Ahmed glaucoma valve

Ahmed 青光眼瓣膜
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: To report an ocular juvenile xanthogranuloma (JXG) case presented with buphthalmos, corneal cloudiness, and normal intraocular pressure (IOP) in the neonatal period and treated with Ahmed glaucoma valve (AGV) implantation.
    UNASSIGNED: JXG is a rare disorder predominantly seen in infants, but the neonatal presentation is extraordinary. Although spontaneous hyphema is a common presenting sign in JXG, buphthalmos and corneal opacity in the neonatal period were reported only in one case, which had high IOP values at presentation.
    UNASSIGNED: Sixteen-day-old male patient presented with buphthalmos, diffuse corneal clouding, and 11 mm Hg of IOP value in the right eye. IOP increased to 28 mm Hg three weeks later, and spontaneous hyphema developed, which did not respond to antiglaucomatous medications and topical corticosteroids. AGV was implanted, and the IOP decreased to 13 mm Hg postoperatively. In the follow-ups, numerous firm yellowish nodules were noticed on the patient\'s skin during the examination under general anesthesia. Histopathological examination of the skin nodules was compatible with the diagnosis of JXG. Lens subluxation and phacodonesis were developed during the follow-up and were managed with pars plana lensectomy. After a silent period of 3 months, epithelial ingrowth was determined around the side port entrance. Unfortunately, the ingrowth did not respond to cryotherapy and resulted in phthisis bulbi. Pathological evaluation of the enucleated phthisic eye revealed posterior segment involvement.
    UNASSIGNED: Ocular JXG can be present with buphthalmos, corneal opacity, and normal IOP values without any skin lesions in the neonatal period. Neonatal presentation of JXG may be associated with limited medical therapy response and aggressive disease course.
    UNASSIGNED: This case report introduces the second ocular JXG case, which presented with buphthalmos and corneal cloudiness, and the third pathologically proven posterior segment involvement of JXG in the literature.
    UNASSIGNED: Dericioglu V, Sevik MO, Eraslan M, et al. Juvenile Xanthogranuloma Presented with Buphthalmos and Corneal Clouding in Neonatal Period: A Case Report. J Curr Glaucoma Pract 2022;16(2):128-131.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Both retrobulbar hemorrhage and plate extrusion are uncommon complications after implantation of a glaucoma drainage device (GDD). There are no published reports on extrusion of an Ahmed glaucoma valve after delayed-onset retrobulbar hemorrhage in Korea. Herein, we report a case of spontaneous extrusion of a GDD after delayed-onset retrobulbar hemorrhage in a patient on anticoagulation. The case was a 72-year-old man with open-angle glaucoma and proliferative diabetic retinopathy, as well as systemic hypertension, atrial fibrillation, congestive heart failure due to coronary heart disease, and chronic kidney disease, who underwent combined Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation and cataract extraction surgery in his right eye. The body remained in position with control of intraocular pressure for 2 months. On day 67 (5 days post-coronary artery bypass surgery), he complained of decreased visual acuity, periorbital swelling, bloody discharge, and limited extraocular movement. One month later, the body was extruded with a scleral flap tear. Therefore, delayed-onset retrobulbar hemorrhage should be kept in mind in patients on anticoagulants after insertion of a GDD.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Giant bleb formation after glaucoma tube shunt surgery is a rare condition and consensus regarding its management has not been established.
    METHODS: A 66-year-old Japanese man with primary open-angle glaucoma underwent implantation of an Ahmed glaucoma valve to reduce the intraocular pressure in his left eye. At 4 weeks postoperatively, he presented with a foreign body sensation in his left eye. A slit-lamp examination revealed a giant conjunctival cyst at the superotemporal quadrant and dellen formation at the corneal limbus/conjunctiva adjacent to the anterior border of the giant cyst. Ocular pain was due to a giant bleb that bulged anteriorly from the Ahmed glaucoma valve plate. Eight days after the referral, he underwent surgery to reduce the bleb volume in his left eye. To recess the bleb, the anterior edge of the dissected bleb capsule was sutured using two interrupted 10-0 absorbable sutures back to the sclera to the anterior edge of the Ahmed glaucoma valve plate. Three months postoperatively, there was no bleb around the corneal limbus, but the bleb was present around the plate.
    CONCLUSIONS: The surgical technique reported here can be an option to relieve dellen-associated ocular pain due to a bleb formed after tube shunt surgery.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A new technique of correcting tube-corneal touch is described in a case of Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation. This technique repositions the intracameral tube without externalization unlike the standard procedures which aim to correct tube-corneal touch. The technique makes use of a transscleral supracapsular anchor suture to facilitate repositioning of the tube within the ciliary sulcus. Feasible only in pseudophakic and aphakic patients, either a preexisting iridectomy or intraoperative iridectomy is an essential prerequisite to perform this procedure. The final positioning of the tube within the sulcus potentially prevents chronic rubbing of the iris by polypropylene suture as opposed to a transcameral suture.





