Complete hydatidiform mole

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Post-molar gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (pGTN) develops in about 15% to 20% of complete hydatidiform mole (CMH). Commonly, pGTN is diagnosed based on hCG monitoring following the molar evacuation. To date, no detailed information is available on how fast can pGTN develop from CHM. However, the concurrence of CHM and pGTN is extremely rare.
    UNASSIGNED: A 29-year-old woman presented to the gynecology department with irregular vaginal bleeding and an elevated hCG serum level. Both ultrasound and MRI showed heterogeneous mass in uterine cavity and myometrium. Suction evacuation was performed and histologic examination of the evacuated specimen confirmed complete hydatidiform mole. Repeated ultrasound showed significant enlargement of the myometrium mass one week after the evacuation. pGTN with prognostic score of 4 was then diagnosed and multi-agent chemotherapy regimen implemented with a good prognosis.
    UNASSIGNED: In rare cases, CMH can rapidly progress into pGTN. Imaging in combination with hCG surveillance seems to play a vital role guiding timely diagnosis and treatment in the specific condition. Low-risk gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) should be managed stratified according to the individual situation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Molar pregnancy is the most common type of gestational trophoblastic disease. It manifests as vaginal bleeding, accompanied by high levels of β-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-HCG). This case aims to highlight the importance of considering gestational trophoblastic disease as a potential diagnosis and its serious complications.
    UNASSIGNED: A 24-year-old female presented with vomiting, nausea, and no complaint of vaginal bleeding. Laboratory tests indicated hyperthyroidism as a complication requiring challenging preoperative prophylactic management. Initially, the patient underwent suction and curettage, but a total hysterectomy had to be performed later. The histological study concluded with the diagnosis of a complete hydatidiform mole. Post-surgery follow-up evaluations revealed high blood pressure values, and the patient was appointed for further cardiology assessment.
    UNASSIGNED: Although uncommon, complications of a molar pregnancy include anaemia, severe cardiac distress, and hyperthyroidism. Trophoblastic Hyperthyroidism is a result of extremely high levels of β-HCG levels due to molecular cross-reactivity. History, clinical examination, and ultrasound, in addition to measuring β-HCG levels, could all help in diagnosing a molar pregnancy, but the definitive diagnosis is based on histopathology and a karyotype study. Management procedures include dilation, suction and curettage, and hysterectomy. The treatment depends on the patient\'s age, desire for future pregnancies, and risk of developing gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. A follow-up with serial β-HCG measurement is recommended to monitor possible complications. Attaining and maintaining euthyroidism is a life-saving procedure before molar pregnancy surgery. Methimazole, Propranolol, Lugol\'s iodine, and hydrocortisone can all be used in the prophylactic management of the thyroid storm.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Hydatidiform mole (complete and partial), invasive mole, choriocarcinoma, placental site trophoblastic disease, and epithelioid trophoblastic tumour constitute the spectrum of benign and malignant gestational trophoblastic disease[1] Invasive mole, choriocarcinoma, placental site trophoblastic disease, and epithelioid trophoblastic tumour also classify under gestational trophoblastic neoplasia.[1] The prevalence of molar pregnancy shows great worldwide variation with reported rates of 12 per 1,000 pregnancies in Indonesia, India, and Turkey; one to two per 1,000 pregnancies in Japan and China; and 0.5 to one per 1,000 pregnancies in North America and Europe.[1] Ectopic pregnancy, which is primarily tubal, is the leading cause of first trimester maternal mortality.[2] Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is a combinatorial analysis of clinical signs and symptoms; beta-hCG trends; and ultrasonography.[2] Since ectopic gestations cause maternal deaths, the decisive role of the diagnostic test employed measured by its discriminative potential for a reliable preoperative diagnosis is paramount.[2] Although ultrasonography demonstrates high sensitivity and specificity in diagnosing ectopic gestations, inconsistencies in sonographic identification have been known to occur.[2] Particularly, ultrasonography suffers from limitations such as specifying the exact location of infrequent extrauterine presentations and identifying ectopic gestations with atypical features.[2] Molar pregnancies that are largely known to be placental in location have a known but rare potential for extrauterine proliferation.[3] Ectopic molar gestations are rare with only more than a hundred reported cases in scientific literature.[4] Our case delineates this uncommon entity and the superiority of magnetic resonance imaging in terms of diagnostic performance in characterizing the gestational mass over ultrasonography. This is pertinent considering the need to differentiate an ectopic molar pregnancy from an ectopic pregnancy without molar tissue because the potential for malignancy in the former atypical form is akin to that of an intrauterine molar pregnancy.[4].






