Allergy and immunology

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: While 10% of pregnant individuals report a penicillin allergy, there is no established best practice for penicillin allergy delabeling in pregnancy. To better understand options for penicillin delabeling, we aimed to evaluate two penicillin allergy delabeling protocols in pregnancy regarding efficacy, adverse events, and patient satisfaction.
    METHODS: From July 2019 to December 2022, we completed a two-center prospective cohort study, where each site recruited pregnant patients over 24 weeks gestational age with a reported penicillin allergy. One center offered antepartum amoxicillin oral challenges, either directly or after negative skin testing (i.e., antepartum oral challenge site). Our other centers completed a two-step approach with antepartum penicillin skin testing only and deferred oral challenges to the postpartum period (i.e., postpartum oral challenge site). Our primary outcome was the rate of penicillin allergy delabeling, defined as tolerating an antibiotic challenge with penicillin or amoxicillin. Univariate analyses were completed using chi-squared, Fisher\'s exact, and Wilcoxon rank tests.
    RESULTS: During the study period, 276 pregnant patients were assessed, with 207 in the antepartum oral challenge site and 69 in the postpartum oral challenge site. Among the 204 patients who completed antepartum oral challenges, 201 (98%) passed without reactions. Deferring oral challenges to the postpartum period led to a loss of follow-up for 37/53 (70%) of eligible individuals. Overall, 97% (201/207) of patients at the antepartum oral challenge site were delabeled from their penicillin allergy-compared to 38% (26/69) of patients referred to the postpartum oral challenge site (p < 0.0001). Three antepartum oral challenge reactions were noted, including two mild cutaneous reactions and a case of transient abdominal discomfort.
    CONCLUSIONS: Antepartum amoxicillin oral challenge is a more effective method to delabel pregnant patients from their penicillin allergy. Deferral of oral challenges to the postpartum period introduces a significant barrier for penicillin allergy delabeling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This perspective article delves into a novel integration of Yin-Yang theory-an ancient Chinese philosophical cornerstone-with the sophisticated realm of immunology. Given the intricate concepts inherent in immunology, many students find it challenging to comprehend the delicate mechanisms governing immune equilibrium and regulation. Given the deep-rooted understanding of Yin-Yang theory among Chinese students, we advocate for an educational strategy that contextualizes the concept of immune equilibrium within the framework of Yin-Yang, thereby offering a more intuitive and engaging learning experience. This method not only capitalizes on the cultural significance of Yin-Yang, but also corresponds to its principles of equilibrium and harmony, thus mirroring the homeostatic essence of immune responses. This article critically assesses this technique\'s capacity to bolster immune comprehension amongst Chinese students, while also considering its limitations. Despite these limitations, the fusion of these seemingly divergent fields holds substantial promise for augmenting immunology education, promoting critical thinking, and advancing cross-cultural academic discourse. The amalgamation of age-old philosophical insights with modern scientific exploration prompts a reassessment of educational methodologies within immunology, underscoring a novel pedagogical approach that bridges traditional wisdom with contemporary scientific education.






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    文章类型: Journal Article






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    文章类型: English Abstract
    Medical Microbiology and Medical Immunology are important components of our university\'s the modular teaching on fundamentals of immunity and infection. Among these, Bacterial Infection and Immunity serves as a bridge between Medical Microbiology and Medical Immunology. This chapter mainly introduces how pathogenic bacteria invade the body to cause infection and how the body\'s immune system resists bacterial infection. Studying this chapter, students can build a framework knowledge on infection-immunity. However, due to the complexity of the content and the limited duration of the course, the traditional teaching method struggles to help students clarify the knowledge structure, resulting in poor learning outcomes. Therefore, there is an urgent need for reforms. Using the bacterial infection and immunity chapter as an example, this article explores the teaching reform of the Fundamentals of Immunology and Infection module based on the O-PIRTAS flipped classroom model, providing valuable insights for subsequent teaching reforms.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Rheumatology in Germany is facing major challenges. The need for rheumatological care is increasing and can no longer be met in some regions for capacity reasons. Too many people with an inflammatory rheumatic disease (IRD) have to forego appropriate care or receive it too late. The 4th new edition of the memorandum of the German Society for Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology (DGRh) provides information on rheumatological care in Germany. It was produced under the leadership of the DGRh together with the Professional Association of German Rheumatologists (BDRh), the Association of Acute Rheumatology Clinics (VRA), the German Rheumatism League (DRL) and the German Rheumatism Research Center (DRFZ).
