
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the interfacial fracture toughness (IFT) with or without aging, of four different classes of CAD-CAM ceramic and composite materials bonded with self-adhesive resin cement to titanium alloy characteristic of implant abutments.
    METHODS: High translucent zirconia (Katana; KAT), lithium disilicate-based glass-ceramic (IPS. emax.CAD; EMX), polymer-infiltrated ceramic network material (PICN) (Vita Enamic; ENA), and dispersed filler composite (Cerasmart 270; CER) were cut into equilateral triangular prisms and bonded to titanium prisms with identical dimensions using Panavia SA Cement Universal. The surfaces were pretreated following the manufacturers\' recommendations and developed interfacial area ratio (Sdr) of the pretreated surfaces was measured. IFT was determined using the Notchless Triangular Prism test in a water bath at 36 °C before and after thermocycling (10,000 cycles) (n = 40 samples/material).
    RESULTS: IFT of the materials ranged from 0.80 ± 0.25 to 1.10 ± 0.21 MPa.m1/2 before thermocycling and from 0.71 ± 0.24 to 1.02 ± 0.25 MPa.m1/2 after thermocycling. There was a statistical difference between IFT of CER and the two top performers in each scenario: KAT and EMX before aging, and KAT and ENA after aging. Thermocycling significantly decreased IFT of EMX. The Weibull modulus of IFT was similar for all materials and remained so after thermocycling. Sdr measurements revealed that ENA (7.60)>Ti (4.97)>CER (2.85)>KAT (1.09)=EMX (0.96).
    CONCLUSIONS: Dispersed filler CAD-CAM composite showed lower performance than the other materials. Aging only affected IFT of Li-Si glass-ceramic, whereas zirconia and PICN performed equally well, probably due to their chemical bonding potential and surface roughness respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to investigate the effect of post space conditioning with different solutions on the bond strength of glass FRC posts and evaluate the mode of resin failure.
    METHODS: Sixty extracted human single rooted teeth were root filled using a resin sealer and suitable gutta-percha cones. Post spaces were prepared, and the teeth randomly allocated into 5 groups according to their irrigation regimens which included the following solutions: 17 % EDTA, 2 % CHX, 3 % NaOCl, 10 % ascorbic acid and QMix solutions. Post spaces were irrigated with 5 ml of the solution for 15 s and subsequently washed with distilled water and dried with paper points. Glass FRC posts were cemented into their spaces using a self-adhesive resin cement. The specimens were mounted in plexiglass molds using autopolymerizing acrylic resin. A universal testing machine was used to measure post retention at a crosshead speed of 2 mm/min. The results were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey HSD test (α = 0.05). Dislodged posts and post spaces were examined microscopically to evaluate retention failure.
    RESULTS: The Ascorbic acid group exhibited the highest mean retentive strength value at 229 N, followed by QMix at 198 N, NaOCl at 186 N, CHX at 170 N, and EDTA at 124 N. The mean value of the ascorbic acid group was significantly higher than EDTA group, p = 0.012. The failure category was primarily mixed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Rinsing post spaces with ascorbic acid exhibited significantly superior bond strength. The failure mode was mixed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Irrigating post spaces with ascorbic acid solution before luting FRC posts significantly improves their bond strength compared to irrigation with EDTA solution. Irrigation with QMix solution produced the second highest retentive strength but showed no statistical significance when compared to using ascorbic acid, NaOCl, CHX, or EDTA solutions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate three temporary luting cements in terms of their restoration loss rates, biological interactions, esthetic properties, and handling characteristics.
    METHODS: 75 adults requiring fixed prosthodontics voluntarily participated in a single-blind, randomized controlled trial. After preparation, temporary restorations were luted with a randomly selected temporary luting cement (either Provicol QM Plus (PQP), Bifix Temp (BT), or Provicol QM Aesthetic (PQA)). Clinical examinations were performed one to two weeks after cementation. The following criteria were evaluated: tooth vitality, percussion, hypersensitivity, gingival bleeding, odor formation, esthetics, cement handling, removability, cleanability, and retention loss. Antagonistic teeth served as controls. Statistical analysis was performed using the paired t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson\'s chi-square and Fisher\'s exact test, where appropriate.
