• 文章类型: Case Reports
    The purpose of this case report is to report a case of congenital idiopathic enlargement of extraocular muscles. A four-month-old girl showed limitation of adduction and supraduction in the right eye. A computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan revealed hypertrophy of the lateral rectus muscle and inferior rectus muscle of the right eye. Thyroid hormone and antibody levels were normal. No inflammatory findings on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A traction test under general anesthesia revealed a strong limitation of supraduction and a mild limitation of adduction. Therefore, the inferior rectus muscle was recessed 4.5 mm at the age of six months. A partial biopsy of the inferior rectus showed no inflammatory cell infiltration. After the first surgery, the patient\'s limitation of supraduction improved, but the limitation of adduction persisted. So, a 5 mm recession of the right lateral rectus muscle was added at one year and one month. However, the hypertropia of the sound eye became stronger after treatment of amblyopia. Because of the strong limitation of supraduction, tenotomy of the inferior rectus was performed at the age of six years. Postoperatively, no impairment of infraduction occurred, and the limitation of supraduction was mildly improved. Since the findings on MRI were not changed through our observation period, we concluded that the patient had idiopathic external ophthalmoplegia.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Lamb-Shaffer syndrome (LSS) is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder, genetically diagnosed in fewer than 100 individuals worldwide. We present a case series of 6 pediatric patients with LSS and describe its ophthalmic manifestations. Strabismus was present in 5 patients, with exotropia being most common. All subjects had significant refractive errors; 5 had astigmatism of at least 2 D. All patients had optic nerve abnormalities, including pallor (4), hypoplasia (2), and anomalous appearance (1), with retinal nerve fiber layer thinning demonstrated in a single subject. Other ophthalmic disorders detected were ptosis (1), nasolacrimal duct obstruction (1), and nystagmus (2).






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Previous reports revealed that patients with acquired paralytic strabismus caused by central nervous system diseases are primarily affected by the etiology and treatment of the condition. Strabismus correction for these acquired paralytic strabismus should be performed as soon as the primary disease has been stabilized for 6 months in order to archive a favorable surgical outcome.
    METHODS: We followed an infrequent case of longer-lasting supranuclear ophthalmoplegia secondary to brain stem cavernoma.
    METHODS: A 25-year-old Chinese Han female developed aberrant head posture and ipsilateral conjugate gaze palsies 8 years after the first brainstem hemorrhage caused by pontine cavernoma. The patient was diagnosed with supranuclear ophthalmic palsy and brain stem cavernoma after surgery. A resection-recession procedure along with a rectus muscle transposition was performed. The patient\'s abnormal head position disappeared, with a normal primary position.
    CONCLUSIONS: Resection-recession procedures combined with rectus muscle transposition works very well for longer duration large-angle strabismus caused by brain stem cavernoma.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Schwannomas, also known as neurilemomas, are peripheral nerve sheath neoplasms. They can be sporadic or associated with genetic syndromes including neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2). Schwannomas may lead to symptoms by exerting pressure on nearby structures, such as nerve and muscle fibers. In this study, we present the case of a 22-year-old female with a history of NF2 who, upon examination, presented with a visibly enlarged salmon-colored mass involving the left inferior rectus that she had since the age of 12 years. Ocular examinations revealed a small left hypertropia and exotropia in all gazes. Magnetic resonance imaging confirmed bilateral involvement of the inferior rectus muscles. She had a partial excisional biopsy of the mass involving the left inferior rectus muscle that confirmed the presence of schwannoma. This case highlights the importance of comprehensive evaluation of sensory and motor functions as well as considering orbital schwannomas in cases of strabismus, especially within the context of neurofibromatosis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND Pseudo-Brown syndrome is characterized by dysfunction of the superior oblique tendon-trochlear complex. Canine tooth syndrome, which involves superior oblique palsy with pseudo-Brown syndrome, results from damage to the trochlear and superior oblique tendon from dog bites around the eye. This report describes a variant of canine tooth syndrome without pseudo-Brown syndrome following a dog bite around the left upper eyelid. In this case, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) facilitated early diagnosis and therapeutic intervention. CASE REPORT A 19-year-old man presented with torsional diplopia following a dog bite around the left upper eyelid and forehead. Five days after the injury, an alternate prism cover test revealed 6 prism diopters (Δ) exotropia and 5Δ left hypertropia. Ocular motility showed no significant limitation in elevation or depression during adduction. MRI performed on the same day showed a high-signal area extending from the superior oblique tendon to the trochlear region and the superior oblique muscle belly of the left eye. A diagnosis of canine tooth syndrome without pseudo-Brown syndrome was made and oral steroids were administered. Ocular alignment did not improve, so left inferior oblique myotomy was performed 7 months after the injury. The patient\'s cyclovertical diplopia resolved postoperatively. CONCLUSIONS Dog bites around the eye can result in abnormalities of the extraocular muscles. Early MRI may be useful for diagnosis and determining treatment strategies. This report has highlighted the importance of rapid assessment and management of patients with dog bites involving the eye.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Strabismus surgery under general anesthesia is a common procedure with rare complications in the form of hemorrhage, infection, slipped muscle, lost muscle, scleral perforation, and anterior segment ischemia. We report a unique case of bilateral optic neuritis following squint surgery under general anesthesia in a 15-year-old girl.
