• 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: To summarize the experiences on the mastoscopic subcutaneous mastectomy for gynecomastia by \"nine-step method\" based on the \"5S\" goal and standardize this operation.
    METHODS: Between January 1, 2002, and October 31, 2021, a total of 2035 breasts of 1082 male patients with gynecomastia, of which 129 patients with one side, were underwent mastoscopic subcutaneous mastectomy. The follow-up endpoint was 3 months after surgery.
    RESULTS: All patients were successfully completed the operation, and none of them was transferred to open operation. The operation time for unilateral breast was 12-28 min, and the average time was 17.7 ± 6.2 min. The amount of bleeding during unilateral operation was very small, about 5-10 ml. The total drainage volume was 5-50 ml after the operation, and the drainage tube was removed in 3-5 days. The epidermal necrosis occurred in 0.3% nipple. 0.2% chest wall had a little ecchymosis in the supero-medial region of the breast. All patients had the normal feeling of nipples and areola, the smoothing and symmetrical chest wall, and the natural contour. There was no recurrence during the follow-up period.
    CONCLUSIONS: The mastoscopic subcutaneous mastectomy for gynecomastia by \"nine-step method\" based on the \"5S\" goal has a short operation time, few surgical complications and good esthetics. It achieves the \"5S\" goals on the complete removal of glandular tissue (sweeping), small and scar-hidden incision are small (scarless), good symmetry of bilateral chest wall (symmetry), normal chest shape (shape), and smoothing chest wall (smoothing).
    METHODS: The journal asks authors to assign a level of evidence to each article. For a complete description of Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, see the Table of Contents or the online Instructions for Authors at www.springer.com/00266 .






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer globally. Radiotherapy following breast-conserving surgery is the standard treatment of breast cancer. Recently, hypofractionated irradiation comprising 42.56 Gy in 16 fractions was selected as a viable radiation therapeutic option. Radiation-induced sarcoma is the most prevalent secondary malignancy in patients undergoing radiotherapy after breast cancer surgery. Angiosarcomas are the predominant type of radiation-induced sarcomas, whereas liposarcomas have rarely been reported. The present report details an uncommon instance of radiation-induced pleomorphic liposarcoma that occurred 8 years after breast-conserving surgery and hypofractionated radiotherapy. The patient visited the hospital due to hardening of the tissue beneath the skin of the right breast. Ultrasonography revealed a hypoechoic mass in the lower part of the right breast containing internal blood flow. An excisional biopsy revealed that the tumor contained infiltrating spindle-shaped cells without a capsule containing pleomorphic cells. Lipoblasts were also observed and tended to differentiate into adipose tissue, leading to a diagnosis of pleomorphic liposarcoma. Immunostaining revealed negativity for cytokeratin AE1/AE3, ERG, MDM2 and S-100 protein; the Ki-67 index was ~20%. An enlargement resection involving a postoperative bed was performed because of close tumor margins. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography revealed pale accumulation of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose in the right chest wall, which was interpreted as a postoperative change owing to the resection biopsy. The tumor was observed in the irradiated field with no distant metastases. Following extensive resection, the patient maintained a recurrence-free survival period of 3 years and 2 months, during which no adjuvant therapy was administered. Therefore, follow-up is necessary in patients with breast cancer treated with radiotherapy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We present a case of primary angiosarcoma, an exceedingly rare malignant breast lesion, in a 21-year-old female patient with unilateral breast enlargement. Primary angiosarcoma is an aggressive form of breast cancer with variable presentation and limited clinical experience due to the rarity of the disease. Despite an initial diagnostic challenge, this report showcases the importance of a systematic diagnostic approach and multidisciplinary management in the context of uncommon breast lesions in young patients. Our patient underwent a mastectomy followed by breast reconstruction, achieving favourable cosmetic outcomes. This case serves as a contribution to our understanding of the diagnostic considerations surrounding angiosarcoma of the breast in a young patient.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Inherited germline mutations in PALB2 are known to predispose patients to a higher risk of breast, ovarian and pancreatic cancer with an estimated risk of developing breast cancer in over half of all affected women by age 80 years. Current guidelines for screening patients with PALB2 mutations include annual mammograms beginning at age 30 years and consideration of breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and tomosynthesis. Existing evidence regarding risk-reducing surgery with mastectomy is insufficient to make a definitive recommendation to patients. In this case series, we describe the presentation and management of 5 patients with unilateral breast cancer and PALB2 mutations. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case series discussing the role of contralateral risk-reducing mastectomy (CRRM) in breast cancer patients with PALB2 mutations. The aim of our study was to evaluate the challenges in managing breast cancer risk in patients with PALB2 pathogenic variants with illustration through real-world clinical cases and a review of the literature.
