Body Remains

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the process of murder investigation, it is of great significance to find the discarded and buried human remains accurately. The main methods of searching for human remains include human visual search, aerial detection, geophysical technology, remote imaging technology and canine olfactory search technique. Canine olfactory search for human remains is a recognized time-effective and non-invasive search method, making dogs the most valuable search tool in forensic investigation. By systematically reviewing and summarizing relevant literature, and based on the theory of volatile organic compound produced by the decomposition of human remains, this paper explores the basic principle of the canine olfactory search technique for human remains. This paper also reviews the application of training canine search technique for human remains in forensic investigation by using human blood, tissue, cadaver putrefying fluid and odor substitutes as sniffing sources. The application prospect of canine olfactory search for human remains was prospected from the perspectives of detection of volatile organic compound during cadaver decay, development of odor substitutes and adsorption devices, and technology tactics used in canine training and use, to provide references for the relevant research of canine olfactory search for human remains in China.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To describe the current state of research and future research hotspots through a metrological analysis of the literature in the field of forensic anthropological remains identification research.
    METHODS: The data retrieved and extracted from the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC), the core database of the Web of Science information service platform (hereinafter referred to as \"WoS\"), was used to analyze the trends and topic changes in research on forensic identification of human remains from 1991 to 2022. Network visualisation of publication trends, countries (regions), institutions, authors and topics related to the identification of remains in forensic anthropology was analysed using python 3.9.2 and Gephi 0.10.
    RESULTS: A total of 873 papers written in English in the field of forensic anthropological remains identification research were obtained. The journal with the largest number of publications was Forensic Science International (164 articles). The country (region) with the largest number of published papers was China (90 articles). Katholieke Univ Leuven (Netherlands, 21 articles) was the institution with the largest number of publications. Topic analysis revealed that the focus of forensic anthropological remains identification research was sex estimation and age estimation, and the most commonly studied remains were teeth.
    CONCLUSIONS: The volume of publications in the field of forensic anthropological remains identification research has a distinct phasing. However, the scope of both international and domestic collaborations remains limited. Traditionally, human remains identification has primarily relied on key areas such as the pelvis, skull, and teeth. Looking ahead, future research will likely focus on the more accurate and efficient identification of multiple skeletal remains through the use of machine learning and deep learning techniques.
    目的: 对法医人类学遗骸识别研究领域的文献进行计量学分析,描述当前的研究现状并预测未来的研究热点。方法: 基于Web of Science信息服务平台(以下简称“WoS”)中核心数据库(Web of Science Core Collection,WoSCC)检索和提取的数据,分析1991—2022年遗骸识别研究的发展趋势和主题变化。运用python 3.9.2和Gephi 0.10对法医人类学遗骸识别相关研究的发文趋势、国家(地区)、机构、作者和主题进行网络可视化分析。结果: 获得法医人类学遗骸识别相关英文文献873篇。发表文献数量最多的期刊是Forensic Science International(164篇),发文最多的国家(地区)是中国(90篇),Katholieke Univ Leuven(荷兰,21篇)是发表英文文献最多的机构。主题分析结果显示,人类遗骸研究的热点是遗骸的性别鉴定和年龄推断,并且常用的遗骸是牙齿。结论: 法医人类学遗骸识别研究领域的发文量具有明显的阶段性,然而,国际合作与国内合作的范围尚显局限。传统的遗骸识别主要依赖于骨盆、颅骨和牙齿等关键部位。未来的研究热点将聚焦于利用机器学习和深度学习技术,对多种骨骼遗骸进行更为精准和高效的鉴定。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    More than 1200 civilians and military were killed in cities and villages by the Hamas attack on October 7th, 2023. The bodies and body-parts had to be identified and released for burial. This report outlines the challenges and mode of operation of the massive disaster victim identification (DVI) efforts. Bodies were delivered to a central mortuary. Each body was coded and undressed for external inspection and documentation of physical elements. Digital fingerprints were recorded and blood or toenails sampled for DNA. Odontology exams were performed by dentists describing dentition, aided by computerized tomography (CT). Whole-body CT was performed in cases the bodies were disfigured or burned from the second week. Simultaneously, families of missing civilians provided physical elements to the police to extract the DNA for antemortem documentation. The police took the responsibility over the reconciliation, which was based on comparison of the ante-mortem and post-mortem fingerprints, aided by DNA profile matching, odontology examination, clinical and/or radiological findings performed by forensic practitioners. Secondary identification elements were used assure the families regarding the identification. Precise scientific identification a was a priority, even if it slowed the rate of bodies release. Families were allowed to view their relative either at the mortuary or before burial. The DVI process required cooperation between several governmental agencies and police. To maximize the effectiveness, a synchronized approach should be adopted, specifying communication channels between the partners and dividing the responsibilities. The DVI should be led by a single, experienced authority to ensure interdisciplinary teamwork. This catastrophe required personal resilience of the teams for rapid and efficient functioning and communication between the partners.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Calculating the immersion time at sea of human skeletal remains is a challenge for forensic investigations and the answer to this question would solve many court cases in the shortest possible time. Remains in water create profound structural changes due to countless variables that lead to difficulties in interpretation during investigations.
