Alpha Rhythm

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Binge eating (BE) is associated with a range of cognitive control deficits related to impulsivity, including lower response inhibition, preference for immediate gratification, and maladaptive decision-making. The aim was to investigate whether impulsivity and BE may interact with the decision process and underlying brain activity in outpatients with overweight or obesity who are starting a treatment to achieve weight loss.
    METHODS: A sample of 26 treatment-seeking outpatients with overweight or obesity was evaluated for impulsivity, BE, and temporal discounting rates. Impulsivity was measured with the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11), according to which two groups were composed: high BIS and low BIS; BE was assessed with the eating disorders module of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM5-Research Version, according to which two groups were composed: with (BE group) or without BE (NBE group). Changes in subjective value of rewards were measured with the Temporal Discounting Task (TDt) where participants had to choice between sooner but smaller vs. later but larger monetary rewards. These choices were made in two differently delayed conditions (\"Now\" and \"Not-now\"). Brain rhythms were recorded through high-density electroencephalogram (hd-EEG) during the TDt.
    RESULTS: Patients with BE reported more impulsive tendencies and perceived sooner rewards as more gratifying when both options were delayed (Not-now condition, p = 0.02). The reward choice in the TDt was accompanied by a general EEG alpha band desynchronization in parietal areas observed without differences between experimental conditions and patients groups. No effects were observed within the Now condition or in the other EEG bands.
    CONCLUSIONS: The tendency to favor immediate rewards may constitute an obstacle to adhering to treatment plans and achieving weight loss goals for outpatients with overweight or obesity. Clinicians are therefore encouraged to include psychological factors, such as impulsivity and dysfunctional eating behaviors, when designing weight loss programs. By addressing these psychological aspects, clinicians can better support patients in overcoming barriers to adherence and achieving sustainable weight loss.
    BACKGROUND: This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Department of Psychological, Health, and Territorial Sciences of the University G. d\'Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara (Prot. n. 254 of 03/14/2017).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to investigate the effects of neurofeedback training (NFT) on alpha activity in quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG), cognitive function, and speech perception in elderly with presbycusis.
    METHODS: This study was conducted from June 15 to November 30, 2020. The experimental group (n = 28) underwent NFT, while the control group (n = 31) was instructed to continue with their routine daily life. The NFT conducted for 40 min, two times a week, for a total of 16 sessions and was performed using Neuroharmony S and BrainHealth 2.7. The alpha activity was measured as alpha waves using QEEG. The cognitive function was measured using the Korean version of Mini-Mental Status Examination, digit span forward and backward (DSF and DSB). The speech perception was measured using the word and sentence recognition score (WRS and SRS) using an audiometer with the Korean Standard Monosyllabic Word Lists for Adults.
    RESULTS: The experimental group demonstrated improvement in the alpha wave of the left frontal lobe measured as alpha activity (t=-2.521, p = .018); MMSE-K (t=-3.467, p < .01), and DSF (t=-2.646, p < .05) measured as cognitive function; and WRS (t=-3.255, p = .003), and SRS (t=-2.851, p = .008) measured as speech perception compared to the control group.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that NFT could be considered an effective cognitive and auditory rehabilitation method based on brain and cognitive science for improving alpha activity, cognitive function, and speech perception.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Video-feedback observational therapy (VOT) is an intensive rehabilitation technique based on movement repetition and visualization that has shown benefits for motor rehabilitation of the upper and lower limbs. Despite an increase in recent literature on the neurophysiological effects of VOT in the upper limb, there is little knowledge about the cortical effects of visual feedback therapies when applied to the lower limbs. The aim of our study was to better understand the neurophysiological effects of VOT. Thus, we identified and compared the EEG biomarkers of healthy subjects undergoing lower limb VOT during three tasks: passive observation, observation and motor imagery, observation and motor execution.
    METHODS: We recruited 38 healthy volunteers and monitored their EEG activity while they performed a right ankle dorsiflexion task in the VOT. Three graded motor tasks associated with action observation were tested: action observation alone (O), motor imagery with action observation (OI), and motor execution synchronized with action observation (OM). The alpha and beta event-related desynchronization (ERD) and event-related synchronization (or beta rebound, ERS) rhythms were used as biomarkers of cortical activation and compared between conditions with a permutation test. Changes in connectivity during the task were computed with phase locking value (PLV).
    RESULTS: During the task, in the alpha band, the ERD was comparable between O and OI activities across the precentral, central and parietal electrodes. OM involved the same regions but had greater ERD over the central electrodes. In the beta band, there was a gradation of ERD intensity in O, OI and OM over central electrodes. After the task, the ERS changes were weak during the O task but were strong during the OI and OM (Cz) tasks, with no differences between OI and OM.