    UNASSIGNED: In this retrospective observational study, we present 5 patients with PALB2 mutations between the ages of 29 and 61 years who were diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent surgical management of their breast cancer at our institution between November 2020 and March 2022. Through their clinical courses and a literature review, we discuss the role of CRRM in breast cancer patients with PALB2 gene mutations.
    UNASSIGNED: Out of the 5 patients, 3 patients underwent CRRM and 2 patients chose unilateral surgery for their breast cancer and active surveillance for the contralateral breast. Of the 3 patients who underwent CRRM, 1 patient experienced a surgical complication from reconstruction on the prophylactic side. None of the patients developed any recurrences with an average length of follow up of 15.4 months.
    UNASSIGNED: Based on our experience and the currently available literature, CRRM in patients with a PALB2 mutation should be performed on a case-by-case basis through a shared decision-making process taking into consideration overall risk, family history, patient preference and quality of life.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia (PASH) is an uncommon mesenchymal benign breast neoplasm. PASH may present as a rapidly growing mass in pre-menopausal women. It is important to rule out other causes of a breast lump including fibroadenoma, hamartoma, phyllodes tumour and invasive adenocarcinoma. To our knowledge this is the largest case of PASH tumour in the English literature and the first to be managed with mastectomy and immediate breast implant reconstruction.
    UNASSIGNED: A 45-year-old woman with a history of bilateral breast augmentation for cosmesis and no other co-morbidities, presented with gross asymmetry between her right and left breasts on 13th December 2020. She complained about pain and the noticeable difference in clothing. She underwent triple assessment (history and examination, imaging, and biopsy). Bilateral mammograms showed the right breast had a possible mass. On ultrasound imaging there was evidence of extensive ill-defined hypoechoic changes. Core biopsies and a vacuum assisted core biopsy were taken from the mass and came back as PASH/fibrocystic change on 12th January 2021. Surgical options were discussed, and after some consideration she decided on mastectomy and immediate implant reconstruction on 15th March 2021. She underwent the operation on 9th September 2021 and the specimen weight was 1.911 kg and measured 27 cm × 22.6 cm × 7.4 cm which is the largest reported PASH tumour. She made an uncomplicated recovery and was seen in clinic 4 weeks later and was happy with the cosmetic outcome. PASH can present as incidental microscopic foci in biopsies to diffuse enlargement of the breast. PASH has no specific radiological or diagnostic features, therefore is diagnosed based on histology. PASH is not associated with an increased risk of malignancy and the management is dependent on the presentation. When PASH is discovered incidentally or is asymptomatic it can be followed up with serial mammography to assess growth. If there are any suspicious features or discordance following triple assessment or symptoms such as discomfort surgical excision is indicated.
    UNASSIGNED: PASH should be considered as part of the differential diagnosis for rapid breast enlargement. Treatment options should be discussed early with the patient to prevent progression. For rapid breast enlargement mastectomy and immediate reconstruction should be considered and discussed with the patient.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Superficial inferior epigastric artery (SIEA) flap is often chosen to minimize postoperative complications such as abdominal pain and bulging. However, drawbacks, including a small diameter and a short pedicle, pose challenges in anastomosing or creating the lower pole of the breast. Here, we report a case of breast reconstruction using an SIEA flap with pedicle elongation via an arteriovenous loop (AV-loop) using a contralateral superficial inferior epigastric vein (SIEV) graft. A 49-year-old woman underwent a left total mastectomy with the primary insertion of a tissue expander. Breast reconstruction using an SIEA flap with pedicle elongation was planned. The running pattern, pedicle length, and diameter of bilateral SIEA/SIEV and superficial circumflex iliac artery and vein (SCIA/SCIV) were evaluated preoperatively using a 48-MHz probe of ultra-high-frequency ultrasonography (Vevo MD ultrasound device, Fujifilm Visual Sonics, Amsterdam, the Netherlands). During the flap harvesting, the contralateral SIEV graft was harvested to create an AV-loop for pedicle elongation. The 9 cm graft was anastomosed to the left internal mammary artery and vein (IMA/IMV). After the flap elevation, the created AV-loop was divided at the midpoint and anastomosed to the pedicle of the SIEA flap. The SIEA flap, extended with a SIEV AV-loop, facilitated the augmentation of the lower pole of the breast without the risk of pedicle kinking and pulling. