Comparative anatomy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diffusible iodine-based contrast-enhanced computed tomography (diceCT) is an increasingly used digital complement, supplement, or alternative to traditional dissection-based anatomical research. The diceCT protocol, which has evolved and expanded over the past decade, employs passive diffusion of Lugol\'s iodine (KI3) to increase soft tissue radiodensity and improve structure contrast in the CT or microCT imaging of specimens. The development and application of diceCT has focused largely on specimens under 1 kg, and the varying reporting of methods on studies of both small and large specimens has initiated, but not yet established, an effective diceCT protocol for larger specimens based on monitored experiments of several fundamental variables (e.g., Lugol\'s iodine concentration, duration, and impacts of Lugol\'s iodine on tissues). In this study, we have experimentally assessed the efficacy of diceCT protocols for imaging whole-body specimens of the 1-4.5 kg Australian brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) using sequential CT imaging assessment across experimental conditions. We assessed the impact of varying Lugol\'s iodine concentration, the presence/absence of skin, solution volume and agitation on tissue radiodensity changes through weekly CT-based monitoring of tissue radiodensities over an 8-week experimental period. We have also quantified tissue volumetric changes across our experiment to assess the impact of diceCT applications on subsequent analyses of imaging datasets. Our results indicate that substantial changes in both soft-tissue radiodensity and soft-tissue volume occur within the first 28 days of Lugol\'s iodine treatment, followed by a slower rate of progressive soft-tissue radiodensity and volume changes across the experiment duration. Our results demonstrate the negligible benefit of skinning larger specimens to improve solution diffusion, and document significant soft-tissue volumetric changes with high concentration solutions (e.g., 10%) and long-duration exposure (e.g., beyond 5 weeks) that should guide individual diceCT protocol design and/or quantification and analysis for mammal specimens above 1 kg.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Utilizing large animal model like male pig for biomechanical studies offers a cost-effective approach to understanding human joint and tissue mechanics. Our study explores the osteology and meniscus anatomy of the male porcine stifle joint and compares it to human knee joint parameters, aiming to provide a valuable reference for orthopaedic research and surgical training.
    METHODS: We examined 60 male porcine stifle joints and analyzed their menisci and bones. Dissections were meticulously performed, with measurements taken using digital Vernier calipers and ImageJ software. These dimensions included bone morphology and meniscal width, height, and volume, followed by statistical analysis using unpaired Student\'s t-tests.
    RESULTS: The various measurements of bones and menisci indicated a high degree of anatomical similarity to human knees. The anterior width of the medial meniscus was 12.545 ± 1.763 mm, while the lateral meniscus was 14.99 ± 1.720 mm. The middle width of the medial meniscus was 12.065 ± 1.691 mm, compared to the lateral meniscus at 14.375 ± 1.732 mm. The posterior width was 15.25 ± 1.741 mm for the medial meniscus and 16.39 ± 1.662 mm for the lateral meniscus. The femoral intercondylar notch dimensions widened and became shallower with age, resembling the maturation patterns seen in human knee development. The average volume of the medial meniscus was 4.30 ± 0.13 ml, while the lateral meniscus was 5.9 ± 0.29 ml. The aspect ratio of the femoral condyles was 1.04 ± 0.04 (0.95-1.11), while the aspect ratio of the tibial condyles was 0.65 ± 0.02 (0.61-0.70), measured via digital Vernier calipers. These findings were statistically significant, showcasing the male porcine model\'s relevance in replicating human knee mechanics (p < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: Male porcine stifle joints present a valid and accessible model for knee anatomy research. Our study underscores the value of the male porcine model in understanding human knee joint biomechanics and supports its continued use in orthopaedic research and training. These findings have significant implications for advancing orthopaedic research methodologies and enhancing surgical training practices by providing a reliable and anatomically comparable model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The flow path of vertebrate hearts has a looped configuration characterized by curved (sigmoid) and twisted (chiral) components. The looped heart design is phylogenetically conserved among vertebrates and is thought to represent a significant determinant of cardiac pumping function. It evolves during the embryonic period of development by a process called \"cardiac looping\". During the past decades, remarkable progress has been made in the uncovering of genetic, molecular, and biophysical factors contributing to cardiac looping. Our present knowledge of the functional consequences of cardiac looping lags behind this impressive progress. This article provides an overview and discussion of the currently available information on looped heart design and its implications for the pumping function. It is emphasized that: (1) looping seems to improve the pumping efficiency of the valveless embryonic heart. (2) bilaterally asymmetric (chiral) looping plays a central role in determining the alignment and separation of the pulmonary and systemic flow paths in the multi-chambered heart of tetrapods. (3) chiral looping is not needed for efficient pumping of the two-chambered hearts of fish. (4) it is the sigmoid curving of the flow path that may improve the pumping efficiency of lower as well as higher vertebrate hearts.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    Until the mid-nineteenth century, \"physiology\" was a comprehensive theory of life, expounded and shaped by Johannes P. Müller (1801-1858). Biologists and medical doctors still refer to him today. In the summer term of 1851, Müller gave a lecture on the Comparative Anatomy of animals. This lecture was attended and recorded by Ernst Zeller (1830-1902), a future physician and zoologist, and has recently been published together with a German transcript. In this paper, we situate Johannes Müller within the intellectual history of his time. Through his \"empirical idealism,\" we show how he opposed the speculative tendencies of the romantic understanding of nature, the emerging evolutionism, and the growing splits in the natural sciences. Müller focused on recognizing living nature as a whole and realizing ideal \"phenomena\" through his empirical research. He considered the notion of the soul of the world. Müller\'s lecture transcript serves as a poignant testament to German scientific culture in the mid-nineteenth century, a few years before the publication of Darwin\'s Origin of Species. It also provides valuable insights into the self-contained epistemological foundations of morphology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Caudate nucleus (CN) neurons in camels and humans were examined using modified Golgi impregnation