Bochdalek hernia

Bochdalek 疝气
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A congenital defect in the diaphragm, known as a Bochdalek hernia (BH), is a condition that allows herniation of the abdominal viscera into the thorax. BH is the most common type of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) and is typically detected on the left side. An ectopic kidney is a rare condition. An intra-thoracic ectopic kidney is an extremely uncommon condition. In adult patients, the presence of BH with an intra-thoracic kidney is extremely uncommon and is often a finding discovered unintentionally. A 51-year-old male patient presented to the outpatient unit of the pulmonology department. He stated that he had been suffering symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and breathing difficulties for one year. A chest X-ray showed a well-defined radio-opaque lesion in the lower left zone. A computed tomography (CT) scan of the chest demonstrated a defect in the posterolateral region of the left hemidiaphragm, as well as herniation of the left kidney and retroperitoneal fat in the left hemithorax. The intra-thoracic ectopic kidney was found to be normal in size and showed normal attenuation and enhancement, with the contrast being promptly excreted into the pelvicalyceal system during CT urography. Due to the hernia\'s small size and lack of abnormalities on CT urography, the patient was recommended a conservative treatment. A follow-up examination was performed on the patient annually. Throughout the follow-up period, there was not a single episode of kidney-related issues. To avoid unwanted image-guided biopsies and surgical procedures, it is imperative to look for intra-thoracic kidneys in patients presenting with a thoracic mass or an elevated hemi-diaphragm.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Right sided posterior diaphragmatic hernias are a rare diagnosis, especially in adult populations. This patient presented with right thoracic pain for 20 years before investigation. Imaging has provided an accurate diagnosis in this case. Repair can be done safely laparoscopically.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Bochdalek hernia is an inherited posterior lateral defect in the diaphragm that allows the abdominal organs to herniate into the thoracic cavity. In addition to being the most prevalent variety of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), it is also the type that is observed on the left hemithorax the majority of the time. Ectopic kidney is an uncommon condition, and the occurrence of ectopic intrathoracic kidney is even more uncommon, accounting for only a few of all the cases of renal ectopias. The occurrence of intrathoracic kidney associated with Bochdalek hernia is infrequent among adult individuals and is typically an incidental finding. A 52-year-old obese female patient presented to the pulmonology outpatient unit and reported experiencing the symptoms of coughing, wheezing, and difficulty in breathing since three years. A chest radiograph revealed an elevated dome of the diaphragm on the right side. A computed tomography (CT) of the chest revealed a defect in the posterior aspect of the right hemi-diaphragm with herniation of the right kidney and retroperitoneal fat into the right hemi-thorax. CT urography showed normal size and enhancement of the intrathoracic kidney with prompt excretion of contrast into the pelvicalyceal system. With regard to the small size of the hernia and considering the absence of complications on CT urography, a conservative treatment was proposed to the patient. The patient was followed up every year. There was no occurrence of renal complications during the follow-up period. When evaluating patients with \'elevated hemi-diaphragm\' or thoracic \'mass\', it is essential to check for the presence of intrathoracic kidney to avoid undesirable surgical procedures and image-guided biopsies.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This paper presents the case of a 32-year-old female patient with acute colon incarceration in the thoracic cavity due to Bochdalek hernia. An asymptomatic right Bochdalek hernia was also discovered, which is a rare finding. The patient underwent laparotomy with reposition of the incarcerated organs and primary closure of the left-sided defect. The stenotic portion of the originally incarcerated colon was resected one year later due to the symptoms of chronic bowel problems. At present, 18 months from the first surgery, the patient\'s clinical condition remains good with a positive clinical response to the secondary surgery involving resection of the stenotic colon, and the right Bochdalek hernia remains asymptomatic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a rare developmental defect of the diaphragm, characterized by the herniation of abdominal contents into the chest, resulting in varying degrees of pulmonary hypoplasia and pulmonary hypertension. Significant advances in the prenatal diagnosis and identification of prognostic factors have resulted in the continued refinement of the approach to fetal therapies for CDH. In the postnatal period, protocolized approaches to lung-protective ventilation, nutrition, prevention of infection, and early aggressive management of pulmonary hypertension have led to improved outcomes in infants with CDH. Surgical repair of CDH is not urgent in most circumstances and can be delayed until the pulmonary status of the patient has stabilized. This article provides a comprehensive review of CDH, focusing on the complex pathophysiology, advances in prenatal diagnosis, fetal interventions, and optimal postnatal management of CDH.