    UNASSIGNED: In this paper, two forensic cases found at sea were analysed, Case A, an extensively skeletonised corpse, and Case B, an isolated, intact foot with soft tissue, both found only 9 km away from the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea (Southern Italy). A preliminary radiodiagnostic examination was performed for both cases. Subsequently, macroscopic observation of two tattoos found on case A was carried out. Autopsy examination was then carried out with subsequent anthropometric analysis to reconstruct the biological profile of both subjects, (case A) and (case B). Finally, histological and genetic analyses were performed.
    UNASSIGNED: The examinations carried out made it possible to determine two compatible biological profiles, despite the taphonomic difference, and these examinations were corroborated by the anthropometric and genetic correlation, which led to the solution of a single judicial case. In conclusion, all the investigations carried out made it possible to state that the skeletonised corpse (Case A) and the isolated foot (Case B) belonged to the same individual in life. This result made it possible to identify the victim, thus establishing the profile of an individual who had disappeared in the previous two months due to a shipwreck.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The petrous bone contains significantly higher amounts of DNA than any other human bone. Because of highly destructive sampling and because it is not always part of the recovered remains, the need for alternative sources of DNA is important. To identify additional optimal bone types, petrous bones were compared to femurs, tali, and calcanei sampled from 66 adult skeletons from two distinct modern-era Christian cemeteries. An extraction method employing full demineralization was used to obtain DNA, real-time PCR quantification to ascertain DNA quantity and degradation, and a commercial forensic short tandem repeats (STR) PCR amplification kit to determine genetic profiles. Statistical analysis was performed to explore the differences in DNA yield, DNA degradation, and success of STR amplification. A systematic studies exploring intra-skeletal variability in DNA preservation including various excavation sites differing by time period and geographical position are rare, and the second part of the investigation was based on a comparison of both archaeological sites, which allowed us to compare the effect of different post-mortem intervals and environmental conditions on DNA preservation. The older burial site in Črnomelj was active between the 13th and 18th century, whereas the more recent Polje burial was in use from the 16th to 19th century, creating different temporal and geographical environments. Results for the Črnomelj burial site revealed that the petrous bone outperformed all other bone types studied, except the calcaneus. At the Polje archeological site calcanei, tali, and femurs yielded the same STR typing success as petrous bones. The results obtained highlight the importance of careful bone sample selection for DNA analysis of aged skeletal remains. In addition to petrous bones, calcanei were found to be an alternative source of DNA when older burial sites are investigated. When more recent burial sites are processed, calcanei, tali, and femurs should be sampled besides petrous bones, not only because they exhibited good performance, but also because of easier sampling and easier grinding in the case of trabecular bones. This study contributes valuable insights into the potential use of various skeletal types as a source of DNA for investigation of aged skeletal remains, and it offers practical implications for forensic and archaeological investigations.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the past 30 years, forensic experts from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina have embraced advanced technologies and innovations to enable great efficacy and proficiency in the identification of war victims. The wartime events in the countries of former Yugoslavia greatly influenced the application of the selected DNA analyses as routine tools for the identification of skeletal remains, especially those from mass graves. Initially, the work was challenging because of the magnitude of the events, technical aspects, and political aspects. Collaboration with reputable foreign forensic experts helped tremendously in the efforts to start applying DNA analysis routinely and with increasing success. In this article, we reviewed the most significant achievements related to the application of DNA analysis in identifying skeletal remains in situations where standard identification methods were insufficient.