    RESULTS: The overall loss rate of temporary restorations was 16.0%, showing no cement-specific differences. Postoperative hypersensitivity occurred in 8% of cases regardless of cement type. Esthetic impairment was reported by 31% of the PQP-fixed restorations, compared with 4.0% and 4.2% of the BT and PQA-bonded restorations. Cement application was reported to be easy in 100% of cases, excess removal in 88-96%, depending on the cement used.
    CONCLUSIONS: The choice of luting material affects the esthetic appearance of a temporary restoration and should be considered, particularly in restorations in esthetically demanding areas. No significant differences between the cements were identified regarding biocompatibility, handling, and loss rate.
    CONCLUSIONS: Translucent cements can help to reduce color interferences, resulting in a more appealing appearance of the temporary restoration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study is measuring the magnitude and determining the method of finger pressure exerted by doctors on ceramic veneers during their fixation.
    METHODS: A simulation model was designed in order to measure the volume of finger pressure. Veneers were produced for 2 central incisors. Doctors alternately placed veneers on the model and applied pressure on them for 20 seconds simulating the clinical stage of cementing. The operator recorded the maximum readings of the scales and entered the result on the research protocol. In addition, it was recorded which finger the doctor exerts on the veneer during its cementing to ensure a tight fit: thumb or index finger.
    RESULTS: The values obtained during cementation of 54% doctors ranged up to 1 kg, 27% of doctors from 1 to 2 kg and only 19% more than 2 kg. 80% of doctors applied the main pressure on the veneer using their thumb, while the pressure force was 1.4 kg. For those doctors who pressed the veneer to the tooth with their index finger, the impact value was 0.8 kg.
    CONCLUSIONS: The finger pressure on the veneer during cementation applied by dentists varies, the average pressure on the veneers was about 1.5 kg. The amount of pressure on cement during laboratory tests of cements for fixing veneers differs from clinical values many times. The development of a veneers fixation protocol, taking into account the conducted research, will ensure a reliable and accurate fit of the veneer at the stage of its cementing.
    UNASSIGNED: Измерение величины и определение способа пальцевого давления, оказываемого врачами на керамические виниры во время их фиксации.
    UNASSIGNED: Для измерения величины пальцевого давления была спроектирована симуляционная модель. На 2 центральных резца были изготовлены виниры. Врачи поочередно устанавливали виниры на модель и в течение 20 с на них оказывали давление, имитируя клинический этап цементирования. Оператор регистрировал максимальные показания весов и заносил полученный результат в протокол исследования. Кроме того, фиксировали, каким именно пальцем врач оказывает воздействие на винир во время его цементирования для обеспечения плотной посадки: большим или указательным.
    UNASSIGNED: Установлено, что 54% врачей во время цементирования оказывают давление на винир до 1 кг, 27% врачей — от 1 до 2 кг, и только 19% врачей — более 2 кг; 80% врачей оказывали основное давление на винир, используя большой палец, при этом сила прижимного давления составила 1,4 кг. У врачей, которые прижимали винир к зубу указательным пальцем, величина воздействия была 0,8 кг.
    UNASSIGNED: Пальцевое давление на винир во время его цементирования у разных врачей имеет существенные различия, в среднем давление на виниры составило около 1,5 кг. Давление на цемент во время лабораторных испытаний цементов для фиксации виниров отличается от клинических величин многократно. Разработка протокола фиксации виниров с учетом поведенных исследований обеспечит надежную и точную посадку винира на этапе его цементирования.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the fracture resistance and failure modalities of anterior endocrown restorations fabricated employing diverse ceramic materials, and bonded using various cementation methodologies.
