visual loss

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Vision loss following supine craniotomy is an unexpected and devastating complication for the patient and the operating team. Postoperative vision loss (POVL) is commonly associated with cardiac, spinal, neck, and prone head surgeries, as they share common risk factors, such as a prone position, intraoperative hypotension, a longer anesthesia duration, and the use of vasopressors. Herein, the authors report a case of irreversible vision loss following a frontal craniotomy in the supine position together with a review of the literature. All published cases in the literature since the first reported case in 1970 are summarized. Possible etiologies and proposed preventive measures are discussed.
    METHODS: Different pathologies, such as vascular, intra-axial, and extra-axial lesions, are associated with POVL and have similar clinical courses and nonrecovery rates, which raises the question of whether POVL begins during the exposure part of these surgeries.
    CONCLUSIONS: Preventive measures could include avoiding direct ocular pressure during flap reflection, the use of elastic bands or fishhooks to avoid stretching the orbital contents and impairing venous outflow, and a careful review of the venous drainage of frontal tumors, which could help avoid unnecessary large venous thrombi or waxing. The role of intraoperative visual neurophysiological monitoring in predicting POVL requires further exploration.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Posterior fossa tumours are one of the most common types of solid neoplasia in paediatric patients. Although impaired vision can occur at presentation, it usually stabilises or improves after decompressive surgery. However, cases of permanent and profound visual loss have been reported following successful tumour resection, despite receiving little attention from the medical community. In this paper, we present two cases of young patients who experienced severe and permanent visual loss following uncomplicated surgery for posterior fossa tumour removal. We discuss the possible mechanism involved in the visual loss and measures to prevent such a dreadful complication.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is the first and the most common group of haemoglobinopathies in the world. It affects virtually all body systems including the eyes. Proliferative Sickle cell Retinopathy (PSR) is a cause of visual loss in the working age group which has an impact on the economy and quality of life. This study aimed to describe the pattern of presentation of Sickle Cell Retinopathy (SCR)to improve understanding of the disease presentation.
    UNASSIGNED: The ophthalmic surgical records of patients diagnosed with sickle cell disease at the retinal unit, department of Ophthalmology at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital between the year 2011-2020 were reviewed retrospectively.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 64 patients (108 eyes) records were reviewed in this study. The Prevalenceof sickle cell retinopathy was 5.4% of all retina cases within the study period. Age ranged from 10-70 years; the mean age was 36.28 years ± 13.66. There were 25 females and 39 males (F:M= 1:1.6). SCR was most common in patients with HbSC 40 (62.5%). Common presenting symptoms were loss of vision34 (53.1%) and floaters 34 (53.1%). Goldberg stage III 26 (20.3%) and stage IV 27 (21.1%) were the most common stages of proliferative disease at presentation. A significant association was seen between Haemoglobin genotype SC and the occurrence of sickle cell retinopathy with 90% of the patients with Haemoglobin genotype SC having had PSR. The majority of the patients25 (39.1%) had no treatment, and 13 (20.3%) had laser photocoagulation only.
    UNASSIGNED: Sickle cell retinopathy is not uncommon in Nigeria and many patients only present in tertiary health facilities when they have severe symptoms such as loss of vision. This may be attributed to the late diagnosis and referral. Routine screening is recommended to ensure early detection and treatment to prevent avoidable blindness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a disease that affects preterm infants born younger than 30 weeks of gestation. The pathophysiology of ROP involves an initial vaso-obliterative phase followed by vaso-proliferative phase that leads to disease progression. The use of supplemental oxygen during the vaso-proliferative phase of ROP has been associated with reduced disease progression, but how this impacts the need for ROP treatment is unclear. The goal of this study was to compare the rate of laser or intravitreal bevacizumab after implementation of a new supplemental oxygen therapy protocol in preterm infants with stage 2 ROP.
    METHODS: This is a retrospective chart review of preterm infants diagnosed with stage 2 ROP at Riley Hospital for Children between 1/2017 and 12/2022. Patients diagnosed between 1/2017 and 6/2020 were classified as Cohort A, preprotocol implementation. Patients diagnosed from 8/2020 to 12/2022 were classified as Cohort B, postprotocol implementation. In Cohort A, oxygen saturation was kept at 91-95% through the entire hospitalization. In Cohort B, oxygen saturation was increased to 97-99% as soon as Stage 2 ROP was diagnosed. Statistical analyses were performed using chi-square and Student\'s T test, followed by multivariate analyses to determine the impact of the oxygen protocol on the need for ROP treatment.
    RESULTS: A total of 211 patients were diagnosed with stage 2 ROP between 1/2017 and 12/2022. Of those patients, 122 were before protocol implementation therapy (Cohort A), and 89 were after implementation of supplemental oxygen protocol (Cohort B). Gestational age was slightly higher in Cohort B (Cohort A 25.3 ± 1.9, Cohort B 25.8 ± 1.84, p = 0.04). There was no difference in birth weight, NEC, BPD, or survival. Cohort B had lesser need for invasive mechanical ventilation and higher days on CPAP during hospitalization. Notably, Cohort A had 67 (55%) patients treated with laser photocoagulation or intravitreal bevacizumab versus 20 (22%) patients in Cohort B (OR 0.19, 0.08-0.40).
