• 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pituitary apoplexy is a result of rapid enlargement of the pituitary, due to episodes of hyperplasia, which outpaces vascular development resulting in ischemia and potential infarction of pituitary tissue. This can present in several different ways from asymptomatic to hormonal deficiencies. Here we present a case of spontaneous reduction of a non-functioning pituitary mass, likely due to apoplexy, in which the mass went from compromising the optic chiasm to complete reduction and relief of the optic chiasm. The infarction happened spontaneously without treatment and complications. This may encourage future conservative management of pituitary tumors, rather than immediate surgical intervention.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Midwifery centers are places where midwives not only provide antenatal checkups and delivery care but also offer a wide range of health guidance to pregnant women, postpartum mothers, newborns, and older women. In recent years, midwives have also provided onsite and online health guidance. However, diagnosis and prescribing medication are impossible in midwifery centers because no doctor is present. If the midwife determines that the patient should consult doctors, the patient may have to go to a hospital and see doctors in person, which can be burdensome. Online telemedicine facilitates midwife-doctor collaboration and may solve this problem. We report a case of headache management by telemedicine that minimized the patient\'s travel burden by collaborating with a midwifery center that provides onsite, visiting, and online health guidance for patients who have difficulty visiting a hospital due to postpartum period, childcare, and breastfeeding. A 29-year-old woman and her husband were raising an infant in Sado City (a remote island across the sea), Niigata Prefecture. She developed acute back pain and was bedridden for several days due to immobility. She consulted a midwife because of stress and anxiety caused by childcare and acute back pain, as well as newly occurring headaches. The midwife visited her and provided on-site health guidance. The midwife decided that a doctor\'s diagnosis and treatment with painkillers were desirable for the headache and back pain, so she contacted a doctor based on the patient\'s request. The doctor provided online telemedicine across the sea, diagnosed her headache as a tension-type headache, and prescribed acetaminophen 500 mg as an abortive prescription. The prescription was faxed to a pharmacy on the island, and the original was sent by post. The midwife picked up the medication and delivered it to the patient. After taking the medication, the patient\'s back pain and headache went into remission. Collaboration between midwifery centers that provide onsite, visiting, and online health guidance and medical institutions that offer online telemedicine can potentially improve accessibility to medical care. It differs from conventional online telemedicine in the midwife\'s coordination practice by monitoring the patient\'s condition and requesting the physician based on the patient\'s request.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Subarachnoid hemorrhage is a neurological emergency in which arterial blood accumulates in the subarachnoid space with cerebral aneurysmal rupture being the most common cause. Subarachnoid hemorrhage is often misdiagnosed in the emergency department and mortality rates range from 8% to 67%. It may be the manifestation of the chronicity of the migraine. The difference in severity or quality compared to previous headaches, and other symptoms, particularly neck stiffness, but also seizure, syncope, focal neurological deficit, and vomiting are the key factors differentiating subarachnoid hemorrhage from the migraine. We report a case of a 37-year-old female with a previous history of migraines who presented with acute onset of excruciating headaches in the occiput associated with nausea, vomiting, and photophobia in whom a non-contrast computed tomography scan of the head showed hyper-densities involving the bilateral cerebral cortical sulcus and Sylvian fissure and the cerebral angiography showed a complex aneurysm in anterior communicating artery.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 58-year-old non-diabetic, non-hypertensive, non-dyslipidemic, euthyroid lady with a known case of migraine for last 10 years approached our hospital complaining of a severe right-sided throbbing headache in the temple area and behind the right ear for three days. She approached our hospital as she did not get any relief from painkillers. An intensity of 10 was recorded on Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and 8 on the Global Assessment of Migraine Severity (GAMS) Scale. The case was diagnosed to be vatika shirashula on ardhavabhedaka, with no pitta-rakta association. She was posted for Agnikarma therapy [AGT]. Immediately, within 2 min of application of AGT on her right temple, her intense pain reduced, and within 5 min she had no pain [zero on VAS scale and one on GAMS scale]. Samyak mamsa dagdha lakshana was achieved. AGT was tolerable and did not produce any major discomforts. No adverse effects were reported. Patient experienced a mild burning sensation over the AGT, and the blackish discoloration due to AGT faded off within 41 days. AGT could be used as a potent, cheap, fast-acting, adverse effect free emergency treatment for acute attacks of migraine headache.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: The development and approval of antibodies targeting calcitonin gene-related peptide or its receptor mark a revolutionary era for preventive migraine treatment. Real-world evidence sheds light on rare, stigmatized or overlooked side effects of these drugs. One of these potential side effects is sexual dysfunction.
