• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Malnutrition and cancer cachexia are highly prevalent comorbidities of cancer, limiting patients\' quality of life and being relevant to prognosis. International and national clinical guidelines recommend supportive nutrition and exercise therapy for cancer patients. However, there is little current epidemiological evidence on the implementation of these guideline recommendations in clinical routine. To close this data gap, a national survey in Germany using an online questionnaire was conducted. There were 261 of a total of 5074 contacted hospitals and medical offices who participated in the survey (5.1% response rate). The data indicated that nutrition and exercise therapy for cancer patients is so far inadequately implemented, with 59% of the respondents reporting nutrition therapy as an integral part of oncological treatment, 66.7% having a nutrition specialist/team, and 65.1% routinely conducting a screening for nutritional status. Only half of the participants stated that there are defined goals in nutrition therapy. The majority of respondents (85.8%) generally recommend exercise therapy, but only a few of them provide specific offers at their own institution (19.6%) or at cooperation partners (31.7%). In order to implement the recommended combined nutrition and exercise therapy as part of regular care, there is a need for nationwide availability of multidisciplinary nutrition teams and targeted offers of individualized exercise therapy. Health policy support would be important to create the structural, financial, and staff conditions for appropriate guideline implementation in order to achieve the optimal treatment of cancer patients.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    With tattoo prevalence on the rise in all age groups, it is important to acknowledge that it is a potential cause of lymphadenopathy while simultaneously being aware of its mimicking presence in high-risk populations such as those with current or prior cancer diagnoses. The period of time between identification and diagnosis provides a great amount of stress and anxiety for patients and their families. We present a case of a patient who had multiple recurrences of an unknown primary and underwent multiple workups with no subsequent diagnosis. One particular workup yielded the diagnosis of tattoo-related lymphadenitis; while this particular occurrence was a benign finding, the extensive workup took a toll on the patient and his family as the fear of cancer progression with an allusive diagnosis continued to be a major factor in their lives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Candidemia is associated with morbidity and mortality in cancer patients. We analyzed adherence to the 2016 Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) candidiasis guidelines and the reasons for guideline nonadherence. We also investigated whether matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) improved time to effective antifungal therapy compared with historical data (median, 43.2 hours).
    UNASSIGNED: Cancer patients with candidemia between 1/1/17 and 12/31/19 were included. Adherence to 7 individual IDSA guideline components was assessed. Composite IDSA guideline adherence (defined as meeting ≥6 guideline components) was also assessed. Charts were reviewed to examine reasons for noncompliance.
    UNASSIGNED: Of 157 patients with candidemia, 150 (95.5%) had infectious disease (ID) consultation. The median total time from blood culture collection to antifungal initiation was 42.1 hours. Excluding 39 patients with short treatment due to death, there was 100% adherence with surveillance blood cultures, followed by antifungal susceptibility testing (117/118, 99.2%), initial appropriate therapy (117/118, 99.2%), antifungal duration (110/118, 93.2%), line removal (82/91, 90.1%), eye exams (93/118, 78.8%), and step-down therapy (69/94, 73.4%). A quarter (30/118) did not meet composite IDSA guideline adherence. Univariate logistic regression suggested a relationship between poor cancer prognosis and incomplete adherence to the 2016 IDSA candidiasis guidelines (odds ratio, 8.6; 95% CI, 1.6-47).
