Amacrine Cells

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We consider a model of basic inner retinal connectivity where bipolar and amacrine cells interconnect and both cell types project onto ganglion cells, modulating their response output to the brain visual areas. We derive an analytical formula for the spatiotemporal response of retinal ganglion cells to stimuli, taking into account the effects of amacrine cells inhibition. This analysis reveals two important functional parameters of the network: (1) the intensity of the interactions between bipolar and amacrine cells and (2) the characteristic timescale of these responses. Both parameters have a profound combined impact on the spatiotemporal features of retinal ganglion cells\' responses to light. The validity of the model is confirmed by faithfully reproducing pharmacogenetic experimental results obtained by stimulating excitatory DREADDs (Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs) expressed on ganglion cells and amacrine cells\' subclasses, thereby modifying the inner retinal network activity to visual stimuli in a complex, entangled manner. Our mathematical model allows us to explore and decipher these complex effects in a manner that would not be feasible experimentally and provides novel insights in retinal dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exocytotic release of neurotransmitter can be quantified by electrophysiological recording from postsynaptic neurons. Alternatively, fusion of synaptic vesicles with the cell membrane can be measured as increased capacitance by recording directly from a presynaptic neuron. The \"Sine + DC\" technique is based on recording from an unbranched cell, represented by an electrically equivalent RC-circuit. It is challenging to extend such measurements to branching neurons where exocytosis occurs at a distance from a somatic recording electrode. The AII amacrine is an important inhibitory interneuron of the mammalian retina and there is evidence that exocytosis at presynaptic lobular dendrites increases the capacitance. Here, we combined electrophysiological recording and computer simulations with realistic compartmental models to explore capacitance measurements of rat AII amacrine cells. First, we verified the ability of the \"Sine + DC\" technique to detect depolarization-evoked exocytosis in physiological recordings. Next, we used compartmental modeling to demonstrate that capacitance measurements can detect increased membrane surface area at lobular dendrites. However, the accuracy declines for lobular dendrites located further from the soma due to frequency-dependent signal attenuation. For sine wave frequencies ≥1 kHz, the magnitude of the total releasable pool of synaptic vesicles will be significantly underestimated. Reducing the sine wave frequency increases overall accuracy, but when the frequency is sufficiently low that exocytosis can be detected with high accuracy from all lobular dendrites (~100 Hz), strong electrical coupling between AII amacrines compromises the measurements. These results need to be taken into account in studies with capacitance measurements from these and other electrically coupled neurons.







  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a peptide neurotransmitter abundantly expressed in the mammalian retina. Since its discovery, NPY has been studied in retinas of several species, but detailed characterization of morphology, cell-type, and connectivity has never been conducted in larger mammals including humans and pigs. As the pig due to size and cellular composition is a well-suited animal for retinal research, we chose to compare the endogenous NPY system of the human retina to that of pigs to support future research in this field. In the present study, using immunohistochemistry, confocal microscopy and 3D reconstructions, we found NPY to be expressed in GABAergic and calretinin-immunoreactive (-ir) amacrine cells of both species as well as parvalbumin-ir amacrine cells of humans. Furthermore, we identified at least two different types of medium- to wide-field NPY-ir amacrine cells. Finally, we detected likely synaptic appositions between the NPY-ir amacrine cells and melanopsin- and nonmelanopsin-ir ganglion cells, GABAergic and dopaminergic amacrine cells, rod bipolar cells, and horizontal cells, suggesting that NPY-ir cells play diverse roles in modulation of both image and non-image forming retinal signaling. These findings extend existing knowledge on NPY and NPY-expressing cells in the human and porcine retina showing a high degree of comparability. The extensive distribution and connectivity of NPY-ir cells described in the present study further highlights the potential importance of NPY signaling in retinal function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Connexin 43 (Cx43) is the main astrocytic connexin and forms the basis of the glial syncytium. The morphology of connexin-expressing cells can be