
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The escalating prevalence of diabetes, with its multifaceted complications, poses a pressing challenge for healthcare systems globally. In response, the advent of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems, offering technological solutions for daily diabetes management, presents significant opportunities. However, the widespread adoption faces several barriers, linked both to the technological configuration of the devices and to the psychological dimension of patients. Therefore, this study aims to apply and test a theoretical model that investigates the antecedents of the intention to use Continuous Glucose Monitoring systems.
    METHODS: The research model was built to unveil the impacts of psychological factors, functional components and rational constructs derived from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) on CGM systems sustained adoption. To ensure the comparability of results, we have collected data from people who had used Dexcom ONE Dexcom (San Diego, CA) for the first time for at least one month. Employing Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) techniques, the hypothesized relationships among constructs were assessed.
    RESULTS: The analyses confirmed the positive correlation of rational factors to the Intention to Use. Subjective Norm, intended as the physicians\' influence, is positively correlated with the Perceived Usefulness. Trend Arrows, albeit being negatively correlated with Perceived Usefulness, have a positive correlation on Perceived Ease Of Use, reinforcing its mediating effect towards Perceived Usefulness. Among psychological factors, Trust in the CGM technology positively correlates with Intention to Use. Health Literacy is negatively correlated to the Intention to Use.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings contribute to theoretical and managerial understanding, providing recommendations to enhance the adoption of CGM systems like Dexcom ONE.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Google Classroom is a virtual education platform created by Google that allows both instructors and learners to actively participate in educational environments inside and outside of the classroom in an innovative way. This research aims to determine how university students perceived the adoption of Google Classroom in writing classes. This research was a convergent parallel mix-methods approach in which data were gathered through a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The participants of this study included 130 university students in Vietnam. The results revealed that students expressed their approval of using Google Classroom in writing classes and that they had a positive view since it benefited them greatly in their learning writing process. This study suggests practical implications for language educators to use Google Classroom in writing classes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Innovations in coproduction are shaping public service reform in diverse contexts around the world. Although many innovations are local, others have expanded and evolved over time. We know very little, however, about the process of implementation and evolution of coproduction. The purpose of this study was to explore the adoption, implementation and assimilation of three approaches to the coproduction of public services with structurally vulnerable groups.
    METHODS: We conducted a 4 year longitudinal multiple case study (2019-2023) of three coproduced public service innovations involving vulnerable populations: ESTHER in Jönköping Region, Sweden involving people with multiple complex needs (Case 1); Making Recovery Real in Dundee, Scotland with people who have serious mental illness (Case 2); and Learning Centres in Manitoba, Canada (Case 3), also involving people with serious mental illness. Data sources included 14 interviews with strategic decision-makers and a document analysis to understand the history and contextual factors relating to each case. Three frameworks informed the case study protocol, semi-structured interview guides, data extraction, deductive coding and analysis: the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research, the Diffusion of Innovation model and Lozeau\'s Compatibility Gaps to understand assimilation.
    RESULTS: The adoption of coproduction involving structurally vulnerable populations was a notable evolution of existing improvement efforts in Cases 1 and 3, while impetus by an external change agency, existing collaborative efforts among community organizations, and the opportunity to inform a new municipal mental health policy sparked adoption in Case 2. In all cases, coproduced innovation centred around a central philosophy that valued lived experience on an equal basis with professional knowledge in coproduction processes. This philosophical orientation offered flexibility and adaptability to local contexts, thereby facilitating implementation when compared with more defined programming. According to the informants, efforts to avoid co-optation risks were successful, resulting in the assimilation of new mindsets and coproduction processes, with examples of how this had led to transformative change.
