• 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Gastrointestinal (GI) dysfunction is a common non-motor feature of Parkinson disease (PD). GI symptoms may start years before the onset of motor symptoms and impair quality of life. Robust clinical trial data is lacking to guide screening, diagnosis and treatment of GI dysfunction in PD.
    OBJECTIVE: To develop consensus statements on screening, diagnosis, and treatment of GI dysfunction in PD.
    METHODS: The application of a modified Delphi panel allowed for the synthesis of expert opinions into clinical statements. Consensus was predefined as a level of agreement of 100 % for each item. Five virtual Delphi rounds were held. Two movement disorders neurologists reviewed the literature on GI dysfunction in PD and developed draft statements based on the literature review. Draft statements were distributed among the panel that included five movement disorder neurologists and two gastroenterologists, both experts in GI dysmotility and its impact on PD symptoms. All members reviewed the statements and references in advance of the virtual meetings. In the virtual meetings, each statement was discussed, edited, and a vote was conducted. If there was not 100 % consensus, further discussions and modifications ensued until there was consensus.
    RESULTS: Statements were developed for screening, diagnosis, and treatment of common GI symptoms in PD and were organized by anatomic segments: oral cavity and esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and colon and anorectum.
    CONCLUSIONS: These consensus recommendations offer a practical framework for the diagnosis and treatment of GI dysfunction in PD.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Chronic constipation is one of the common gastrointestinal disorders, with an incidence rate that is gradually increasing yearly and becoming an important chronic disease that affects people\'s health and quality of life. In recent years, significant progress has been made in the basic and clinical research of chronic constipation, especially the gut microbiota therapy methods have received increasing attention. Therefore, under the initiative of the Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, Chinese Society for the Promotion of Human Health Science and Technology, and Committee on Gut Microecology and Fecal Microbiota Transplantation, experts from relevant fields in China have been organized to establish the \"Chinese Expert Consensus on the Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Gut Microecology in Chronic Constipation (2024 Edition)\" committee. Focusing on the dysbiosis of gut microbiota, the indications for gut microbiota therapy, and the protocols for fecal microbiota transplantation, 16 consensus opinions were proposed based on the review of domestic and international literature and the clinical experience of experts, aiming to standardize the clinical application of gut microbiota in chronic constipation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal disorder (FGID), whose prevalence has widely increased in pediatric population during the past two decades. The exact pathophysiological mechanism underlying IBS is still uncertain, thus resulting in challenging diagnosis and management. Experts from 4 Italian Societies participated in a Delphi consensus, searching medical literature and voting process on 22 statements on both diagnosis and management of IBS in children. Recommendations and levels of evidence were evaluated according to the grading of recommendations, assessment, development, and evaluation (GRADE) criteria. Consensus was reached for all statements. These guidelines suggest a positive diagnostic strategy within a symptom-based approach, comprehensive of psychological comorbidities assessment, alarm signs and symptoms\' exclusion, testing for celiac disease and, under specific circumstances, fecal calprotectin and C-reactive protein. Consensus also suggests to rule out constipation in case of therapeutic failure. Conversely, routine stool testing for enteric pathogens, testing for food allergy/intolerance or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth are not recommended. Colonoscopy is recommended only in patients with alarm features. Regarding treatment, the consensus strongly suggests a dietary approach, psychologically directed therapies and, in specific conditions, gut-brain neuromodulators, under specialist supervision. Conditional recommendation was provided for both probiotics and specific fibers supplementation. Polyethylene glycol achieved consensus recommendation for specific subtypes of IBS. Secretagogues and 5-HT4 agonists are not recommended in children with IBS-C. Certain complementary alternative therapies, antispasmodics and, in specific IBS subtypes, loperamide and rifaximin could be considered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Functional constipation (FC) is a common condition in childhood in the United Kingdom and worldwide. Various radiological approaches have been established for diagnostic purposes. The radiopaque marker study (ROMS) is universally accepted and used to assess colonic transit time (CTT) in children with FC. Despite being widely used, there is a lack of standardization with various technical protocols, reproducibility of different populations, the purpose for using investigation, variance in the number of markers used, the amount of study days and calculations, the need to empty the colon before performing the test, and whether to perform on medication or off, or the use of specific diets. As part of the British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (BSPGHAN) motility working group (MWG), we decided to explore further into the evidence, in order to provide guidance regarding the use of ROMS in dealing with FC in the pediatric population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-motor symptoms (NMS) reduce quality of life in Parkinson\'s disease (PD) patients, who experience three times more NMS than individuals without PD. While there are international and national NMS treatment guidelines, their implication in clinical practice remains unclear.
