
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The physiotherapy rehabilitation program aims to build up functional activity, coordination, and balance ambulation for proper independence in the activities of daily living. An uncommon but complicated neurological condition called autoimmune encephalopathy is caused by the body\'s immune system mistakenly attacking healthy brain tissue. This condition often leads to a wide range of neurological and cognitive symptoms, making its diagnosis and treatment challenging. Physiotherapy, a vital component of the comprehensive management of autoimmune encephalopathy, plays an important role in improving the health of affected patients. In this report, the patient\'s occupational requirements and enhancement in executing daily living tasks were the focus of physiotherapeutic rehabilitation. The outcomes included the Berg Balance Scale and Functional Independence Measure. We observed a marked increment in muscle tone and strength, active range of motion, and significant enhancement in the individual\'s functional independence with physiotherapeutic protocol postoperatively. This case report provides an overview of the execution and function of physiotherapy in the management of autoimmune encephalopathy, emphasizing its contributions to symptom alleviation, functional recovery, and the overall well-being of patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: People with problems in functioning following severe injury or illness often need multiple and combined interventions in their rehabilitation processes. In these processes, communication and collaboration between the involved healthcare professionals are essential. Despite efforts in research and policy, communication across hospital and primary healthcare services and within the primary healthcare settings remains challenging. In one region of Norway, a new intermunicipal rehabilitation team has been established to supplement the traditional services and context-bound research is needed to gain insight into the complexity of the new communication structures that are developing. The aim of this study was to explore facilitators and barriers to communication to inform further improvement of the services.
    METHODS: A qualitative case study design was used to explore the exchange of patient information in the rehabilitation processes of four patients. Data collection included participant observations in communication situations and an exploration of the electronic patient records of these four patients. Reflexive thematic analysis was used to analyse the empirical data.
    RESULTS: The complex rehabilitation processes explored involved a large number of actors across healthcare organisational levels. Lacking a common culture for rehabilitation, poor access to written information and unclear responsibility for sharing information across organisational boundaries seemed to represent barriers to interprofessional communication. Joint meetings, the use of common rehabilitation tools and language and establishing informal communication channels served to facilitate communication.
    CONCLUSIONS: The intermunicipal team collaborating across different organisational levels added complexity to communication structures, but also facilitated interprofessional communication by promoting formal and informal ways of exchanging information. However, the intricate organisational divisions of healthcare provision in the Norwegian context represent boundaries which can be difficult to overcome. Therefore, cross-organisational coordination services should be developed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Country-owned, as opposed to donor-driven, is a principle within the development sector that recognizes the centrality of countries\' leadership, systems, and resources in executing programs and achieving sustainable development. In alignment with this notion, the Immunization Agenda 2030 was developed with country ownership as one of four core principles of the ambitious ten-year plan. This means that the success of immunization programs, including those with eradication and elimination goals such as polio, measles, and rubella, and those with broader equity goals to \"leave no one behind\" on immunization, would be largely driven by country systems. In this paper we deconstruct country ownership into five operational principles: commitment, coordination, capacity, community participation, and accountability. Through this lens, we illustrate how two countries, Nepal and Nigeria, have exemplified country ownership in their measles and rubella elimination programs and we infer the ways in which country ownership drives system performance and sustains program efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Facing the current situation of tourism and urban prosperity and development, whether there is a contradiction between urban tourism and urban development, and whether they can always coordinate with each other will affect the sustainable development of both. In this context, the coordination of urban tourism and urban development has become an urgent research object. Based on the statistics of twenty indicators of urban tourism and urban development in Xiamen from 2014 to 2018, the article uses the TOPSIS analysis method to develop the number of tourists. Research results show that (1) the selected indicators all showed significant growth characteristics, and over time the coordination coefficient increases year by year and gradually approaches the ideal optimal value. (2) Among them, 2018 has the highest coordination coefficient, 0.9534. (3) The occurrence of \"big events\" has a double-sided effect on urban tourism and development coordination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purpose: Children with Down syndrome (DS) have multiple difficulties in gait pattern. So, the effect of the activity level and speed on the gait coordination and variability was investigated. Methods: In this case-control observational study, 24 participants in three groups of active and non-active children with DS, and the control group without intellectual disability were asked to walk on a treadmill with two speeds of 0.8 and 1.2 m/s. Continuous Relative Phase (CRP) and variability of CRP in thigh-leg and leg-foot coupling were assessed. Results: CRP and variability of CRP in the leg-foot coupling in the control group were significantly higher than active and non-active groups with DS. Speed led to increase the CRP of leg-foot in the active group with DS and increase the variability of this coupling in non-active group with DS. Conclusion: In this study, the activity level provided the compatibility with speed changes of walking in CRP of leg-foot in children with DS.