    CONCLUSIONS: In exploring innovations in coproduction with structurally vulnerable groups, our findings suggest several additional considerations when applying existing theoretical frameworks. These include the philosophical nature of the innovation, the need to study the evolution of the innovation itself as it emerges over time, greater attention to partnered processes as disruptors to existing power structures and an emphasis on driving transformational change in organizational cultures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The traditional rain-fed agriculture system of Ethiopia is suffering from climate change impacts and extremes. It must be improved to feed the growing population and create a resilient society. Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is currently promoted as an approach intended to increase sustainable agricultural productivity, enhance household resilience, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This study was, therefore, undertaken to examine how food security can be improved by the adoption of multiple climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices of smallholder farmers in a moist tropical montane ecosystem of Southwest Ethiopia. Data was collected from 384 purposively selected households through cross-sectional study design using a semi-structured questionnaire. Eight Focus group discussions and fifteen key informant interviews were also conducted to check the reliability of the survey data collected. In the study area, a total of eighteen CSA practices, adopted by farmers, were identified. Using principal component analysis, these practices were further grouped into five packages and a multinomial endogenous switching regression model was used to link these packages to the food security status. The findings revealed a great variation in the proportion of households using CSA practices where 92.3 % were using crop management practices whereas 11.2 % were using soil and water conservation practices. The study found that the maximum effect of CSA adoption on food security was by farmers who adopted all the five category CSA technologies. Households that adopted this package were more food secure by 41.2 % in terms of per capita annual food expenditure, 39.8% in terms of Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS), and 12.1% in terms of Household Food Consumption Score (HFCS) than the non-adopters. The adoption of this group of practices was further influenced positively by farm size, gender, and productive farm asset values. Using CSA practices in combinations and to a relatively larger extent can potentially solve food security problems. Motivating farmers by providing income-generating activities and discouraging land fragmentation through public education is essential. This in turn improves CSA adoption and initiates production assets investment that can absorb climate change risks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study examines the drivers of improved livestock management practices (ILMP) adoption in rural Bangladesh using data from the International Food Policy Research Institute\'s (IFPRI) Bangladesh Integrated Household Survey (BIHS). This study investigated four improved management practices: artificial insemination, concentrate feed, vaccination, and deworming. The binary logit and multivariate probit (MVP) models were used to analyse the data. According to the findings, approximately 65% of farmers practiced deworming, but only about 20% of farmers vaccinated their livestock. Logit regression analysis suggested that rural households with mobile phones and televisions were 5.2% and 3.8% more likely to adopt. Furthermore, compared to their peers, farmers who have maintained contact with livestock extension agents are 11% more likely to adopt. The MVP model indicated that likelihood of using concentrate feed increases with income, while artificial insemination is more prevalent among farmers who raise livestock for sale. Policy implication included the need for more extension agent-delivered awareness development programmes to educate livestock farmers on the benefits of ILMP. Scale-appropriate management practices can also play an important role. Farmers should be guaranteed of the availability of livestock feed and veterinary services at reasonable prices to promote adoption.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Globally, unowned urban cats are a major concern because they may suffer from poor welfare and cause problems, including public health risks, nuisances, and urban wildlife predation. While management options are often presented as a choice between culling or trap−neuter−return (TNR), for 25 years, the Lonely Miaow (Inc.) charity in Auckland, New Zealand (hereafter LM), has used a third strategy—intensive adoption or trap−assess−resolve (TAR). As of 2019, of 14,611 unowned cats trapped, 64.2% were adopted, 22.2% were euthanized if unsocialised or in grave ill-health, 5.7% were neutered and returned to the site, and 7.9% had other outcomes, such as being transferred to other shelters. Adoption rates increased over this time, exceeding 80.0% in 2018 and 2019. The cost of processing each cat from capture to adoption rose from NZD 58 in 1999 to NZD 234 by 2017. Approximately 80% of colonies (sites where cats were trapped) were around residential areas. Approximately 22% of cats required veterinary treatment after capture; common ailments included respiratory infections, ringworm, dental problems, and trauma. Consistently, 52% of cats were young kittens (<10 weeks old), c. 80% of cats were <1 year old, and only c. 2% were estimated to be >5 years old. TAR avoids euthanasia where possible. Its effectiveness would be enhanced by fewer abandonments of owned cats and kittens, fitting within integrated strategies for the control of unowned cats involving community education. Cat adoptions improve the welfare of cats and, with appropriate husbandry, should alleviate concerns about nuisances, public health, and attacks on wildlife or the cats themselves, essentially benefitting the community and the cats. This case study is relevant to other cities around the world that are seeking to manage unowned cats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Children who have been adopted from care are very likely to have experienced early adversity that may result in psychological trauma. A current debate in the field is whether adoption provides a pathway to healing for traumatised children, helping them to recover from past psychological harm, or creates trauma for children through the very nature of being an adopted child.