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the patient was discharged on postoperative day 7. The prolonged pedicle length via an AV-loop prevents the pedicle kinking and allows for positioning the flap more freely, resulting in an aesthetically good breast contour by filling in the lower pole. The precise preoperative evaluation of the vessels using ultra-high-frequency ultrasonography facilitated meticulous planning. In cases where surgeons aim to minimize intraoperative and postoperative complications associated with other abdominal free flaps, this method may be considered a viable and promising option.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Carney complex is a rare autosomal dominant familiar multiple neoplasia syndrome combined with cardiocutaneous manifestations. Our report describes a Carney complex case with bilateral myxoid fibroadenomas that led to a bilateral mastectomy. An 18-year-old female patient presented at our clinic with complaints of multiple palpable lumps in her breasts bilaterally. On physical examination the patient had also multiple pigmented lentiginous lesions on her face, body and her sclerae, blue nevi on her trunk and upper extremities and a round moon-shaped face. The diagnosis of Carney syndrome was decided upon imaging, biopsies and genetic analysis. The patient underwent a bilateral mastectomy as a prophylactic treatment plan with tissue expanders\' placement. Breast myxomatosis due to Carney complex is a common characteristic in female patients. Prophylactic mastectomy must be considered as a therapeutic intervention in these cases since it provides a definite treatment, with minimal side effects and excellent outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Breast-conserving surgery (BCS) is a well-established standard treatment option alternative to mastectomy for patients with early breast cancer that consists of a lumpectomy followed by adjuvant radiotherapy. However, irradiated tissues are at an increased risk of wound healing complications when post-treatment surgical management is required. The management of an irradiated wound dehiscence can be challenging, as it often requires a multimodal treatment approach that includes more invasive interventions when compared to a traditional surgical wound dehiscence. We present a 64 year old female patient with a remote history of right BCS with radiation therapy for early breast cancer 12 years ago, who recently required a simple mastectomy due to ipsilateral breast cancer recurrence. The post-operative course was complicated by dehiscence of the mastectomy wound. After standard wound care therapies failed, her surgical wound successfully healed after treatment with a synthetic electrospun fiber matrix application. Patients with additional comorbidities often do not qualify for invasive reconstructive options; therefore, effective local management options are warranted. This is the first reported case documenting synthetic electrospun fiber matrix efficacy and safety in healing a dehisced surgical wound within a previously irradiated fibrotic area, without the need for further invasive surgical intervention. Larger scale research, such as a prospective cohort study or randomized control trial, is needed to investigate its novel use in irradiated wounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mastectomy is a common and painful procedure in dogs. Wound soaker catheters (WSC) are frequently used to reduce postoperative pain, including pain after mastectomy. The objectives of this case series were to describe the use of WSC for owner administration of postoperative local analgesia in dogs with mammary tumors treated surgically, to identify complications associated with WSC and to determine the frequency of bacterial colonization of the catheters. Twelve WSC were placed in 11 dogs during mastectomy surgery, left in place for three days, protected by a dressing and successfully managed by owners at home. No postoperative antibiotics were administered. No complications were identified in any cases. No bacterial growth was identified on bacteriological analysis of the twelve WSC. These results suggest that the use of WSC is a safe alternative for postoperative analgesia administration following mastectomy in dogs. Future studies comparing dogs with or without WSC with a larger number of dogs are needed to further evaluate efficacy and complications.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    We report a case of right advanced breast cancer with multiple lung metastases in a 66-year-old woman. Her breast cancer( invasive ductal carcinoma, cT4bN1M1, Stage Ⅳ)was resected in October 2007(mastectomy plus axillary lymph node dissection)after local arterial infusion therapy(total dose 5-FU 4,735 mg plus adriamycin 180 mg), which caused bilateral lung arterial embolism due to deep vein thrombosis in right her leg. She had to be treated by anticoagulant therapy, mechanical ventilation and placement of IVC filter before her operation. Subsequent chemo-endocrine therapy(docetaxel 6 courses plus anastrozole)was continued. In October 2008, a CT scan showed disappearance of multiple lung metastases (complete response). In November 2015 (8 years after her operation), a CT scan showed recurrence of multiple lung metastases and endocrine therapy was changed to tamoxifen. A year later, a CT scan showed disappearance of multiple lung metastases(complete response)again and keep a condition of complete response in her breast cancer until May 2023 (15 years after her operation).





