• 文章类型: Journal Article
    El cuestionario ADCT (Atopic Dermatitis Control Tool) permite objetivar en forma breve y autoadministrada la repercusión de la dermatitis atópica (DA) sobre la vida cotidiana de quien la padece.
    OBJECTIVE: Obtener una versión validarla en una población de adultos con DA.
    METHODS: 1) Traducción al español y adaptación transcultural del cuestionario a partir de la versión original en inglés, a través de un proceso de siete pasos. 2) Evaluación de la unidimensionalidad de la escala resultante mediante un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE), de su confiabilidad mediante el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, y de su validez mediante la evaluación de la correlación de su puntaje con los de los cuestionarios POEM y DLQI (criterios externos de referencia).
    RESULTS: La versión resultante del proceso de traducción y adaptación transcultural fue bien comprendida por la población blanco. El AFE de los 66 cuestionarios documentó la unidimensionalidad de la escala a partir del cumplimiento de todos los criterios utilizados para su verificación. Su confiabilidad fue excelente (Alfa de Cronbach: 0,917) y su puntaje tuvo muy alta correlación con los criterios de referencia externos (POEM: Spearman\'s Rho 0,85; p < 0,0001; DLQI Spearman\'s Rho = 0,81; p < 0,0001).
    CONCLUSIONS: La versión traducida al español y adaptada transculturación del cuestionario ADCT tiene características psicométricas apropiadas, lo que contribuirá a optimizar los procesos de cuidado de pacientes de habla hispana.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Atopic dermatitis (AD), a chronic inflammatory, pruritic skin disorder, is seen primarily in the pediatric population but can be found among all age groups. The symptoms of AD can cause embarrassment in patients and can interrupt daily activities and productivity, potentially resulting in avoidance of social situations. In addition to nonpharmacologic management, mainstay pharmacologic treatments for AD are topical medications including corticosteroids, calcineurin inhibitors, phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitors, and topical Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors. Promising new drugs-oral JAK inhibitors and monoclonal antibodies-have emerged as new treatment options for moderate-to-severe AD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fibroblasts are crucial components of the skin structure. They were traditionally believed to maintain the skin\'s structure by producing extracellular matrix and other elements. Recent research illuminated that fibroblasts can respond to external stimuli and exhibit diverse functions, such as the secretion of pro-inflammatory factors, adipogenesis, and antigen presentation, exhibiting remarkable heterogeneity and plasticity. This revelation positions fibroblasts as active contributors to the pathogenesis of skin diseases, challenging the traditional perspective that views fibroblasts solely as structural entities. Based on their diverse functions, fibroblasts can be categorized into six subtypes: pro-inflammatory fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, adipogenic fibroblasts, angiogenic fibroblasts, mesenchymal fibroblasts, and antigen-presenting fibroblasts. Cytokines, metabolism, and epigenetics regulate functional abnormalities in fibroblasts. The dynamic changes fibroblasts exhibit in different diseases and disease states warrant a comprehensive discussion. We focus on dermal fibroblasts\' aberrant manifestations and pivotal roles in inflammatory and autoimmune skin diseases, including psoriasis, vitiligo, lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, and atopic dermatitis, and propose targeting aberrantly activated fibroblasts as a potential therapeutic strategy for inflammatory and autoimmune skin diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As human skin comes into contact with the tiny hairs or setae of the oak processionary caterpillar, Thaumetopoea processionea, a silent yet intense chemical confrontation occurs. The result is a mix of issues: skin rashes and an intense itching that typically lasts days and weeks after the contact. This discomfort poses a significant health threat not only to humans but also to animals. In Western Europe, the alarming increase in outbreaks extends beyond areas near infested trees due to the dispersion of the setae. Predictions indicate a sustained rise in outbreaks, fueled by global changes favoring the caterpillar\'s survival and distribution. Currently, the absence of an efficient treatment persists due to significant gaps in our comprehension of the pathophysiology associated with this envenomation. Here, we explored the interaction between the venom extract derived from the setae of T. processionea and voltage- and ligand-gated ion channels and receptors. By conducting electrophysiological analyses, we discovered ex vivo evidence highlighting the significant role of TPTX1-Tp1, a peptide toxin from T. processionea, in modulating TRPV1. TPTX1-Tp1 is a secapin-like peptide and demonstrates a unique ability to modulate TRPV1 channels in the presence of capsaicin, leading to cell depolarization, itch and inflammatory responses. This discovery opens new avenues for developing a topical medication, suggesting the incorporation of a TRPV1 blocker as a potential solution for the local effects caused by T. processionea.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that affects 15%-30% of children and 10% of adults globally, with its incidence being influenced by genetic, environmental, and various other factors. While the immune plays a crucial role in the development, the composition of gut microbiota and serum metabolites also contribute to its pathogenesis.
    METHODS: Study the characteristics of gut microbiota and serum metabolites in patients with atopic dermatitis METHOD: In this study, we collected stool and serum samples from 28 AD patients and 23 healthy individuals (NC) for metagenomic sequencing of gut microbiota and non-targeted metabolomic sequencing of serum.