    METHODS: The memorandum describes the current state and development of the following areas: number of people with IRD, outpatient, inpatient and rehabilitative care structures, number of specialists in rheumatology, education and training, quality of care, health economic aspects and digital care concepts. Proposals for health policy measures to safeguard rheumatological care are presented.
    RESULTS: Prevalence: approximately 1.8 million adults in Germany have an IRD. The prevalence is increasing, due to changes in the demographic structure of the population, improved diagnostics, treatment and longer survival. Care structures: outpatient specialist care (ASV) for rheumatic diseases is developing as a cross-sectoral care model for hospital outpatient clinics and rheumatology practices. Hospitals have been able to be certified as rheumatology centers since 2020, which enables structural developments. Specialists in rheumatology: as of 31 December 2023, there were 1164 specialists in rheumatology working in Germany. This included 715 physicians accredited to work in practices for national health assurance patients, 39% of whom were employees. In hospitals, 39% of doctors worked part-time. At least 2 rheumatology specialists per 100,000 adults are needed, i.e. around 1400, in order to provide adequate care. This means that there is a shortage of around 700 rheumatology specialists in the outpatient sector alone. Of all working specialists, 30% are currently aged 60 years old and over. Medical training: only 10 out of 38 (26%) state universities have an independent chair in rheumatology. In addition, 11 rheumatology departments are subordinate to a nonrheumatology chair. In the rheumatology-integration into student training (RISA) III study, only 16 out of 36 faculties fulfilled the recommended minimum number of compulsory hours of student rheumatology teaching. Continuing education in rheumatology: the annual postgraduate training qualifications do not cover the demand for rheumatology specialists, which is additionally increasing due to intensified workload, reduced capacities through retirement, and part-time work. Quality of care: since the introduction of highly effective medication patients with IRD have a much better chance of achieving remission of their disease. With early initiation of targeted therapy, the lives of many patients are hardly restricted at all: however, waiting times for a first rheumatological visit often last more than 3 months. Quality target is a first consultation within the first 6 weeks after the onset of symptoms. Models for early consultation, delegation of medical services, structured patient training and digital care concepts have been positively evaluated but are not covered financially.
    RESULTS: the total annual costs for inflammatory joint diseases alone amount to around 3 billion euros. The direct costs have significantly risen since the introduction of biologics, while the indirect costs for sick leave, disability and hospitalization have fallen.
    CONCLUSIONS: The core demands of this memorandum are a significant and sustainable increase in the number of further training positions in the outpatient and inpatient sector, the creation of chairs or at least independent departments for rheumatology at all universities and the further implementation of new and cross-sectoral forms of care. This will ensure modern needs-based rheumatological care for all patients in the future.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Die Rheumatologie in Deutschland steht vor großen Herausforderungen: der Bedarf an rheumatologischer Versorgung steigt und kann aus Kapazitätsgründen bereits jetzt in einigen Regionen nicht mehr gedeckt werden. Zu viele Menschen mit einer entzündlich-rheumatischen Erkrankung (ERE) müssen auf eine angemessene Versorgung verzichten oder erhalten diese zu spät. Die 4. Neuauflage des Memorandums der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie und Klinische Immunologie e. V. (DGRh) informiert über die rheumatologische Versorgung in Deutschland. Es wurde unter Führung der DGRh mit dem Berufsverband Deutscher Rheumatologen (BDRh), dem Verband Rheumatologischer Akutkliniken (VRA), der Deutschen Rheuma-Liga (DRL) und dem Deutschen Rheuma-Forschungszentrum (DRFZ) erstellt.
    METHODS: Das Memorandum beschreibt den aktuellen Stand und die Entwicklung folgender Bereiche: Anzahl der Personen mit ERE, ambulante, stationäre und rehabilitative Versorgungsstrukturen, Anzahl an Fachärzt:innen für Rheumatologie, Aus- und Weiterbildung, Versorgungsqualität, gesundheitsökonomische Aspekte und digitale Versorgungskonzepte. Vorschläge für gesundheitspolitische Maßnahmen zur Sicherung der rheumatologischen Versorgung werden dargestellt.