best studied in transgenic mouse lines expressing cytoplasmic fluorescent reporters, since immunolabeling the plaques can obscure the shapes of the individual cells. The Cx43kiECFP mouse generated by Degen et al. (FASEBJ 26:4576, 2012) expresses cytosolic ECFP and has previously been used to establish that Cx43 may not be expressed by all astrocytes within a population, and this can vary in a region-dependent way. To establish this mouse line as a tool for future astrocyte and connexin research, we sought to consolidate reporter authenticity, studying cell types and within-region population heterogeneity. Applying anti-GFP, all cell types related to astroglia were positive-namely, protoplasmic astrocytes in the hippocampus, cortex, thalamus, spinal cord, olfactory bulb, cerebellum with Bergmann glia and astrocytes also in the molecular layer, and retinal Müller cells and astrocytes. Labeled cell types further comprise white matter astrocytes, olfactory ensheathing cells, radial glia-like stem cells, retinal pigment epithelium cells, ependymal cells, and meningeal cells. We furthermore describe a retinal Cx43-expressing amacrine cell morphologically reminiscent of ON-OFF wide-field amacrine cells, representing the first example of a mammalian CNS neuron-expressing Cx43 protein. In double staining with cell type-specific markers (GFAP, S100ß, glutamine synthetase), Cx43 reporter expression in the hippocampus and cortex was restricted to GFAP+ astrocytes. Altogether, this mouse line is a highly reliable tool for studies of Cx43-expressing CNS cells and astroglial cell morphology. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diabetic retinopathy is a common complication of type 2 diabetes and the leading cause of blindness in adults of working age. The aim of this work was to study the repercussions of high fat diet (HFD) induced diabetes on the retina of Meriones shawi ( Two groups of six each was studied. Group I was a normal control, fed with standard laboratory granules. In Group II, rodents received a HFD of enriched laboratory granules, for a period of 3 months. Body weight and plasma glucose were determined in the two groups. Retinal sections of the two groups were stained with the Hematoxylin-Eosin. Photoreceptors were identified by immunolabeling for rhodopsin (rods) and PNA (cones). Gliosis and microglial activation were identified by immunolabeling for GFAP and Iba-1. Labeling of calretinin and parvalbumin were also carried out to study the AII amacrine cells. Retinal layers thicknesses, gliosis, and specific neural cell populations were quantified by microscopy. The body weight (+77%) and plasma glucose (+108%) were significantly greater in the HFD rodents. Three months of HFD induced a significant loss of 38.77% of cone photoreceptors, as well as gliosis and an increase of 70.67% of microglial cells. Calcium homeostatic enzymes were depleted. This work shows that HFD in Meriones shawi induces a type II diabetes-like condition that causes loss of retinal neurons and photoreceptors, as well as gliosis. Meriones shawi could be a useful experimental animal model for this physiopathology particularly in the study of retinal neuro-glial alterations in Type II diabetes.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Neuroglobin (Ngb) is a new member of the family of heme proteins and is specifically expressed in neurons of the central and peripheral nervous systems in all vertebrates. In particular, the retina has a 100-fold higher concentration of Ngb than do other nervous tissues. The role of Ngb in the retina is yet to be clarified. Therefore, to understand the functional role of Ngb in the retina after optic nerve injury (ONI), we used two types of retina, from zebrafish and mice, which have permissible and non-permissible capacity for nerve regeneration after ONI, respectively. After ONI, the Ngb protein in zebrafish was upregulated in the amacrine cells within 3 days, whereas in the mouse retina, Ngb was downregulated in the retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) within 3 days. Zebrafish Ngb (z-Ngb) significantly enhanced neurite outgrowth in retinal explant culture. According to these results, we designed an overexpression experiment with the mouse Ngb (m-Ngb) gene in RGC-5 cells (retinal precursor cells). The excess of m-Ngb actually rescued RGC-5 cells under hypoxic conditions and significantly enhanced neurite outgrowth in cell culture. These data suggest that mammalian Ngb has positive neuroprotective and neuritogenic effects that induce nerve regeneration after ONI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) demonstrate a large range of variation in their ionic channel properties and morphologies. These cell-specific properties are responsible for the unique way they process synaptic inputs. A cell-specific modeling approach allows us to examine the functional significance of regional membrane channel expression and cell morphology. ON and OFF RGC models based on accurate biophysics and realistic representation of morphologies were used to study the contribution of different ion channel properties and spatial structure of neurons to RGC electrical activity. Using this approach, morphologically-complex retinal neurons such as amacrine cells or RGCs can be modelled and their interactions and processing can be better understood.