    RESULTS: Our results revealed a lower diversity of gut microbiota in the AD group compared to the NC group. The predominant Phylum in AD patients were Bacteroidetes, Pseudomonas, and Verrucomicrobia, with the most dominant bacterial genus being Faecalibacterium. At the species level, Prevotella copri and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii were found to be the most abundant bacteria. Significant differences in serum metabolite profiles were observed between NC and AD patients, with noticeable variations in metabolite expression levels. The majority of metabolites in the serum of AD patients exhibited low expression, while a few showed high expression levels. Notably, metabolites such as Cholesterol glucuronide, Styrene, Lutein, Betaine, Phosphorylcholine, Taurine, and Creatinine displayed the most pronounced alterations.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings contribute to a further understanding of the complexities underlying this disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Atopic dermatitis is a heterogenous inflammatory skin illness that may last for long time and affect people of different racial and ethnic backgrounds. The condition primarily appears in infants and young children. There are people living with atopic dermatitis in every country and every ethnic group, although the frequency of the disease varies greatly. Due to the varied clinical presentations that atopic dermatitis can have, it can be challenging to characterize and diagnose the disease, particularly in adults. Nevertheless, there exists a dearth of information pertaining to the various presentations of atopic dermatitis among individuals from diverse racial and cultural groups. This critical review article offers a succinct and comprehensive overview of the current findings on the epidemiology of atopic dermatitis with regards to ethnic and racial disparities. The findings hold potential significance in advancing the development of targeted treatments for personalized medicine approaches and enhancing the quality of life for patients with atopy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Prior research has explored the relationship between inflammatory skin disorders and breast cancer (BC), yet the causality of this association remains uncertain.
    METHODS: Utilizing a bidirectional two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) approach, this study aimed to elucidate the causal dynamics between various inflammatory skin conditions-namely acne, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis vulgaris, urticaria, and rosacea-and BC. Genetic variants implicated in these disorders were sourced from comprehensive genome-wide association studies representative of European ancestry. In the forward MR, BC was posited as the exposure, while the reverse MR treated each inflammatory skin disease as the exposure. A suite of analytical methodologies, including random effects inverse variance weighted (IVW), weighted median (WME), and MR-Egger, were employed to probe the causative links between inflammatory skin diseases and BC. Sensitivity analyses, alongside evaluations for heterogeneity and pleiotropy, were conducted to substantiate the findings.
    RESULTS: The MR analysis revealed an increased risk of acne associated with BC (IVW: OR = 1.063, 95% CI = 1.011-1.117, p = 0.016), while noting a decreased risk of atopic dermatitis (AD) in BC patients (IVW: OR = 0.941, 95% CI = 0.886-0.999, p = 0.047). No significant associations were observed between BC and psoriasis vulgaris, urticaria, or rosacea. Conversely, reverse MR analyses detected no effect of BC on the incidence of inflammatory skin diseases. The absence of pleiotropy and the consistency of these outcomes strengthen the study\'s conclusions.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings indicate an elevated incidence of acne and a reduced incidence of AD in individuals with BC within the European population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cutibacterium acnes is the most abundant bacterium of the human skin microbiome since adolescence, participating in both skin homeostasis and diseases. Here, we demonstrate individual and niche heterogeneity of C. acnes from 1,234 isolate genomes. Skin disease (atopic dermatitis and acne) and body site shape genomic differences of C. acnes, stemming from horizontal gene transfer and selection pressure. C. acnes harbors characteristic metabolic functions, fewer antibiotic resistance genes and virulence factors, and a more stable genome compared with Staphylococcus epidermidis. Integrated genome, transcriptome, and metabolome analysis at the strain level unveils the functional characteristics of C. acnes. Consistent with the transcriptome signature, C. acnes in a sebum-rich environment induces toxic and pro-inflammatory effects on keratinocytes. L-carnosine, an anti-oxidative stress metabolite, is up-regulated in the C. acnes metabolome from atopic dermatitis and attenuates skin inflammation. Collectively, our study reveals the joint impact of genes and the microenvironment on C. acnes function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is still a demanding challenge in clinical practice. Type 2 inflammation is the most common inflammatory pathway in children and adolescents with AD. Anti-inflammatory drugs, mainly corticosteroids (CS) and immunomodulant agents are the primary therapeutic approach to dampening type 2 inflammation. However, AD patients may require long-term high CS doses or drug combinations with possibly significant adverse effects to achieve and maintain disease control. In this regard, the advent of biologics constituted a breakthrough in managing this condition. Dupilumab is a monoclonal antibody directed against the IL-4 receptor α-subunit (IL-4Rα), antagonizing both IL-4 and IL-13 and is approved for pediatric severe AD. This review presents and discusses the most recent published studies on dupilumab in children and adolescents with AD. There is convincing evidence that dupilumab is safe and effective in managing AD. It can reduce skin lesions and associated itching, reduce the need for additional medications, and improve disease control and quality of life. However, a thorough diagnostic pathway is mandatory, especially considering the different AD phenotypes. The ideal eligible candidate is a child or adolescent with AD requiring systemic treatment because of severe clinical manifestations and impaired quality of life.





