İnner ear

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We present a patient who suffered a temporal bone fracture (TBF) encompassing the bony labyrinth. Sensorineural hearing loss was confirmed with an unfavorable prognosis for recovery. Thirteen years later, there is regression of the hearing loss.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This is a case of a patient with history of ear surgery who visited ENT outdoor, for continuous vertigo which used to get aggravated with loud noise, associated with hearing loss, persistent sensations of right-sided aural fullness/pressure and otalgia for last 2 years. He had history of tympanoplasty with ossiculoplasty using a TORP. On exploration under local anesthesia there was a displaced prosthesis into inner ear, upon removal of which symptoms and severity subsided exponentially.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Cochlear implantation (CI) following endoscopic transcanal infrapromontorial vestibular schwannoma (VS) dissection is a feasible intervention in intracanalicular VS, with minimal extension into the cerebellopontine angle, but no audiologic results have ever been reported in the literature. Methods: From 2015 to 2021 in the Otorhynolaryngology Departments of Modena and Verona, three patients underwent this intervention. All were suffering from sporadic left-sided intracanalicular Koos I VS. Intraoperative electrically evoked auditory brainstem responses and electrophysiological measurements were performed before and after the placement of the electrode array, respectively. Since device activation one month after the surgery, each patient was followed up with audiometric tests, data logging, electrode impedance measurements and neural response telemetry performed at each scheduled fitting session at 15 days and 3, 6, 12 and 24 months. Results: Only in patient No. 3, an auditory benefit was observed and still evident even 36 months after activation. Impedances increased progressively in patient No. 1 and a benefit was never reported. Patient No. 2 left the follow-up for worsening comorbidities. Conclusions: CI following transcanal infrapromontorial VS resection is a beneficial intervention. The residual cochlear nerve after the tumour dissection and the course of electrophysiological measurements in the postoperative period were the main predictive factors for audiological outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Intralabyrinthine schwannomas (ILSs) are an uncommon finding. Diagnosis is challenging and no gold standard treatment exists yet. In this article, we present a two-cases series and review the latest available literature to assess the best diagnostic and therapeutic scheme.
    METHODS: We reviewed the latest available literature assessing most frequent and relevant sets of symptoms, clinical features of the disease, diagnostic tests and imaging, possible treatments and after-surgery hearing rehabilitation techniques. We then compared literature data to our own series ones.
    RESULTS: ILSs clinical presentation and development may overlap with other, more common otological conditions. Full audiometric battery test, electrophysiological study of VEMPS and MRI with contrast enhancement all appear to be critical to correctly diagnose these tumors. Several treatments exist: radiological follow-up, radiation therapy, full or partial surgical excision. Hearing rehabilitation is mostly accomplished through simultaneous cochlear implantation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our case-series data matches the available literature. ILSs are a rare type of vestibular schwannomas. Diagnosis in challenging and delayed in time as all the diagnostic tests, yet sensitive, are not specific for ILSs. The most suitable treatment seems to be surgical excision of these tumors followed by simultaneous cochlear implantation to restore hearing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to investigate whether radiological marker(s) of the inner ear can be detected in congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) patients with severe-profound sensorineural hearing loss.
    A retrospective imaging review of confirmed cCMV paediatric patients that had undergone consecutive cochlear implantation was performed at a tertiary hospital. Available pre- and postoperative imaging was examined, and abnormalities of the labyrinth were catalogued by a consultant neuroradiologist in the study group and control group.
    Twenty-eight paediatric patients with cCMV having undergone cochlear implantation were identified between the ages of 1-15 years (mean 4.7 years) at the time of implantation. Increased density of the vestibule on computed tomography (CT) or filling defects of the vestibule on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were identified in 11 and 4 patients, respectively, of the 24 in the case series. No filling defects were identified in any of the 48 CT and MRI control group.
    This study demonstrates a potential novel radiological finding of the inner ear of patients with cCMV. With more research, greater onus placed on MRI and CT for inner ear assessment may facilitate early detection and treatment for patients at risk of significant hearing loss. Further prospective studies in this area will help to validate radiological markers in order to establish a comprehensive inner ear classification system for neuroradiological features in cCMV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    On a perilymphatic fistula, there is an extravasation of the perilymph fluid into the middle ear cavity. Cross-sectional imaging techniques have very important role in evaluation of inner and middle ear structures and temporal bone. While thin section CT scans can show successfully pneumolabyrinth and temporal bone fracture, high-resolution 3D volumetric MRI sequences can help to demonstrate posttraumatic ear effusion and cerebrospinal fluid fistula into inner ear or middle ear.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: To investigate the effects of hypoxia degree and sleep duration on vestibular function in obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) patients. We made further study of the low oxygen levels of OSAHS and hypoxic duration on the impact of vestibular function, and further studied the OSAHS the longest apnea time and Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (VEMP) abnormal rate and the relationship between the vestibular function of canal paralysis (CP).
    METHODS: A total of 87 OSAHS patients and 47 healthy individuals were enrolled in this study. There was no difference in gender, age and body mass index (BMI) values in matched experimental groups. Other diseases of other systems were excluded. All the participants completed sleepiness questionnaires (i.e., the Epworth sleepiness scale and the STOP-BANG questionnaire) and the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI). Additionally, a caloric test, positional test, electrocochleogram, and VEMP test were administered to evaluate the vestibular function of all the participants. A polysomnography (PSG) was also performed.