    This study aimed to investigate the adherence to pharmacological NMS treatment guidelines in patients with mild to moderately severe PD.
    220 PD patients with ≥1 NMS based on the Non-Motor Symptom Questionnaire and a Hoehn and Yahr stage ≤4 were randomly selected from the Swedish Parkinson registry and screened for inclusion. NMS were evaluated using the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society-Non-Motor Rating Scale (MDS-NMS), Parkinson\'s Disease Sleep Scale 2, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Treatment was compared with Swedish national guidelines and international guidelines from the MDS Evidence-Based Medicine Committee.
    Among 165 included patients, the median number of NMS was 14, and in median 7 symptoms were estimated to require treatment. The most common NMS requiring treatment were pain (69%) and urinary problems (56%). Treatment of depression and constipation demonstrated the highest adherence to guidelines (79% and 77%), while dysphagia and excessive daytime sleepiness exhibited the lowest adherence (0% and 4%). On average, only 32% of NMS were treated in accordance with guidelines.
    Adherence to pharmacological guidelines for NMS in patients with mild to severe PD was low. This study highlights the need for improved evaluation and treatment of NMS to enhance symptom management and quality of life among PD patients.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    In recent years, advancements have been made in both basic and surgical research of slow-transit constipation (STC). However, compelling references for surgeons in the clinical practice of STC have been lacking, particularly on preoperative evaluation and the choice of surgical procedures. In order to further standardize the diagnosis, assessment and surgical management of STC, Chinese Medical Doctor Association Anorectal Doctor Branch and its Functional Diseases Committee selected relevant experts in the field of STC surgery in China to form the Editorial and Review Committee of the Expert Consensus on Diagnosis, Evaluation and Surgical Management of STC in China. By meticulously reviewing relevant literature from both domestic and international sources and integrating the clinical expertise of the panel of experts, the committee has formulated 20 recommendations. These recommendations aim to establish standardized processes for surgical diagnosis and treatment of STC, ultimately elevating the overall diagnostic and therapeutic standards for STC across China.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Colonic and anorectal manometry includes anorectal manometry and colonic manometry. Anorectal manometry is a common method to evaluate anorectal function, which can objectively reflect the pathological and physiological abnormalities of outlet obstructive constipation and fecal incontinence, as well as the impact of anorectal surgery on continence. Colonic manometry is a new type of colon motility detection method developed in recent years. It can record the peristalsis and contraction of the whole colon through a pressure measuring catheter, which helps physicians further evaluate various colonic diseases. However, various factors such as testing equipment, operating standards, and evaluation parameters are difficult to unify. There is no consensus on the operation and interpretation of colorectal anal pressure measurement. Under the guidance of the Anorectal Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, in collaboration with Clinical Guidelines Committee, Anorectal Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Anorectal motility disorders Committee , Colorectal Surgeons Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Colonic Branch of China international exchange and promotive association for medical and healthcare, Tianjin Union Medical Center is leading the organization of domestic experts in this field. Based on searching relevant literature and combining clinical experience at home and abroad, after multiple discussions, the \"Chinese expert consensus on colonic and anorectal manometry\" has been prepared. This consensus discusses the indications, contraindications, pre examination management and technical procedures, treatment of complications, and interpretation of examination reports for colonic and anorectal manometry , aiming to guide the standardized clinical practice of colonic and anorectal manometry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Constipation is a common problem in children, accounting for about 3% of all primary care visits and up to 25% of referrals to paediatric gastroenterologists. Although polyethylene glycol often proves effective, most children require prolonged treatment and about 50% of them have at least one relapse within the first 5 years after initial recovery. When conventional treatment fails, children are considered to have refractory constipation. Children with refractory constipation deserve specialist management and guidance. Over the last decades, there has been a remarkable increase in our knowledge of normal and abnormal colonic and anorectal motility in children, and a number of different techniques to measure transit and motility have been developed. The present review analyses the possible diagnostic investigations for children with refractory constipation, focusing on their actual indications and their utility in clinical practice. Moreover, we have also analytically reviewed medical and surgical therapeutic options, which should be considered in selected patients in order to achieve the best clinical outcome.