    CONCLUSIONS: Alpha band ERD results demonstrated the recruitment of mirror neurons during lower limb VOT due to visual feedback. Beta band ERD reflects strong recruitment of the sensorimotor cortex evoked by motor imagery and action execution. These results also emphasize the need for an active motor task, either motor imagery or motor execution task during VOT, to elicit a post-task ERS, which is absent during passive observation. Trial Registration NCT05743647.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sleep onset insomnia is a pervasive problem that contributes significantly to the poor health outcomes associated with insufficient sleep. Auditory stimuli phase-locked to slow-wave sleep oscillations have been shown to augment deep sleep, but it is unknown whether a similar approach can be used to accelerate sleep onset. The present randomized controlled crossover trial enrolled adults with objectively verified sleep onset latencies (SOLs) greater than 30 min to test the effect of auditory stimuli delivered at specific phases of participants\' alpha oscillations prior to sleep onset. During the intervention week, participants wore an electroencephalogram (EEG)-enabled headband that delivered acoustic pulses timed to arrive anti-phase with alpha for 30 min (Stimulation). During the Sham week, the headband silently recorded EEG. The primary outcome was SOL determined by blinded scoring of EEG records. For the 21 subjects included in the analyses, stimulation had a significant effect on SOL according to a linear mixed effects model (p = 0.0019), and weekly average SOL decreased by 10.5 ± 15.9 min (29.3 ± 44.4%). These data suggest that phase-locked acoustic stimulation can be a viable alternative to pharmaceuticals to accelerate sleep onset in individuals with prolonged sleep onset latencies. Trial Registration: This trial was first registered on on 24/02/2023 under the name Sounds Locked to ElectroEncephalogram Phase For the Acceleration of Sleep Onset Time (SLEEPFAST), and assigned registry number NCT05743114.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Physical activity, beneficial for physical and psychological health, may facilitate affective mechanisms of positive emotion and approach-motivation. Greater resting frontal alpha asymmetry (FAA), an index of greater relative left than right frontal cortical activity, is a neural correlate of affective mechanisms possibly associated with active lifestyles. This study sought to amplify limited literature on the relationship between physical (in)activity, FAA, and gender differences. College students (n = 70) self-reported physical activity (Total PA) and sedentary activity (Total Sitting) via the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form (IPAQ-SF), followed by a resting electroencephalography session to record FAA. A Total PA × gender interaction (β = 0.462, t = 3.163, p = 0.002) identified a positive relationship between Total PA and FAA in women (β = 0.434, t = 2.221, p = 0.030) and a negative relationship for men (β = -0.338, t = -2.300, p = 0.025). Total Sitting was positively linked to FAA (β = 0.288, t = 2.228, p = 0.029; no gender effect). Results suggest affective mechanisms reflected by FAA (e.g., positive emotion, approach-motivation) are associated with physical activity for women, indicating a possible mechanism of the psychological benefits linked with physically active lifestyles. A positive relationship between sedentary behavior and greater left FAA may also reflect motivated mechanisms of behavior that aid in minimizing energy expenditure, particularly within the context of our highly active sample.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent studies suggest that noninvasive imaging methods (EEG, MEG) in the human brain scalp can decode the content of visual features information (orientation, color, motion, etc.) in Visual-Working Memory (VWM). Previous work demonstrated that with the sustained low-frequency Event-Related Potential (ERP under 6 Hz) of scalp EEG distributions, it is possible to accurately decode the content of orientation information in VWM during the delay interval. In addition, previous studies showed that the raw data captured by a combination of the occi-parietal electrodes could be used to decode the orientation. However, it is unclear whether the orientation information is available in other frequency bands (higher than 6 Hz) or whether this information is feasible with fewer electrodes. Furthermore, the exploration of orientation information in the phase values of the signal has not been well-addressed. In this study, we propose that orientation information is also accessible through the phase consistency of the occipital region in the alpha band frequency. Our results reveal a significant difference between orientations within 200 ms after stimulus offset in early visual sensory processing, with no apparent effect in power and Event-Related Oscillation (ERO) during this period. Additionally, in later periods (420-500 ms after stimulus offset), a noticeable difference is observed in the phase consistency of low gamma-band activity in the occipital area. Importantly, our findings suggest that phase consistency between trials of the orientation feature in the occipital alpha and low gamma-band can serve as a measure to obtain orientation information in VWM. Furthermore, the study demonstrates that phase consistency in the alpha and low gamma band can reflect the distribution of orientation-selective neuron numbers in the four main orientations in the occipital area.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Processes typically encompassed by working memory (WM) include encoding, retention, and retrieval of information. Previous research has demonstrated that motivation can influence WM performance, although the specific WM processes affected by motivation are not yet fully understood. In this study, we investigated the effects of motivation on different WM processes, examining how task difficulty modulates these effects. We hypothesized that motivation level and personality traits of the participants (N = 48, 32 females; mean age = 21) would modulate the parietal alpha and frontal theta electroencephalography (EEG) correlates of WM encoding, retention, and retrieval phases of the Sternberg task. This effect was expected to be more pronounced under conditions of very high task difficulty. We found that increasing difficulty led to reduced accuracy and increased response time, but no significant relationship was found between motivation and accuracy. However, EEG data revealed that motivation influenced WM processes, as indicated by changes in alpha and theta oscillations. Specifically, higher levels of the Resilience trait-associated with mental toughness, hardiness, self-efficacy, achievement motivation, and low anxiety-were related to increased alpha desynchronization during encoding and retrieval. Increased scores of Subjective Motivation to perform well in the task were related to enhanced frontal midline theta during retention. Additionally, these effects were significantly stronger under conditions of high difficulty. These findings provide insights into the specific WM processes that are influenced by motivation, and underscore the importance of considering both task difficulty and intrinsic motivation in WM research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Visual snow syndrome is a disorder characterized by the combination of typical perceptual disturbances. The clinical picture suggests an impairment of visual filtering mechanisms and might involve primary and secondary visual brain areas, as well as higher-order attentional networks. On the level of cortical oscillations, the alpha rhythm is a prominent EEG pattern that is involved in the prioritisation of visual information. It can be regarded as a correlate of inhibitory modulation within the visual network.
