Alpha Rhythm

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The reliability of cognitive demand measures in controlled laboratory settings is well-documented; however, limited research has directly established their stability under real-life and high-stakes conditions, such as operating automated technology on actual highways. Partially automated vehicles have advanced to become an everyday mode of transportation, and research on driving these advanced vehicles requires reliable tools for evaluating the cognitive demand on motorists to sustain optimal engagement in the driving process. This study examined the reliability of five cognitive demand measures, while participants operated partially automated vehicles on real roads across four occasions. Seventy-one participants (aged 18-64 years) drove on actual highways while their heart rate, heart rate variability, electroencephalogram (EEG) alpha power, and behavioral performance on the Detection Response Task were measured simultaneously. Findings revealed that EEG alpha power had excellent test-retest reliability, heart rate and its variability were good, and Detection Response Task reaction time and hit-rate had moderate reliabilities. Thus, the current study addresses concerns regarding the reliability of these measures in assessing cognitive demand in real-world automation research, as acceptable test-retest reliabilities were found across all measures for drivers across occasions. Despite the high reliability of each measure, low intercorrelations among measures were observed, and internal consistency was better when cognitive demand was estimated as a multi-factorial construct. This suggests that they tap into different aspects of cognitive demand while operating automation in real life. The findings highlight that a combination of psychophysiological and behavioral methods can reliably capture multi-faceted cognitive demand in real-world automation research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Potential usage of dry electrodes in emerging applications such as wearable devices, flexible tattoo circuits, and stretchable displays requires that, to become practical solutions, issues such as easy fabrication, strong durability, and low-cost materials must be addressed. The objective of this study was to propose soft and dry electrodes developed from polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and carbon nanotube (CNT) composites. Connected with both conventional and in-house NTAmp biosignal instruments for comparative studies, performances of the proposed dry electrodes were evaluated through electromyogram (EMG), electrocardiogram (ECG), and electroencephalogram (EEG) measurements. Results demonstrated that the capability of the PDMS/CNT electrodes to receive biosignals was on par with that of commercial electrodes (adhesive and gold-cup electrodes). Depending on the type of stimuli, a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 5-10 dB range was achieved. The results of the study show that the performance of the proposed dry electrode is comparable to that of commercial electrodes, offering possibilities for diverse applications. These applications may include the physical examination of vital medical signs, the control of intelligent devices and robots, and the transmission of signals through flexible materials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our understanding of the neurobiology underlying cognitive dysfunction in persons with cerebral palsy is very limited, especially in the neurocognitive domain of visual selective attention. This investigation utilized magnetoencephalography and an Eriksen arrow-based flanker task to quantify the dynamics underlying selective attention in a cohort of youth and adults with cerebral palsy (n = 31; age range = 9 to 47 yr) and neurotypical controls (n = 38; age range = 11 to 49 yr). The magnetoencephalography data were transformed into the time-frequency domain to identify neural oscillatory responses and imaged using a beamforming approach. The behavioral results indicated that all participants exhibited a flanker effect (greater response time for the incongruent compared to congruent condition) and that individuals with cerebral palsy were slower and less accurate during task performance. We computed interference maps to focus on the attentional component and found aberrant alpha (8 to 14 Hz) oscillations in the right primary visual cortices in the group with cerebral palsy. Alpha and theta (4 to 7 Hz) oscillations were also seen in the left and right insula, and these oscillations varied with age across all participants. Overall, persons with cerebral palsy exhibit deficiencies in the cortical dynamics serving visual selective attention, but these aberrations do not appear to be uniquely affected by age.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Binge eating (BE) is associated with a range of cognitive control deficits related to impulsivity, including lower response inhibition, preference for immediate gratification, and maladaptive decision-making. The aim was to investigate whether impulsivity and BE may interact with the decision process and underlying brain activity in outpatients with overweight or obesity who are starting a treatment to achieve weight loss.
    METHODS: A sample of 26 treatment-seeking outpatients with overweight or obesity was evaluated for impulsivity, BE, and temporal discounting rates. Impulsivity was measured with the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11), according to which two groups were composed: high BIS and low BIS; BE was assessed with the eating disorders module of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM5-Research Version, according to which two groups were composed: with (BE group) or without BE (NBE group). Changes in subjective value of rewards were measured with the Temporal Discounting Task (TDt) where participants had to choice between sooner but smaller vs. later but larger monetary rewards. These choices were made in two differently delayed conditions (\"Now\" and \"Not-now\"). Brain rhythms were recorded through high-density electroencephalogram (hd-EEG) during the TDt.
    RESULTS: Patients with BE reported more impulsive tendencies and perceived sooner rewards as more gratifying when both options were delayed (Not-now condition, p = 0.02). The reward choice in the TDt was accompanied by a general EEG alpha band desynchronization in parietal areas observed without differences between experimental conditions and patients groups. No effects were observed within the Now condition or in the other EEG bands.
    CONCLUSIONS: The tendency to favor immediate rewards may constitute an obstacle to adhering to treatment plans and achieving weight loss goals for outpatients with overweight or obesity. Clinicians are therefore encouraged to include psychological factors, such as impulsivity and dysfunctional eating behaviors, when designing weight loss programs. By addressing these psychological aspects, clinicians can better support patients in overcoming barriers to adherence and achieving sustainable weight loss.