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Within the complex world of disaster victim identification, or DVI, forensic science practitioners use a variety of investigative techniques to work toward a common goal: identification of the decedents, bringing closure to the affected communities. Identification is a complex undertaking; the event (disaster) also can be extraordinarily complex, as it may be an acute event, or one that spans months or years. Compounding this time issue, remains may be heavily fragmented, dispersed, commingled, or otherwise disrupted by either the perpetrators or the disaster itself. To help solve these complexities, we explore the use of stable isotope analysis (SIA) in DVI events. SIA can be used with a variety of body tissues (hair, nail, bone, and teeth), and each represents different time depths in a decedent\'s life. Bone collagen and tooth enamel carbonate are useful to reconstruct an individual\'s diet and source water intakes, respectively, leading to likely population or geographic origin determinations. Additionally, the carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures of bone collagen have calculated intraperson ranges. These facts allow investigators to determine likely origin of remains using isotopic data and can be used to link skeletal elements (to an individual), or perhaps more importantly, show that remains are not linked. Application of SIA can thus speed remains identification by eliminating individuals from short lists for identification, linking or decoupling remains, and reducing the need for some DNA testing. These strategies and hypothesis tests should commence early in the DVI process to achieve maximum effectiveness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The wide diversity of Neolithic funerary practices is increasingly recognised. In Southeast Italy, recent studies have drawn attention to the co-existence of multiple ways of treating the dead within single sites and across the region. In this study, we address how such diverse deathways form a regional framework of ritual practice through histotaphonomic analysis of bone bioerosion. Samples were obtained from articulated, semi-articulated and disarticulated remains from four sites in Apulia which each presented different modes of treatment and disposal of the dead. Bone thin sections were analysed by light microscopy to characterise microstructural preservation through features including bacterial bioerosion, staining, inclusions, and Wedl tunnelling. We investigate the early post-mortem histories of individuals whose remains ended up in various states of dis/articulation and diverse depositional contexts. Disarticulated remains frequently displayed arrested or extensive bacterial bioerosion, which was also found in articulated and semi-articulated skeletons. Additionally, remains deposited in similar contexts, as well as articulated and disarticulated remains deposited together in the same context, often showed different histotaphonomic characteristics, suggesting diverse early post-mortem trajectories. As a result, we argue that Neolithic deathways in southeastern Italy incorporated a high level of diversity in the early post-mortem treatment of the body. A framework for funerary practices emerges, whereby disarticulated remains probably originated from bodies which had been buried previously and subjected to varying extents of shelter, exposure to invertebrates, and duration of burial. However, we acknowledge the ongoing research into the origins of bacterial bioerosion and the problem of equifinality, which leaves open the possibility for further scenarios of early post-mortem treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A major challenge in forensic anthropology and bioarcheology is the development of fast and effective methods for sorting commingled remains. This study assesses how portable laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) can be used to group skeletal remains based on their elemental profiles. LIBS spectra were acquired from the remains of 45 modern skeletons, with a total data set of 8388 profiles from 1284 bones. Spectral feature selection was conducted to reduce the spectral profiles to the peaks exhibiting the highest variation among individuals. Emission lines corresponding to 9 elements (Ca, P, C, K, Mg, Na, Al, Ba, and Sr) were found important for classification. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was concurrently used to classify each spectral profile. From the 45 individuals, each LIBS spectrum was successfully sorted to its corresponding skeleton with an average accuracy of 87%. These findings indicate that variation exists among the LIBS profiles of individuals\' skeletal remains, highlighting the potential for portable LIBS technology to aid in the sorting of commingled remains.





