关键词: Clinical characteristic Epidemiological characteristic Ocular thelaziasis Thelazia callipaeda

Mesh : Animals Dogs Female Humans Male Bibliometrics China / epidemiology Seasons Spirurida Infections / diagnosis epidemiology Thelazioidea Eye Diseases / epidemiology parasitology

来  源:   DOI:10.16250/j.32.1374.2023061

OBJECTIVE: To understand the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of human ocular thelaziasis patients in China.
METHODS: Case reports regarding human ocular thelaziasis cases in China were retrieved in international and national electronic databases, including CNKI, VIP, CBM, Traditional Chinese Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System, Wanfang Database, PubMed and Web of Science from 2011 to 2022. Patients\' gender, age, clinical symptoms, treatment, recurrence, site of infections, time of onset, affected eye, affected sites, number of infected Thelazia callipaeda, sex of T. callipaeda and source of infections were extracted for descriptive analyses.
RESULTS: A total of 85 eligible publications were included, covering 101 cases of human ocular thelaziasis, including 57 males (56.44%) and 44 females (43.56%) and aged from 3 months to 85 years. The main clinical manifestations included foreign body sensation (56 case-times, 22.49%), eye itching (38 case-times, 15.26%), abnormal or increased secretions (36 case-times, 14.46%), tears (28 case-times, 11.24%) and eye redness (28 case-times, 11.24%), and conjunctival congestion (50 case-times, 41.67%) was the most common clinical sign. The most common main treatment (99/101, 98.02%) was removal of parasites from eyes using ophthalmic forceps, followed by administration with ofloxacin and pranoprofen. In publications presenting thelaziasis recurrence, there were 90 cases without recurrence (97.83%) and 2 cases with recurrence (2.17%). Of all cases, 51.96% were reported in four provinces of Hubei, Shandong, Sichuan, Hebei and Henan, and ocular thelaziasis predominantly occurred in summer (42.19%) and autumn (42.19%). In addition, 56.45% (35/62) had a contact with dogs.
CONCLUSIONS: The human thelaziasis cases mainly occur in the continental monsoon and subtropical monsoon climate areas such as the Yellow River and the Yangtze River basin, and people of all ages and genders have the disease, with complex clinical symptoms and signs. Personal hygiene is required during the contact with dogs, cats and other animals, and individual protection is required during outdoor activities to prevent thelaziasis.
[摘要] 目的 探讨我国人眼结膜吸吮线虫病患者临床特征及流行病学特点。方法 检索中国知网、中文科技期刊全 文数据库、中国生物医学文献数据库、中国中医药文献数据库、万方数据库、PubMed 和 Web of Science 等数据库, 收集 2011—2022 年我国人眼结膜吸吮线虫病病例报告类文献, 提取患者性别、年龄、临床症状、治疗、复发情况、发生地、发病 时间、发病眼、发病部位、线虫数量、线虫性别及感染源等信息进行描述性统计分析。结果 共纳入 85 篇文献, 报道人眼 结膜吸吮线虫病 101 例, 男女性均有患病, 其中男性 57 例 (占56.44%)、女性 44 例 (占43.56%); 年龄 3 个月~ 85 岁; 主要临 床表现包括异物感 (56 例·次, 占 22.49%)、眼痒 (38 例·次, 占 15.26%)、异常分泌物或分泌物增多 (36 例·次, 占 14.46%)、流泪 (28 例·次, 占 11.24%) 和眼红 (28 例·次, 占11.24%) 等; 临床体征以结膜充血 (50 例·次, 占41.67%) 最常见。患者主 要 (99/101, 占98.02%) 以眼科镊将虫体取出, 再予以氧氟沙星、普拉洛芬等抗炎药进行治疗。在 92 例明确提及复发情况 的病例中, 90 例 (90/92, 占 97.83%) 无复发、2 例 (2/92, 占2.17%) 出现复发。发病地区主要集中于湖北省、山东省、四川 省、河北省和河南省 (53 例, 占 51.96%) 等大陆性季风和亚热带季风气候区; 发病月份主要集中于夏秋两季 (均为 27 例, 各 占 42.19%)。病例中 35 例 (35/62, 占 56.45%) 明确患者与犬接触。结论 我国结膜吸吮线虫病病例主要分布于黄河和长 江流域等大陆性季风和亚热带季风气候区, 各年龄段、各性别人群均有患病, 临床症状和体征均较复杂。预防结膜吸吮 线虫病需注意个人卫生、减少与流行区犬的接触, 同时还需在户外活动时加强个人防护。.