Central giant cell granuloma

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this paper is to describe a recent case of central giant cell granuloma (CGCG) that rapidly progressed post corticosteroid treatment while also providing a review of the existing literature on CGCG of the head and neck (HNCGCG), with particular emphasis on extra-mandibular and maxillary cases.
    METHODS: The investigators designed and implemented a 32-year review of literature, using the online databases: PubMed, Google Scholar, Medline, and Proquest. The total number of cases analyzed was 55 (42 case reports; 3 case series; 8 comparative studies; 1 retrospective cohort).
    METHODS: We present a case of a CGCG in a 10-year old male. The lesion originated in the right anterior mandibular body and progressed after corticosteroid treatment. Diagnosis was made using a combination of imaging and histology. A timely debulking procedure of the hemi-mandible was performed and there was no recurrence of the lesion at follow up.
    RESULTS: The average age at the time of diagnosis of CGCG was 27.5 years. HNCGCG was most commonly detected in the jaw (43.1%), but was also found in the temporal bone (33.3%). The most frequently employed treatment modality was complete surgical excision (76.9%). 93.2% of patients were alive with no evidence of disease at follow-up, while 6.8% of patients exhibited recurrence at follow-up. The median follow up was 13 months.
    CONCLUSIONS: It is important for clinicians to recognize that CGCGs are capable of manifesting outside of the jaw. CGCG should be considered in the differential diagnosis of non-odontogenic radiolucent lesions, especially in young patients. CGCGs also need to be distinguished from brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism (BTH) and giant cell tumors, which are histologically similar.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To review and analyze the clinical and imaging features of central giant cell granuloma patients and to review the relevant literatures for the diagnosis and clinical manifestation of central giant cell granuloma.
    UNASSIGNED: Seven cases of central giant cell granuloma were retrospectively selected for the study, all of which were confirmed by pathology and had relevant imaging investigations. All seven cases had undergone CT scan, three cases had undergone MRI scan. Detailed clinical features were compared along with the imaging findings and analysis was done on the basis of their presentation and imaging features.
    UNASSIGNED: The clinical features, radiologic features were varied according to the site of the lesion. CT features include unevenly dense expansile mass causing bone destruction and cortical thinning. While MRI features with low to iso-intensity in T1- and T2 weighted images. There may be presence of cystic degeneration, hemorrhage or hemosiderin deposits or osteoid formation, which can cause T1 and T2 signal changes. On contrast study, the lesion doesn\'t enhance but periphery may enhance mildly.
    UNASSIGNED: Unevenly dense expansile mass with bone destruction and cortical thinning with low to iso-intensity in T1 weighted and T2 weighted images and mildly enhance peripherally, Central giant cell granuloma should be considered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Central giant cell granuloma is a benign intraosseous lesion; tumours in the condylar region are rarely reported.
    METHODS: We present the case of a 60-year-old woman with preauricular swelling, limitation of joint motion and pain on only the right side.
    CONCLUSIONS: The patient was evaluated based on her preoperative clinical manifestations, by orthopantomography and computed tomography (CT). CT revealed a lesion on the right condylar head. Surgery was scheduled based on this imaging finding, histological findings from an incisional biopsy specimen, and the patient\'s indications and symptoms.
    CONCLUSIONS: Of all reported cases of central giantcell granuloma, only five (including this case) were located in the mandibular condyle.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Central giant cell granulomas are benign tumours of the mandible, presenting in children and young adults. Divided into non- and aggressive subtypes, the aggressive subtype is relatively rare and can occasionally progress rapidly, resulting in significant morbidity.
    METHODS: We present a case of an aggressive central giant cell granuloma (CGCG) in a six year-old female. The lesion originated in the right mandibular ramus and progressed rapidly to involve the condyle. Diagnosis was made using a combination of imaging and pathology. A timely en bloc resection of the hemi-mandible was performed with placement of a reconstructive titanium plate and condylar prosthesis.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our case demonstrates the importance of considering CGCG in the differential diagnosis of rapidly progressive mandibular lesions in the pediatric population. Prompt diagnosis and management can greatly improve long-term outcomes.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Central odontogenic fibroma (COF) is an uncommon intraosseous neoplasm of the gnathic bones which is composed of fibrous connective tissue, with or without calcifications, and variable amounts of inactive odontogenic epithelium. It makes up less than 5% of odontogenic tumors and is more commonly seen in females. Central giant cell granuloma (CGCG) is a locally destructive but benign lesion of the jaws containing osteoclast-like multinucleated giant cells in a fibrovascular stroma. CGCG makes up approximately 10% of all benign jaw tumors and typically occurs in females younger than 30 years of age. A hybrid lesion with histologic features of both COF and CGCG is very rare and was first described in 1992. To date, fewer than 50 cases of this lesion have been reported. In this study, we present three additional cases of COF developing in conjunction with giant cell granuloma-like lesion, as well as provide a comprehensive literature review. Two of the lesions presented in our study were located in the posterior mandible and one occurred in the anterior mandible. Buccal and/or lingual expansion was noted in two patients and no recurrence was reported. Histologically, all three lesions demonstrated a blend of odontogenic epithelial islands with numerous multinucleated giant cells in a highly cellular connective tissue stroma. Immunohistochemical staining with CK19 and CD68 highlighted the odontogenic epithelium and multinucleated giant cells respectively. The precise nature of these hybrid lesions remains obscure and additional molecular studies may be of help in understanding their pathogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: To describe the efficacy of denosumab in the treatment of an aggressive giant cell granuloma of the mandible.
    METHODS: Denosumab was administered to a patient with a large aggressive giant cell granuloma of the mandible resistant to standard medical therapy. The effectiveness and response was measured on the basis of patient symptoms and radiological parameters.
    RESULTS: A significant reduction in patient symptoms was reported in association with tumour regression on follow up radiographs.
    CONCLUSIONS: This report demonstrates potential use of denosumab in aggressive giant cell granulomas of the jaws that have been resistant to medical therapy.