    METHODS: Twenty-one patients with visual snow syndrome were compared to 21 controls matched for age, sex, and migraine. We analysed the resting-state alpha rhythm by identifying the individual alpha peak frequency using a Fast Fourier Transform and then calculating the power spectral density around the individual alpha peak (+/- 1 Hz). We anticipated a reduced power spectral density in the alpha band over the primary visual cortex in participants with visual snow syndrome.
    RESULTS: There were no significant differences in the power spectral density in the alpha band over the occipital electrodes (O1 and O2), leading to the rejection of our primary hypothesis. However, the power spectral density in the alpha band was significantly reduced over temporal and parietal electrodes. There was also a trend towards increased individual alpha peak frequency in the subgroup of participants without comorbid migraine.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our main finding was a decreased power spectral density in the alpha band over parietal and temporal brain regions corresponding to areas of the secondary visual cortex. These findings complement previous functional and structural imaging data at a electrophysiological level. They underscore the involvement of higher-order visual brain areas, and potentially reflect a disturbance in inhibitory top-down modulation. The alpha rhythm alterations might represent a novel target for specific neuromodulation.
    BACKGROUND: we preregistered the study before preprocessing and data analysis on the platform (DOI: , date of registration: November 19th 2022).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The alpha rhythm has been a subject of research for the past few decades. Right-left alpha amplitude asymmetry is a common phenomenon. Several explanations have been proposed to explain this asymmetry, including differences in skull thickness. Our research aims to improve our understanding of the relationship between alpha asymmetry and skull thickness as measured by CT/MRI images.
    METHODS: We analyzed EEGs to study alpha rhythm characteristics. Alpha rhythm amplitude was measured using peak-to-peak values in O1 and O2 reference channels. Significant alpha asymmetry was defined as exceeding 20%. Skull thickness differences at corresponding locations were determined through CT/MRI scans. We examined the correlation between alpha and skull thickness asymmetry using Kruskal-Wallis, Spearman correlation, and median regression.
    RESULTS: We examined 401 EEGs and images, categorizing patients into three groups based on alpha asymmetry. Group 1(n= 211) had less than 20 percent alpha asymmetry, Group 2(n=107) showed higher right-side alpha amplitudes, and Group 3(n= 83) displayed higher left-side alpha amplitudes. Our analysis revealed a significant association between groups with asymmetry and skull thickness differences (p<0.001), with a Spearman correlation (Rs) of -0.25 (p<0.001), indicating a significant negative correlation. After adjusting for age, sex, and handedness, Median Regression confirmed a statistically significant variation in skull thickness difference among the groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present study involving a large cohort, the first of its kind, demonstrated a significant relationship between alpha amplitude asymmetry and skull thickness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Memories of painful events constitute the basis for assessing patients\' pain. This study explores the brain oscillatory activity during short-term memorization of a nociceptive stimulus. High-density EEG activity (128 electrodes) was recorded in 13 healthy subjects during a match-to-sample sensory discrimination task, whereby participants compared the intensity of a thumb-located electric shock (S2) with a prior stimulus to the same location (S1) delivered 8-10 s earlier. Stimuli were above or below the individual nociceptive threshold. EEG activity with intracortical source localization via LORETA source reconstruction was analysed during the inter-stimuli period and contrasted with a non-memory-related control task. The inter-stimulus memorization phase was characterized by a focal alpha-activity enhancement, significant during the nociceptive condition only, which progressed from bilateral occipital regions (cuneus and mid-occipital gyri) during the first encoding-memorization phase towards the right-superior and right mid-temporal gyri during the 2-4 s immediately preceding S2. Initial alpha enhancement in occipital areas/cuneus is consistent with rapid non-specific inhibition of task-irrelevant visual processing during initial stimulus encoding. Its transfer to the right-temporal regions was concomitant to the temporary upholding of the stimulus perceptual representation, previous to receiving S2, and suggests an active and local blockade of external interferences while these regions actively maintain internal information. These results add to a growing field indicating that alpha oscillations, while indicating local inhibitory processes, can also indirectly reveal active stimulus handling, including maintenance in short-term memory buffers, by objectivizing the filtering out of irrelevant and potentially disrupting inputs in brain regions engaged in internally driven operations.