    This study aimed to use longitudinal data pertaining to children who had been adopted from care to examine the relationship between being adopted from care and psychological trauma.
    Seventeen adopted children had been interviewed in their adoptive homes during the third wave of the Care Pathways and Outcomes study (McSherry et al., 2013), when they were aged between nine and 14 years old. Ten of these children were selected for specific consideration in this article. Checklists for early adversities and psychological trauma were used to support the creation of case studies that highlighted the extent of psychological trauma in the children\'s lives.
    The adopted children either experienced possible pre-care psychological trauma, with the impact of this reducing over time, in utero developmental harm due to their mother\'s alcohol misuse during pregnancy, inherited an intellectual disability, with the resultant difficulties superseding any concern regarding possible pre-care psychological trauma, or possible psychological trauma when moving from an established foster placement to adoption. Recommendations for policy and practice are provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Adopted children are at heightened risk for developing attachment insecurity due to relational disruptions experienced early in life. A newly developed therapy, Lifespan Integration (LI; Pace in Lifespan Integration: Connecting ego states through time (5th ed.), 2012), shows promise in reducing psychopathology and other detrimental outcomes with individuals exhibiting disrupted attachment. In this study, the efficacy of LI for addressing attachment processes with adopted children in middle childhood was investigated.
    METHODS: A Hermeneutic Single Case Efficacy Design (Elliott in Psychotherapy Research, 12(1), 1-21, 2002 & The handbook of humanistic psychology: Theory, research and practice (2nd ed., pp. 351-360), 2015) was used to gather quantitative and qualitative data from an adoptive parent-child dyad experiencing LI therapy for the first time. The research participant, a 12-year-old male, received 10 sessions of LI therapy with his adoptive mother present to facilitate a more secure attachment.
    RESULTS: Client change and the contribution of LI to this change was advocated by expert case developers, and adjudicated by three experts, who concluded that change occurred and that this change was due to LI therapy. Changes in internal attachment processes, and the attachment bond between the parent and child of this dyad, was observed.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case provides evidence that attachment disruptions can potentially be repaired in middle childhood and ought to be targeted for intervention in early childhood and beyond to prevent later socio-emotional and psychological issues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: With the phase-out of the polio campaigns, Burkina Faso has developed a new strategy for routine community-based vitamin A supplementation (VAS) by institutionalising community-based health workers (CBHW) to sustain the gain of two decades of successful programming. Formative research was conducted soon after the strategy was introduced to solicit feedback on the acceptability of the new approach by the implementing actors while identifying the main implementation challenges for improving its effectiveness and sustainability.
    METHODS: This qualitative study was conducted in 2018 through (i) document review, (ii) individual interviews with key informants at the central, regional and district levels, and (iii) focus groups with CBHW and caregivers.
    METHODS: Data collection was carried out at six levels of sites covering the entire country and selected based on VAS coverage rates with the community routine. A total of six health districts were selected.
    METHODS: We conducted 46 individual interviews with health workers and 20 focus groups with 59 CBHW and 108 caregivers.
    RESULTS: The study showed good acceptability of the strategy by all stakeholders. In the first 2 years of implementation, the national coverage of VAS was maintained at a high level (above 90 %) and there was a reduction in operational costs. The main challenges included delayed CBHW remuneration and weak communication and supervision.
    CONCLUSIONS: The acceptability of the community-based routine VAS was good and was perceived to have a high potential for sustainability. Addressing identified challenges will allow us to better manage the expectations of community stakeholders and maintain the initial results.