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Twin pregnancy combining a complete mole and a normal fetal pregnancy with its own healthy trophoblast is a rare entity. A partial molar pregnancy almost always ends in miscarriage due to a triploid fetus.
    METHODS: We report the case of a 43-year-old female patient admitted for bleeding during the 20th week of pregnancy. Pelvic ultrasound showed the combination of a complete hydatidiform mole and a normal fetal pregnancy. The decision to medically terminate the pregnancy was taken after consultation with the family. Examination of the placenta and histological study confirmed the diagnosis of complete hydatidiform mole associated with a normal fetus. The evolution was uneventful.
    UNASSIGNED: Twin pregnancy combining a complete mole and a normal fetal pregnancy with its own healthy trophoblast is a rare entity that should not be misdiagnosed. There is still no consensus in terms of therapeutic attitude, the dilemma remains and the decision should always include the couple after a thorough explanation of all the risks.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our case reaffirms that to successfully manage this rare yet life-threatening condition, heterotopic pregnancy should be included in the differential diagnosis for any gravid women presenting with persistent abdominal pain, abnormal bleeding and/or extrauterine mass.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Twin pregnancies with complete hydatidiform mole and coexisting live fetus are very rare, with only about 300 reported cases. This type of pregnancy is considered a high obstetric risk due to the possibility of severe maternal-fetal complications. Although the clinical and ultrasound findings can be highly suggestive of this type of pregnancy, the definitive diagnosis is usually reached by histopathological examination. The differential diagnosis usually includes partial hydatidiform mole and hydropic pregnancies, which can present similar findings in specimens from the first trimester of pregnancy and thus it is important to interpret correctly the differentiating features. The use of immunohistochemistry for p57 can prove very useful, although some cases show an aberrant expression. We present a case of a twin pregnancy with complete hydatidiform mole associated with a live fetus, with magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound for radiopathological correlation. We discuss the differential diagnosis and the utility of p57 immunohistochemistry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Here, we discuss novel management with methotrexate for the rare case of a complete hydatidiform mole with a co-existing fetus (CHMCF). The management of CHMCF is controversial, and methotrexate might represent a solution. CHMCF management with methotrexate needs more study, especially its side effects, safe dosage, and the permissible period of pregnancy.
    METHODS: A 23-year-old Syrian primigravida came to our hospital with vaginal bleeding. The patient was diagnosed with a complete hydatidiform mole with a co-existing fetus. The mother had no complications but elevated B-HCG. After counseling, the decision was made to continue pregnancy with methotrexate to control B-HCG levels. The outcome was favorable though the infant had tetralogy of Fallot.
    UNASSIGNED: In our case, the patient was stable except for the elevation of B-hCG levels, so we considered methotrexate to control it. On the other hand, methotrexate is considered a human teratogen. Case reports and case series of exposure to it during pregnancy began appearing in the 1960s. The sensitive period is suggested to be 6 to 8 weeks after conception. After discussing the choices with the patient, she elected to continue pregnancy and accepted methotrexate exposure to control B-hCG levels despite its risks.
    CONCLUSIONS: Methotrexate usage within a safe dosage should be studied more to determine the benefits and risks it carries in cases such as ours.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Twin pregnancy with a complete hydatidiform mole and a coexisting fetus (CHMCF) is an extremely rare occurrence, described only by a handful of published series and cases reports. The majority of the literature on CHMCF examines prenatal care and follow-up in relation to the increased risk of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN). At present, few reports elaborate on the diagnostic process and differential diagnosis, especially in the context of recent molecular advances in risk stratification for GTN. Here, we describe the first known case of a CHMCF with gastroschisis with liveborn delivery at 35 weeks gestation. This report aims to review the pre- and postnatal differential diagnosis and discuss recent updates on the importance of ancillary studies in the diagnosis of gestational trophoblastic disease.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Generally, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome develops after superovulation caused by ovulation-inducing drugs in infertile patients. However, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome associated with natural pregnancy is rare, and most cases of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome have been associated with a hydatidiform mole.