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 29-year-old primigravida at 31 weeks of gestation was referred for intrathoracic kidney (ITK). Ultrasound revealed left kidney intrathoracic placement with an anteriorly positioned ectopic adrenal gland. Magnetic resonance imaging confirmed diaphragmatic interruption and colon herniation. A female neonate, delivered at 37 weeks, underwent successful thoracoscopic repair for a left Bochdalek hernia. Despite compression of the left lung, notably optimistic lung-to-head ratio (LHR) values were observed, correlating with favorable outcomes. This case underscores the rare occurrence of ITK, its association with Bochdalek hernia, and the importance of comprehensive prenatal evaluations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A rare entity of non-hiatal type transdiaphragmatic hernias, which must be clearly differentiated from paraoesophageal hernias, are the phrenic defects that bear the generic name of congenital hernias-Bochdalek hernia and Larey-Morgagni hernia, respectively. The etiological substrate is relatively simple: the presence of preformed anatomical openings, which either do or do not enable transit from the thoracic region to the abdominal region or, most often, vice versa, from the abdomen to the thorax, of various visceral elements (spleen, liver, stomach, colon, pancreas, etc.). Apart from the congenital origin, a somewhat rarer group is described, representing about 1-7% of the total: an acquired variant of the traumatic type, frequently through a contusive type mechanism, which produces diaphragmatic strains/ruptures. Apparently, the symptomatology is heterogeneous, being dependent on the location of the hernia, the dimensions of the defect, which abdominal viscera is involved through the hernial opening, its degree of migration, and whether there are volvulation/ischemia/obstruction phenomena. Often, its clinical appearance is modest, mainly incidental discoveries, the majority being digestive manifestations. Severe digestive complications such as strangulation, volvus, and perforation are rare and are accompanied by severe shock, suddenly appearing after several non-specific digestive prodromes. Diagnosis combines imaging evaluations (plain radiology, contrast, CT) with endoscopic ones. Surgical treatment is recommended regardless of the side on which the diaphragmatic defect is located or the secondary symptoms due to potential complications. The approach options are thoracic, abdominal or combined thoracoabdominal approach, and classic or minimally invasive. Most often, selection of the type of approach should be made taking into account two elements: the size of the defect, assessed by CT, and the presence of major complications. Any hiatal defect that is larger than 5 cm2 (the hiatal hernia surface (HSA)) has a formal recommendation of mesh reinforcement. The recurrence rate is not negligible, and statistical data show that the period of the first postoperative year is prime for recurrence, being directly proportional to the size of the defect. As a result, in patients who were required to use mesh, the recurrence rate is somewhere between 27 and 41% (!), while for cases with primary suture, i.e., with a modest diaphragmatic defect, this is approx. 4%.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Diaphragmatic hernia with bowel strangulation is a fatal condition requiring a prompt diagnosis. Bochdalek hernia is a common type of diaphragmatic hernia that rarely but occasionally occurs in adults. We herein report a case of Bochdalek hernia causing sigmoid colon strangulation in an elderly patient whose condition was initially misdiagnosed as empyema. The early diagnosis of strangulated bowel stemming from diaphragmatic hernia can be challenging because of its rarity and the nonspecificity of its symptoms. However, tracing the mesenteric arteries on computed tomography can enable a quick diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The contemporary pillars of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) management include prenatal diagnosis for multidisciplinary care coordination and counseling, medical optimization after birth, and elective (not emergent) operative repair after stabilization, allowing for improvement in pulmonary hypertension and maturation of lungs. Lung hypoplasia and pulmonary hypertension in infants with CDH represent a medical emergency, not one that necessitates immediate surgery. Many infants surviving CDH repair have significant morbidities that may persist into adulthood. Rare cases of previously occult CDH may present acutely in the older child or adult with nonspecific gastrointestinal or pulmonary symptoms.