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Functional constipation is the most common of the disorders of gut-brain interaction, affecting approximately 12% of the world population. Although classically considered a chronic condition, many individuals experience shorter yet repetitive bouts of constipation representing a different clinical entity. There has been increased interest in this latter disorder, which has recently been classified as occasional constipation. This Rome Foundation working group document reflects the consensus of an international team of specialists who summarized currently available research to provide a working definition of and treatment algorithm for occasional constipation. The recommendations herein are based on current evidence, accounting for gaps in the literature as well as international variance in definitions and health seeking behaviors for constipation.
    The committee members reviewed the scientific literature, focusing specifically on occasional constipation, with the understanding that as a new entity, a paucity of data would be available. We used Rome IV research and clinical definitions to establish the framework for our definition of occasional constipation. Where possible, treatment recommendations were determined on the basis of the earliest extractable data from functional constipation studies, focusing on positive results within the first 2 weeks of treatment. We used the Delphi method to create consensus with 100% agreement between the authors.
    An evidence-based review of the literature resulted in the definition of occasional constipation as follows: \"individuals who experience the presence of at least 1 functional constipation symptom, in the absence of alarm signs or symptoms, occurring at irregular and infrequent intervals, which is bothersome enough to induce a patient to seek medical management.\" Medical management whether seeking medical care or self-treatment was left to the individual\'s discretion, and we did not include time anchors because these thresholds require further investigation. Polyethylene glycol and stimulant laxatives are recommended as first-line interventions, whereas magnesium-containing compounds are suggested in individuals failing to respond to these therapies. There are insufficient data to make recommendations for using fiber or stool softeners. Prescription laxatives should be reserved for individuals with chronic constipation.
    Occasional constipation is a unique clinical entity characterized by infrequent but recurrent symptoms. Data are limited because consensus definitions have been lacking. Establishing a standardized definition and therapeutic recommendations provides a framework for future studies focusing on epidemiologic and symptoms-based outcomes. Further studies are needed to confirm and refine these recommendations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic constipation is one of the most common digestive diseases encountered in clinical practice. Constipation manifests as a variety of symptoms, such as infrequent bowel movements, hard stools, feeling of incomplete evacuation, straining at defecation, a sense of anorectal blockage during defecation, and use of digital maneuvers to assist defecation. During the diagnosis of chronic constipation, the Bristol Stool Form Scale, colonoscopy, and a digital rectal examination are useful for objective symptom evaluation and differential diagnosis of secondary constipation. Physiological tests for functional constipation have complementary roles and are recommended for patients who have failed to respond to treatment with available laxatives and those who are strongly suspected of having a defecatory disorder. As new evidence on the diagnosis and management of functional constipation emerged, the need to revise the previous guideline was suggested. Therefore, these evidence-based guidelines have proposed recommendations developed using a systematic review and meta-analysis of the treatment options available for functional constipation. The benefits and cautions of new pharmacological agents (such as lubiprostone and linaclotide) and conventional laxatives have been described through a meta-analysis. The guidelines consist of 34 recommendations, including 3 concerning the definition and epidemiology of functional constipation, 9 regarding diagnoses, and 22 regarding managements. Clinicians (including primary physicians, general health professionals, medical students, residents, and other healthcare professionals) and patients can refer to these guidelines to make informed decisions regarding the management of functional constipation.