    METHODS: Forty maxillary central incisors were divided into two main groups based on the ceramic materials used; GroupI (Zir): zirconia endocrwons (Zolid HT+, Ceramill, Amanngirrbach) and GroupII (E-Max): e-max endocrowns (IPS e.max CAD, Ivoclar Vivadent). Both groups were further split into two subgroups depending on the cementation protocols; subgroup IA \"ZirMDP\": endocowns cemented with MDP primer + MDP resin cement, subgroup IB (ZirNon-MDP): cemented with MDP primer + non-MDP resin cement, subgroup IIA (E-maxMDP): cemented with MDP primer + MDP resin cement, subgroup IIB (E-maxNon-MDP): cemented with MDP primer + non-MDP resin cement. (n = 10/subgroup). Endocrowns were manufactured using CAD/ CAM. Teeth were subjected to 10,000 thermal cycles. The fracture test was performed at 45o with a palatal force direction until the fracture occurred. Test results were recorded in Newton. The failure mode was examined using a stereomicroscope. A One-way ANOVA test was utilized to compare different groups regarding fracture strength values. Tukey`s Post Hoc was utilized for multiple comparisons.
    RESULTS: The comparative analysis of fracture strength across the diverse groups yielded non-significant differences, as indicated by a p-value exceeding 0.05. Nonetheless, an observable trend emerged regarding the mode of failure. Specifically, a statistically significant prevalence was noted in fractures localized within the endocrown/tooth complex below the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) across all groups, except for Group IIB, \"E-max Non-MDP,\" where fractures within the endocrown/tooth complex occurred above the CEJ.
    CONCLUSIONS: Combining an MDP-based primer with an MDP-based resin cement did not result in a significant effect on the anterior endocrown fracture strength.
    CONCLUSIONS: Regardless of the presence of the MDP monomer in its composition, adhesive resin cement achieved highly successful fracture strength when used with MDP-based ceramic primers. Additionally, ceramic materials exhibiting elastic moduli surpassing those of dentin are discouraged due to their propensity to induce catastrophic fractures within the tooth structure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Retrieval of cement-retained implant-supported restorations is intriguing in cases of screw loosening. Detecting the estimated size of the screw access hole (SAH) could decrease destruction to the prosthesis and preserve the crown.
    OBJECTIVE: To precisely localize loose implant screws through cemented crowns to reduce crown damage after screw loosening.
    METHODS: In this in vitro study, 60 cement-retained implants supported 30 zirconia-based, and 30 ceramics fused to metal (CFM) lower molar crowns were invented, and each was subdivided into three subgroups (10 each). In group I (AI/BI) (control), SAH was created with the aid of orthopantomography (OPG). In contrast, in group II (zirconia-crown), SAH was created with the aid of CBCT + 3D printed surgical guide with a 2 mm metal sleeve in subgroups IIA/IIIA and CBCT + MAR was used to develop SAH in subgroups IIB/IIIB. SEM and Micro-CT scanned the SAH openings to determine the diameter of the hole, cracking, chipping, and chipping volume.
    RESULTS: Regarding the effect of plane CBCT and CBCT + MAR on prepared crowns, a highly significant association between group I with group II (p = 0.001) and group III (p = 0.002) was detected. Regarding the cracking of SAH, significant differences between the zirconium crown and CFM restoration (p = 0.009) were found, while for the chipping, no significant association was seen between groups (p = 0.19).
