Studies (MINORS). A total of twelve studies were examined, with interventions involving children with intellectual disabilities, ADHD, DCD, ASD, and typically developing children. A variety of training programs were assessed over durations ranging from 6 weeks to 1 year in the studies included. Table tennis was shown to positively impact various domains, including executive function, motor skills, visual perception, graphomotor function, gross motor skills, coordination capacity, behavioral inhibition, and social behavior. Nonetheless, it is imperative to expand the number of studies on children and adolescents with diverse conditions to more comprehensively evaluate the benefits of table tennis for each specific condition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objectives: This review quantitatively evaluates the effectiveness of gross-motor-based interventions in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD), examining treatment aspects such as group interventions, therapy duration, and frequency. Methods: A systematic literature review, spanning January 2010 to December 2022, identified 11 relevant articles involving 492 children. Results: Positive outcomes were observed, with a moderate to large overall effect size (Cohen\'s d) indicating significant improvements in motor function through strategies emphasizing activity, bodily function, games, and small group events. Notably, interventions targeting complex motor skills were crucial for enhancing preparedness and activity engagement, improving fitness, and preventing obesity in children with DCD. Conclusions: The review underscores the effectiveness of activity-oriented and body-function-focused therapies in enhancing motor skills and functioning, emphasizing the need for interventions aligned with real-world activities. Future research should explore the long-term effects and retention of motor improvements, offering valuable insights for designing targeted interventions to promote overall well-being in children with DCD.