    METHODS: We describe a case of a 16-year-old Japanese girl with a complete hydatidiform mole. The patient was referred for intensive examination and treatment of the hydatidiform mole and underwent surgical removal of the hydatidiform mole at 9 weeks, 5 days of gestation. Histopathological examination revealed a complete hydatidiform mole. The patient\'s blood human chorionic gonadotropin level decreased from 980,823 IU/L to 44,815 IU/L on postoperative day 4, and it was below the cutoff level on postoperative day 64. Transvaginal ultrasonography on postoperative day 7 revealed a multilocular cyst measuring 82 × 43 mm in the right ovary and a multilocular cyst measuring 66 × 50 mm in the left ovary. Both ovarian cysts enlarged further. Magnetic resonance imaging on postoperative day 24 revealed that the right multilocular ovarian cyst had enlarged to 10 × 12 cm and that the left multilocular ovarian cyst had enlarged to 25 × 11 cm. Blood examination showed an elevated estradiol level as high as 3482 pg/ml. We diagnosed the patient with bilateral giant multilocular cysts accompanied by ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome because of the rapid increase in the size of the cysts. The patient complained of mild abdominal bloating; however, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dyspnea, and abdominal pain were not observed. Therefore, we chose spontaneous observation in the outpatient clinic. The cysts gradually decreased and disappeared on postoperative day 242.
    CONCLUSIONS: Physicians should be aware that ovarian cysts can occur and can increase rapidly after abortion of a hydatidiform mole. However, the ovarian cyst can return to its original size spontaneously even if it becomes huge.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Choriocarcinoma is a highly aggressive, malignant trophoblastic neoplasm that can be gestational or non-gestational in origin. Accurate discrimination between these two subtypes, the causative pregnancy type, and the pregnancy-to-treatment interval for gestational choriocarcinoma are vital for clinical management.
    METHODS: Fifteen choriocarcinomas were genotyped using multiplex fluorescent polymerase chain reaction amplification of 15 short tandem repeat (STR) loci and the amelogenin locus (XY determination). Genotype patterns at each locus from tumoral and maternal tissues were compared, and any prior or concurrent mole/placenta was also compared when available. According to STR results showing the presence or absence of the paternal chromosomal complement, the gestational or non-gestational origin of the tumor and the nature of the causative pregnancy was identified.
    RESULTS: Fourteen tumors were gestational. Of these, seven were androgenetic/homozygous XX, and two were androgenetic/heterozygous XX, indicating that the causative pregnancies were molar pregnancies. Among the nine molar pregnancies, five were of the occult type. A menopausal patient developed a tumor from a mole that occurred seven years ago, identified by the genetically identical allele from the tumor and prior mole. One tumor originating from a previous mole was interrupted by term delivery. Two tumors found eight weeks postpartum were identified as originating from a prior occult mole. A pelvic choriocarcinoma was separated from a genetically distinct third trimester intrauterine placenta. Five gestational tumors were biparental: 2 XX, 3 XY. Of three ovarian tumors, two were confirmed gestational (1 androgenetic/homozygous XX; 1 biparental XY), and one was an ovarian tumor (XX) with a complete match of the genotype for all 15 loci, therefore ascertaining its non-gestational origin.
    CONCLUSIONS: Gestational choriocarcinoma can originate in an androgenetic or biparental manner. The majority are androgenetic/homozygous XX, while a large number of them might be occult molar pregnancies. The origin of ectopic androgenetic choriocarcinoma with concurrent intrauterine placenta might be from either dispermic twin gestation (mole and coexistent nonmolar fetus) or an antecedent molar pregnancy. Choriocarcinoma shortly postpartum might not be associated with the last placenta. STR analysis can be useful in distinguishing gestational choriocarcinoma from non-gestational, as well as the causative pregnancy, and serve as a helpful examination tool for guiding clinical management.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: A hydatidiform mole with a coexisting fetus is a rare condition that commonly occurs as either a partial mole with fetus or a twin pregnancy comprising a complete mole and normal fetus. In the former case, the fetus is triploid, and in the latter case, the fetus is diploid with different alleles from those of the mole. Because there is a difference in the persistent trophoblastic disease incidence between the two, an accurate diagnosis is required.
    METHODS: We present a case of a 34-year-old Japanese woman who was pregnant with a hydatidiform mole and two coexisting fetuses. At 17 weeks of gestation, hemorrhage-induced progressive anemia in the mother prompted the decision to terminate the pregnancy, after which no complications occurred. Molecular cytogenetic analysis revealed that one of the fetuses was a normal diploid fetus with the same allele in the fetus and placenta. The hydatidiform mole was revealed to be a mosaic of two diploids, and the other coexisting fetus was a normal diploid that shared one of the mole alleles.
    CONCLUSIONS: This was presumed to be a rare case of twin pregnancy by triploid embryo formation, followed by loss of an allele due to postzygotic diploidization, development of a diploid fetus, and development of another fetus from a separate embryo. Because of the existence of cases such as this one with a diploid fetus, but without a normal pregnancy coexistent with a complete hydatidiform mole, diagnosis by genetic analysis is required for prognosis.