    CONCLUSIONS: CBCT, either as a plane CBCT or with MAR, significantly improved the accuracy of drilling the screw channel and decreased injury to the existing restoration and abutment, aiding in better localization of SAH in loosened implant abutment screws.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polypropylene fiber was equally mixed into alkali-activated slag fly ash geopolymer in order to ensure the filling effect of mine goaf and improve the stability of cemented gangue paste filling material with ecological matrix. Triaxial compression tests were then conducted under various conditions. The mechanical properties and damage characteristics of composite paste filling materials are studied, and the damage evolution model of paste filling materials under triaxial compression is established, based on the deviatoric stress-strain curve generated by the progressive failure behavior of samples. Internal physical and chemical mechanisms of the evolution of structure and characteristics are elucidated and comprehended via the use of SEM-EDS and XRD micro-techniques. The results show that the fiber can effectively improve the ultimate strength and the corresponding effective stress strength index of the sample within the scope of the experimental study. The best strengthening effect is achieved when the amount of NaOH is 3% of the mass of the solid material, the amount of fiber is 5‰ of the mass of the solid material, and the length of the fiber is about 12 mm. The action mode of the fiber in the sample is mainly divided into single-grip anchoring and three-dimensional mesh traction. As the crack initiates and develops, connection occurs in the matrix, where the fiber has an obvious interference and retardation effect on the crack propagation, thereby transforming the brittle failure into a ductile failure and consequently improving the fracture properties of the ecological cementitious coal gangue matrix. The theoretical damage evolution model of a segmented filling body is constructed by taking the initial compaction stage end point as the critical point, and the curve of the damage evolution model of the specimen under different conditions is obtained. The theoretical model is verified by the results from the triaxial compression test. We concluded that the experimental curve is in good agreement with the theoretical curve. Therefore, the established theoretical model has a certain reference value for the analysis and evaluation of the mechanical properties of paste filling materials. The research results can improve the utilization rate of solid waste resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The use of cemented stems in elderly patients is associated with the risk of intraoperative embolic complications. Uncemented stems eliminate this risk, but their use is controversial because of the risk of mechanical complications, with estimated subsidence between 3.6 and 30% and periprosthetic fractures between 2.1 and 11% at 6 weeks. A retrospective multicenter comparative study was conducted using a propensity score analysis to evaluate mechanical performances of uncemented stems in femoral neck fractures in elderly patients to (1) compare the risk of mechanical complications and (2) assess the use of metaphyseal-anchored stems for this indication.
    OBJECTIVE: There is no difference in the risk of mechanical complications, intraoperatively or postoperatively, between these stems.
    METHODS: We conducted a multicenter retrospective comparative study including 358 uncemented and 313 cemented stems. The mean age was 84.5 years [83.9-85.1]. The inclusion criteria were patients 70 years and older and a follow-up of at least 6 weeks. The primary endpoint was a composite endpoint comprised of stem subsidence≥2mm or periprosthetic fracture (up to 3 months postoperatively). The secondary endpoints were infection, stem subsidence≥2mm, and operative time. These endpoints were analyzed using a propensity score to control confounding factors. A secondary analysis used the same endpoints to compare metaphyseal-anchored (short stems) versus Corail-like stems.
    RESULTS: After adjusting for the propensity score, we found 11.17% mechanical complications in the uncemented group (n=40, 5.59% subsidence, and 5.59% fractures) versus 13.42% for the cemented group (n=42, 7.99% subsidence, and 5.43% fractures). There was no statistically significant difference between the 2 values (Odds Ratio [OR]=0.64 [95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 0.14-2.85] [p=0.7]). The mortality rate due to cement embolism was 1%. There was no difference in the rate of subsidence (OR=0.55 [95% CI: 0.02-12.5] [p=0.7]), periprosthetic fracture (OR=0.65 [95% CI: 0.13-3.12] [p=0.7]) or infection (OR=0.71 [95% CI: 0.32-1.55] [p=0.4]). However, the operative times were longer in the cemented group (p=0.03 for hemiarthroplasties [mean additional time 16minutes] and p=0.02 for total hip arthroplasties [mean additional time 22minutes]). No difference was observed between the metaphyseal-anchored (short stems) and Corail-like stems regarding operative time, rate of infection, and rate of stem subsidence or periprosthetic fractures.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is one of the first studies to highlight cemented stem subsidence when used for femoral neck fractures in elderly patients. Using uncemented stems in this indication is still warranted, especially since they do not bring about more mechanical complications in the first few months. Metaphyseal-anchored short stems seem to give the same results as \"standard\" stems. However, these findings need to be assessed in the longer term.