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: following the importation of the first Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) case into Africa on 14 February 2020 in Egypt, the World Health Organisation (WHO) regional office for Africa (AFRO) activated a three-level incident management support team (IMST), with technical pillars, to coordinate planning, implementing, supervision, and monitoring of the situation and progress of implementation as well as response to the pandemic in the region. At WHO AFRO, one of the pillars was the health operations and technical expertise (HOTE) pillar with five sub-pillars: case management, infection prevention and control, risk communication and community engagement, laboratory, and emergency medical team (EMT). This paper documents the learnings (both positive and negative for consideration of change) from the activities of the HOTE pillar and recommends future actions for improving its coordination for future emergencies, especially for multi-country outbreaks or pandemic emergency responses. Method: we conducted a document review of the HOTE pillar coordination meetings\' minutes, reports, policy and strategy documents of the activities, and outcomes and feedback on updates on the HOTE pillar given at regular intervals to the Regional IMST. In addition, key informant interviews were conducted with 14 members of the HOTE sub pillar. Key Learnings: the pandemic response revealed that shared decision making, collaborative coordination, and planning have been significant in the COVID-19 response in Africa. The HOTE pillar\'s response structure contributed to attaining the IMST objectives in the African region and translated to timely support for the WHO AFRO and the member states. However, while the coordination mechanism appeared robust, some challenges included duplication of coordination efforts, communication, documentation, and information management. Recommendations: we recommend streamlining the flow of information to better understand the challenges that countries face. There is a need to define the role and responsibilities of sub-pillar team members and provide new team members with information briefs to guide them on where and how to access internal information and work under the pillar. A unified documentation system is important and could help to strengthen intra-pillar collaboration and communication. Various indicators should be developed to constantly monitor the HOTE team\'s deliverables, performance and its members.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    In this case study, ward staff found it difficult to establish a therapeutic relationship with a patient with advanced gastric cancer because they misdiagnosed delirium as a psychogenic reaction to the cancer diagnosis. This article reports on the process and effects of intervention by a liaison nurse. The liaison nurse recognized the misdiagnosis and approached the ward staff via a psychiatrist-led team. This enabled rapid revision of the treatment policy. The liaison nurse contributed to the continuation of treatment by enabling the ward staff and patient to understand each other better and to collaborate to build a relationship and control the patient\'s mental health symptoms, including attention disorder and excessive demands. The patient and family had different views on discharge because of the patient\'s mental health issues. The liaison nurse encouraged the ward staff to inform the family caregiver about the patient\'s medical condition, the expected future course of the disease, and likely symptoms, and provide appropriate professional services. This enabled the patient to be discharged in line with their wishes. This case highlights the role of the liaison nurse in coordinating care and helping ward staff to recognize symptoms and provide appropriate care and support for patients and their families.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Background/Problem: Standard neurorehabilitation and gait training has not proved effective in restoring normal gait coordination for many stroke survivors. Rather, persistent gait dyscoordination occurs, with associated poor function, and progressively deteriorating quality of life. One difficulty is the array of symptoms exhibited by stroke survivors with gait deficits. Some researchers have addressed lower limb weakness following stroke with exercises designed to strengthen muscles, with the expectation of improving gait. However, gait dyscoordination in many stroke survivors appears to result from more than straightforward muscle weakness.
    OBJECTIVE: Thus, the purpose of this case study is to report results of long-duration gait coordination training in an individual with initial good strength, but poor gait swing phase hip/knee and ankle coordination.
    METHODS: Mr. X was enrolled at >6 months after a left hemisphere ischemic stroke. Gait deficits included a \'stiff-legged gait\' characterized by the absence of hip and knee flexion during right mid-swing, despite the fact that he showed good initial strength in right lower limb quadriceps, hamstrings, and ankle dorsiflexors. Treatment was provided 4 times/week for 1.5 h, for 12 weeks. The combined treatment included the following: motor learning exercises designed for coordination training of the lower limb; functional electrical stimulation (FES) assisted practice; weight-supported coordination practice; and over-ground and treadmill walking. The FES was used as an adjunct to enhance muscle response during motor learning and prior to volitional recovery of motor control. Weight-supported treadmill training was administered to titrate weight and pressure applied at the joints and to the plantar foot surface during stance phase and pre-swing phase of the involved limb. Later in the protocol, treadmill training was administered to improve speed of movement during the gait cycle. Response to treatment was assessed through an array of impairment, functional mobility, and life role participation measures.