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent works suggest that one of the roles of gap junctions in sensory systems is to enhance their dynamic range by avoiding early saturation in the first processing stages. In this work, we use a minimal conductance-based model of the ON rod pathways in the vertebrate retina to study the effects of electrical synaptic coupling via gap junctions among rods and among AII amacrine cells on the dynamic range of the retina. The model is also used to study the effects of the maximum conductance of rod hyperpolarization activated current I(h) on the dynamic range of the retina, allowing a study of the interrelations between this intrinsic membrane parameter with those two retina connectivity characteristics. Our results show that for realistic values of I(h) conductance the dynamic range is enhanced by rod-rod coupling, and that AII-AII coupling is less relevant to dynamic range amplification in comparison with receptor coupling. Furthermore, a plot of the retina output response versus input intensity for the optimal parameter configuration is well fitted by a power law with exponent approximately 0.5. The results are consistent with predictions of more theoretical works and suggest that the earliest expression of gap junctions along the rod pathways, together with appropriate values of rod I(h) conductance, has the highest impact on vertebrate retina dynamic range enhancement.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To investigate the contributions of amacrine cells to red-green opponency, a linear computational model of the central macaque retina was developed based on a published cone mosaic. In the model, amacrine cells of ON and OFF types received input from all neighboring midget bipolar cells of the same polarity, but OFF amacrine cells had a bias toward bipolar cells whose center responses were mediated by middle wavelength sensitive cones. This bias might arise due to activity dependent plasticity because there are midget bipolar cells driven by short wavelength sensitive cones in the OFF pathway. The model midget ganglion cells received inputs from neighboring amacrine cells of both types. As in physiological experiments, the model ganglion cells showed spatially opponent responses to achromatic stimuli, but they responded to cone isolating stimuli as though center and surround were each driven by a single cone type. Without amacrine cell input, long and middle wavelength sensitive cones contributed to both the centers and surrounds of model ganglion cell receptive fields. According to the model, the summed amacrine cell input was red-green opponent even though inputs to individual amacrine cells were unselective. A key prediction is that GABA and glycine depolarize two of the four types of central midget ganglion cells; this may reflect lower levels of the potassium chloride co-transporter in their dendrites.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Similar to other vertebrate species, the zebrafish retina is simpler than other regions of the central nervous system (CNS). Relative simplicity, rapid development, and accessibility to genetic analysis make the zebrafish retina an excellent model system for the studies of neurogenesis in the vertebrate CNS. Numerous genetic screens have led to isolation of an impressive collection of mutations affecting the retina and the retinotectal projection in zebrafish. Mutant phenotypes are being studied using a rich variety of markers: antibodies, RNA probes, retrograde and anterograde tracers, as well as transgenic lines. Particularly impressive progress has been made in the characterization of the zebrafish genome. Consequently, positional and candidate cloning of mutant genes are now fairly easy to accomplish in zebrafish. Many mutant genes have, in fact, already been cloned and their analysis has provided important insights into the gene circuitry that regulates retinal neurogenesis. Genetic screens for visual system defects will continue in the future and progressively more sophisticated screening approaches will make it possible to detect a variety of subtle mutant phenotypes in retinal development. The remarkable evolutionary conservation of the vertebrate eye provides the basis for the use of the zebrafish retina as a model of human disorders. Some of the genetic defects of the zebrafish retina indeed resemble human retinopathies. As new techniques are being introduced and improved at a rapid pace, the zebrafish will continue to be an important organism for the studies of the vertebrate visual system.