    RESULTS: The current investigation generated the following three major findings: (I) there was a significant correlation between body mass index and canal paresis [CP; P=0.014, odds ratio (OR) =1.791, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.125-2.851] and a significant positive correlation between the DHI score and VEMP results (P=0.0061, OR =3.667, 95% CI: 1.449-9.276); (II) the CP abnormality rate of the OSAHS group was significantly higher than that of the control group (P<0.05); (III) there was a significant correlation between the longest apnea duration and the DHI score (r=-0.191, P<0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: The abnormality rate of the vestibular function of OSAHS patients is higher than that of healthy people. OSAHS intermittent hypoxia can affect vestibular function in the inner ear, and the longer the duration of prolonged hypoxia, the more serious the vestibular function damage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The study aimed to describe the methodology and detailed interpretation of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with Ménière\'s disease (MD).
    UNASSIGNED: MRIs were performed on a 3T scanner. The three-dimensional fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (3D-FLAIR) sequence 4 hours after a double dose of intravenous contrast was added to the standard MRI protocol in patients with clinically diagnosed MD. MRI findings of 7 patients with unilateral MD were analysed using 2 qualitative grading systems by Barath and Bernaerts.
    UNASSIGNED: In MRI, the following changes in the group of patients with MD were observed: lack of endolymphatic hydrops (cases #1 and #7), various grades of cochlear hydrops (cases #2 and #3), various grades of vestibular hydrops (cases #4, #5, and #6), endolymphatic hydrops herniation into the semi-circular canal (case #6), and more robust perilymphatic enhancement (case #7).
    UNASSIGNED: In patients with MD, endolymphatic hydrops can be studied on MRI using 3D-FLAIR delayed post-contrast images. The qualitative grading system may be easily used in endolymphatic hydrops assessment. Recently described new radiological signs of MD such as increased perilymphatic enhancement of the cochlea and an extra low-grade VH may increase MD diagnosis sensitivity. MRI not only supports the clinical diagnosis of MD but also may help to understand its pathophysiology.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The article presents a brief review of the literature on the anatomy and physiology of the round window (RW) niche, the causes of occlusion, the diagnosis of this pathology, the features of auditory disorders and tactics when it is detected in patients with otosclerosis (OS). A clinical case of diagnosis and effective surgical treatment for obliteration of RW in a patient with advanced OS, which occurred in 2019 in 0.7% of cases, is described. Removal of RW niche obliteration was carried out with a curette and microcresis by smoothing the canopy over RW until partial visualization of the secondary membrane. It was this stage of the operation that made it possible to restore the normal hydrodynamics of the inner ear fluids and contributed to a functional result. Thus, the diagnosis of RW obliteration in patients with OS is difficult, but possible when using computed tomography of the temporal bones and assessing the mobility of the RW membrane or analyzing changes in hearing at the end of the operation, if it is performed under local anesthesia. The simultaneous performance of stapedoplasty and the removal of bone obliteration of RW makes it possible to safely achieve functional rehabilitation in patients with OS.
    В статье представлен краткий обзор литературы по анатомии и физиологии ниши круглого окна улитки (КО), причинам окклюзии, диагностике этой патологии, особенностям слуховых нарушений и тактике при ее выявлении у больных отосклерозом (ОС). Описан клинический случай диагностики и эффективного хирургического лечения при облитерации КО у пациента с распространенным ОС, которая встречалась в 2019 г. в 0,7% случаев. Удаление облитерации ниши КО осуществлено кюреткой и микрофрезой путем сглаживания навеса над КО до частичной визуализации вторичной мембраны. Именно данный этап операции позволил восстановить нормальную гидродинамику жидкостей внутреннего уха и способствовал получению функционального результата. Диагностика облитерации КО у больных ОС является сложной, но возможной при использовании компьютерной томографии височных костей и оценке подвижности мембраны КО или анализе изменения слуха в конце операции, если она проводится под местной анестезией. Одновременное выполнение стапедопластики и удаление костной облитерации КО позволяет безопасно достигать функциональной реабилитации у больных ОС.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The main purpose of this study was to investigate the usefulness of wide band tympanometry (WBT) as a diagnostic tool for Ménière\'s disease (MD) by comparing differences in absorbance measures between normal hearing ears and patient diagnosed with MD.
    METHODS: We conducted a retrospective case-control study. From a cohort of 116 patients diagnosed with Ménière disease, 52 MD patients and 99 normal hearing adults with no history of otological disease served as subjects. Wideband tympanometry was conducted using at Titan Impedance module and audiometry was performed with a MADSEN Astera2. Mean energy absorbance curves with 95% confidence intervals were computed across cases with MD and controls in the frequency range 226-8000 Hz. An overall test for difference between curves of cases and controls was calculated by multivariate analysis of variance.
    RESULTS: The MD group and the subpopulations of MD patients who fulfilled the International criteria for MD showed a statistically significant lower absorbance at tympanic peak pressure compared to the control group (p < 0.001). No overlap of confidence intervals between mean curves was found within the frequency range of 2000-4000 Hz.
    CONCLUSIONS: Absorbance measures obtained by WBT were able to distinguish between MD ears and normal ears within the frequency range of 2000-4000 Hz. The results indicate that WBT potentially could be a useful and simple non-invasive diagnostic tool for MD. However, more research on the association between absorbance measures and inner ear pathologies is needed.