    METHODS: III; retrospective comparative study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many monolithic machined materials have been introduced and provided a suitable mechanical and physical properties for inlay restorations. However, there is shortage in the studies evaluating the marginal adaptation using these materials.
    This study aimed to compare the effect of fabricating inlay restorations from 3 different CAD-CAM materials on marginal gaps before and after thermocycling.
    Sixty human premolars were randomly divided into 3 groups (n = 20) according to the material used: (e.max CAD, Ivoclar AG, Schaan, Liechtenstein), (HC, Shofu, Koyoto, Japan) and (Brilliant Crios, Coltene, Altstätten, Switzerland) (n = 20). A scanning electron microscope (SEM) (JSM- 6510 lv, JEOL, Tokyo, JAPAN) was used to for measuring the marginal gaps after cementation of inlay restorations. The magnification was adapted to 250x. Marginal gaps were revaluated with SEM after thermocycling. The temperatures of baths were 5 and 55 °C was applied for a total of 5000 cycles. All data were statistically analyzed by using ANCOVA to demonstrate if there were any statistically significant differences between the gap measures after thermocycling of the three independent (unrelated) groups. A Bonferroni adjustmen was used to perform post hoc analysis (α = 0.05).
    Post-intervention marginal gap was statistically significantly lower in group EX (110.8 μm) which was statistically significant compared with group SF (112.5 μm) (mean difference=-1.768, P = .007) and group BR (113 μm) (mean difference=-2.272, P = .001), however, in. comparing SF and BR groups, there was no significant difference (mean difference=-0.5, P = .770).
    Thermocycling affected the marginal gaps of composite based restoration and resin-modified ceramics widely. However, it had a very small effect on glass ceramics marginal adaptation.
    The marginal gaps of CAD-CAM inlays varied according to material used (ceramic based, combination, or resin based). Thermocycling has a minor effect on the marginal adaptation of lithium disilicate glass-ceramic inlays, where it affected the margin of resin-modified ceramic and composite based inlays greatly. Using lithium disilicate glass-ceramic might improve the clinical longevity of inlay restored teeth.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    One of the most common causes of aesthetic failure and restoration replacement is the tooth restorations color mismatch specifically after aging.
    One hundred and two participants with endodontically treated first molar were selected clinically. The patients were randomly splited into two groups and restored either with Cerasmart hybrid ceramic or Vita Enamic polymer infiltrated ceramic network (PICN) crowns and cemented using dual cure adhesive cement. The color difference (ΔE) values after cementation at 0 (Baseline), 6, and 12 months of use were obtained by quantification of L*, a*, and b* values with a digital spectrophotometer. Mann-Whitney test used to compare between tested groups at each time point and between (α = 0.05).
    At 6 months follow-up intervals, Vita Enamic group showed the highest significant ∆L* (p = 0.035) and ∆a* (p < 0.001) compared to Cerasmart group. ∆b* and ∆E showed no significant difference between both groups (p > 0.05). Furthermore, all color parameters of both groups showed statistically significant difference at 12 months follow-up intervals. After 12 months, Vita Enamic restorations presented higher color change compared to Cerasmart restorations with a (p-value of 0.0120). When comparing the total color difference ∆Et through-out the follow-up intervals of Vita Enamic & Cerasmart groups, there were insignificant difference (p = 0.263).
    Both hybrid materials demonstrated comparable color stability after 1 year of clinical service within clinical acceptance range. However, Cerasmart demonstrated a better colour stability after 1 year.
    ClinicalTrials.gov (ID: NCT05501808) 15/8/ 2022- \'retrospectively registered\'.