    RESULTS: At post-treatment, Mr. X exhibited some recovery of hip, knee, and ankle coordination during swing phase according to kinematic measures, and the stiff-legged gait was resolved. Muscle strength measures remained essentially constant throughout the study. The modified Ashworth scale showed improved knee extensor tone from baseline of 1 to normal (0) at post-treatment. Gait coordination overall improved by 12 points according to the Gait Assessment and Intervention Tool, Six Minute Walk Test improved by 532\', and the Stroke Impact Scale improved by 12 points, including changes in daily activities; mobility; and meaningful activities.
    CONCLUSIONS: Through the combined use of motor learning exercises, FES, weight-support, and treadmill training, coordination of the right lower limb improved sufficiently to exhibit a more normal swing phase, reducing the probability of falls, and subsequent downwardly spiraling dysfunction. The recovery of lower limb coordination during swing phase illustrates what is possible when strength is sufficient and when coordination training is targeted in a carefully titrated, highly incrementalized manner. Conclusions/Contribution to the Field: This case study contributes to the literature in several ways: (1) illustrates combined interventions for gait training and response to treatment; (2) provides supporting case evidence of relationships among knee flexion coordination, swing phase coordination, functional mobility, and quality of life; (3) illustrates that strength is necessary, but not sufficient to restore coordinated gait swing phase after stroke in some stroke survivors; and (4) provides details regarding coordination training and progression of gait training treatment for stroke survivors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Healthcare organisations have undergone organisational change to respond to COVID-19. This pandemic has presented challenges for employee adjustment, with impacts on the availability and coordination of human resources in healthcare. This study aimed to characterise the organisational actions regarding the coordination of human resources in healthcare within Bogotá, Colombia, to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
    METHODS: We followed a case study approach to understand the response to the emergency taking into account the narratives of managerial actors who have been directly involved in the planning of guidelines oriented to face the pandemic or in the implementation of health services for COVID-19. Twenty-two interviews with multiple health system organisations within Bogotá were conducted between May and September 2020 and analysed thematically.
    RESULTS: Three themes emerged from the analysis of the interview data: to retain human resources, to implement actions to improve the mental and physical health of the healthcare workers, and to enhance healthcare workers knowledge, skills and availability to respond to COVID-19.
    CONCLUSIONS: Organisational actions led by hospital managers to retain, protect, and train human health resources in the dynamic context of the COVID-19 pandemic were identified. Other system-wide organisations like scientific associations contributed to the coordination of human resources across hospitals to respond to COVID-19 in Bogotá, Colombia. The actions of hospital managers, and roles of system-wide intermediary organisations, in coordinating human resources need to be explored in other health system contexts facing COVID-19.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The carbon-carbon cross-coupling of phenyl s-tetrazine (Tz) units at their ortho-phenyl positions allows the formation of constrained bis(tetrazines) with original tweezer structures. In these compounds, the face-to-face positioning of the central tetrazine cores is reinforced by π-stacking of the electron-poor nitrogen-containing heteroaromatic moieties. The resulting tetra-aromatic structure can be used as a weak coordinating ligand with cationic silver. This coordination generates a set of bis(tetrazine)-silver(I) coordination complexes tolerating a large variety of counter anions of various geometries, namely, PF6-, BF4-, SbF6-, ClO4-, NTf2-, and OTf-. These compounds were characterized in the solid state by single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD) and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, and in solution by 1H-NMR, mass spectrometry, electroanalysis, and UV-visible absorption spectrophotometry. The X-ray crystal structure of complexes {[Ag(3)][PF6]}∞ (4) and {[Ag(3)][SbF6]}∞ (6), where 3 is 3,3\'-[(1,1\'-biphenyl)-2,2\'-diyl]-6,6\'-bis(phenyl)-1,2,4,5-tetrazine, revealed the formation of 1D polymeric chains, characterized by an evolution to a large opening of the original tweezer and a coordination of silver(I) via two chelating nitrogen atom and some C=C π-interactions. Electrochemical and UV spectroscopic properties of the original tweezer and of the corresponding silver complexes are reported and compared. 1H-NMR titrations with AgNTf2 allowed the determination of the stoichiometry and apparent stability of two solution species, namely [Ag(3)]+ and [Ag(3)2]2+, that formed in CDCl3/CD3OD 2:1 v/v mixtures.