    UNASSIGNED: The addition of MALDI-TOF did not shorten time to effective antifungal therapy. Nearly all patients were seen by ID for candidemia. Poor cancer prognosis was a common factor for incomplete composite adherence to the 2016 IDSA candidiasis guidelines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infertility is one of the main sequelae of cancer and its treatment in both children and adults of reproductive age. It is, therefore, essential that oncologists and haematologists provide adequate information about the risk of infertility and the possibilities for its preservation before starting treatment. Although many international clinical guidelines address this issue, this document is the first Spanish multidisciplinary guideline in paediatric and adult oncological patients. Experts from the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology, the Spanish Fertility Society, the Spanish Society of Haematology and Haemotherapy, the Spanish Society of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology and the Spanish Society of Radiation Oncology have collaborated to develop a multidisciplinary consensus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer worldwide. Population-based, high-resolution studies are essential for the continuous evaluation and updating of diagnosis and treatment standards. This study aimed to assess adherence to clinical practice guidelines and investigate its relationship with survival. We conducted a retrospective high-resolution population-based study of 1050 incident CRC cases from the cancer registries of Granada and Girona, with a 5-year follow-up. We recorded clinical, diagnostic, and treatment-related information and assessed adherence to nine quality indicators of the relevant CRC guidelines. Overall adherence (on at least 75% of the indicators) significantly reduced the excess risk of death (RER) = 0.35 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.28-0.45]. Analysis of the separate indicators showed that patients for whom complementary imaging tests were requested had better survival, RER = 0.58 [95% CI 0.46-0.73], as did patients with stage III colon cancer who underwent adjuvant chemotherapy, RER = 0.33, [95% CI 0.16-0.70]. Adherence to clinical practice guidelines can reduce the excess risk of dying from CRC by 65% [95% CI 55-72%]. Ordering complementary imagining tests that improve staging and treatment choice for all CRC patients and adjuvant chemotherapy for stage III colon cancer patients could be especially important. In contrast, controlled delays in starting some treatments appear not to decrease survival.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer patients are at particular risk from COVID-19 since they usually present multiple risk factors for this infection such as older age, immunosuppressed state, comorbidities (e.g., chronic lung disease, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases), need of frequent hospital admissions and visits. Therefore, in the COVID era, oncologists should carefully weigh risks/benefits when planning cancer therapies and follow-up appointments. Recently, several scientific associations developed specific guidelines or recommendations to help physicians in their clinical practice. This review focuses on main available guidelines/recommendations regarding the cancer patient management during the COVID-19 pandemic.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemotherapy and radiotherapy often result in reduced fertility in cancer patients. With increasing survival rates, fertility is an important quality-of-life concern for many young cancer patients. Around 70-75% of young cancer survivors are interested in parenthood but the numbers of patients who access fertility preservation techniques prior to treatment are significantly lower. Moreover, despite existing guidelines, healthcare professionals do not address fertility preservation issues adequately. There is a critical need for improvements in clinical care to ensure patients are well informed about infertility risks and fertility preservation options and to support them in their reproductive decision-making prior to cancer treatment.






  • 文章类型: Guideline
    Immunosuppression of various origins is associated with an increased risk of infection; therefore the prevention of infectious diseases by vaccination is especially important in immunocompromised patients. However, the response to vaccinations is often reduced in these risk groups and the application of live vaccines is contraindicated during immunosuppression.In the following expert statement, recommendations for vaccination were created on the basis of current evidence and theoretical/immunological considerations. A first, general part elaborates on efficacy and safety of vaccinations during immunosuppression, modes of action of immunosuppressive medications and recommended time intervals between immunosuppressive treatments and vaccinations. A core piece of this part is a graduation of immunosuppression into three stages, i. e. no relevant immunosuppression, mild to moderate and severe immunosuppression and the assignment of various medications (including biologicals) to one of those stages; this is followed by an overview of possible and necessary vaccinations in each of those stages.The second part gives detailed vaccination guidelines for common diseases and therapies associated with immunosuppression. Primary immune deficiencies, chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, solid and hematological tumors, hematopoetic stem cell transplantation, transplantation of solid organs, aspenia, rheumatological-, gastroenterologic-, dermatologic-, neurologic diseases, biologicals during pregnancy and HIV infection are dealt with.These vaccination guidelines, compiled for the first time in Austria, aim to be of practical help for physicians to facilitate and improve vaccination coverage in immunocompromised patients and their household members and contact persons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The majority of children, adolescents, and young adults diagnosed with cancer today will become long-term survivors. The threat to fertility that cancer treatments pose to young patients cannot be prevented in many cases, and thus research into methods for fertility preservation is developing, aiming at offering cancer patients the ability to have biologically related children in the future. This paper discusses the current status of fertility preservation methods when infertility risks are related to surgical oncologic treatments, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy. Several scientific groups and societies have developed consensus documents and guidelines for fertility preservation. Decisions about fertility and imminent potentially gonadotoxic therapies must be made rapidly. Timely and complete information on the impact of cancer treatment on fertility and fertility preservation options should be presented to all patients when a cancer treatment is planned.