    METHODS: We present two cases of one 42-year-old and one 45-year-old female patient with chronic migraine who both reported sexual dysfunction as a possible side effect of treatment with galcanezumab, a monoclonal antibody targeting calcitonin gene-related peptide.
    CONCLUSIONS: As calcitonin gene-related peptide is involved in vaginal lubrication as well as genital sensation and swelling, inhibiting the calcitonin gene-related peptide pathway may lead to sexual dysfunction as a potential side effect.
    CONCLUSIONS: Sexual dysfunction in female migraine patients might be a rare and overlooked side effect of monoclonal antibodies targeting the calcitonin gene-related peptide pathway. Considering the discomfort and stigma surrounding both migraine and sexual dysfunction, we advocate for an open attitude and awareness among clinicians toward such side effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A neoplasm was found in the left nasal cavity of a 45-year-old woman during electronic laryngoscopy for reflux pharyngitis. She reported experiencing an occasional slight headache in the left parietal region for 1 to 2 years, which she considered a migraine. Electronic laryngoscopy showed a gray, soft, smooth neoplasm in the left nasal meatus, located near the olfactory region blocking the olfactory clef and compressing the left middle turbinate. The neoplasm was resected at endonasal endoscopic surgery. Histological assessments indicated chronic mucus inflammation and cyst formation. This is a rare case because the polyp was large but asymptomatic and originated from nasal septum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Pre-eclampsia and migraine share some similar aspects of pathophysiology such as vascular function, platelet activation, and enhanced clotting. A few observational studies from different demographics showed that pregnant women with a history of migraine were at higher risk of developing pre-eclampsia. However, there is no such evidence available from the Indian context. Hence, a hospital-based case-control study was conducted among Indian women to determine the association between migraine and pre-eclampsia.
    METHODS: It was a single-centre case-control study in a tertiary care hospital in India. Cases were pregnant women with clinically diagnosed pre-eclampsia, and controls were normotensive pregnant women. Migraine was diagnosed with a questionnaire adapted from the \"International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD), 3rd Edition\" by the International Headache Society, (IHS). We performed logistic regression to explore the association between migraine and pre-eclampsia.
    RESULTS: One hundred sixty-four women (82 women per group) were enrolled. The mean age among the cases (24.5 years, standard deviation of 2.4 years) was slightly higher than the mean age of the controls (23.5 years, standard deviation of 2.5 years) with a p-value of 0.006. We found that women with a history of migraine were more likely to develop pre-eclampsia (Adjusted Odds Ratio 6.17; p-value < 0.001, 95% Confidence Interval of 2.85 to 13.62).
    CONCLUSIONS: The current findings suggest a significant association between migraine and pre-eclampsia aligning with previous study findings; nevertheless, larger follow-up studies including women from different states in India are needed.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Migraine, a common affliction, manifests as debilitating headaches often accompanied by auras. However, hemiplegic migraine presents an unusual symptomatology, inducing unilateral paralysis during attacks. This condition, occurring in two forms, familial and sporadic, merits attention due to its rarity. To raise awareness of this ailment, we recount the case of a 33-year-old woman. This instance serves as a poignant reminder of the potential severity and complexity of hemiplegic migraines. By shedding light on this less-understood variant, we aim to enhance recognition and understanding within medical communities and among the general public. Additionally, emphasizing the importance of thorough history taking in identifying characteristic features, such as the presence of auras or unilateral paralysis preceding headaches, is paramount. Understanding these nuances aids in accurate diagnosis and formulation of tailored management strategies. It\'s imperative to recognize the distinct characteristics of hemiplegic migraines to ensure timely and appropriate management for affected individuals, offering them relief and improving their quality of life.