    CONCLUSIONS: The need for laser photocoagulation or intravitreal bevacizumab was significantly decreased in high-risk patients treated with the supplemental oxygen protocol. This result supports the idea that targeted supplemental oxygen therapy to keep saturations between 97 and 99% can reduce disease progression in infants with stage 2 ROP and potentially decrease the burden of additional procedures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Optociliary shunt vessels develop as a result of chronic retinal venous obstruction. Optic neuritis has never been reported as a causative influence.
    UNASSIGNED: To determine whether optic neuritis predisposes to the development of optociliary shunts in patients with multiple sclerosis.
    UNASSIGNED: This case series follows two patients with multiple sclerosis from August 1st, 2019 to April 24th, 2024, who developed optociliary shunt vessels after attacks of optic neuritis. A 43-year-old female presented with left visual loss and bilateral superior optociliary shunt vessels. Perimetry showed bilateral peripheral visual field loss. Optical coherence tomography showed bilateral retinal thinning and ganglion cell complex loss. Optical coherence tomography angiography showed reduced capillary density bilaterally. We investigated her and eventually diagnosed her with multiple sclerosis. The second, a 49-year-old female, developed right-sided optociliary shunt vessels after an episode of neuroretinitis. Perimetry revealed bilateral central scotomata; optical coherence tomography showed disc and retinal nerve fiber layer edema, and serous retinal detachment; later, ganglion cell complex loss; and reduced capillary density on optical coherence tomography angiography. Neuroimaging revealed demyelination in both, leading to a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, and therapy was instituted.
    UNASSIGNED: We hypothesize, that demyelinating optic neuritis due to multiple sclerosis causes chronic retinal hypoperfusion, leading to subsequent optociliary shunt development in affected eyes. Our case series reveals that eyes with optic neuritis, both previous episodes and fresh cases, can contribute to sufficient retinal vein hypoperfusion to cause the development of optociliary shunts, which should be reported in the literature.
    Does optic neuritis in multiple sclerosis cause optociliary shunt vessels? Our case study shows that optociliary shunt vessels have developed in eyes having previous as well as fresh optic neuritis in two multiple sclerosis patients, as demonstrated by examination and investigations. We hypothesize that multiple sclerosis causes decreased retinal perfusion predisposing to the development of optociliary shunts. This will guide neurologists and ophthalmologists in diagnosing this debilitating condition upon the visualization of optociliary shunts; heralding previous or recurrent attacks of optic neuritis. @SanaNadeemS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: We present the largest study of the frequency and nature of visual complications in a cohort of 350 patients consecutively diagnosed with giant cell arteritis (GCA).
    METHODS: All individuals were assessed using structured forms and diagnosed using imaging or biopsy. A binary logistic regression model was used to analyse data for predicting visual loss.
    RESULTS: Visual symptoms occurred in 101 (28.9%) patients, with visual loss in one or both eyes in 48 (13.7%) patients. Four patients had binocular visual loss. Anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (N=31), retinal artery obstruction (N=8) and occipital stroke (N=2) were the main causes of visual loss. Of the 47 individuals who had repeat visual acuity testing at 7 days, three individuals had improvement to 6/9 or better. After introducing the fast-track pathway, the frequency of visual loss decreased from 18.7% to 11.5%. Age at diagnosis (odds ratio (OR) 1.12) and headache (OR 0.22) were significant determinants of visual loss in a multivariate model. Jaw claudication trended to significance (OR 1.96, p=0.054).
    CONCLUSIONS: We recorded a visual loss frequency of 13.7% in the largest cohort of patients with GCA examined from a single centre. Although improvement in vision was rare, a dedicated fast-track pathway reduced visual loss. Headache could result in earlier diagnosis and protect against visual loss.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) is a rare multisystem inflammatory disease characterized by asthma, eosinophilia and granulomatous or vasculitic involvement of various organs. While the eye is uncommonly affected in patients with EGPA, multiple ophthalmic manifestations have been reported, which can result in serious visual impairment without timely treatment.
    UNASSIGNED: we report the case of a 79-year-old woman with a history of asthma and nasal polyps who presented with low-grade fever, mild alteration of mental status, and fatigue. Chest X-ray revealed bilateral interstitial infiltrates. Lab tests showed elevated C-reactive protein level and eosinophilia (eosinophil count, 4.6 x109 cells/l); blood cultures and parasitological examination of stools tested negative. Four days after presentation, the patient reported sudden and severe blurring of vision in her left eye. Ophthalmological examination revealed bilateral swollen optic disc and visual field loss, more severe in the left eye. A diagnosis of EGPA complicated by arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (A-AION) was proposed, while an alternative or concurrent diagnosis of giant cell arteritis was ruled out based on clinical picture. Immunosuppressive treatment with high-dose intravenous glucocorticoids was promptly started. The patient\'s visual defect did not improve; however, two months later, no worsening was registered on ophthalmic reassessment.