    BACKGROUND: This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Department of Psychological, Health, and Territorial Sciences of the University G. d\'Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara (Prot. n. 254 of 03/14/2017).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Engaging in dialog requires interlocutors to coordinate sending and receiving linguistic signals to build a discourse based upon interpretations and perceptions interconnected with a range of emotions. Conversing in a foreign language may induce emotions such as anxiety which influence the quality communication. The neural processes underpinning these interactions are crucial to understanding foreign language anxiety (FLA). Electroencephalography (EEG) studies reveal that anxiety is often displayed via hemispheric frontal alpha asymmetry (FAA). To examine the neural mechanisms underlying FLA, we collected self-reported data on the listening and speaking sections of the Second language skill specific anxiety scale (L2AS) over behavioral, cognitive, and somatic domains and recorded EEG signals during participation in word chain turn-taking activities in first (L1, Chinese) and second (L2, English) languages. Regression analysis showed FAA for the L2 condition was a significant predictor primarily of the behavioral and somatic domains on the L2AS speaking section. The results are discussed along with implications for improving communication during L2 interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous studies on perceptual training exist, however, most have focused on the precision of temporal audiovisual perception, while fewer have concentrated on ability promotion for audiovisual integration (AVI). To investigate these issues, continuous 5-day audiovisual perceptual training was applied, during which electroencephalography was performed in response to auditory-only (A), visual-only (V) and audiovisual (AV) stimuli before and after training. The results showed that the perceptual sensitivity was greater for training group than for control group and was greater in the posttest than in the pretest. The response to the AV stimulus was significantly faster in the posttest than in the pretest for the older training group but was significantly greater for A and V stimuli for the younger training group. Electroencephalography analysis found higher P3 AVI amplitudes [AV-(A + V)] in the posttest than in the pretest for training group, which were subsequently reflected by an increased alpha (8-12 Hz) oscillatory response and strengthened global functional connectivity (weighted phase lag index). Furthermore, these facilitations were greater for older training groups than for younger training groups. These results confirm the age-related compensatory mechanism for AVI may be strengthened as audiovisual perceptual training progresses, providing an effective candidate for cognitive intervention in older adults.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Precise control of strength is of significant importance in upper limb functional rehabilitation. Understanding the neuro-muscular response in strength regulation can help optimize the rehabilitation prescriptions and facilitate the relative training process for recovery control. This study aimed to investigate the inherent characteristics of neural-muscular activity during dynamic hand strength adjustment. Four dynamic grip force tracking modes were set by manipulating different magnitude and speed of force variations, and thirteen healthy young individuals took participation in the experiment. Electroencephalography were recorded in the contralateral sensorimotor cortex area, as well as the electromyography from the first dorsal interosseous muscle were collected synchronously. The metrics of the Event-related desynchronization, the electromyography stability index, and the force variation, were used to represent the corresponding cortical neural responses, muscle contraction activities, and the level of strength regulation, respectively; and further neuro-muscular coupling between the sensorimotor cortex and the first dorsal interosseous muscle was investigated by transfer entropy analysis. The results indicated a strong relationship that the increase of force regulation demand would result in a force variation increase as well as a stability reduction in muscle motor unit output. Meanwhile, the intensity of neural response increased in both the α and β frequency bands. As the force regulation demand increased, the strength of bidirectional transfer entropy showed a clear shift from β to the γ frequency band, which facilitate rapid integration of dynamic strength compensation to adapt to motor task changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While the shape of cortical oscillations is increasingly recognised to be physiologically and functionally informative, its relevance to the aging motor system has not been established. We therefore examined the shape of alpha and beta band oscillations recorded at rest, as well as during performance of simple and go/no-go reaction time tasks, in 33 young (23.3 ± 2.9 years, 27 females) and 27 older (60.0 ± 5.2 years, 23 females) adults. The shape of individual oscillatory cycles was characterised using a recently developed pipeline involving empirical mode decomposition, before being decomposed into waveform motifs using principal component analysis. This revealed four principal components that were uniquely influenced by task and/or age. These described specific dimensions of shape and tended to be modulated during the reaction phase of each task. Our results suggest that although oscillation shape is task-dependent, the nature of this effect is altered by advancing age, possibly reflecting alterations in cortical activity. These outcomes demonstrate the utility of this approach for understanding the neurophysiological effects of ageing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peak-alpha frequency varies across individuals and mental states, but it also forms a negative gradient from posterior to anterior regions in association with increases in cortical thickness and connectivity, reflecting a cortical hierarchy in temporal integration. Tracking the spatial standard deviation of peak-alpha frequency in scalp EEG, we observed that a posterior-to-anterior gradient dynamically formed and dissolved. Periods of high spatial standard deviation yielded robustly negative posterior-to-anterior gradients-the \"gradient state\"-while periods of low spatial standard deviation yielded globally converged peak-alpha frequency-the \"uniform state.\" The state variations were characterized by a combination of slow (0.3-0.5 Hz) oscillations and random-walk-like fluctuations. They were relatively independently correlated with peak-alpha frequency variations in anterior regions and peak-alpha power variations in central regions driven by posterior regions (together accounting for ∼50% of the state variations), suggesting that two distinct mechanisms modulate the state variations: an anterior mechanism that directly adjusts peak-alpha frequencies and a posterior-central mechanism that indirectly adjusts them by influencing synchronization. The state variations likely reflect general operations as their spatiotemporal characteristics remained unchanged while participants engaged in a variety of tasks (breath focus, vigilance, working memory, mental arithmetic, and generative thinking) with their eyes closed or watched a silent nature video. The ongoing state variations may dynamically balance two global processing modes, one that facilitates greater temporal integration (and potentially also information influx) toward anterior regions in the gradient state and the other that facilitates flexible global communication (via phase locking) in the uniform state.