methods. Neurons were classified based on soma morphology, dendritic characteristics, and spine distribution. Three primary neuron types were identified in both species: rich-spiny (Type I), sparsely-spiny (Type II), and aspiny (Type III), each comprising subtypes with specific features. Comparative analysis revealed significant differences in soma size, dendritic morphology, and spine distribution between camels and humans. The study contributes to our understanding of structural diversity in CN neurons and provides insights into evolutionary neural adaptations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Turbinals are key bony elements of the mammalian nasal cavity, involved in heat and moisture conservation as well as olfaction. While turbinals are well known in some groups, their diversity is poorly understood at the scale of placental mammals, which span 21 orders. Here, we investigated the turbinal bones and associated lamellae for one representative of each extant order of placental mammals. We segmented and isolated each independent turbinal and lamella and found an important diversity of variation in the number of turbinals, as well as their size, and shape. We found that the turbinal count varies widely, from zero in the La Plata dolphin, (Pontoporia blainvillei) to about 110 in the African bush elephant (Loxodonta africana). Multiple turbinal losses and additional gains took place along the phylogeny of placental mammals. Some changes are clearly attributed to ecological adaptation, while others are probably related to phylogenetic inertia. In addition, this work highlights the problem of turbinal nomenclature in some placental orders with numerous and highly complex turbinals, for which homologies are extremely difficult to resolve. Therefore, this work underscores the importance of developmental studies to better clarify turbinal homology and nomenclature and provides a standardized comparative framework for further research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Trait functionality can act as a constraint on morphological development. Traits that become vestigialized can exhibit unstable developmental patterns such as fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and variation in populations. We use clearing and staining along with morphometric analyzes to compare FA and allometry of limbs in Western lesser sirens (Siren nettingi) to Ouachita dusky salamanders (Desmognathus brimleyorum). Our results describe new carpal phenotypes and carpal asymmetry in our sample of S. nettingi. However, we found no significant evidence of limb length asymmetry in S. nettingi. The degree of relative limb asymmetry correlates inversely with body size in both of our samples. This work provides strong evidence of increased mesopodal variation within a population of S. nettingi. Our work provides a basis for further study of a broader range of morphological traits across salamanders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spatial interactions among anatomical elements help to identify topological factors behind morphological variation and can be investigated through network analysis. Here, a whole-brain network model of the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes, Blumenbach 1776) is presented, based on macroanatomical divisions, and compared with a previous equivalent model of the human brain. The goal was to contrast which regions are essential in the geometric balance of the brains of the two species, to compare underlying phenotypic patterns of spatial variation, and to understand how these patterns might have influenced the evolution of human brain morphology. The human and chimpanzee brains share morphologically complex inferior-medial regions and a topological organization that matches the spatial constraints exerted by the surrounding braincase. These shared topological features are interesting because they can be traced back to the Chimpanzee-Human Last Common Ancestor, 7-10 million years ago. Nevertheless, some key differences are found in the human and chimpanzee brains. In humans, the temporal lobe, particularly its deep and medial limbic aspect (the parahippocampal gyrus), is a crucial node for topological complexity. Meanwhile, in chimpanzees, the cerebellum is, in this sense, more embedded in an intricate spatial position. This information helps to interpret brain macroanatomical change in fossil hominids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The impact of preserved museum specimens is transforming and increasing by three-dimensional (3D) imaging that creates high-fidelity online digital specimens. Through examples from the openVertebrate (oVert) Thematic Collections Network, we describe how we created a digitization community dedicated to the shared vision of making 3D data of specimens available and the impact of these data on a broad audience of scientists, students, teachers, artists, and more. High-fidelity digital 3D models allow people from multiple communities to simultaneously access and use scientific specimens. Based on our multiyear, multi-institution project, we identify significant technological and social hurdles that remain for fully realizing the potential impact of digital 3D specimens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In vivo neuroimaging studies have established several reproducible volumetric sex differences in the human brain, but the causes of such differences are hard to parse. While mouse models are useful for understanding the cellular and mechanistic bases of sex-specific brain development, there have been no attempts to formally compare human and mouse neuroanatomical sex differences to ascertain how well they translate. Addressing this question would shed critical light on the use of the mouse as a translational model for sex differences in the human brain and provide insights into the degree to which sex differences in brain volume are conserved across mammals. Here, we use structural magnetic resonance imaging to conduct the first comparative neuroimaging study of sex-specific neuroanatomy of the human and mouse brain. In line with previous findings, we observe that in humans, males have significantly larger and more variable total brain volume; these sex differences are not mirrored in mice. After controlling for total brain volume, we observe modest cross-species congruence in the volumetric effect size of sex across 60 homologous regions (r=0.30). This cross-species congruence is greater in the cortex (r=0.33) than non-cortex (r=0.16). By incorporating regional measures of gene expression in both species, we reveal that cortical regions with greater cross-species congruence in volumetric sex differences also show greater cross-species congruence in the expression profile of 2835 homologous genes. This phenomenon differentiates primary sensory regions with high congruence of sex effects and gene expression from limbic cortices where congruence in both these features was weaker between species. These findings help identify aspects of sex-biased brain anatomy present in mice that are retained, lost, or inverted in humans. More broadly, our work provides an empirical basis for targeting mechanistic studies of sex-specific brain development in mice to brain regions that best echo sex-specific brain development in humans.





