water supplies

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    First-order, high level indicators of wildfire risk to water resources are paramount to understand growing wildfire-related water security challenges in Canada and Alaska. Information pertaining to forest cover, fire activity, water availability, and location of populated places was collected from multiple institutional sources. Manual and semi-automated processes were used to clean disparate source data and create four harmonized geospatial layers whose content was summarized for each of the 1468 existing sub-sub watersheds covering Alaska and Canada. The final dataset provides a master layer based on sub-sub-watershed boundaries that contains relevant information to create spatial indicators of wildfire risk to water security. These can be used to identify potentially at-risk regions in high-latitude watersheds of North America. The dataset can be further used within a larger, general risk assessment framework considering other environmental stressors to water security, including climate change and population growth. The dataset described herein was used to make a figure in the manuscript \"Wildfire impacts on hydrologic ecosystem services in North American high-latitude forests: A scoping review\" by Robinne et al. [1].







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Legionella species are widespread in natural water sources and man-made aqueous environments, as well as fresh-water. The present study was conducted owing to the lack of research regarding the prevalence of Legionella spp in the water sources of Ahvaz city in southwest Iran. In this study the macrophage infectivity potentiator (mip) gene sequencing was used for identification of various Legionella species isolated from different water sources. In this study, 144 water samples were collected and inoculated on the buffered charcoal-yeast extract (BCYE) agar and modified Wadowsky-Yee (MWY) medium. The DNA was extracted from positive cultures. The Legionella species were confirmed by amplifying a 654 bp fragment of the 16S rRNA gene. The mip gene of all isolates were amplified by PCR and purified for sequencing. The mip gene sequences were analyzed by jPHYDIT software version 1. The results showed a 13.9% (20/144) prevalence of Legionella spp. in water sources of Ahvaz city, southwest Iran. Analyzing of the mip gene sequences showed, out of 20 Legionella isolates, 13 isolates (54.1%) were positive for L. pneumophila, 5 isolates (20.8%) were positive for L. worsleinsis, one isolates for each one of L. dumoffi and L. fairfieldensis, (4.1%). According to our research, the occurrence of Legionella spp in water sources could be a hazard for the health systems especially in the hospitals. The regular monitoring of these water sources by health planners may therefore be useful for decreasing the risk for Legionella spp. infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The societal risks of water scarcity and water-quality impairment have received considerable attention, evidenced by recent analyses of these topics by the 2030 Water Resources Group, the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. What are the effects of fire on the predicted water scarcity and declines in water quality? Drinking water supplies for humans, the emphasis of this exploration, are derived from several land cover types, including forests, grasslands and peatlands, which are vulnerable to fire. In the last two decades, fires have affected the water supply catchments of Denver (CO) and other southwestern US cities, and four major Australian cities including Sydney, Canberra, Adelaide and Melbourne. In the same time period, several, though not all, national, regional and global water assessments have included fire in evaluations of the risks that affect water supplies. The objective of this discussion is to explore the nexus of fire, water and society with the hope that a more explicit understanding of fire effects on water supplies will encourage the incorporation of fire into future assessments of water supplies, into the pyrogeography conceptual framework and into planning efforts directed at water resiliency.This article is part of the themed issue \'The interaction of fire and mankind\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The production and use of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) inevitably leads to their release into aquatic environments, with the quantities involved expected to increase significantly in the future. Concerns therefore arise over the possibility that ENPs might pose a threat to drinking water supplies. Investigations into the vulnerability of drinking water supplies to ENPs are hampered by the absence of suitable analytical methods that are capable of detecting and quantifiying ENPs in complex aqueous matrices. Analytical data concerning the presence of ENPs in drinking water supplies is therefore scarce. The eventual fate of ENPs in the natural environment and in processes that are important for drinking water production are currently being investigated through laboratory based-experiments and modelling. Although the information obtained from these studies may not, as yet, be sufficient to allow comprehensive assessment of the complete life-cycle of ENPs, it does provide a valuable starting point for predicting the significance of ENPs to drinking water supplies. This review therefore addresses the vulnerability of drinking water supplies to ENPs. The risk of ENPs entering drinking water is discussed and predicted for drinking water produced from groundwater and from surface water. Our evaluation is based on reviewing published data concerning ENP production amounts and release patterns, the occurrence and behavior of ENPs in aquatic systems relevant for drinking water supply and ENP removability in drinking water purification processes. Quantitative predictions are made based on realistic high-input case scenarios. The results of our synthesis of current knowledge suggest that the risk probability of ENPs being present in surface water resources is generally limited, but that particular local conditions may increase the probability of raw water contamination by ENPs. Drinking water extracted from porous media aquifers are not generally considered to be prone to ENP contamination. In karstic aquifers, however, there is an increased probability that if any ENPs enter the groundwater system they will reach the extraction point of a drinking water treatment plant (DWTP). The ability to remove ENPs during water treatment depends on the specific design of the treatment process. In conventional DWTPs with no flocculation step a proportion of ENPs, if present in the raw water, may reach the final drinking water. The use of ultrafiltration techniques improves drinking water safety with respect to ENP contamination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Stenotrophomonas maltophilia causes opportunistic infections and remains a problem pathogen on intensive care unit (ICU) due to its multidrug resistance.
    OBJECTIVE: An outbreak of S. maltophilia on ICU is described in order to highlight the risk from contaminated devices for supply of drinking water.
    METHODS: The outbreak was investigated by a combination of epidemiology, environmental sampling and molecular typing.
    RESULTS: From 2009 to 2011 isolates of S. maltophilia from 23 patients were found to belong to only two genotypes by contrast with isolates from 52 other patients during this period, which represented distinct strains. The monthly incidence for all S. maltophilia strains ranged from 0 to 11% and for the two outbreak strains from 0 to 9%. Admission and weekly pharyngeal screening on ICU showed that the outbreak strains were acquired on ICU (range: 3-90 days). The majority of isolates (74%) were from the respiratory tract. Only two of 12 (17%) colonized intubated patients developed pneumonia. Environmental sampling found the two outbreak strains in two sinks and in the drinking water of the cooling unit in the ICU kitchen. S. maltophilia had formed a biofilm in the flexible tube from the carbon filter to the chiller and from the latter to the tap at the kitchen sink. This cooled water was used for providing drinking water and mouth care to ICU patients. The outbreak strains disappeared after removal of the water-cooler and the monthly incidence fell to <2% of ICU admissions.
    CONCLUSIONS: This outbreak report highlights the risk from biofilms in devices that supply drinking water for ICU patients.