    UNASSIGNED: A-AION is an infrequent but severe manifestation of EGPA, requiring prompt diagnosis and emergency-level glucocorticoid therapy to prevent any further vision loss. Disease awareness and a multidisciplinary approach are crucial to expedite diagnostic work-up and effective management of EGPA-related ocular complications.
    CONCLUSIONS: Arteritic ischaemic optical neuropathy is a potential cause of sudden and severe visual loss in eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) patients.Visual loss due to arteritic ischaemic optical neuropathy is rarely reversible; however, a timely glucocorticoid treatment may prevent further progression of visual impairment.Multidisciplinary approach is crucial to expedite diagnostic work-up and effective management of EGPA patients with ocular complications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Virus-related illnesses are a common phenomenon, especially in the colder months of the year. They usually manifest with cough, cold, and other flu-associated symptoms. They affect people of all ages and genders. In recent years, also virus-associated ocular symptoms have been documented repeatedly. One of the viruses known to cause these is the Coxsackievirus A, which causes hand, foot, and mouth disease. Three cases of these virus-associated macular changes are described below. In all three cases, the symptoms occurred unilaterally and with little time delay to the virus-typical general changes. Complete functional remission occurred in all cases, whereby permanent changes in the pigment epithelium were observed.
    UNASSIGNED: Virenbedingte Erkrankungen sind insbesondere in der kälteren Jahreszeit ein häufiges Phänomen. Meist manifestieren sich diese mit Husten, Schnupfen und anderen grippeassoziierten Symptomen. Sie betreffen Meschen aller Altersklassen und jeglichen Geschlechts. In den letzten Jahren sind immer wieder okuläre Symptome, die auch virusassoziiert auftreten, dokumentiert worden. Eines der hierfür bekannten Viren ist das Coxsackie-A-Virus, das die Hand-Fuß-Mund-Krankheit verursacht. Im Folgenden sind 3 Fälle dieser virusassoziierten Makulaveränderungen beschrieben. Bei allen dreien traten die Symptome unilateral und wenig zeitversetzt zu den virustypischen allgemeinen Veränderungen auf. Und es kam in allen Fällen zu einer kompletten funktionellen Remission, wobei bleibende Veränderungen im Pigmentepithel festgestellt wurden.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Phakic intraocular lenses treat higher degrees of myopia not possible previously with conventional refractive surgery. The aim of this study is to report the incidence and risk factors of retinal complications after posterior chamber PIOL implantation and assess the differences in biometric parameters between patients who developed such complications versus those who did not.
    METHODS: This retrospective study recruited 514 patients who underwent ICL implantation to correct myopia at a tertiary eye hospital center in the Eastern province of Saudi Arabia. Follow up period was at least one year. Medical records of the patients were reviewed to obtain the required data. Associations between respondents\' characteristics and retinal complications were evaluated using the Chi-squared test.
    RESULTS: The mean (SD) age was 27.7 (± 6.5) years ranging from 18 to 47. Laser treatment was performed in 14 cases (2.7%). Retinal complications occurred in six cases (1.2%). The risk of retinal complication was significantly higher among patients with high axial length (OR = 1.3, 95% CI 1.2, 1.4) and patients with high pre-spherical equivalent before ICL (OR = 1.09, 95% CI 1.03, 1.4).
    CONCLUSIONS: Patients with higher axial length and higher pre-spherical equivalent before ICL implantation are at high risk of retinal complications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Robert Hamilton (1749-1830) was born in Coleraine, Ireland, attended medical school in Edinburgh, Scotland, served in the British army and practised in South-East England. In order to differentiate him from his contemporary and namesake, Hamilton is identified by having worked in Ipswich, Suffolk and Colchester, Essex. This submission considers Hamilton\'s biography, his 1787 book on the British regimental surgeon and his ideas therein about professionalism. Central to his concept of professionalism is \'tenderness\', a notion that broadly equates to empathy. He notes that tenderness brings improvement in clinical outcome and he has the foresight to recognise nurses as key to such care. The authors explore the concept of \'consulting in the dark\', i.e. without access to clinical investigations. This is exemplified by doctors of the eighteenth century and earlier. Today general practitioners must still be comfortable \'consulting in the dark\', e.g. when attending a patient\'s home. Hamilton\'s biography offers a further example of \'consulting in the dark\': In later life, he lost his vision but continued to practise successfully. Central to his gift of consulting \'in the dark\' was likely to be \'tenderness\' for his patients, expressed through language and gentle touch. Hamilton\'s entreaty for \'tenderness\' contrasts with modern medical education where reliance upon clinical tests, technology and pharmacology risksblinding young doctors towards patients and their lives.