    UNASSIGNED: Prävalenz: Etwa 1,8 Mio. Erwachsene in Deutschland haben eine ERE. Die Prävalenz steigt aus verschiedenen Gründen: Veränderungen der Altersstruktur der Bevölkerung, verbesserte Diagnostik und Therapie mit längerem Überleben. Versorgungsstrukturen: Neben der regulären kassenärztlichen Versorgung hat sich die ambulante spezialfachärztliche Versorgung (ASV) als sektorenübergreifendes Versorgungsmodell etabliert. Krankenhäuser können sich seit 2020 als rheumatologische Zentren zertifizieren lassen, was strukturelle Weiterentwicklungen ermöglicht. Fachärzt:innen (FÄ) für Rheumatologie: Zum 31.12.2023 waren in Deutschland 1164 FÄ für Rheumatologie berufstätig. Vertragsärztlich waren dies 715 FÄ, davon 39 % angestellt. In Krankenhäusern waren 39 % der FÄ in Teilzeit tätig. Für eine bedarfsgerechte ambulante Versorgung benötigen wir mindestens 2 FÄ für Rheumatologie pro 100.000 Erwachsene, das sind rund 1400. Es fehlen also allein im ambulanten Bereich zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt etwa 700 FÄ für Rheumatologie. Von allen berufstätigen FÄ sind 30 % derzeit 60 Jahre und älter. Ärztliche Ausbildung: Nur 10 von 38 (26 %) staatlichen Universitäten verfügen über einen eigenständigen rheumatologischen Lehrstuhl. Darüber hinaus sind 11 rheumatologisch geführte Abteilungen einem nicht-rheumatologischen Lehrstuhl untergeordnet. Nur 16 von 36 Fakultäten erfüllten in der RISA III-Studie die empfohlene Mindestzahl an Pflichtstunden studentischer rheumatologischer Lehre. Rheumatologische Weiterbildung: Die jährlichen Weiterbildungsabschlüsse für Rheumatologie decken nicht den Bedarf an rheumatologischen FÄ, der durch steigende Arbeitsbelastung, reduzierte Kapazitäten durch Pensionierung und zunehmende Teilzeittätigkeit noch zunimmt. Versorgungsqualität: Rheuma-Betroffene haben seit Einführung hochwirksamer Medikamente eine deutlich bessere Aussicht auf eine Remission ihrer Erkrankung. Bei frühzeitiger adäquater Therapie ist die Lebensführung vieler Betroffener kaum noch eingeschränkt. Die Wartezeit auf eine rheumatologische Erstvorstellung beträgt aber oft mehr als 3 Monate. Qualitätsziel ist eine Vorstellung innerhalb der ersten 6 Wochen nach Symptombeginn. Frühsprechstunden, Delegation ärztlicher Leistungen, strukturierte Patientenschulungen und digitale Versorgungskonzepte wurden positiv evaluiert, sind aber nicht finanziell gedeckt. Kosten: Die jährlichen Gesamtkosten allein für entzündliche Gelenkerkrankungen belaufen sich auf etwa 3 Mrd. €. Die direkten Kosten sind seit Einführung der Biologika deutlich gestiegen, während indirekte Kosten für Krankschreibung, Erwerbsunfähigkeit und stationäre Aufenthalte gesunken sind.
    UNASSIGNED: Kernforderungen dieses Memorandums sind: die deutliche und nachhaltige Steigerung der Zahl von Weiterbildungsstellen im ambulanten und stationären Bereich, die Schaffung von Lehrstühlen oder mindestens eigenständigen Abteilungen für Rheumatologie an allen Universitäten sowie die weitere Umsetzung neuer und sektorenübergreifender Versorgungsformen. Dies stellt eine bedarfsgerechte, moderne rheumatologische Versorgung für alle Betroffenen auch in Zukunft sicher.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Ocular surface disorders (OSDs) are a prevalent and often debilitating condition encountered in clinical practice, particularly by allergists and clinical immunologists.
    RESULTS: A comprehensive guide to office procedures for evaluating and managing OSDs, with a specific focus on ocular allergies, would assist in the evaluation process that begins with an initial patient assessment utilizing standardized forms to systematically gather detailed medical history, symptomatology, and environmental exposure data. This structured approach ensures a thorough understanding of the patient\'s condition and facilitates targeted interventions. In addition to allergy testing, the assessment of the tear film is essential for a comprehensive evaluation of OSDs. The Schirmer test is employed to quantify tear production, providing objective data on tear film adequacy and guiding interventions for tear film deficiencies.
    CONCLUSIONS: This multifaceted diagnostic approach ensures that all contributing factors to OSDs are identified and appropriately managed. By integrating these office procedures, allergists and clinical immunologists can enhance their diagnostic accuracy and therapeutic efficacy, ultimately improving patient outcomes. This manuscript provides a practical resource, outlining some of the methodologies and clinical applications of each procedure, and highlighting their role in the holistic management of OSDs in allergic patients.






  • 文章类型: Editorial