    UNASSIGNED: A 15-year-old girl presented with accommodative esotropia with V pattern. She underwent uneventful bilateral inferior oblique recession surgery under general anesthesia with Propofol 60 mg, Atracurium 30 mg, and Fentanyl 70 mcg. On the first post-operative day, the patient had an acute onset of temporal headache which was non-radiating. She responded to supportive treatment and was discharged. However, on the 7th postoperative day, she presented with a constant severe headache in the bitemporal region (left > right) for 3 days. She also experienced a painless diminution of vision for 2 days. There was no vomiting, fever, loose stools, diplopia, difficulty in breathing, peripheral sensation loss, generalized weakness, or bowel/bladder incontinence.
    UNASSIGNED: The best corrected visual acuity was 6/9 in right eye, and 6/9p in left eye with a relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD) in the left eye. Both optic discs appeared hyperemic with blurred margins. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain and orbit showed hyperintensity along the intraorbital and intracanalicular parts of bilateral optic nerves on T2 weighted image suggesting bilateral optic neuritis. She received intravenous methylprednisolone pulse therapy followed by oral steroids and responded to the medical treatment with improvement in vision but developed steroid-induced glaucoma requiring medical management over several weeks.
    UNASSIGNED: Neuro-ophthalmic complication in the form of non-arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy has been reported after various ophthalmic surgeries, but bilateral optic neuritis has not been reported to date. This possibility should be kept in mind if any patient presents with similar symptoms. This report also highlights IOP monitoring in pediatric patients receiving systemic steroids to prevent loss of vision due to steroid-induced glaucoma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To evaluate ocular motility (OM) disorders and strabismus in a sample of patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and a control sample.
    UNASSIGNED: In this cross-sectional retrospective analysis, we studied a sample of RP patients with a mean age of 48.74 years and an average visual acuity of 7/10 based on Snellen optotype and a sample of control patients with similar mean age (49 years [men], 47 years [women]) and sex and an average visual acuity of 9.9/10, with the aim of assessing correlations between alteration of OM and strabismus in RP patients based on age, high refractive defect, or severely impaired binocular vision. The examination followed a protocol of testing for anamnesis and best-corrected visual acuity, as well as a complete eye examination, corneal reflex, cover test, OM, Hess screen, and Lang test.
    UNASSIGNED: At the first orthoptic evaluation, 45.16% of patients showed strabismus, 41.93% exotropia (25% of cases intermittent), 3.22% esotropia, and 6.45% vertical deviation. Later evaluation showed strabismus in 25.80% of patients, exotropia in 19.35% (9.67% intermittent), esotropia in 3.22%, and vertical deviation in 3.22%. Assessment of eye motility study showed 51.6% overaction of the inferior oblique and hypofunction of the superior rectus, and 18% overaction of the lateral rectus and hypofunction of the medial rectus. According to our results, alterations in OM and strabismus in RP patients are not correlated with age or high refractive defect. Therefore, motility disorders and strabismus are attributed to a genetic factor to which men are more susceptible.
    UNASSIGNED: The incidence of OM disorder was 77.42%, and strabismus was present in 45.16% of patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The inferior oblique muscle overaction (IOOA) results in eye elevation on adduction, head tilt, difficulty in reading/writing, and changing ocular alignments in different gazes. Surgical correction is the management. We present two cases of bilateral and one case of unilateral IOOA that resolved spontaneously, and surgery differed. There was no IOOA six months after diagnosis. A sustained resolution IOOA following correction of hyperopia, improvement of vision, and esotropia correction possibly leading to rebalancing and maturing of extraocular muscles. Ophthalmologists should refer all IOOA cases to strabismologists, should not hurry to operate, counsel parents, and monitor a child\'s ocular movements.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report a case of torsional diplopia caused by presumed torsional anomalous retinal correspondence after myectomy of previously asymmetrically anteriorized inferior oblique muscles for inferior oblique overaction. Given this patient\'s experience, it may be prudent to operate with caution on previously anteriorized inferior oblique muscles, especially when anteriorization is performed at a very young age.





